Home of Krone Essence Ka tharas; IKoK Founder~ Master Metatronic Numerologist ~ Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master ~ LeMUria ~ Ancient-Future Sacred Knowledge and More
You are invited to join us live for this Chat via a Zoom Conference.
We will be discussing the energies of this year’s Dragon’s Gate and sharing relevant information about what is transpiring within our Collective Reality and Global Society and how we, as the individual we are, as well as WE as the Group Collective Mind of Spiritually Awakened Humans we are, can be of Service to assisting our Collective Reality and Global Society in moving through these times of difficulty we are facing as we travel though this current Collective Dark Night of the Soul.
We will also be taking a Guided Meditation Journey into the Dragon’s Gate to be a part of Sacred Work for Humanity, our Planet, our Galaxy and our Universe.
If you would like to join us live for this most Sacred Work, please Register for this Free Event using this link provided…
The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.
Remember… “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
We welcome your comments and insights on this and all information and knowledge we share.
As the IKoK we currently meet at significant times throughout the year to share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion, and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.
We invite you to join us and share your comments and insights, either here or on our Facebook page. Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this Event.
Thank you for setting aside the time to join us in this Sacred Work and I sincerely hope the information we share will be of assistance to you on your personal Sacred Journey.
Please follow my YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos.
If you have not already, check out the videos on myYouTube channel of past IKoK Chats, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE while you’re there.
We invite you to find us on Facebook and Like our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest.
We have started a new way of sharing with you. We are now prerecording the IKoK Chats and Premiering them on YouTube. This way we can watch the Chat with you!
After the Chat we will still have our After Chat conversation on Zoom. The link to register is found below.
In this Chat we discuss what it means to be an Empath and how to better control your empathic abilities instead of letting them control you. We also take a look at Energy Work; what is it?, how do you do it?, how is it connected to your empathic abilities? and more. We discuss some specific techniques we think can be helpful in your journey of becoming more adept at Energy Work and controlling your Empathic Abilities. We also discuss how Energy Work and your Empathic Abilities are connected.
We look forward to participating in the IKoK Chats with you in this new way!
The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.
Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion, and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.
Remember, “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
Be sure to find us on Facebook and Like our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest.
Part 3-You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual Series
Please join me, Krone Essence Ka tha’ras, and the other Krones of the IKoK, the International Koalition of Krones, as we continue our look at what it really means when we say, “You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual”.
We will be talking about the concept of what is able to be achieved when we “Flip Our World Perspective” and learn how focusing on the Physical aspects of Self and Reality while still maintaining a rational mind balance with the Spiritual aspects can actually help us advance our Spiritual Knowledge and Expansion much more quickly.
We’ll be sharing some tips, techniques, concepts and perspective we believe can be very beneficial to not only the individual on their Sacred Journey, but also to the Collective as we journey together through these uncertain times.
We are going to get real and take a long hard look at self and talk about some of the more uncomfortable issues that have arisen in this Spiritual Consciousness Expansion Belief System that are currently being brought to the surface for us to face.
The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.
Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.
Remember, “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
Please make plans to join us and invite friends and family of a like mind to join us as well.
Please register for this IKoK Chat by using the link provided and be looking for your Confirmation Email with all the necessary information to join us live.
This is the recording of the May 21, 2021 IKoK Chat with the Krones of the International Koalition of Krones.
In this Chat as we discuss the importance and Value of Community Action and what that means within the context of what we mean when we say…. “You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual”.
We share information, knowledge and perspectives about the Value of Community Action in the Sacred Work we do on Self and how and why that work on Self and the Actions we take within our local community benefits the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as we continue our Sacred Journey of Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion.
The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.
The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights.
Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.
We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here, on our Facebook page, YouTube, SoundCloud or Instagram.
Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this post.
“Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.
Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos.
Please join the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones, for this Chat as we discuss the importance and Value of Community Action and what that means within the context of what we mean when we say…. “You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual”.
We are going to share information, knowledge and perspectives about the Value of Community Action in the Sacred Work we do on Self and how and why that work on Self and the Actions we take within our local community benefits the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as we continue our Sacred Journey of Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion.
Please register for this IKoK Chat by using the link provided and be looking for your Confirmation Email with all the necessary information to join us live.
This video is the recording of the May 7, 2021 IKoK Chat with the Krones of the International Koalition of Krones
Please join me, Krone Essence Ka tha’ras, and the other Krones of the IKoK as we begin our second year of Sacred Work as the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones.
In this Chat we talked about what we to be doing in our second year as the IKoK.
We are beginning a yearly course of such, in which we be looking at what it really means when we say….”You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual”.
We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here or on our YouTube Channel.
Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this video. “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.
Please follow this YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos.
The article shared below, “Transformation vs Transmutation” , was originally written and shared in November of 2013. I am sharing it once again as a reminder as we prepare to step into a year of work on self to begin “Expanding our Comfort Zone from the Inside Out“.
With that I would like to invite you to join myself and the other Krones of the International Koalition of Krones for our next live IKoK Chat. I have shared all of the information you need to be able to join us below.
When: May 7, 2021 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Please join us as we begin our second year of Sacred Work as the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones.
In this meeting we are going to begin a yearly course of such, in which we be looking at what it really means when we say…. “You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual”.
We are going to share information and perspectives about expanding our Comfort Zone in the Sacred Work we do on Self and especially how that work on Self benefits the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as we continue our Sacred Journey of Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion.
Please join us in this first meeting of our second year where we will be introducing this concept and begin our journey together to “Flip Our World Perspective” and learn how focusing on the Physical aspects of Self and Reality can actually help us advance our Spiritual Knowledge and Expansion much more quickly.
Hint: This will go a long way in the efforts of assisting in the Rebalancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies of our reality.
Please register for this IKoK Chat and be looking for your Confirmation Email with all the necessary information to join us live.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
It may seem a small difference between Transforming self and Transmuting self, but the truth is there is a vast difference between these two acts.
Transformation is to alter or change yourself in a manner that in comparison to Transmuting your self is only surface deep. In transforming yourself there is a change in appearance, a revolution and alteration of thoughts, emotions, deeds and actions, and often these changes are large and dramatic as seen by self and others.
Transforming can be likened to having a makeover done. You are different, what you project to the world is different and because of this you feel different about yourself and you begin acting accordingly.
Don’t get me wrong, transformation is essential to Transmutation. It is the first steps into a complete Transmutation of Self into what you desire your Self, life and reality to be.
Transmutation is a Metamorphosis. It is to change yourself into a completely different form and substance. Transmutation changes the state of being of your very nature.
When you transform yourself the old parts of Self still exist within your Energy Matryx Grid. They are not necessarily just covered up, yet they are still there in some form or another. Acts of transformation are the first steps taken in the process of Transmutation; and it is good because it is the initial experience and understanding of becoming what you can be when you release and relinquish the parts of Self that no longer serve your highest good and most efficient spiritual growth. But eventually these covered up parts of Self will resurface to be Transformed once again into the next layer of change.
To Transmute Self is to become a completely different Being. The parts of self that no longer serve your highest good and most positive and efficient spiritual growth now no longer exist within your energy matryx grid once Transmutation has occurred.
This is where Snake Medicine can be of great value, for Snake teaches us of shedding layers that need to be removed for further growth. Time after time Snake sheds his old skin allowing for expansion and growth. His “venom”, poisonous to those do not know and understand its power and maintain the proper state of mind, holds the secrets of Alchemy; the Transmutation of low frequency matter into Spirit’s Golden form. So Snake teaches us how to move through the processes of transformation into a full Transmutation of Self.
Butterfly Medicine also is very helpful in the process of Transmutation of Self, for just as the caterpillar becomes the Butterfly, and what once was no longer exists, so too do you as you move through the stages of transformation into a full Transmutation of Self. When Butterfly has Transmuted it’s self from existence as a caterpillar, a new form of Spirit has emerged and now experience of existence is seen through the eyes of what it has become.
The “Medicine” or lesson Butterfly teaches us is that just as the caterpillar must crawl and see and experience the world from the perspective of being earth bound, once Transmuted into the Butterfly, its Spirit is able to soar free. Because it is no longer bound to Earth seeing only a small portion of what exists, the Spirit of the Butterfly views existence from a completely different perspective than that of the caterpillar. Now Spirit is able to rise above the earth bound perspective and see a much larger vista of existence. Now Butterfly knows through his own personal experiences, not just those he is told of by others, that there is a reality that exists beyond what the caterpillar aspect of Self would ever have been able to know. He has gone through a process of Metamorphosis, he has Transmuted his very Being into a fuller form of his complete true Self and Nature.
Unlike with transformation which is only surface deep, once Transmutation has taken place there is no returning to what existed before. With transformation you still have an option to return to existing and experiencing reality through the eyes of the old perspectives, for they still exist within your energy matryx grid. But with Transmutation those parts of Self no longer are held within your energy and you cannot simply uncover them and return.
Through Transmutation you, your Reality, your Perspective, and the whole world is changed forever.
May we All Transmute our Selves into the fullest Spiritually Awakened form we can be.