Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac
Back on October 1st of 2014 I asked the questions…
What if I told you the “story” we believe to be the “Legend of Atlantis” is incomplete? What would you say?
What if I told you the story of the “Legend of Atlantis” that we believe to be what happened, is not really what happened at all? What would you say?
Which of these possibilities would be easier for you to accept and believe? That the story is incomplete? Or that the story is an Illusion?
I asked you… What if the Legend of Atlantis as we know it was intentionally implanted into the psyche of the Human Collective Consciousness?
How would that make you feel? Would it make you wonder Why and by Whom, and for what purpose?
Today, March 11, 2015, is the perfect day to share the information I had promised would be forthcoming surrounding these questions. Let me explain why.

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?
In the Mayan Calendar system, the Haab Year, also known as the Vague Year, is the day count most like our current calendar. It has a 365 day count, so it is obviously based on solar observation. It’s called “Vague” because it does not include leap years.
The Haab is used in conjunction with the Tzolk’in calendar, and together they create the larger 52 year cycle called the Calendar Round.
The Haab is made up of 18 months of 20 days each with a final short nineteenth month consisting of only 5 days.
We are currently in the 11th Haab month; the month known as Zac. The dates on our current calendar that correspond to the 11th Haab month of Zac are February 27th through March 17th. (note: to achieve this count February always has 29 days)
With that information we know that tomorrow, March 12, is the 13th day of the 11th Haab month known as Zac.
Why is this information significant? What might it have to do with information related to Atlantis?
It is significant because according to some beliefs Atlantis sank on the 13th day of Zac.
So… here we sit on the Eve of the anniversary of the day Atlantis was destroyed.

Haab Month of Zac Glyph
Before we proceed, I would like to let you know where I procured the information I am about to share with you.
As some of you may know, approximately sixteen years ago I began connecting to and assimilating Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self. This has led me to my current work with a group, of what we as humans perceive of as etheric beings, I have come to call the “Q4”. Within this group of four specific individuals, two are Aspects of Self. These are Cosmic Master Azure LOA and Isabelle Jae Stoneward of the Ancient-Future New Earth City of Light; what many would think of as New Earth. The third is Mertauk of Arcturus, obviously from Arcturus, and the fourth is Tra zha’ of Shambahalla, a native of Shambahalla and what we would consider a Wise Woman or Shamaness.
I had already been working with the Q4 for almost two years when a third Aspect of Self contacted me. He is known as Teutilarhon of Atlantis. It is he whom I received the information from that I am about to share with you; information concerning Atlantis, Earth and Humanity.
His initial contact with me was shortly after midnight on June 19th, 2013. He immediately began sharing the following information.
This is an edited for clarity transcript of our first meeting. If it seems a bit disjointed and lacking in detail it is because there are references made to information I received from the Q4 prior to my initial meeting with Teutilarhon and this conversation; information not contained herein. More detailed information will follow at another time.
“My name is Teutilarhon; Teutilarhon of Atlantis. I AM a Scientific Spiritual Technology Research Analyst and Expert. I AM in charge of, and lead, the Dimensional Time-Travel Research Program for the 11th Dimension Atlantian Reality System.
The Olmec civilization of your current time frame reality was an outpost we had set up as an entrance and exit point between our two dimensions. During this time, and in conjunction with this specific work, there were Atlantians who decided and volunteered to stay in your dimension continuously to facilitate expediting this particular work. Among their many duties was the responsibility to keep open and maintain the “doorway” between Atlantis and Earth in a continually operational fashion, and to keep the knowledge of this “doorway” secret from local indigenous peoples.
Keeping the “doorway” between Atlantis and Earth continuously operational made travel to and from the two points much easier and more efficient; by keeping the “doorway” continuously open it was not necessary to be constantly reopening it each time someone moved between the two planes of reality.
I understand your (Earth’s) timeline does not support this as possible by the age of, and timeframe your sciences say the Olmec civilization existed and flourished in your (current) reality, but believe me when I tell you it is possible. Remember… we are talking of dimensional time travel, a concept you of Earth do not fully comprehend as of yet.
I will also tell you during the period in which travel between Atlantis and Earth was occurring (of which we are speaking here) not only did we travel into the “Present” time frame of that period, (you would see this as your “Past” from where you currently exist), we also traveled into your “Future” timeline frame of reference; what you would see as your “Present”, and even into the timeline frame of reference you currently see as your “Future”.
There are three other “doorways” that were used as major points of entry and exit. One at each of your (Earth’s) poles, North and South, and one in Siberia at the location where one day will be discovered the pyramidal complex you were recently told of. (Here he is referring to information I received previously to this conversation that I have not shared yet.)
We “built” that pyramidal complex system in what even in your “Present” now you would see as your “Future”. It was built as a “failsafe” dimensional energy generator in case failure occurred in your “Past” in the work we were doing.
Here… In Atlantis, the Scientific and the Spiritual are not seen as separate. At least they were not before dimensional time travel between our two realities began. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however one wishes to perceive it) this is one of the experience concepts brought back to Atlantis from Earth that began the division in the Collective Consciousness (here in Atlantis) that eventually led to (what is known as) the Fall or Destruction of Atlantis. This is directly related to the 17/8 Karmic Imbalance.
This concept of a separation of the Scientific and the Spiritual was intriguing and many decided the experience would be of significant importance to the accelerated expansion of the Collective Consciousness of Atlantis. Once again, unfortunately or fortunately it got out of hand and control and balance was lost with the divisions that resulted.
Within the work we were doing on Earth we continued the travel between our two dimensions all along the three main linear time lines, Past, Present and Future, in search of the correct balance point that would halt what was an ever increasing obvious probable outcome, destruction; but to no avail. Because of this the larger portion of the 11th Dimensional (as it existed in the region of the *11th veil of the 11th dimension) Atlantian Reality System was eventually destroyed. (*here once again he is referring to information I received previously to this conversation that has not yet been shared.)
Those who had chosen to remain continuously at the Olmec outpost left Earth through the “doorway” just before the final destruction of Atlantis (on Earth) and returned to Atlantis (within the 11th dimension) to help in the rebuilding process. With all their experience of life on Earth, they best understood what needs to be done to heal, release and rebalance the Karmic Imbalance Energy created through this relationship.
We set the “Story of Atlantis” into your reality’s (current) storyline at several points along your linear timeline, in hopes Earth would/will learn from it and not destroy its Self in your present projected timeframe reality.
This was done not only for Earth’s sake, but for our sake also.
Because of the energetic karmic ties formed through the relationship created, and because of the interactions that occurred through the travel between these two realities the faster Earth’s Collective Consciousness expands and Ascends, the faster Atlantis moves back into balanced existence and can begin forward movement at an accelerated rate.
In short, we benefit from Earth’s consciousness expansion.
Besides your own current projected timeframe reality we are in contact with several other possible Earth “future” realities.
Contact with your current projected timeframe reality with this information was recently decided to be implemented. This is due to the fact that, on your current trajectory path, in conjunction with your reality’s recent expansion shift in which your Collective Consciousness successfully passed through into the New Mayan Round, along with other Free Will decision options for accelerated consciousness expansion which are mathematically probable, and the current opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality, this (your) time line frame reality has recently secured its survival for (at least) the next several 100,000’s of linear years, up to 2 to 3 million years in your (Earth’s) current time line frame of reference reality.
In so doing it has become, one of the most probable, to possibly the most probable to accelerate its dimensional reality existence well into the 11th dimensional time frame reference in balanced form. This will facilitate in the “rebuilding” of the Balanced Energy State of our/the 11th dimensional Atlantian reality we seek. So if accomplished, both dimensional realities will benefit.”
End of Part 1
Look for Part 2 of this information in the next few days.
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras
© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras
Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round
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Author – Essence Ka tha’ras
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