I just wanted to pay respect and tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To him and all those who worked peacefully to create change. To the Change we have Made, and to the Change We Will Make….
Happy Birthday Dr. King.
Greetings All,
I have been hearing and feeling to share the video of the song “Amazing Grace” by II Divo, in conjunction with this second Out-breath phase of the Cosmic Meditation designed to initiate the Healing of the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche all afternoon and evening. So… I share it now.
To me, listening to this particular rendition of this song has the capacity to create the very energy of the 99 Frequency and what we have created within the In-breath days of this second phase that we are now exhaling to assist with this healing work.
If it resonates with you, then please use it. If it does not, the by all means, pass it by.
I thank each of you for participating in this work with me.
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras
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December 2013 Monthly Frequency Overview Report
December 16th, 2013 is the 13/13/13, the 13th Day of the 13th Month of the 13th Year, (2013)
Many people have asked me how this date is calculated and determined.
For me, I have long followed the knowledge of the Goddess spiritual belief systems; those that adhere to a Lunar Cycle Calendar. When the Lunar Cycle Calendar is overlaid onto the Solar Cycle Calendar, this opens and makes the information of the 13/13/13 date of December 16th, 2013 obvious.
For those who still need more convincing, at the end of this article I have placed two videos by DAHBOO77 showing how this date is calculated by others, as well as some very interesting added information about a triangulation alignment between ISON, Venus and Earth, and a perfect cross alignment between ISON, Venus, Earth and our Sun; all of which occur on the 13/13/13, December 16th, 2013.
To understand more about the relevance of these two astronomical events occurring in the heavens on this date and how they relate to the opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round follow the links below and read the articles explaining it all.
Monthly Frequency Overview Reports
Just as each repeated triple digit year denoting the triple digit Multi-dimensional Collective Consciousness Master Numbers of the 1/1/01 through the 12/12/12, signified and gave access to Star-Gate Portals on these Sacred High Frequency days for the work of the completion of the Old Mayan Calendar Round Reality, enabling the Shift of the Collective Consciousness into the next frequency round of the NEW Mayan Calendar Round Reality in which the Collective Consciousness of Humanity now exists, the 13/13/13 signifies and gives access to the 444 Star-Gate Portal opening of the energetic consciousness round that exists beyond the current home of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality, known as The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality.
Just for the record, the I AM Keyword phrases for the numbers 333 and 444 are:
333 – I AM the Multi-dimensional Birth Portal
444 – I AM Multi-dimensional Expansion of Form
From 2001 to 2009 we traveled and worked our way though the frequencies of the 111 through the 999. Then, in 2010 we took it to the next level of the Sacred Spiral with the vortex energies of the triple 0’s of the 10/10/10 = 111/000, thereby adding momentum for the next phase of that work. Then in 2011 with the 11/11/11 we had the final push of expansion of Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness so as to manifest and maintain a frequency of high enough vibrational rate to sustain the Shift of the Collective Consciousness into the next Time Frame Reality in 2012 when we opened the 333 Frequency Multi-dimensional Birth Portal between 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 (1+2=3, 12/12/12=333) and were able to step through between those linear time days into the 5th Dimension, or 5th World, where the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia now exist in the New Mayan Calendar Round reality.
For the sake of simplicity you can view this as two Star Gate Portals within close proximity facing each other; the 333 and the 444. We step out of the 333, the doorway from the Mayan Reality dimensions, across the threshold into the 444 Portal, the doorway into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality. Sort of like the space shuttle docking with the space station so astronauts can leave the shuttle and enter the station.
There is so much information that could, and needs to be shared surrounding the opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round that I am only going to hit the highlights in this report. You will need to watch for upcoming articles and the Daily Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports to stay abreast of what is occurring, when it is occurring and what our part is in all of it.
Over the last two and a half years may Spiritual Guides and the assimilated Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self I work with, (the Q4 and others), have given me well over one thousand pages of handwritten information about the workings of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round, including all of the mathematical calculations as to it length, the changes we can expect to see in our reality, new methods of energy work and sacred technology, the Sacred Geometry associated with it, and so much more. I will be releasing this information as quickly as possible. It is these same Guides and Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self who have taught me the Metatronic Numerology Frequency system I share with you each day.
Basic Description of the Different Reality Rounds
The Old Mayan Calendar Round reality exists within the 3rd and 4th dimensions and the main work within that reality is focused on the individual work on Self, or the Individual Aspect of Self. Here the individual must Awaken Spiritually and do the hard work on Self in preparation for movement into the next reality, The New Mayan Calendar Round reality.
The New Mayan Calendar Round reality exists within the 5th and 6th dimensions and the main work within this reality is focused upon the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, especially related to the Planetary Aspect of Self. Here the Individual must learn how to live within, and relate to, the Collective Consciousness in a way that benefits the Planet and all life upon it as one Consciousness. This work is preparation for movement into the next reality, the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality.
Although because of the actions of so many humans on Earth right now it may not seems like the Collective Consciousness of Humanity moved to and now exists within the New Mayan Calendar Round reality in the 5th dimension, it is never-the-less true that this shift did occur during the 12/12/12 – 12/21/12 portal opening. The Collective Consciousness of Humanity currently exists within the 5th dimension of the New Mayan Calendar Round reality.
The work of and within the New Mayan Calendar Round reality will teach and lead the Collective Consciousness of Humanity through the lessons and training in how to work together, and the importance of the Group Collective Conscious Mind. Within the New Mayan Round humans will learn to come together as one and how to work toward common goals that benefit every individual, as well as the planet and all other life forms upon it equally. This will lead us, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, to a world of Peace.
The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality exists within the 7th through the 11th dimensions and the main work within this reality is focused upon the Multi-dimensional Aspect of Self, especially as it relates to our Galactic Aspect of Self, and moves us into a reality of Multi-dimensionality. Here the boundaries of the “Individual Self” soften and true work as individual consciousness’ combine in a fashion that create pure Group Collective Conscious Minds. This can only happen, (at the level we are speaking of here), when all Individualized lower frequency aspects of Ego are truly understood and have been brought into balance.
Dates of Significance:
December 3rd is the first day of the 13th month and December 30th is the last day of the 13th month.
December 4th through the 10th are days to work on releasing Karmic Imbalances within our personal energy matrices.
A basic description the work of each day’s Karmic Imbalance release is as follows:
December 4th, Karmic Imbalances related to a lack of application to work requiring accomplishment; not doing your fair share of work yet benefitting from it.
December 5th, Karmic Imbalances related to a misuse of freedom; acquired freedom for self at the expense of others. A general lack of accountability.
December 6th, this is a day of healing energies. Use the frequency energies of this day to assist you in your healing and releasing work of these Karmic Imbalances.
December 7th, Karmic Imbalances related to lack of responsibility to family and a sense of distorted love. This is often associated with illicit love affairs that harm families, and/or perversions that create low frequencies of energy masquerading as love.
December 8th, this is new Karmic Imbalance whose work of healing and releasing belongs in, and is done in, the New Mayan Calendar Round, but it is being brought to the surface with the opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round. This is not so much an individual Karmic Imbalance, although it can be found in the charts of some individuals under certain circumstances. This is a Karmic Imbalance that belongs to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and is directly related to Atlantis and the misuse of Sacred Technology during that time. It is known as the “17/8 Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance, or ATKI”.
December 9th, this is a day of Healing Forgiveness. For complete healing to transpire true Forgiveness of Self and others must occur. Use the frequency energies of this day to assist you in your healing and releasing work of these Karmic Imbalances.
December 10th, Karmic Imbalances related to the abuse of power and a sense of extreme self-centeredness, being blind to everyone and everything except the fulfillment of one’s own individual desires.
December 11th through December 17th are the seven days of the “Official Opening Ceremonies” (let’s just call them) of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round.
I am going to share about these days in another posting devoted specifically to them since these are the days of the main work of this month. Keep watching for the post entitled…
Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round
The 17th of December has a direct connection to a block of days running from the 20th through the 24th. I AM hearing the phrase, “Time Stands Still” as related to these days. It will be very interesting to see what information beyond this we get.
The 25th through the 28th is another block of days with an interesting connection. I will share more as we get closer to these days.
So now we have a basic overview of the work of December 2013.
IN-Joy working with these frequencies and all that is about to open for us as we move into yet another expansion of our reality.
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras
Here are the videos I spoke of earlier…
© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras
Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round
Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the Author – Essence Ka tha’ras
and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com
Greetings All and Welcome to the start of another work week.
I have been led to share a music video once again to start our week with.
May you all Be Blessed as you travel though life this week and remember…..
If you find yourself in need of assistance in realigning and rebalancing you energy you can visit Shambahalla – New Earth and use this meditative music video for a short relaxation and rebalancing break.
Greetings All and Welcome to the start of another work week.
I have been led to share a music video once again to start our week with.
May you all Be Blessed as you travel though life this week and remember…..
If you find yourself in need of assistance in realigning and rebalancing you energy you can visit Shambahalla – New Earth and use this meditative music video for a short relaxation and rebalancing break.
This week I AM sharing Deva Premal & Miten with Manose – Gayatri Mantra.
According to The Magic of Gayatri.com, the “Gayatri Mantra” might be translated as “a prayer of praise that awakens the vital energies and gives liberation and deliverance from ignorance”.
The shorter form of the Gayatri is practiced far more commonly:
We meditate on the glory of the Creator;
Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance;
May He open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect.
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras