Preparing for the Lion’s Gate

Greetings Dearest Spirit Family,

I AM led to re-share some words I originally posted in 2012 and 2013.

I feel they are relevant in this NOW moment for their ability to speak to us in this time of preparation we are in only days before this years full alignment with the Lion’s Gate of August 8th, because of the New Codes we will be bathed within as we pass through this Time Portal. Among other things, these new codes are for our use in creating our Reality during this coming year, (until the opening of the next Lion’s Gate in August of 2016), and deal with matters such as reawakening our latent Telepathic Abilities and our conscious entry into Galactic Interactions.  

One is a short comment on the nature of Consciousness and the other is a poem written of the “Birth of the Metatronic Consciousness” that transpired on the date of 13/13/13 (Dec. 16th, 2013). The poem speaks of another point in Time/Space Reality when we were also taking a big step further into the Realms of Multi-dimensionality.

Later today, I will post a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report on the Blue Moon in Aquarius we will be experiencing on July 31st, 2015. Then in another day or two, I will be posting a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report on the exact alignment with the August 8th, 2015 Lion’s Gate. Be watching for this information.

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


Originally posted Jan. 13, 2012

“By its very nature, Consciousness seeks expansion.”

Azure LOA of Shambahalla


It is this natural impulse of Consciousness

that is the impetus which spurs and drives us

ever forward in our desire to learn and grow; to expand our Consciousness.

“God”, or more exactly, the concept the word “God” embodies

Is this Consciousness.

“God Consciousness” is not static,

but is ever learning, ever growing

Ever Expanding.

Essence Ka tha’ras


1/13/12  © Essence Ka tha’ras 2012


Originally posted Dec. 14, 2013

The Birth of Metatronic Consciousness

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 1

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 1

 Where shall sit I upon this Shambahallan night

As azure rains rush in, and electric indigo winds take flight


To land upon a pristine place

To rest, to view, Divinity’s face

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 2

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 2

 Oh, once did I come to stand

Within a place called home, o’er distant lands

This night has taken form anew

Allowing me once more this exquisite view

Reality of my making fresh

Expansive growth amid each limitless breath

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 3

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 3

 Tomorrows exploded through yesterdays chatter

God’s Mind unfolded, initiating physical matter

Where once again Sacred Seeds shall lay

Among the groves of Love; the Heart’s forte


Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 4

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 4

Eternally do I seek to comprehend

Self’s essential essence, via the embodiment of men


I ask again, where shall sit I upon this Shambahallan night

As azure rains rush in, and electric indigo winds take flight


Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 5

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 5

 Upon a firma sphere, immaculate and untold

As again view I, pristine time and space unfold

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 6

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 6

Essence Ka tha’ras

12/14/13 – 13/11/13

© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Communiqué from the Q4 ~ The Prison of Fear

The following is a communiqué from Essence Ka tha’ras and the Q4 originally shared in October of 2014.

Today I AM led by Spirit to share it once again, for its message is one that can be of assistance in the work of bringing our energy into a balanced and aligned state in preparation for the influx of Energy and New Energy Codes we will be bathed in at the opening the Lion’s Gate on August 8th, 2015. The 8/8/8-888

IN-Joy I Share

Essence Ka tha’ras


The Prison of Fear

The Prison of Fear

“Greetings Spirit Family of Earth,

We, the Q4, come to you in this NOW amid the energies of Love, Unity and Synchronized Harmony.

First we would make clear that the information we share is not meant as a judgment or condemnation of any. Our purpose for sharing is simply to be of assistance to any who resonate with the frequencies we hold and emit, and the information we share. We desire only to assist our Spiritual Family currently existing in Human form in their Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion process.

In this NOW moment we wish to speak to you of the frequency known as Fear which still binds so many humans to the lower dimensional realms and the illusionary realities.

Many within your current time frame reality are conditioned to instantaneously respond to particular terminology that has been created and instituted into your lexicon for the purpose of controlling many, and vast areas of your reality for many different purposes.

Some would label this “Conspiracy”. WE simply see it for what it is; the Illusionary Reality created upon the Earthly planes for the purpose of SELF experiencing SELF and the Expansion of the Consciousness of SELF.  

Even with that knowledge, you must understand, there is still self responsibility of each individual consciousness to participate in resolving and moving past this particular stage of your collective journey of consciousness into the next stage of your collective development. This is so because each of you, each human, is an individual holographic part of the ONE SELF experiencing SELF in an infinite and expanding reality. Each of you manifested into this particular existence and portion of infinite reality to participate in this way, and did so of their own individual Free Will.

WE would like to address one particular terminology we see a large number of humans respond to especially quickly through the energy of fear; and this is the term “Left Behind”.

As most of you are aware, this particular term is related to one of the larger “Religious Institutions” of your current projected collective reality system and instantly affects many millions, (even billions) to some extent or another when they see or hear this term; either consciously or subconsciously.

To those still being affected by the energy and frequency of Fear through the use of this term, we say to you…

The only thing you are being “Left Behind” on is not awakening to the remembrance of the knowledge of your Spiritual Sovereignty and the current Expansion of Consciousness that is occurring within the Universal Sector of which your Collective Reality exists.

You are only being “Left Behind” in the current collective journey of remembrance of your individual and collective abilities to create realities of your choosing, and to the knowledge that there is only ONE Divine Universal Heart and Mind Consciousness of which each of you is an equal individual holographic part.  

You will continue to be “Left Behind” on this journey until you begin awakening to and acknowledging the fact that you are being controlled and manipulated into giving away your power within your reality to a Political Industrial Complex that is run by a very small number of misguided Spiritual Beings existing in Physical Human Form, (and other forms of physicality) who are caught up in a way of thinking, and an energy of belief in Greed, Power and Control as being their only means of survival.

They live and exist in a Prison of Fear, and they pass this way of living and existing within this Prison of Fear on to you by a multitude of ways and means.

Staying free from this trap set to incarcerate you in this Prison of Fear is a challenge because once you become caught within this “Trap of Fear” you can no longer see that YOU then continue to feed and self perpetuate this Fear; thus you become the one to maintain you’re being trapped within its energy boundaries.

Once caught in this Trap of Fear you begin to feed the Fear of the loss of who and what you think you are, when in truth, Who and What you think you are is an Illusion created and projected for you to see and believe, that was intended from its origination, to trap you in this Prison of Fear. (This was the bait used.)

As this energy of Fear grows, (fed by you) you begin to Fear your own Power. You begin to Fear Responsibility of any kind, including and especially Responsibility for Self. You then come to Fear True Freedom; for True Freedom requires you to Know your Self, to own your Power and to be Responsible for Self and your individual part in the creation of all of Reality.

WE ask you…

How do you ever expect to escape this Prison of Fear when you are simultaneously the inmate and the warden?

How do you ever expect to escape this Prison of Fear when you are that which is imprisoned, that which imprisons you, and that which keeps you imprisoned?

WE remind you…

YOU are also that which holds the key to unlocking the Prison Gates, thereby granting you access to your Freedom.

WE  who share these words with you, wish you to know it is our desire that you will seriously contemplate this conundrum and find within you the courage necessary to release yourself from this Self-imposed Prison of Fear.

WE NOW bid you farewell and leave you in this NOW moment of Space/Time Reality amid the energies of Love, Unity and Synchronized Harmony.

Essence Ka tha’ras & The Q4”



Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

June Solstice ~ Celebrating the Great Solar King ~ The Healing of the Divine Masculine


Today is June 21, 2015; the day of the June Solstice; a point in Earth space/time when the Light of Day and the Darkness of Night are each at their longest.

Today is a day in which traditionally we celebrate the Great Solar Lord and Sun King; both in his pinnacle position of Ruling in Light in the Northern Hemisphere and in his position over the Conquering of Death, and his Movement into Rebirth in the Southern Hemisphere; a day in which to focus on the balancing of the Divine Masculine energy.



Center of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine OM Field of Potentality

Center of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine OM Field of Potentality

In the United States we are also celebrating “Father’s Day”, and this year it just happens to coincide with the Solstice.

With the focus of such a large Group Collective Conscious Mind, (that of the U.S., a population of over 300 million) directed toward the recognition and celebration of the “Father” energy, WE, the Spiritually Awakened portion of the Collective Conscious, have at our disposal an energy source to tap into to boost the Conscious and Intentional work WE are doing on this day; the work of assisting in bringing Balance back to the Divine Sacred Masculine Frequency that is such a vital part of OUR Intentional work of Creating a New Reality for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Earth.  

WE have been extremely focused on healing and bringing back into its proper place and balance the Divine Sacred Feminine Energies for the last ten to twenty years. This work, that was and is so necessary to the creation of OUR New Reality, is moving forward at an exponential rate. Now WE need to turn a portion of our attention to Healing and bringing into Balance the Divine Masculine Frequency; especially as it must sit in Aligned Balance with the Divine Feminine Frequency.

Neither alone can Create Reality in its Full and Proper Form.

They MUST work in tandem in a Sacred Balanced fashion for OUR Reality to enter into the next Golden Age Cycle Round in which WE now sit at the edge of entering as a Collective Consciousness.

At this point in Space/Time of our Collective Reality it is time WE, begin giving Intentional Focus to bringing back into Balanced Form the Sacred Union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine if WE are to continue OUR forward movement into the space and time of the Golden Age of Collective Consciousness.

OUR physical Reality can be created within an unbalanced state of these two Divine Frequencies; as a matter of fact that is how WE have been creating OUR Reality ever since the Collective Consciousness of Humanity on Earth moved out of the last Golden Age Cycle. WE have to remember that when OUR Collective Reality is created within an unbalanced state between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine Frequencies there will always be stresses and strife created within that reality.

With this knowledge in our conscious minds WE remember it is ONLY when WE Create OUR Collective Reality from the Center of the Union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine Frequencies that WE can truly Create OUR Reality as one that can Move into the Golden Age Cycle Round whose edge WE NOW sit upon.

Today, with the June Solstice and the 7/11 Dual Frequency it holds and emits, plus the large Energy Boost at our disposal being created by the Group Collective Conscious Mind of the Father’s Day recognition and celebrations occurring, let US NOW begin the work of finalizing the Healing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Frequencies as they relate to each other, to Earth and to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

Let US prepare to move into the Conscious, Continual and Intentional work of Creating OUR Reality from the Center OM Field of Potentiality created by the Union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine Frequencies.


** A Reminder….  In October of 2013 the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine of Earth and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity came together in a Balanced form for the express purpose of participating in the Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex in order to manifest the Conception of the Multi-dimensional Realms as they will eventually exist in OUR Expanded (Future) Collective Reality.

If you would like to read more about this, and see the Metatronic Numerology Sacred  Geometric Charts for the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in relationship to each other at that time, please use the link below.

Oct. 2013 ~ “Month of Conception” ~

Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex



IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Weekly Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report ~ 5/4 ~10/4, 2015 ~Time for Expansive Change & An Expanded Perspective

Time for Expansive Change & An Expanded Perspective

This week holds a 5/11 Dual Frequency with 22 and 55 Sub-frequency influences, a 44 Minor frequency influence and a 111 Passive Potential. It is also an 11:11 Encoded Frequency week.

This week Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are strongly influencing Earth’s frequencies, with Saturn adding energy to the 11:11 Encoding, Uranus strengthening the 22 Sub-frequency and Pluto adding momentum to the 55 Sub-frequency and the 44 Minor frequency. The combined energies of Saturn and Uranus are also adding to the 111 Passive Potential.

Saturn brings us the energies of Self-discipline, and accepting our responsibility for self, as well as our part of the responsibility for the Spiritual wellbeing of the Collective Consciousness.

Uranus brings energies that assist us in finding and defining our Sacred Contractual Work and recognizing our personal potential and uniqueness. It also assists in opening a more expansive vision for the Potential of Spiritual Growth for the Collective.

Pluto brings in the energies of Transformation, Transmutation and Metamorphosis. It shows us a clearer understanding of the Constructive use of our Personal Power, and adds much in the way of the creation and expansion of the Group Collective Conscious Mind and its importance in the Spiritual Growth of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as we move into the Multi-dimensional Realms.

The I AM Keyword phrases for the 5/ll Dual, 22, 44, 55 and 111 are:

5/11 Dual – I AM the Revelation and Expansion of Divine Knowledge brought forth through Spiritual Growth and Change

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

Before moving into this week’s full frequency report I would first like to address the 11:11 Encoded Frequency.

Many people are now familiar with the 11-11 Frequency Encoded “Wake-Up” call we as a Collective Consciousness set into place before descending into dense reality realms. We did this to be of assistance in our Collective Spiritual Re-Awakening. Basically this is an alarm clock we set before we descended into the denser realms of matter.

For those who are regular readers of the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports, you will most likely remember that I have shared what the Q4 stated about this 11:11 Encoded Alarm Clock.

They told us that the 11:11 Frequency Portal of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality now stands continuously open, and we really no longer need to put time and energy into raising frequency to enable it to remain open because we have accomplished that.

What this means is that movement through this portal is now available at all times to everyone, and there is an Ease of Access that was not there before.

The changes this is making in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality are that we are beginning to see, and will continue to see, an acceleration of Spiritual Awakening and the reality of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity existing on Gaia will flow and shift more rapidly into a fuller Spiritually Awakened state.

It also means our work with the 11:11 Encoded Wake-Up Frequency has changed slightly.

Now our work, especially in these full 11:11 Frequency Encoded weeks, is to focus our energy and intentions on being of assistance to the lessening of the accumulative amount of highly negatively charged emotions surrounding the planet, (within Gaia’s Auric Field), and how they hinder the Spiritually Slumbering Masses in Initial Awakening; especially those who are beginning to react to the subconscious promptings of their own Spiritual Awakening.

We can all remember that as exciting as Initial Spiritual Awakening is, it is also a time when we often feel lost and confused as to what we should believe and think, and where we should turn in our quest for understanding about what is happening to us; so from now on these 11-11 Encoded days and weeks will come around at semi-regular intervals as reminders, and micro Power Boosters, that with the larger numbers of newly Awakening humans happening simultaneously, the planet and the Collective Consciousness will see times of overwhelming amounts of energy of fear and confusion being released. With the accumulation of this energy we need to remain focused on assisting in the energy work of Love and Light by emitting a newly upgraded 11:11 Encoded Frequency Message.

This new 11-11 Encoded message is…

“You are Waking Up… You are Safe… And You ARE on the Right Path”

This is the 11:11 Message we need to be emitting now.

Full Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report

The 5/11 Dual Frequency, which is the main frequency of this week, assists us in seeing that as we change and grow spiritually, expanding our understanding of the knowledge of the Divine, we open more and more locked information of the workings of the Divine Universal ONE Heart and Mind. As each plateau of expansion is reached, propelled by collective spiritual growth and reawakening, the amount of Spiritual knowledge and understanding increases exponentially. This is the igniting of the Illumination of the ever expanding pathway into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment opening before us.

So the 5/11 Dual Frequency is here to help us open to and remember more information and knowledge of our Universal System and how we fit into it and how to best work within it.

The 22 Frequency holds the energy and information of the Master Builder; one who builds upon, with and through Sacred Structure.

I often use the example of the word “Buddha” as being a 22 Frequency word, and how the Master Jesus, known to many as Sananda, “The Carpenter’s Son”, is a perfect metaphor for that of “One who is a Master Builder, building upon Sacred Structure”.

Both these Masters (and many more) teach of “Building” life and reality upon a Structure of Sacredness, created upon the Foundation of all things Sacred, with the knowledge of our Spiritual heritage. Just as these Masters did, we too are capable of building our reality upon a Sacred Structural form.

Just as these Masters lived an honorable and principled life while incarnate upon Earth, so too should we strive to be ethical and moral in our daily interactions with all others, no matter who or what they might be.

55 is the frequency of the Individualized Awareness of the Higher Self. The spark of the Divine Heart that lies dormant in the 1 Frequency is ignited in the 55 Frequency.

In this initial igniting, the awareness and accepted reality of the Higher Self is made evident to the individual and communication with the Higher Self becomes more lucid and coherent. When the connection to the Higher Self is accomplished and a clear communications link is established, then the understanding of Divine Will begins to transpire.

Divine Will is spoken of by the Higher Self, for the Higher Self of each individual self sees the larger perspective of our reality from a much expanded view and is capable of placing the needs of the Collective Consciousness above the needs and desires of self.

The 55 Frequency holds a neutral charge, so it is a very grounding frequency, but unlike the 5 Frequency, which also holds a neutral charge and grounds us to Earth and the physical realms and dimensions, helping us stay more centered and balanced in the physical realms, the 55 Frequency grounds us into the physically illusive Realms of Spirit; it grounds us to the Higher Frequency Dimensions, the home of our Higher Self, assisting us in staying centered and balanced in the Spiritual Frequency dimensions.

The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs.

Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine.

At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates.

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

Going back to the 22 Frequency there is an interesting little side note here. If you notice, the word “Buddha”, a 22 frequency word, has the number 44 right in the middle of it; the numerical value for the letter D is 4! Interesting, is it not?

The 111 Frequency is about the initial thought energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception. Within this frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form. If we associated this with physical conception this would be the point where the egg is fertilized.


This week brings us much in the way of Expanding our Perspectives of how Creation works within our Universe, and preparing us better for the Expansive Changes we are going through, both as individuals and as a Collective Consciousness.

This week’s frequencies bring assistance in determining exactly what our part to play in this Grand Adventure is, and what our individual Sacred Contractual Work in this lifetime is.

This week’s frequencies clearly show us that we must begin with Self as the center point, and recognize that WE, each of us, as the embodiment of Spirit in Physical form is an animated, living, breathing Sacred Temple.

This frequency weaving shows us that our focus and intention must be the “Creation and Building of a Sacred Structural Reality, based on the Truth shown to us through our Spiritual Vision”, and that if we are to Create and Build a Collective Reality in and of this Sacred Vision and Truth… It Must Begin With Self!

We have to continually remember… Each of us is a Sacred Building Block necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, and each of us is responsible for the Creation, Building and Maintaining of Self in a Sacred Manner.

This frequency weaving also does much in the way of lending assistance to us in connecting and communicating much more clearly with our Higher Self. It then goes on to show us the ways in which to connect to others so we can creates powerful and light filled Group Collective Conscious Minds; for it is in working as Group Collective Conscious Minds that we move into having at our disposal the exponentially expansive powers of Creation made available to us to use in creating Change within our Collective Reality. Our opening to and movement into the realities that exist within the Multi-dimensional Realms demand we Create in this fashion; for it is the only way into those dimensions.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac

Back on October 1st of 2014 I asked the questions…

What if I told you the “story” we believe to be the “Legend of Atlantis” is incomplete? What would you say?

What if I told you the story of the “Legend of Atlantis” that we believe to be what happened, is not really what happened at all? What would you say?

Which of these possibilities would be easier for you to accept and believe? That the story is incomplete? Or that the story is an Illusion?

I asked you… What if the Legend of Atlantis as we know it was intentionally implanted into the psyche of the Human Collective Consciousness?

How would that make you feel? Would it make you wonder Why and by Whom, and for what purpose?

Today, March 11, 2015, is the perfect day to share the information I had promised would be forthcoming surrounding these questions. Let me explain why.

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?

In the Mayan Calendar system, the Haab Year, also known as the Vague Year, is the day count most like our current calendar. It has a 365 day count, so it is obviously based on solar observation. It’s called “Vague” because it does not include leap years.

The Haab is used in conjunction with the Tzolk’in calendar, and together they create the larger 52 year cycle called the Calendar Round.

The Haab is made up of 18 months of 20 days each with a final short nineteenth month consisting of only 5 days.

We are currently in the 11th Haab month; the month known as Zac. The dates on our current calendar that correspond to the 11th Haab month of Zac are February 27th through March 17th. (note: to achieve this count February always has 29 days)

With that information we know that tomorrow, March 12, is the 13th day of the 11th Haab month known as Zac.

Why is this information significant? What might it have to do with information related to Atlantis?

It is significant because according to some beliefs Atlantis sank on the 13th day of Zac.

So… here we sit on the Eve of the anniversary of the day Atlantis was destroyed.

Haab Month of Zac Glyph

Haab Month of Zac Glyph

Before we proceed, I would like to let you know where I procured the information I am about to share with you.

As some of you may know, approximately sixteen years ago I began connecting to and assimilating Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self. This has led me to my current work with a group, of what we as humans perceive of as etheric beings, I have come to call the “Q4”. Within this group of four specific individuals, two are Aspects of Self. These are Cosmic Master Azure LOA and Isabelle Jae Stoneward of the Ancient-Future New Earth City of Light; what many would think of as New Earth. The third is Mertauk of Arcturus, obviously from Arcturus, and the fourth is Tra zha’ of Shambahalla, a native of Shambahalla and what we would consider a Wise Woman or Shamaness.

I had already been working with the Q4 for almost two years when a third Aspect of Self contacted me. He is known as Teutilarhon of Atlantis. It is he whom I received the information from that I am about to share with you; information concerning Atlantis, Earth and Humanity.

His initial contact with me was shortly after midnight on June 19th, 2013. He immediately began sharing the following information.

This is an edited for clarity transcript of our first meeting. If it seems a bit disjointed and lacking in detail it is because there are references made to information I received from the Q4 prior to my initial meeting with Teutilarhon and this conversation; information not contained herein. More detailed information will follow at another time.


“My name is Teutilarhon; Teutilarhon of Atlantis. I AM a Scientific Spiritual Technology Research Analyst and Expert. I AM in charge of, and lead, the Dimensional Time-Travel Research Program for the 11th Dimension Atlantian Reality System.

The Olmec civilization of your current time frame reality was an outpost we had set up as an entrance and exit point between our two dimensions. During this time, and in conjunction with this specific work, there were Atlantians who decided and volunteered to stay in your dimension continuously to facilitate expediting this particular work. Among their many duties was the responsibility to keep open and maintain the “doorway” between Atlantis and Earth in a continually operational fashion, and to keep the knowledge of this “doorway” secret from local indigenous peoples. 

Keeping the “doorway” between Atlantis and Earth continuously operational made travel to and from the two points much easier and more efficient; by keeping the “doorway” continuously open it was not necessary to be constantly reopening it each time someone moved between the two planes of reality.

I understand your (Earth’s) timeline does not support this as possible by the age of, and timeframe your sciences say the Olmec civilization existed and flourished in your (current) reality, but believe me when I tell you it is possible.  Remember… we are talking of dimensional time travel, a concept you of Earth do not fully comprehend as of yet.

I will also tell you during the period in which travel between Atlantis and Earth was occurring (of which we are speaking here) not only did we travel into the “Present” time frame of that period, (you would see this as your “Past” from where you currently exist), we also traveled into your “Future” timeline frame of reference; what you would see as your “Present”, and even into the timeline frame of reference you currently see as your “Future”.

There are three other “doorways” that were used as major points of entry and exit. One at each of your (Earth’s) poles, North and South, and one in Siberia at the location where one day will be discovered the pyramidal complex you were recently told of. (Here he is referring to information I received previously to this conversation that I have not shared yet.)

We “built” that pyramidal complex system in what even in your “Present” now you would see as your “Future”. It was built as a “failsafe” dimensional energy generator in case failure occurred in your “Past” in the work we were doing.


Here… In Atlantis, the Scientific and the Spiritual are not seen as separate. At least they were not before dimensional time travel between our two realities began. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however one wishes to perceive it) this is one of the experience concepts brought back to Atlantis from Earth that began the division in the Collective Consciousness (here in Atlantis) that eventually led to (what is known as) the Fall or Destruction of Atlantis. This is directly related to the 17/8 Karmic Imbalance.

This concept of a separation of the Scientific and the Spiritual was intriguing and many decided the experience would be of significant importance to the accelerated expansion of the Collective Consciousness of Atlantis. Once again, unfortunately or fortunately it got out of hand and control and balance was lost with the divisions that resulted.


Within the work we were doing on Earth we continued the travel between our two dimensions all along the three main linear time lines, Past, Present and Future, in search of the correct balance point that would halt what was an ever increasing obvious probable outcome, destruction; but to no avail. Because of this the larger portion of the 11th Dimensional (as it existed in the region of the *11th veil of the 11th dimension) Atlantian Reality System was eventually destroyed. (*here once again he is referring to information I received previously to this conversation that has not yet been shared.)

Those who had chosen to remain continuously at the Olmec outpost left Earth through the “doorway” just before the final destruction of Atlantis (on Earth) and returned to Atlantis (within the 11th dimension) to help in the rebuilding process.  With all their experience of life on Earth, they best understood what needs to be done to heal, release and rebalance the Karmic Imbalance Energy created through this relationship.


We set the “Story of Atlantis” into your reality’s (current) storyline at several points along your linear timeline, in hopes Earth would/will learn from it and not destroy its Self in your present projected timeframe reality. 

This was done not only for Earth’s sake, but for our sake also.  

Because of the energetic karmic ties formed through the relationship created, and because of the interactions that occurred through the travel between these two realities the faster Earth’s Collective Consciousness expands and Ascends, the faster Atlantis moves back into balanced existence and can begin forward movement at an accelerated rate.

In short, we benefit from Earth’s consciousness expansion.


Besides your own current projected timeframe reality we are in contact with several other possible Earth “future” realities.

Contact with your current projected timeframe reality with this information was recently decided to be implemented. This is due to the fact that, on your current trajectory path, in conjunction with your reality’s recent expansion shift in which your Collective Consciousness successfully passed through into the New Mayan Round, along with other Free Will decision options for accelerated consciousness expansion which are mathematically probable, and the current opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality, this (your) time line frame reality has recently secured its survival for (at least) the next several 100,000’s of linear years, up to 2 to 3 million years in your (Earth’s) current time line frame of reference reality.

In so doing it has become, one of the most probable, to possibly the most probable to accelerate its dimensional reality existence well into the 11th dimensional time frame reference in balanced form. This will facilitate in the “rebuilding” of the Balanced Energy State of our/the 11th dimensional Atlantian reality we seek. So if accomplished, both dimensional realities will benefit.”


End of Part 1

Look for Part 2 of this information in the next few days.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

The Paradox “Between” Reality and Illusion

The Paradox “Between” Reality and Illusion

The Paradox Between Reality & Illusion

The Paradox Between Reality & Illusion

Reality and Illusion, Truth and Fiction; there is a great paradox created with the comparison and contemplation of these.

The paradox is that Reality and Illusion each are both Truth and Fiction.

With our understanding of Quantum Physics expanding everyday many are beginning to realize what we believe to be a concrete reality is in truth, nothing more than a fiction created and held in form by our belief in it; remember beliefs are binding. Yet at the same time, from the perspective of existence as humans on planet Earth in physical matter’s manifest form, it is Truth that our everyday Reality is very much real and concrete. What we tend to forget is that what our Reality is, is determined by the thoughts and choices we make in every moment.

If you are here in physical manifest form there is no way to not experience the effects of the physical world. Even those we consider Master Souls, such as Buddha and Jesus, etc., experienced the concreteness of our reality when they chose to manifest into physical form. 

Cosmic Master Azure LOA stated,

To some, my words will forever remain fiction,

Yet to others they will ring as the truth of reality.

Whether it be their reality or the reality of some

other individual means nothing to me…

for I know in truth,

they are fiction and reality both.

For in honesty, All is Illusion…

and it is Illusion which gives power and form

to both fiction… and to the truth of realities, Any Reality.”


So what are we to make of this? What are we to do? How do we reconcile living within a paradox created between Reality and Illusion, Truth and Fiction?

If we come to understand that the Illusion we create and believe as Reality is in fact our “Reality” and it is very much “Real” in the affects it has on our physical existence, yet at the same time it is an “Illusion”; and that this “Illusion” that is our Reality is a necessary element in the creation of a larger Illusionary Reality of which we are a part, we may begin to more easily adjust our perspectives of what is important and what is trivial and insignificant in our daily physical lives. 

To quote Cosmic Master Azure LOA once again…

“…For the Illusion is ours to create as befits

What is necessary for the edification of the

Individual Self as it relates to the ONE

 We Are Illusion

We Are Reality


In a very real sense the Realm of Duality, (good/evil, us/them, black/white, positive/negative, etc.) we believe in and exist within is a product of existing within the Paradox created between what we perceive and believe is a difference between Reality and Illusion; this is what creates a paradigm of Separateness.

If we can begin to comprehend and understand that as humans in physical manifest form we do indeed currently reside within a Paradox between Reality and Illusion, and that we chose to experience this of our individual and collective free will, we can then being to adjust our perspectives of what Reality and Illusion, Truth and Fiction truly are. We can begin to come to a fuller understanding of the knowledge of a more expanded perspective; one that shows us Reality and Illusion, Truth and Fiction are one in the same; each a part of the other, inseparable from each other, one no less nor greater than the other, and that in actuality Our Reality exists because of the Paradox created by our beliefs and our current understanding of the differences between Reality and Illusion, and Truth and Fiction.

Artwork by: Kaia Nao

Artwork by: Kaia Nao

Artwork by: Kaia Nao

Explore this space that exists between Reality and Illusion. Come to see and understand it for what it is. A Coordinate Point in the Fabric of Cosmic Space and Time; a place and dimension where the portion of our Expanded Consciousness we know as, and call “Human” exists in one particular form of “Physical Reality”, OUR Collective Earthly Reality.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


The Times – They are A-Changin’


Earlier on FB the Awakening People page shared a quote from Pastor Joel Osteen that read…

“Start announcing freedom from anything that’s holding you back. Freedom from addictions, freedom from loneliness, freedom from lack, freedom from struggle. You are prophesying your future. Your words are setting the direction for your life.” — Joel Osteen.

We understand what is being shared here; the knowledge that we create our own reality, individually and collectively, by the thoughts, emotions, words and deeds we hold and make each day. This is simple, yet profound Ancient knowledge being shared within mainstream society; and best of all… it is being accepted, once again.

I AM excited to see such information being shared and accepted within the spiritually slumbering mainstream consciousness. It tells us, and shows us that the Collective Consciousness truly is shifting in its perception and understanding of our reality. Even just a day or two ago I was in a conversation where I was talking with people about how much mainstream science is assisting in the Collective Consciousness’ perception shifting due to the fact that more and more scientists are finding the courage to step out of the box  and put forward “advanced” theories, especially within the realm of Quantum Sciences, and what this is doing in bringing acceptability of Ancient Sacred Knowledge of how our realty operates to mainstream’s everyday world. The Spiritually Slumbering may not see this as Ancient Knowledge renewed, but that is not necessary. What is necessary is for the majority of our Collective Consciousness (of humanity) to accept this information as Truth; thus leading us, the Collective Consciousness, back to creating our Reality in a Continuous Intentional Conscious manner.

I AM sharing the following videos just for fun.

IN-Joy the signs of the changing times.


Blessings from All Realms of Reality

Essence Ka tha’ras