Home of Krone Essence Ka tharas; IKoK Founder~ Master Metatronic Numerologist ~ Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master ~ LeMUria ~ Ancient-Future Sacred Knowledge and More
I want to apologize for having been lax in posting the recordings of the last few IKoK Chats to my website in the past couple of months, so this post is a bit of a Catch Up to share those I have not posted here.
In this post you will find all of the recordings to the IKoK Chats I have missed posting. If you like, you can go to my YouTube Channeland Subscribe there; that way you will get notifications when they are posted to YouTube.
Oh yes! I almost forgot. You can now listen to the Audio Only version on my SoundCloud Channel!
This IKoK Chat starts a series of Chats with the Krones of the International Koalition of Krones focused on “Controlled Conscious Evolution”, specifically the Evolution of Humanity’s Consciousness.
In the first Chat we will set the baseline for this series. We will begin by taking a look at what “Conscious Evolution” is, what it looks like and how we start.
During this series of Chats we will be discussing topics such as, Conscious Communication, Conscious and responsible extension of physical life, use of Technology and AI, and much more.
At the end of this Chat we will take a Guided Meditation Journey together. A “Time Travel” Journey.
Please make plans to join us for the first Chat in this series of Chats on “Controlled Conscious Evolution”.
This Chat will be held live on Zoom and begins at 9pm CDT on Friday, October 23, 2020.
You can join in on any device. If you need a toll free phone number to join see the link in the “Full Invitation” to where you can find a number that works for you.
Join the IKoK Krones as we talk with Brenda and she shares her Sacred Vision of Simple Techniques she has brought together in a very special way as shown to her in her Sacred Work over the last 30 years.
Known as “Earth Project 777” the vast knowledge and personal experience she brings forward to share is her gift, her puzzle piece of knowledge and wisdom. Like so many at this time who are bringing their part forward to meld with others who also have vital knowledge to add to the fuller picture of what is necessary for the next steps of Humanity’s Evolutionary Process, Brenda will be sharing her knowledge with us.
Remember, Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.
This is about taking Conscious Control of the Spiritual and Physical Evolution of Humanity.
“Nothing is set in stone” at this time is correct, But…
Within a few weeks energies that have been (and currently are) in play will culminate at a point where choices and decisions made by this Collective will begin to coalesce into a state that will form into a Collective Timeline Reality Experience that will be extremely difficult to alter within the next decade+, meaning the next 10 to 12 ½ years.
This is exactly what I (and many others who do this type of Sacred Work) have been sharing information about since mid to late 2019.
Related to my Sacred Work with Metatronic Numerology we have information concerning “Frequency Waves” moving through our Collective Reality Experience that show us the first point in linear time where this coalescing will begin. We have been shown that October 31, 2020 is extremely significant as a first point in time in this coalescing.
It is by no coincidence that a Blue Full Moon falls on this date, the date of the end of a period of time that began on March 18, 2020. A period of linear time I call the “228 Days of Metamorphic Creation“.
What is the 228 Days of Metamorphic Creation?
This is what I originally shared about it.
“Today 3/18/20, WE, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth, began a time period of CONSCIOUSLY REBUILDING REALITY:228 DAYS OF METAMORPHIC CREATION
We Are now being compelled to step up and be responsible for the reality we experience on a collective level in a way we have not ever been before. It is time to come together and stand in our power and integrity.
“Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.” :::::
We have been shown how this date of October 31, 2020 is directly related to the date of January 31, 2018 and a Blue Full Moonon that date. We have been shown that point in linear time is when this Collective set up the template for the formation of this Virus Pandemic we are currently experiencing as a Global Society.
Here is a bit of information as a reminder as to why the January 31, 2018Blue Full Moon was so significant. Following is an excerpt of the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report I wrote about that event.
“As most everyone is aware, on January 31st, 2018 Earth will experience a celestial event that has not occurred in the last 150 years: a Super Blue Moon in conjunction with a Total Lunar Eclipse.
What some may not be aware of is that this is also a Super Blue Moon that is part of, and begins an event known as a Double Blue Moon.
A Double Blue Moon event is when two Blue Moons occur within the same year. Two Blue Moons in the same year happen only 3 to 5 times each century, and the January 31st Blue Moon is the first of two Blue Moons in 2018. The second of these Blue Moons in this Double Blue Moon event will occur on March 31st, 2018.
Just for the record, there are only three Double Blue Moon events in the 21st Century. 2018 is the first year with Double Blue Moons of the 21st Century, the other two years to be Double Blue Moon years are 2037 and 2094.” At the October 31st, 2020 point we will finalize the 228 Days of Metamorphic Creation and begin (approximately) 11 days of “Silence & Stillness”.
This is a part of Collective Breath Work we have been experiencing. A place where we exist as a Collective for a short time of complete Silence and Stillness that is found between the in-breath and the out-breath; that place where we are neither inhaling nor exhaling.
On April 6th of 2020 I shared the following information on this subject. ::::: “The following information is ascertained through the use of Metatronic Numerology”
We as a Collective are in a space and time of “Collective Breath Work”. This is Conscious Collective Breath Work; at least it should be.
In the eleven days between April 4, 2020 through April 14, 2020 We sit in that short time of complete silence and stillness that is found between the in-breath and the out-breath, that place where we are neither inhaling nor exhaling.
It is in this space where we exist in total “Nothingness” that we prepare to Release the breath and begin our Collective journey towards our next in-breath.
As We release our Collective breath in this out-breath, We begin the next phase of expansion; expansion of the process of creating our Collective Reality Experience. This rebalancing, restructuring and rebuilding of our Collective Global Society begins in earnest on April 15, 2020.
The “Out-breath” phase of this Collective breath work will take us through October 31, 2020 to the point of the conclusion of the 228 Days of Metamorphic Creation that began on March 18, 2020. There, We will once again sit in the silence and stillness of “Nothingness” between the out-breath and in-breath of our Conscious Collective Breath Work.
By mid-November 2020 (around the 11th/12th) we will begin our next Collective In-breath. It is at this point in our linear time where one complete Collective breath has occurred that we will at last experience the full releasing of what we have been experiencing through this Global Event created by the manifested effects of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
At this point what we have Collectively chosen, consciously and subconsciously, as what our Collective Reality Experience will look like will begin manifesting and congealing into the path our Collective Reality Experience will follow for the next ten to twelve and a half years.
The three main frequencies associated with this phase of our Conscious Collective Breath Work and their Metatronic NumerologyI AM keyword phrases are as follows…
44/77 Dual Frequency I AM the Seed of Reality. Fed by Knowledge Gained through the Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition & Physical Intelligence I Initiate & Power the Desired Metamorphosis of the Collective Structured Mindset
11/88 Dual Frequency I AM the Awakening of the Divine Rational Mind. I Illumine the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering for All to Behold
00/22 Dual Frequency I AM the All Encompassing Potential Seen through Spiritual Vision; I AM the Template of Sacredness upon Which Reality is Built
This information is shared in the energy of Love to be used for the benefit of the Universal Collective Consciousness of the ONE.” :::::
On top of all this, We, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, have now also entered into a Collective Dark Night of the Soulwhich can be directly associated with and connected to a time span of a Frequency Wave we are experiencing that I call the “777 Days of Tears”.
This 777 Days of Tears spans the time between July 22, 2020 and September 7, 2022; at which point the Collective Dark Night of the Soul will reach a peak in intensity.
This “777 Days of Tears” Frequency Wave is what I have described as a “Frequency Wave of Responsibility”.
And ALL of what I have just mentioned and described is a direct manifestation of the making by the Collective Mind of Humanity in response to the 17/8 ATKI: Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance. A Karmic Imbalance belonging to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity that was created in the 3rd Kingdom of Atlantis and was created by actions and choices made by the Collective Mind of Humanity then that led to the destruction of that Ancient~Future Technologically Advanced Civilization.
I share all this information simply to be of Service to this Collective. I share it with the desire that those who find it will be able to more clearly see the bigger picture of what is transpiring in our Collective Reality that appears on the surface as total destruction and chaos and in so doing better know and more clearly see the path forward for their self and the Sacred Work they are charged with in being of Service to Humanity and the Universal ONE Mind and Heart.
In this Chat Krone Essence Ka tha’ras of the IKoK shares information about What the Emerald Core is and leads a Meditation preforming the First Activation of the Initial Activation Phase of the Emerald Core.
Krone Auri’An Lay and Krone Kō B’a Jã share information designed to assist in your Personal Sacred Journey of Spiritual Growth.
Please join the Krones of the IKoK by watching this video and participating in NO Time NO Space with this most Sacred of Energy Work
A bit of information about the Emerald Core.
On August 11th, 2018, from out of the Dragon’s Gate Portal, the next etheric energy Core of Earth/Gaia was released from the Ancient-Future Temple of the Soul, where it had been under the care and supervision of the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence and 7 Universal Ancestors while being prepared for its release and first “Seating” at Earth’s Core.
I shared then that the First Activation Phase would not begin until 2020. It is NOW Time for that First Phase of Activations to begin.
Remember… “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
We welcome your comments and insights on this and all information and knowledge we share.
::::: The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.
We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here, on our YouTube Channel or on our Facebook page.
Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this video and article.
Thank you for taking the time to watch these videos and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.
Please follow our YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos and Subscribe to this Website and our YouTube Channel while you’re there.
If you have not already, please check out the videos on our YouTube channel of past bi-monthly chats, Weekly Card Readings and Weekly Animal Totem Messages.
Be sure to find us on Facebook and Like our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest. You can find all the links at the end of this article.
This video is the recording of the September 7th, 2020 Zoom Chat with the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones.
The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.
The topic for this IKoK Chat was… The Planetary Earth Star Chakra Activation.
This Activation is the first of three annual Activations during the years of 2020, 2021 and 2022, after which the Transpersonal Planetary Earth Star Chakra will be fully activated.
During this Zoom meeting and IKoK Chat we will discuss and share information on exactly what the Transpersonal Planetary Earth Star Chakra is, as well as participate in the actual Activation Meditation to begin this process.
If you would like to participate in this Collective Sacred Work then please join in by listening to this archived recording of that Sacred Work and participate with us in the Space of “No Time”.
Remember… “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”
We welcome your comments and insights on this and all information and knowledge we share.
The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.
We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here or on our Facebook page.
Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this video.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.
Please follow our YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos.
If you have not already, check out the videos on this YouTube channel of past bi-monthly chats, Weekly Card Readings and Weekly Animal Totem Messages.
Be sure to find us on Facebook and Like our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest.
This is a question I have been answering and a message I have been sharing about this human since 2016. Unfortunately this message most often falls on deaf ears, but let’s try one more time.
What he is is a physical manifestation of Our Collective making.
What he is is a mirror reflection of all the Imbalanced Ego held within our Collective Conscious Mind.
He is the mirror to force this Collective Mind, Our Global Society, to face the violent ugly nature Humanity has been feeding and existing within for the past 6,000+/- years on Earth. This is the result of actions taken over 13,000 to 15,000 years ago in Atlantis with the misuse and abuse of technology in that Collective Civilization Incarnation; Our last Collective Civilization Incarnation.
He and everything he represents and mirrors back to this Collective Mind CAN BE a Catalyst necessary to the Rebalancing of our Current Collective Reality Experience, BUT ONLY… if WE are brave and honest enough to look our Collective Self in the Eyes and admit our flaws and correct them.
The biggest challenge WE currently face in making positive change is that the majority of humans will fight to their own destruction before admitting they have made a wrong choice.
As a species We have become more concerned with “Being Right” than we are about “Doing What Is Right”.
For more information and a deeper understanding on how Starseeds fit into this and how they (We) have been affected and what part Starseeds have played into the current global situation please watch the following video….