Metatronic Frequency: July 2019

The Metatronic Frequency for the month of July 2019 is the 6/22 Dual Frequency.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 6/22 Dual Frequency is…

I AM Love. I Acknowledge my Responsibility as the Builder of Realities. Stepping Into My Power, I Activate My Abilities as a Dynamic Co-Creator of Worlds

This is an active and powerful rebalancing frequency.

This frequency is about taking action steps to participate in the necessary rebalancing in the Collective Reality that will allow the continued expansion of consciousness and spiritual awakening for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This frequency shows us that each of us has an Individual Responsibility to the Building of Reality for the Collective Consciousness; a Sacred Trust and Obligation we hold as Individual Sparks of Consciousness of the Divine One Heart and Mind to actively participate in the rebalancing necessary for the betterment of the Collective Reality and all life forms within it.

Use this I AM keyword phrase as a Mantra and as a Meditation Focus to assist in bringing this energy deeper into your personal energy field and to aid you in being of assistance to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in each individual taking more seriously their responsibility in the creation of the daily reality we all share.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared in so long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

August 11, 2019 ~ Save the Date

Sunday, August 11, 2019
Webinar with Essence Ka tha'ras
Connecting with Your Master Guide

Save the Date NOW!

Tickets will be available for purchase on July 17th for those on my mailing list and on July 19th to the general public.

Space will be limited to 100 attendees

July Solar Eclipse & Current Social Media Communications Issues

Current Social Media Communications Issues
***** 7/3-4/19 *****
Are they Solar Eclipse related Communications links severings for the purpose of creating clearer communications connections?

Related information:
Metatronic Numerology 
11/44 Dual – I AM Structured Metamorphosis Created through Revelation of Thought when Thought is Illuminated through Spiritual Truth


I know many of you either participated live or participated in No Time/No Space with this meditation and information, but I’m sharing this again simply as a reminder of what was talked about in the premeditation portion of this Guided Meditation video.

Most specifically the information about communications interruptions for the purpose of reconnecting a clearer and stronger communications link, and how this July 2nd, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse energy was pinpoint focus directed towards the political, corporate and world leadership areas of our Collective Reality.

Remember, even though the Eclipse Event has passed the associated energies are still extremely powerful and being felt as such, and will be through at least July 5th.

If you haven’t participated in this Guided Meditation Group Work here it is shared once again for your convenience.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

Metatronic Numerology: Total Solar Eclipse 7/2/19

In the video shared in this article you will find information about the frequencies being gifted to our current reality via the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2nd, 2019 as determined by the use of the Sacred Art of Metatronic Numerology. Also included in this video is a Guided Meditation led by Essence Ka tha’ras to use in conjunction with the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2nd, 2019 to aid and assist the individual as well as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey.

Here is a quick overview of the frequencies associated with this Solar Eclipse as shown to us using Metatronic Numerology are as listed below along with their Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases.

11/55 Dual

I AM Truth Spoken through the Higher Self. Through My Physical Form, I Illumine & Anchor Spiritual Awareness of the Divine Realms into Humanity’s Collective Reality


5/22 Dual frequency

I AM a Spark of the Divine Rational Mind.
I Hold the Vision of the Building of the Sacred Structure of Reality Within Self & I Anchor this Vision into the Physical Realms


Directly connected to these two baseline frequencies is what is known as the 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance Energy

The 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance adds energy emphasis on bringing to the surface for rebalancing this Karmic Imbalanced Energy within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity’s Energy Field. This Karmic Imbalance is created by the of power leading to greed and lack of morals and principles in interactions with others. In the Collective’s Energy Field this is directly related to and focused at World Leaders, Politicians, major Business Leaders, etc., any who hold positions of leadership and power who are misusing their influence for personal gain (financial, ego, power, etc.) instead of truly being concerned with the welfare of all humanity equally.

Two other frequencies associated with this Total Solar Eclipse are the 8/44 Dual and the 4/88 Dual frequencies. The 8/44 Dual is a frequency whose influence we have been working under for some time, but the 4/88 Dual frequency is really just being introduced into our Collective Energy Field with and by this Total Solar Eclipse of July 2nd, 20119

8/44 Dual – I AM a Channel of the Divine Metamorphosis required to Create a Secure Physical Reality obtainable only through the Mastery of Wielding Structured Power


4/88 Dual – I AM the Form of Spirit Manifest in Physicality. Through the use of Spiritual Technology Divinely Engineered in accordance with Sacred Geometric Knowledge, I Create & Open Direct Communications with Realities Beyond the Seen

Associated with and directly connected to these two frequencies is the 16/7 Karmic Imbalanced energy which is being brought to the surface for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity to deal with rebalancing.

 The 16/7 KI has major detrimental effects on the ability of humans to communication clearly with what is currently termed “the Higher Self”. Simple human rational thought processes bear this information out if the expanded perspective is viewed clearly. If the human is working within energy fields of this 16/7 KI created by inappropriate and detrimental human to human relationships that cause convoluted communications between humans, then it is only logical to see and understand this same KI energy would be a detriment and negatively affect the communications link between humans and the higher frequency dimensional realities. (more detailed explanation about this in the recorded information)

For more information about this and to participate in the Guided Meditation please watch and listen to the video provided.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report 6/19/19

DATE: 6/19/19    Base Frequency: 1   Higher Frequency: 2/44 Dual

Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases

Base: 1

I AM Independent & Brave

Higher: 2/44 Dual

I AM the Metamorphosis Possible when the Energy of Balanced Communication is Shared in Community. I AM a Portion of the Collective & as Such I Hold the Power to Create the Structure of Shared Reality


Today’s frequencies lend assistance in the Individual finding within their self their own personal power, then stepping fully into it so they can be an effective part of the, we’ll say… “Awakened” portion of the Collective and come to see and understand more clearly just exactly how they, (and every other individual), are a part of the Creation of the Collectively Shared Reality.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report ~ June 18, 2019

Metatronic Numerology ~ June 18, 2019

June 18th, 2019 is a 9 Frequency day.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 9 Frequency is…

I AM Unconditional Giving


The 9 Frequency is about Unconditional Giving, and at one level Unconditional Giving is giving to others without expectation of return; but we must remember too that Forgiveness is also an act of Unconditional Giving. Let’s take a closer look at this for a moment.

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June 2019 Full Moon

The June 16th-17th, 2019 Full Moon is one I would call a “Multidimensional Full Moon”.

I say this because this Full Moon is unlike any I have ever really seen before where the information coming through according to Metatronic Numerology looks exactly like this.

There are several layers of Frequency Energy being emitted by this particular Full Moon; therefore this Full Moon will affect people in varying ways. The ways in which people will experience the energy of this Full Moon are very much dependent on the frequency they are currently holding, emitting and maintaining.

Even though this is so, there are still some frequency experiences that will be the same for everyone, just in slightly different ways. The commonality of the frequencies experienced from this Full Moon are that we, Humanity, are being pushed to step-up and take on more responsibility for the Continual Conscious & Intentional Creation of our Collective Reality.

There are other Frequencies being emitted by this Full Moon that are bathing Earth and affecting our consciousness, but the two strongest are the 3/11 Dual and the 3/77 Dual.

The “I AM” keyword phrases for these two frequencies are as follows…

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