7/44 Dual Frequency: Collective Responsibility

The following information is ascertained through the use of Metatronic Numerology

Comment “I AM” if this message resonates and you recognize it as a message from Spirit.

According to Metatronic Numerology, one of the two most commonly seen and strongest frequencies during 2020 was the 7/44 Dual Frequency.

That tells us that the type of work supported by the 7/44 Dual Frequency was extremely important for us to be focusing on achieving progress in during 2020.

We now sit at the beginning of the third month of 2021 and the 7/44 Dual Frequency is presenting itself back extraordinarily strong in our collective energy field once again.

What this is showing us and saying to us is that we are now being asked to review what we learned and accomplished (or didn’t learn and accomplish) during 2020 that was (and still is) vital we face and resolve so we can move forward and past all the chaos and strife we are currently experiencing as a Collective Reality and Global Society.

As much as we might like to not admit it or face it, 2021 is going to be a Review of 2020; actually, it already is and this is only going to get stronger as 2021 progresses.

Simply stated… what we did not accomplish and finalize as a Global Society in 2020 we are now left with no option but to face and deal with in 2021.

With that stated let’s now take a look at what the 7/44 Dual Frequency is all about and what and where it shows us we need to focus our attention and intention on more Collective Rebalancing and Healing work.

Note: when I speak of “the individual” I am referring to the individual consciousness each human personally currently exists as, as well as the Individual Consciousness the Collective Consciousness of Humanity exists as.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 7/44 Dual Frequency is…

I AM Self Known to Self. Through this Knowing, Metamorphosis of the Collective Reality is Initiated

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying…

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. The delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.”

Albert Einstein

I shared that quote here because it speaks so directly to what the 7/44 Dual Frequency brings to us to work with energetically.

Here the individual self begins the process of truly understanding and knowing itself as simply a part of collective minds.

This begins as the individual self first recognizes that, although it stands individuated from an infinite number of successively larger and more complex group collective conscious minds, it is simultaneously an intricate part of each of these group collective conscious minds.

As the individual self begins to awaken to this knowledge the process of knowing and taking on its individual responsibility to each group collective conscious mind begins.

For humans, the first level of group collective conscious minds is that of family…successive collective minds are… Friends, groups/clubs, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, then the Collective Consciousness of Earth, our solar system, our galaxy and beyond. It then extends to incorporate an untold number of Group Collective Conscious Minds amid our solar system and the multi-galactic area of which we are a part and what we most commonly view as related to other lifetime incarnations on other planets, and other dimensions.

It is not necessary to know and recognize each Group Collective Conscious Mind individually from the human memory perspective. What is relevant to the current human incarnation will show itself to the individual if and when conscious remembrance of it is beneficial to the individual’s sacred work and/or the Sacred Work of a Group Collective Conscious Mind the individual is a part of.

In our Earth Human life Reality Experience the 7/44 Dual Frequency laser focuses on and permeates the Group Collective Conscious Mind of Governments and those in positions of power whose decisions and actions affect millions, even billions of people.

In this area, how this information pertains to and relates to the individual we each are, is that it shows us we each must take on a level of responsibility in the creation of what is known in our world as the “Politics of Global Society“. There is no set rule as to exactly what this looks like for every individual, but every individual human DOES hold a responsibility of interaction in some way as known to them in this arena. This is what being a part of a Global Society is about. And unfortunately for those who find this “political arena” outside of their comfort zone there is no way of getting out of this. Simply stated, if you are incarnate in a human form you ARE a part of the human species and a part of Global Society. And if you are a part of a Global Society (a Group Collective Conscious Mind) you have a responsibility to consciously interact in its creation.

The 7/44 Dual Frequency relates to the specific work of Conscious and Intentional Creation of a new and updated reality. Here we see our focus should not be so much about creating our Individual reality but is more about the work of focusing on the Creation of a New Reality for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Global Society for not only the human species, but every species of life of earth.

It is not enough to mouth the words “We are all one and All Life is Sacred”.

We have to truly live our lives and energetically embody this Sacred Truth.

IN-Joy I Serve

Essence Ka tha’ras

©2021 Essence Ka tha’ras

Facebook: Essence Ka tha’ras

Facebook: International Koalition of Krones

Essence Ka tha’ras YouTube

Essence Ka tha’ras on SoundCloud

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this website….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Metatronic Numerology: 7/88 Dual Frequency~The Body is a Temple

The following information is ascertained through the use of Metatronic Numerology

The Metatronic Numerology “I AM” keyword phrase for the 7/88 Dual Frequency is…

I AM the Ancient Temple of the Self fully Known. In this Knowing, the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering for Use in the Creation of Realities is Unlocked

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Master Metatronic Numerologist

Within this frequency is found the assistance in coming to fully understand what is meant by the words “the body is a temple“.

This simple statement, shared across time in slightly different words by so many Ancient and contemporary Masters of Knowledge, holds valuable information in exactly how the Human Spiritual-Biological Form (physical human body) is used as a Sacred Tool in the Creation of Reality.

The knowledge accessible when we, first individually and then collectively, come to understand the depth of this statement is something most have not begun to comprehend at even a basic level. Yet this knowledge has been, and continues to be, held in safe keeping by Masters of Knowledge across time and space until a point in time when humanity once again reawakens to the truth of the power they hold in the process of the Creation of Realities they, individually and collectively, experience.

Clues to understanding the knowledge contained within this frequency can be found in the study and combining of information found in the seemingly separate areas of Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, (sound, color, vibrational form) Sacred Movement, Mantras, Physical and Energetic Diets & more.

As a bit of added information the 7/88 Dual Frequency was beamed to Earth (we can say) during the May 10, 2019 Scorpio Full Moon.

According to legend and ancient Tibetan knowledge, this is a time that marks the New Year in terms of Global Evolution for Earth, Humanity and all Immortals. It is during the energy of this yearly Full Moon information is released regarding global evolution for the coming year (12 months)

Every year during the Scorpio Full Moon; the Opening of the Planetary Crown Chakra at Mt Kailash, located in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, occurs. It is from here that information about Global Evolution for the next Lunar Year Cycle is released.

IN-Joy I Serve
Gy’ She’em

I share all this information simply to be of Service to this Collective. I share it with the desire that those who find it will be able to more clearly see the bigger picture of what is transpiring in our Collective Reality that appears on the surface as total destruction and chaos and in so doing better know and more clearly see the path forward for their self and the Sacred Work they are charged with in being of Service to Humanity and the Universal ONE Mind and Heart.

IN-Joy I Serve
Krone Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist
Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master

Founder: International Koalition of Krones

Krone Essence Ka tha’ras & the IKoK on YouTube

IKoK Chat: Sept. 11, 2020 Planetary Soul Star Chakra Activation (2 of 3)

The video recording shared in this article is of the September 11th, 2020 Zoom Chat with the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones.

The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.

The topic for this IKoK Chat was… The Planetary Soul Star Chakra Activation. This Activation is the Second of three annual Activations during the years of 2019, 2020 and 2021, after which the Transpersonal Planetary Soul Star Chakra will be fully activated.

The initial activation occurred on September 11, 2019 and was one activation in a specific sequence of important activations that will occur over the next two decades

During this Zoom meeting and IKoK Chat we will discuss and share information on exactly what the Transpersonal Planetary Soul Star Chakra is, as well as participate in the actual Activation Meditation to begin this process.

During this Chat Krone Essence Ka tha’ras also shares information on the 2nd Third Eye of the Spiritual Biological Human Form (Human Body) as well as information about the “Sacred Tongue Chakra”.

If you would like to participate in this Collective Sacred Work then please join in by listening to this archived recording of that Sacred Work and participate with us in the Space of “No Time”.

Remember… “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”

We welcome your comments and insights on this and all information and knowledge we share.

::::: The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.

We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here, on our YouTube Channel or on our Facebook page.

Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this video and article.

Thank you for taking the time to watch these videos and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.

Please follow our YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos and Subscribe to this Website and our YouTube Channel while you’re there.

If you have not already, please check out the videos on our YouTube channel of past bi-monthly chats, Weekly Card Readings and Weekly Animal Totem Messages.

Be sure to find us on Facebook and Like our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest. You can find all the links at the end of this article.

If you would like to listen to the recording of the 2020 Activation of the Planetary Soul Star Chakra you can find it here…

Below you will find the 2019 Initial Planetary Soul Star Chakra Activation video if you would like to watch it and participate in No Time & No Space.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em Krone

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Founder: IKoK

Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master

IKoK on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IKoK2266/

IKoK Private Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/11279

Also look for us on Instagram as…. ikokrones https://www.instagram.com/ikokrones/

Essence Ka tha’ras website… www.ShambahallaNewEarth.com

IKoK Chat: Aug. 6, 2020

 Draconis Gnosis & Collective Dark Night of the Soul

This video is the recording of the August 6th, 2020 Zoom Chat with the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones.

The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.

The topic for this IKoK Chat was… “Draconis Gnosis & Collective Dark Night of the Soul”

Draconis Gnosis is a term referring to Ancient~Future Knowledge and Wisdom. Along with that we looked at the current global situation and what it is showing us in many ways is that We, the Collective Conscious Mind of Humanity, are entering into what can only be referred to as a “Collective Dark Night of the Soul” and we discussed what that means for us.

In this Chat Krone Essence Ka tha’ras also shares why the annual Lion’s Gate Alignment is no longer a relative alignment in the Conscious Creation of our Collective Reality Timeline Experience of Earth.

If you are ready to discuss and share your thoughts on this topic then please make plans to join us in “No Time/No Space” by watching this recording.

We welcome your comments and insights on this and all information and knowledge we share. ::::: The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.

We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here or on our Facebook page.

Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this video.

“Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.

Please follow this YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos. If you have not already, check out the videos on our YouTube channel of past bi-monthly chats, Weekly Card Readings and Weekly Animal Totem Messages.

Be sure to find us on Facebook and Like our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest.

Krone Essence Ka tha’ras ~ ~~~~ Founder: IKoK

Metatronic Numerology Millennium

I wrote this in February of 2020 but am just now led to share it.
For those whom this information resonates with that will make complete sense.
There are 1000 Years in a Millennium
There are 10 Centuries in a Millennium
There are 10 Decades in a Century
There are 100 Decades in a Millennium
2020 is a Baseline 4 Frequency Year with a higher frequency of 22
The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases for these frequencies are….
4: I AM Form & Service
22: I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure
The pressure for us to step up and take on responsibility for co-creating the collective reality in a conscious way is going to intensify and it’s not going to let up for the rest of this century, in fact it will only keep intensifying until we get it; one way or the other.
New Millennium:
2000–2/000 Frequency

New Century: 2000–2 Frequency

New Decade frequencies in play: 3, 4/22, 4, 00/22 and very subtly the 7

I AM keyword phrases…
3: I AM Joyful Creation
4: I AM Form & Service
7: I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

4/22: I AM Manifest Form in Service to Spirit, and I Lay the Foundation Upon Which the Sacred Is Built

00/22: I AM the All Encompassing Potential Seen through Spiritual Vision; I AM the Template of Sacredness upon which Reality is Built
Frequency: 22(4)

Third Decade of the Century: 4 & 00/22
3 Frequency— baseline Creation Frequency::: we’re setting the baseline of the way we will Create our Collective Reality for the rest of this Century

Between the years 2020-2050, with years between 2020 & 2044 being most significant.

Remember, we are still in the very early years of a new millennium.
The first century of a new millennium is the timeframe in which the decisions made about how we operate as a Collective set the baseline of how we will continue through the rest of that millennium as a Collective and the Collective Reality Experience we will have to move through and exist within.

The frequencies associated with each Millennium, Century, Decade, Year, etc. give us information about the pathway we have set before us, (determined by past Collective decisions we’ve made), as well as clues as to the best way to proceed forward so as to continue with the work of the Awakening and Expansion of Consciousness of our Collective Individualized Self.

These frequencies also bath us in energies that will be of the most assistance to us in moving along the pathway set before us in the most positive way possible.

Please remember, even though this is the case, many factors will come into play along this pathway as we walk it in the coming millennium that can, and will, alter our course. Factors that can make either beneficial or detrimental course alterations.

On top of this we are in the early stages of a New Great Year Cycle; the years in which decisions made will determine the baseline frequencies that we will use to Create our Collective Reality Experience (of Earth and beyond) for a minimum of at least the next 13,000 years.

Then take into account that what we decide as a Collective to experience for the next 13,000 years as our Reality Experience is playing into setting the stage for our Reality Experience as a Collective not only of Humanity of Earth, but as the Galactic Reality Experience we are but a small portion of as a Galactic Collective Consciousness. From the perspective of the Galactic Collective Consciousness we are (a portion of) the linear timeline affected by decisions we make in the next few years (up to 8 decades) is a minimum of 1 to 10 Million years.

This is significant because of where we currently are as a Collective Consciousness in our Reality Experience and our Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion Journey.

Basically stated it goes like this…
2020 is the linear Earth Year that Humanity Goes Galactic.

That means, centuries and millennia from now, Humanity as a species will look “back” across time and recognize and say, “2020! That was the year we began the process of becoming Galactic Citizens and Travelers.”

A thousand years from now, Earth Human history will speak of 2020, (the year and the decade), as being the biggest turning point in this current Collective’s journey of physical existence. It will speak of and stand as a reminder for all eternity as to what the Human species is capable of, both as creators and as destroyers. This is so because right Here, Right NOW is where we begin the process of making the decisions that will lead us into what Collective Reality Timeline Experience we will choose to travel for a MINNIMUM of the next 13,000 years. (13,000 years is just a starting point)

Let us make the decisions as to Humanity’s Future Reality Experience that causes us to be the Human Generation our descendants speak of in the Ancient~Future with Love, respect and pride. Not one that is spoken of as the Generation whose decisions had to be overcome because we lead the Creation of Collective Reality down a path to almost total annihilation.

Gy’ She’em
🦋🌹Krone Essence Ka tha’ras

International Koalition of Krones

Be sure to join us for the next IKoK Chat.
It will be August 6, 2020 @8:30pm CDT on Zoom.

Simply go to the International Koalition of Krones page and look for the Event where you will find all the information necessary to join us live.

Until then, here is a link to the last IKoK Chat.

IKoK Chat ~ May 22nd, 2020 “Magnificent Chaos”

This video is the recording of the May 22nd, 2020 Zoom Chat with the Krones of the IKoK; the International Koalition of Krones.

The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.

The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.

We invite you to join in by watching this video and sharing your comments and insights with us, either here, on YouTube or on our Facebook page.

Please feel free to Like, Comment and Share this video.


“Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”

Krone Essence Ka tha’ras

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and I sincerely hope the information shared is of assistance to you.

Please follow my YouTube Channel for notifications on new videos of our IKoK Chats, Weekly Card Readings and Weekly Animal Totem Messages. And be looking for Weekly videos of Guided Meditation and more to be added soon.

Be sure to subscribe to this Website so you receive email notifications of upcoming IKoK Chats and the links so you can join us live.

And don’t forget to find us on Facebook and “Like” our page so you can stay up to date on upcoming Chats and other Events of interest.

Krone Essence Ka tha’ras

Founder: IKoK

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material and are the property of Essence Ka tha’ras & the International Koalition of Krones. It may be shared as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras & a link back to this website is given. 

Facebook: Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher
Facebook: International Koalition of Krones

Sept. 2019 Metatronic Numerology Frequency

We, as a Collective, are indeed Raising Our Frequency, which simply means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity is Expanding.

According to calculations within Metatronic Numerology, September 2019 is the first month to hold a frequency known as a “Frequency Triad”.

I have been working with Metatronic Numerology for just over 8 years in this current lifetime and the “Frequency Triad” has just begun to be infused into our Collective Reality. As of this date, August 30, 2019, this is only the 4th Metatronic Numerology “Frequency Triad” I AM keyword phrase I have retrieved from the Ancient-Future Akashic Fields.
Since the end of July 2019, (specifically since July 26th the start of the New Mayan Consciousness Reality Galactic Year)  we have been finalizing preparatory work necessary for what is set to begin in earnest in 2020.  

The energy of what is referred to as a “Necessary Multidimensional Acclimation” experience for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity spanning the linear time from September  2019 through January 2020 is calling us to complete our Preparatory work and be ready to “Hit the ground running” (to use an old cliche) by the end of January, beginning of February 2020, because from that point forward in linear time in our Present Projected Collective Reality our Contracts with Spirit in our Sacred Work are going to demand we take on much more responsibility for the Creation of Our Collective Reality on an Individual level, as well as Collectively. And make no mistake….

In 2020, We Are Going To Be Called To Come Together In Ways We Currently Have Not Imagined.

I offer this information to be of assistance to all of which whom it resonates with.

The Metatronic Numerology Frequency for September 2018 is the 5:55:111 Frequency Triad.

Its I AM keyword phrase is…

I AM the Change Necessary to Anchor the Initial Movement of the Multidimensional Realms into Physical Reality. I AM the Communications Link Between What Is & What Is to Come

Please use the Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase as benefits your Personal Sacred Work and any and all Sacred Group Work you are a part of that is intentionally set to assist the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in its continued Consciousness Expansion Journey across Time & Space.

May We, this Group Collective Conscious Mind known as Humanity, ready ourselves to step up and Consciously Exist and Interact as the Galactic Multidimensional Beings of Divine Source We Truly Are.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em 💖
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared in so long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher