Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/4/14~Truthful & Illumined Communication through Universal Compassionate Consciousness


Today is a 2 Frequency day with 11 and 33 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 2, 11 and 33 are:

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

Do you think today is about learning to better Communicate with each other in a Truthful, Loving and Compassionate way?

I have to say, I love the way Spirit Communicates with us through synchronicity! I just never tire of it, and the confirmations it brings to us as humans.

I say this because Kyra and I just finished recording a Guided Meditation to share for use with this month’s work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home through the act of purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, individually and Collectively, of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy. In it I was instructed to have us send spiraling grounding cords out from our Throat Chakra centers; a form of grounding I have never used before, and honestly, was a bit surprised to see. But now, after seeing today’s frequencies, it makes a lot more rational (human) sense!

Be watching for this Guided Meditation for working with purifying our Energy Matryx Grids of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy associated with the work of September in Purification in Preparation for Returning Home. I hope to share it sometime later this evening.

The 2 Frequency holds the energy of Cooperation, Adaptability, Choice, and Waiting. It is the frequency of the Diplomat, the Mediator and the Peacekeeper. It is associated with Balanced Communication of all types. It is Patient, Empathic, Receptive, and very Intuitive. It is about Polarity; both about seeing and understanding Polar Opposites and about bringing those Opposites together. 

Within the 2 frequency the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind lies dormant, waiting to be ignited.

Here when the individual has found their personal identity within the 1 frequency, and has learned to stand in their own power without the need to try to dominate and overshadow others, they begin to learn the lessons of being a part of the Group.

Here the lesson of Give and Take in equal proportion, consideration for others as equally as for self, and the ability to adapt to not always having things their own way is a priority.

The 2 Frequency is about consciously becoming a part of community; community at all levels.

The 11 Frequency holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Within the 11 Frequency Spiritual Illumination is most readily available, and our intuition is heightened allowing us to begin believing in, and testing our natural psychic abilities.

Spiritual inspiration is awakened in this frequency, and with it suddenly we begin to be able to see and hear the messages Spirit sends us each and every day, even in the smallest occurrences of daily life.

Within this frequency the subconscious mind is stimulated and Spiritual growth occurs when we learn to accept that reality is much more expansive than we have ever imagined. 

Here is also found the truth and the peace we seek, because when our inner sense of knowing and our rational mind are no longer at odds with each other inner peace prevails, and we are able to open to what lies beyond the confines of limiting beliefs of reality.

Since the Collective Consciousness’ Shift into existing within the 5th Dimensional Frequency Plane at the end of 2012, we have been seeing the 11 Frequency appear more and more in the energy field of our planet. We see it so much in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality it is really becoming common place.

The added 11 Frequency within our planets Energy Field/Aura is assisting greatly in the acceleration of the Spiritual Awakening of Individuals within our Collective Consciousness. The 11 Frequency will continue to weave its self deeper and deeper into Earth’s Energy Field and Gaia’s Aura as linear time passes, until it is completely woven into the Main Grid System of the planet and the Collective’s Consciousness.

When we had this 2/11 combination back in on July 24th of this year, as I was writing that day’s report I heard Azure LOA share the following information.

He stated…

“The 11 Frequency energy thread is a baseline vibrational thread of your planets energy field and grid work during Golden Age Eras. Currently it has completed its first full connection circuit to all of Gaia’s seven main Chakras, and has begun to extend out from each of these seven main Chakras in the four Sacred Directions; North, South, East and West. The 11 Frequency Vibration Energy Thread appears Metallic Silver in color within the Inner Vision.”

So what this confirms for us is that we are in the initial stages of movement into the coming “Golden Age” cycle we know we are due to move into according to the measurement of “TIME” calculated by many of our planets Sacred Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and lends its self in showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives.

Here we are talking of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.


With the 2 Frequency we see we are being provided with the energy of Patience, Choice, and understanding the tension of Polar Opposites so we can be of positive assistance in improving and refining our ability to reconcile those tensions through improved Communication with each other.

The 2/11 Frequency combination assists in holding our energy balanced; and when we are able to hold our energy in a balanced state of equilibrium we begin to make our way more readily into the New Reality we desire to create.

When your energy is balanced, you find peace within no matter what is going on around you. You do not become overwhelmed and stress-filled, and your emotions do not take control and steer you into actions that hold chaotic and forceful energy.

When your energy is balanced, it allows for greater Communication between this realm and the realms of Spirit; helping to facilitate communication with the Spiritual Realms, Realities and Dimensions that lie beyond this one.

When you stand balanced and centered within your Self, within your own energy, communications and messages from other realms, and your Higher Self become clearer and stronger; then when these messages are filtered through a heart held in peaceful energy, the Truth of these messages “rings” in your inner hearing.

Now we add the 33 Frequency and we see that it bathes us in the frequency of the Christed Consciousness, the level of Consciousness that assists us in holding the Master High Heart level of Compassion; allowing us to work from a place of Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and beyond.

Today spend some time simply basking in the energy of this 2/11/33 Frequency Weaving. Allow your Throat Chakra to fully open and let the energy of Truthful and Compassionate Christed Consciousness Communication to flow through it, clearing it of any and all Karmically Imbalanced Energy that may be adversely affecting the way in which you communicate with the world. And remember also, the Throat Chakra center not only deals with us speaking to others, it also deals with how we “hear” what others have to say!


IN-Joy working with and assimilating today’s frequencies, and Prepare for further Purification processing in your individual Energy Matryx Grid tomorrow when we look at the 14/5 Karmic Imbalance related to Work. And remember to be on the lookout for the Guided Meditation for use with the work of this month.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/3/14~ Well, Sort Of!


Greetings All,

As you may have noticed I have not posted a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report for today, 9/3/14. This is due to the fact that I had everyday 3D matters to attend to that ate into the time I generally dedicate to writing the daily report.

My intention this morning was, I would attend to the 3D matters and then rush home and write today’s report. This seemed most like the best way to get everything handled today.

But, as they say, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

It is about 7:30 p.m. now and I just got back to my shop to start writing, and to be honest I am feeling a bit lackluster about doing so, even though we are starting the work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home, which is about purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, (individual and Collective) of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy. This is this month’s work and we began it today.    

I was talking to Kyra earlier today and she shared with me that she had recently listened to; I believe she said the latest Kryon message. In it he said (and I am paraphrasing here), to let things ride and unfold as they may; because we humans don’t always see the bigger picture, and there are reasons for things happening the way they do.

So, even though we have some intense work ahead of this month that starts today, and since I am feeling the way I do about writing the report, I AM going to take Kryon’s advice and let it ride until tomorrow.

I will tell you that the Karmic Imbalanced energy we are working on Purifying out of our Energy Matryx Grids today is focused on our Individual Energy Matryx Grids, and is associated with the 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance number.

These types of Karmic Imbalances most often develop when a person is involved in lifetimes where there was abuse of power and complete self-centeredness; where behaviors such as being blind to everyone and everything except ones own selfish fulfillment of their individual desires for power and control was paramount.

Greed is a large part of this type of Karmic Imbalance and is strong here, and can manifest in many different ways; one of the main issues created by this is a thirst to control others, often to the point of abusiveness; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  

Individual negative traits that often manifest in this life time associated with this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy can be of opposite extremes. 1: They may manifest once again in being completely consumed with self and one’s own desires, unaware of other’s needs and emotions or 2: They may manifest in behaviors of a person being very dependent on others, yet being unhappy with this dependant nature but blaming others for their lack of ability to stand on their own two feet; a “victim” energy and attitude.

Now, to do the work we are doing this month on purifying our Energy Matryx Grids of this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy you do not need to go in search of these lifetimes specifically. If they show up in this work, just look at them quickly and let them go. See them for what they are; just the Illusionary play on the stage that was used to create this energy within your Soul’s Energy Grid.

What we will be using to disentangle ourselves from this twisted and knotted unbalanced energy hodgepodge is simply looking at the Frequency woven through our energy fields and using certain tools and techniques powered by INTENT to clear this disordered jumbled chaos.

Simple and quick… go into a meditative state with the INTENT of ‘seeing’ any frequency ribbons woven through you Energy Matryx Gird associated with this particular Karmic Imbalance.

Notice and colors, sounds, aromas, chaotic vibrations and disharmonious frequencies you may experience associated with it. Basically how does it feel, sound, look and smell to you? What emotions does it create in you when you view it and experience it?

This is what you are looking for.

After you have identified this discordant frequency within your energy field and experienced just the energy of it, then use your INTENT to bring this Frequency Ribbon back into harmonious movement through your Energy Matryx Grid by INTENTIONALLY smoothing out its rate of vibration and clearing up any muddied and unclear colors, sounds and aromas it is emitting. Make sure it is not overwhelming your energy field by weaving through it in a forceful and domineering way and is not strangling and covering up other Frequency Ribbons.  

Oh, and one more thing. Listen to the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency while you do this work. This is the Sacred Frequency that assists with “Liberation from Guilt and Fear”; because within the energy of Fear and Guilt is where this particular Karmic Imbalance is created.

Here is a video of the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency in case you don’t have the music to work with.

  IN-Joy working with this Purification process.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/2/14~More of that… What is there to Forgive? And Purification Preparation


Yesterday I said that September is a month of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home, and it was coming in with a bang, frequency wise that is.

Today that bang continues; meaning this is a long report! But before we get into today’s report I want to let you know that associated with the Purification in Preparation for Returning Home work of this month we will be looking at purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, (individual and Collective) of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy during this month. On certain days this month the Frequency Weavings will be optimal for purifying and clearing our energy fields of specific types of Karmic Imbalanced Energy; five different types in all.

This work will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014.

Now we move on to today’s Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report.


Today is a 9/11 Dual Frequency day with 33, 77 and 99 Sub-frequency influences. It also holds a 333 Passive Potential and is a 7/11 Embedded frequency day.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 9, 11, 33, 77, 99 and 333 are:

9 – I AM Unconditional Giving

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

99 – I Am Universal Love Shining Forth

333 – I AM the Multi-dimensional Birth Portal

First we will start with information on the 7/11 Embedded Code.

The 7-11 Frequency Embed is the very powerful frequency that lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is also. 

This is the frequency combination that can be stressful for those not comfortable with their Self, their Spirituality and Spiritual beliefs because it leaves no room for NOT taking seriously ones Individual Responsibility for their own Spiritual Growth and how it affects the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individuals we are.

This is the frequency combination that pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes you beyond your comfort zone in what you consider your individual Responsibility for Self, especially as to what pertains to your individual responsibility to being of assistance to the Awakening Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This 7-11 frequency embed disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it!

Often times I compare this frequency combination embedded into a day to that of a Natal Astrological Saturn Return because it too demands you take a long hard look at Self and deal with Karmic Issues and their release.

Also, please remember the suggestion from Isabelle Jae Stoneward (an Aspect of Self I work with from, let’s just call it New Earth) to use the 369 Solfeggio Frequency when this frequency embed is in play because it is very good at assisting in releasing the stresses that can be caused by its influence.


The 9/11 Dual frequency day following an 8/11 Dual frequency day has become pretty much the norm for us as we have moved deeper and deeper into the year 2014.

We had a 9/11 Dual frequency day just three days ago on the 30th of August, so this tells us we are being directed very intensely to this work.

The 8/11, 9/11 and 11:11 Frequency combinations, as well as the 7/11 Frequency Embedded Code are here to assist from different directions, yet work in unison with each other, in the exponential Expansion of Consciousness the Collective is moving ever deeper into. You see… WE ARE NOT ALONE! We are being given as much assistance as is possible as WE Awaken and move into the coming “Golden Age of Consciousness” once more.

The 9 Frequency is about Unconditional Giving, and Unconditional Giving is giving to others without expectation of return.

We must also know and remember that Forgiveness is also an act of Unconditional Giving. Let’s look at this for just a moment.

“Psychologists generally define Forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.”

It is said,          

“To err is human, to forgive is divine.”

What we must first recognize is that this act of Unconditional Giving through Forgiveness must begin with our Self if we are to be of true assistance to the work of creating and manifesting the most positive influence on the world and the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as One we desire to affect.

You cannot lend positive energy to creating and manifesting Positive Change, World Peace and Equality while holding onto anger, resentment, pain, grief, judgment, and chastisement of Self or others over what you perceive as past mistakes; and to truly forgive others to the full extent of this energy, you must do so for Self first.

What transpires when you Forgive yourself is a complete release of energies that no longer serve your highest good or the highest good of the Collective Consciousness.

The 9 Frequency is also about Completion, and the act of Unconditional Giving through Forgiveness brings you to this stage of Completion.

Once reached, this is a big step in your Spiritual Awakening process; for you cannot move forward to exist fully and continuously in the Higher Frequencies of the Master Numbers until this process is complete.

The 11 Frequency holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Within the 11 Frequency Spiritual Illumination is most readily available, and our intuition is heightened allowing us to begin believing in, and testing our natural psychic abilities.

Spiritual inspiration is awakened in this frequency, and with it suddenly we begin to be able to see and hear the messages Spirit sends us each and every day, even in the smallest occurrences of daily life.

Within this frequency the subconscious mind is stimulated and Spiritual growth occurs when we learn to accept that reality is much more expansive than we have ever imagined. 

Here is also found the truth and the peace we seek, because when our inner sense of knowing and our rational mind are no longer at odds with each other inner peace prevails, and we are able to open to what lies beyond the confines of limiting beliefs of reality.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and lends its self in showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives.

Here we are talking of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.

The 77 Frequency is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective and our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities with, and into a cohesive form with our Physical Intellect begins and transpires.

Within this frequency the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind that has lain dormant in the 5 frequency has its first initial awakening.

This is the frequency that is of the most assistance to us in, not only hearing the voice of Spirit, but then being able to interpret the information and knowledge received from Spirit into information we can really utilize and implement into our everyday physical lives and reality.

2014 has an abundance of this 77 frequency. It is set into 2014 to aid the Collective Consciousness in learning to hear and listen to the voice of Spirit and begin making rational decisions based on what is best for our reality as a whole.

With the 99 Frequency I often hear the words…

“For God so loved the world…”

Imagine… if you and I, and every other person on this planet could Give Pure Unadulterated Love, Unconditionally and Equally, to every person on this planet all the time.

Just imagine what our Reality would look like if you and I, and every other person on this planet could constantly care for every creature as if they were their own child, and could be concerned for the welfare of the Earth as if tending their own private Rose Garden.

This picture, if you allow it to, can give you a fleeting taste and glimpse of what the 99 Frequency is about.

The 99 Frequency holds the energy of UNIVERSAL LOVE and radiates it out, allowing it to SHINE FORTH wrapping us all in its energy. If we are open to it, the 99 Frequency will wrap us in a LOVE we all know exists but have just forgotten how to hold as a part of our everyday hustle and bustle existence.

The 99 Frequency also holds the energy of Completion; and as such it takes us to a plane or dimension if you prefer, where we can more easily bring into our field of inner vision Earth’s Future. It takes us to the edges of the Multi-dimensional realms and allows us to begin to view within them.

From the 99 Frequency Plane we are able to behold the Vision of Earth and Humanity’s Planetary Future existing in the full cloak of our Divinity.


I now want to take a quick look at the 333 Frequency, because it is a very subtle, really imperceptible frequency affecting today; but as subtle as it is, it brings the first energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional Realms. This is the Frequency that opens Star Gate Portals into other dimensions and realms of reality. If you remember yesterday we had the 111 Frequency in play, and what it brought to the energy of the day was the initial Thought Energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception.

Within the 111 frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form. If we associated this with physical conception this would be the point where the egg is fertilized.

What the 333 Potential frequency of today does is show us the Potential for us moving into the Multi-dimensional realms and realities; far removed in perceived linear time though they may be. But… it shows us we are moving in that direction.

So what the 333 Potential does for us today is just give a bit of assistance in working with and learning to better use Multi-dimensional Portals and learning HOW to visit other dimensional realms and realities: for those who are inclined to do so.

For those interested in doing so, this is a good day to experiment and practice and work at honing these skills.


Looking back to the 27th of August, we remember we had a day very much about Holding the Compassion of the Masters. That day’s frequency brought to our attention, and gave us assistance in connecting to the High Heart level of Compassion; the Higher form of Compassion that can be held for all humanity and life on earth equally. It was a day and frequency about holding this High Frequency Compassion for every individual and the issues each of them is experiencing without becoming attached to the Illusionary Dramas used to create what seems so real and impossible to overcome for so many at this time. It was a day whose focus was about Healing on a Planetary scale and learning not to take sides. A day aimed at helping us realize that, even though in everyday reality it may look like there are “Good Guys” and “Bad Guys”, the fuller truth is we are ALL, each and every one of us, Sparks of the Divine ONE Heart and Mind, and each is here playing a part in this Great Plan of the Expansion of Consciousness of the ONE Universal Consciousness. (Also see the article on Compassion and Detachment: Reshared, Revised and Updated for more information).


Today’s 9/11 Dual Frequency brings us assistance by showing us HOW we move forward in the act of Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness. It does this by lending energy to assist us in expanding our understanding of what Divine Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness really means and what it really looks like.

It, along with the 33 and 99 Frequencies, helps us to better understand and experience the difference holding this level of Giving and Compassion can make in the world when we apply it to our lives each and every day, in each and every moment, in each and every interaction we have with others.

It shows us the path to holding this Master High Heart level of Compassion is attained through the act of Unconditional Giving of Forgiveness, an ability we acquire when we learn to continuously exist within the energy of the Christ Consciousness and radiate Universal Love at all times, no matter what is going on around us. Being able to constantly exist within this high level of frequency allows us to Heal and Release all low vibrational frequencies that hold us to the lower frequency realms and feed the Illusion we are working so hard to break free of as a Collective Consciousness.

Remember I keep saying…

Folks, we HAVE to get to this point!               

Lightworkers, WE have to show the way!

Because as a species living on Planet Earth with the foremost capacity for making rapid and massive change, in either destructive or constructive directions, WE no longer have time to waste if we desire to move in the direction of creating a New Reality of Peace, Equality, Acceptance and Abundance for All of Humanity and Earth..

It is as simple as that.

(Keep this in mind as we begin the work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home by purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, (individual and Collective) of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy during this month. It is one of the main keys to this work.)

Now we add the assistance given by the 77 Frequency and the 7/11 Embedded Frequency Code to the 9/11 Dual Frequency and we see that through the 77 Frequency we are being gifted with energies that help us to better hear and understand just exactly what all this really means, and how, and what kind of changes in our thoughts, actions, perceptions and understanding can and will best implement changes into our daily lives and the world as a whole. And the 7/11 Embedded Frequency Code supplies the impetus and the thrust energy needed to push us to make these changes.

Today’s frequencies help us to 1: move past old issues and Forgive and Release what needs to be Forgiven and let go of in our personal work, and our Collective work, and 2: it shows us how to better and more positively interact with others and show them, through our Actions and Loving Energy, how they too can Release negative emotions and energies, and show Unconditional Forgiveness and Giving to themselves and others.

Remember, when we Forgive and Give of ourselves Unconditionally our world and reality changes quickly.

Then we take this one step further by moving into the perspective I shared with you on the 30th of August, the last time we had this 9/11 Dual Frequency.

On that day I shared…

“When we KNOW what we think of as Reality is nothing more than an Illusion we have created and are using to experience this plane of existence to allow the ONE Heart and Mind Consciousness to experience its Self and expand its Consciousness, and we keep this knowledge at the forefront of our daily thoughts and consciousness, suddenly it becomes very easy to Give Unconditional Forgiveness to Self and others, for it reminds us that in the bigger picture of what we call Reality, in truth… there is nothing to Forgive!


IN-Joy working with and assimilating today’s frequencies and Prepare for further Purification processing beginning tomorrow.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Article on October 2nd Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat in Indigo Sun Magazine

Greetings Spirit Family,

I would like to quickly share some exciting news with you all.

Some of you may be familiar with the monthly magazine known as the Indigo Sun Magazine. It has been in publication since 1993 and is “committed to providing “community” for conscious seekers of their pathway.”

I AM thrilled to share this month’s Indigo Sun Magazine with you, not only because I love the magazine and all the work in Service to the ONE Heart and Mind the beautiful Ginger McCord does for us, but also because this month I not only have an ad with information about the upcoming Shambahalla~Metatronic Meditation and Rejuvenation Retreat I AM hosting October 2nd thru the 5th at the amazing Langetree Retreat & Eco Center, but I also have an article in this month’s issue.

Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat~ Oct. 2nd - 5th, 2014

Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat~ Oct. 2nd – 5th, 2014

The article shares (an edited for space) information transmission from Cosmic Master Azure LOA, one of the Beings of Light I work with I lovingly refer to as the Q4.

Please check my article in this month’s Indigo Sun, alone with the rest of the wonderful information found within its pages. And watch for the full information transmission from Cosmic Master Azure LOA in the next few days; posted here on Shambahalla-New Earth.

If you have not yet made plans and arrangements to attend the Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat please visit the Events page here for information about what we will be doing and how to make your arrangements to attend.

Shambahalla~Metatronic Meditation and Rejuvenation Retreat

See all the links below to connect with me; Essence Ka tha’ras and the Indigo Sun Magazine on Facebook. And don’t forget to subscribe to receive e-mail updates each time there is a new post on Shambahalla-New Earth.


Essence Ka tha’ras on FB

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round on FB

Essence Ka tha’ras – Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator on FB; my business page for purchasing Readings, Energy Work Sessions, Classes, Work Shops, Energy Essences, Traditional Rose Petal Bead Malas, and more.

Indigo Sun Magazine on FB

Indigo Sun Magazine website


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras











Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/1/14~Purification in Preparation for Returning Home: Our Acceptance in Universal Grad School has been Approved


Okay Folks, today we begin the month of September, and September is coming in with a bang; frequency wise that is.

September is a month of…

Purification in Preparation for Returning Home

Today is an 8/11 Dual Frequency day with a 33 Sub-frequency influence, 44 and 77 Minor frequency influences and a 111 Passive Potential. And it is a 7/11 Embedded frequency day.

Remember we just had an 8/11 Dual Frequency day with 00 and 77 Sub-frequencies on the 29th of August. That was only three days ago!

The I AM Keyword phrases for 8, 11, 33, 44, 77 and 111 are:

8 – I AM Secure Physical Reality

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion


Let’s put this all together real quick.

The 8/11, 9/11 and 11:11 Frequency combinations, as well as the 7/11 Frequency Embedded Code are here to assist, from different directions, in this exponential Expansion of Consciousness the Collective is moving ever deeper into. You see… WE ARE NOT ALONE! We are being given as much assistance as is possible as WE Awaken and move into the coming “Golden Age of Consciousness” once more.

Now, the 7/11 Embed frequency.

The 7-11 Frequency Embed is the very powerful frequency that lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is also. 

This is the frequency combination that can be stressful for those not comfortable with their Self, their Spirituality and Spiritual beliefs because it leaves no room for NOT taking seriously ones Individual Responsibility for their own Spiritual Growth and how it affects the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individuals we are.

This is the frequency combination that pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes you beyond your comfort zone in what you consider your individual Responsibility for Self, especially as to what pertains to your individual responsibility to being of assistance to the Awakening Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This 7-11 frequency embed disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it!

Often times I compare this frequency combination embedded into a day to that of a Natal Astrological Saturn Return because it too demands you take a long hard look at Self and deal with Karmic Issues and their release.

Also, please remember the suggestion from Isabelle Jae Stoneward (an Aspect of Self I work with from, let’s just call it New Earth) to use the 369 Solfeggio Frequency when this frequency embed is in play because it is very good at assisting in releasing the stresses that can be caused by its influence.


The 8/11 dual frequency is associated with being able to clearly see through the Illusion of Physical Reality.

It helps us to see and remember the truth that says…

I AM not a Physical Being on a Spiritual Path

I AM a Spiritual Being on a Physical Path

Remembering this as we go through our daily lives helps us to put every experience, every encounter we have with others, whether good or bad, into a more expanded perspective. It allows us to step back and see that the physical world we call Reality is really an Illusion, a play on a stage we have created for the experience; each experience being an opportunity to Awaken and Grow along this Spiritual Journey we call life.

This knowledge is vital to keep at the forefront of our daily consciousness if we are to create and maintain the change we are working so hard to implement into our individual everyday lives, as well as the positive change on a planetary scale we desire to create.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and lends its self in showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives.

Here we are talking of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.

The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs.

Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine.

At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates.

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

The 77 Frequency is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective and our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities with, and into a cohesive form with our Physical Intellect begins and transpires.

Within this frequency the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind that has lain dormant in the 5 frequency has its first initial awakening.

This is the frequency that is of the most assistance to us in, not only hearing the voice of Spirit, but then being able to interpret the information and knowledge received from Spirit into information we can really utilize and implement into our everyday physical lives and reality.

2014 has an abundance of this 77 frequency. It is set into 2014 to aid the Collective Consciousness in learning to hear and listen to the voice of Spirit and begin making rational decisions based on what is best for our reality as a whole.


Overall today’s frequency weaving is here to assist us in seeing through the Illusion of what we call Reality. It is about Relearning and Remembering all the Knowledge we have forgotten as a result of moving into Dense Frequency Dimensions, which really means remembering information and knowledge of what our Universe is, how it works and why we are here.

Supporting this endeavor we have the 33 Frequency showing us the path we need to take to make this happen; the path of Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service; but we are talking about a type and level of Compassion held and emitted through our Sacred Temples, our Physical bodies; one we hold and emit when we learn/remember how to hold the energy of the Christ Consciousness within our vibrational frequency field continuously. (To learn more about this type and level of Compassion see the article Thoughts on Compassion and Detachment: Reshared, Revised and Updated.)

The 44 Frequency brings a subtle energy that assists us in the Metamorphosis required for the movement into the next dimensional frequency planes, the Multi-dimensional Realms and Realities. The Metamorphosis required is on that must take place on all levels, in all of our bodies; meaning our Physical body and our Subtle Bodies; Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, as well as awakening the next level of our Subtle body. I will discuss this in upcoming articles and Frequency Reports. This has to do with the work of Purification in preparation for Returning Home that is this month’s focus.

The 77 Frequency brings in energy to assist us with making a stronger connection to Spirit and our Higher Self so we can more clearly see and understand the fuller truth of the Illusionary Reality in which we currently exist as Spiritual Beings in Human form who are now waking up and remembering these expanded truths. And the 7/11 Embed Frequency Code is the impetus and the propulsion force for making this Metamorphosis transpire.

So as you can very well see, things are amping up and escalating.

WE, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Earth, through the voice of the Spiritually Awakened portion of the Collective, have stated to the Universe that WE are ready to step up and take on more responsibility for the Creation of our Reality; this does not mean just our Earthly Reality, it includes the Reality that is our Universe and even extends into our Multi-verse.

WE asked for it. WE said we were ready, and now WE have been deemed ready and brought into the mix. WE have entered Grad School. It’s time to get serious.

Oh, and that 111 Passive Potential. It is about the initial Thought Energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception.

Within this frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form. If we associated this with physical conception this would be the point where the egg is fertilized.

So you see… Fertilization of our Movement into the Multi-dimensional Realms and Realities has been agreed upon by US, the Collective Consciousness WE are, and our request for entry has been accepted.


IN-Joy working with and assimilating today’s frequencies, and prepare your self for further Purification processing.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 8/31/14~I AM an Independent Free Thinker Traversing the Universe Building Realities


Today is a 1 Frequency day with 22 and 55 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 1, 22 and 55 are:

1 – I AM Independent & Brave

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

The 1 Frequency is about the Self… you as the Individual you are. So today’s frequency energy is focused on working on Self.

The reason the work on Self is so important is because if we are to be effective at holding the high frequencies necessary to be of the most energetic value we can be in assisting in the work aimed at raising the frequencies of the Collective Consciousness into an expanded Spiritual Awakening, we have to have our own energy balanced and flowing properly.

For those not already familiar with the analogy of the Fool’s Journey and how it relates to the 1 Frequency, I will share it here again.


Surrounding the 1 Frequency we come to understand the journey of the Newly Awakened Self. I share the following…

“Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.”

In Tarot, The Fool (card) represents one who is innocent in knowledge and life experiences, and because of this they tend to be fearless in exploring new things.

The 1 Frequency and The Fool represent New Beginnings, being spontaneous and jumping in. Not in a sense of carelessness and reckless abandon, (although from time to time it may appear to others this is the case) but out of a sense of wonder, awe, excitement and questioning.

The Fool is beginning a journey down a new and unexplored path; a path leading into the Multi-dimensional Realms of Reality in search of, “What else is out there?”

The Fool’s lack of experience allows him to take off in a new direction unhindered by falsely preconceived ideas and fears created by others.

It is because of his innocence and lack of experience that the Fool is actually an Independent Free Thinker. Unafraid to go exploring in territory in pursuit of answers where others would try to convince him dangers lie hidden in wait to harm him, he will cross boundaries marked by signposts warning…

“Here there be Dragons!”

He is driven to search no matter the cost and will follow the path before him and Bravely face his fears.

In many ways We, individually and collectively, are now starting The Fool’s Journey down a New Path into Uncharted Territory; a path leading into the Multi-dimensional Realms of Reality.

The 22 Frequency holds the energy and information of the Master Builder; one who builds upon, with and through Sacred Structure.

I have used the example of the word “Buddha” being a 22 Frequency word, and how the Master Jesus, known to many as Sananda, “The Carpenter’s Son”, is a perfect metaphor for that of “One who is a Master Builder, building upon Sacred Structure”.

We have talked about how both of these Masters (and many more) teach of “Building” your life and reality upon a Structure of Sacredness, created upon the Foundation of all things Sacred and with the knowledge of your Spiritual heritage, and that just as these Masters did, you too are capable of building your reality upon a Sacred Structural form.

Just as these two Masters lived an honorable and principled life while incarnate upon Earth, so too should we strive to be ethical and moral in our daily interactions with all others, no matter who or what they might be.

Let’s just take a quick look at what is meant by Sacred Structure.

Structure: (According to dictionary search on yahoo)

1) something that is made up from a number of parts put together in a particular way. 2) the way in which parts are put together to form a whole; its makeup. 3) the interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity.

Structuralize/Structuralization: To form, organize, or incorporate into a structure. This is the act of Building.

Sacred: worthy of respect or dedication; something set apart from the profane and mundane world of the lower frequencies; often referring to the physical area around a temple or other physical structure.

Here we see if we begin with self as the center point, and recognize that WE, each of us, as the embodiment of Spirit in Physical form is an animated, living, breathing Sacred Temple, then we suddenly realize where our focus and our intentional “Creation and Building of a Sacred Structure, based on the Truth shown to us through our Spiritual Vision” must begin if we are to Create and Build a Collective Reality in, and of, this Sacred Vision and Truth.

It Must Begin With Self!


Each of us is a Sacred Building Block necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

And each of us is responsible for the Creation, Building and Maintaining of Self in a Sacred Manner.


55 is the frequency of the Individualized Awareness of the Higher Self. The spark of the Divine Heart lies dormant in the 1 Frequency, and is ignited in the 55 Frequency.

In this initial igniting, the awareness and accepted reality of the Higher Self is made evident to the individual and communication with the Higher Self becomes more lucid and coherent. When the connection to the Higher Self is accomplished and a clear communications link is established, then the understanding of Divine Will begins to transpire.

Divine Will is spoken of by the Higher Self, for the Higher Self of each individual self sees the larger perspective of our reality from a much expanded view and is capable of placing the needs of the Collective Consciousness above the needs and desires of self.

The 55 Frequency holds a neutral charge, so it is a very grounding frequency, but unlike the 5 Frequency, which also holds a neutral charge and grounds us to Earth and the physical realms and dimensions, helping us stay more centered and balanced in the physical realms, the 55 Frequency grounds us into the physically illusive Realms of Spirit; it grounds us to the Higher Frequency Dimensions, the home of our Higher Self, assisting us in staying centered and balanced in the Spiritual Frequency dimensions.

A 1 Frequency day such as today is about learning to be yourself; it’s about being Brave enough to be who you are! You can’t be of much assistance to the Collective Spiritual Awakening process if you don’t know who YOU are and don’t take time to learn to BE who YOU are!

Remember, the 1 Frequency brings us the energy of Courage we need to go in search of answers that are outside of the accepted reality of mainstream, and it brings us the energy we need to be Brave enough to know our truth when we find it. It gives us the mettle we need to live our life according to our truth, and not let the thoughts and beliefs of others deter us from Being Who and What We Know WE Are.

Today’s frequency combination lends assistance in finding the Courage you need to step up and take on the role of Master Builder for our Reality by showing to the world WHO YOU ARE. When I say showing to the world WHO YOU ARE I’m talking about knowing and showing who you are as the Spiritual Being you are; the being who remembers they are more than just a human sleep walking through this Universe. Remember, the 55 Frequency grounds us to the Higher Frequency Dimensional plane of our Higher Self and helps us to stay centered and balanced in the Spiritual realms and dimensions. By staying centered and balanced in the Spiritual Realms we find the Courage and the fortitude to not be swayed into returning to the Illusionary Reality the sleeping masses are so determined to hang on to.  

Today, become that Fool; the one who will not be deterred in knowing who and what they truly are, and will show who they are to the world.


IN-Joy working with and assimilating today’s frequencies.



Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


Thoughts on Compassion and Detachment: Reshared, Revised and Updated


I AM sharing this article from last November again today because it holds such relevance to the frequencies we have been experiencing for the last several days; actually we have been under frequency influences very much related to this for the better part of the month of August.

Also, associated with this topic I share an article from my good friend and Star Sister Bairavee Balasubramaniam. You can find her article at the following link…..



Emotional Sensitivity is directly related to Compassion. There are different types and levels of compassion. Compassion from the level of human existence is tied directly to our ability to be empathic. Emotional empaths often have a very difficult time until they learn to control their empathic abilities. I know I did.

Compassion from this level, the human level, often is overwhelming and brings us to tears and causes us to say “yes” to people in circumstances we usually would not, leading us to becoming a doormat. We do this because we “feel” other’s emotions and the emotional frequencies of everyone all around us. We are constantly being bombarded with emotions that are not ours. We “feel” the low frequency emotions of other’s dramas and personal issues and it becomes too much to bare.


When we say “yes” to helping others beyond what is productive and beneficial for their personal growth and our own, we are not doing it for them, although we think we are. We are doing it for our self. We are doing it because the pain is too much to tolerate and we will do anything we can to make it stop.

This is compassion born of the physical human heart chakra. Don’t get me wrong; to hold compassion for others is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is a virtue we MUST possess if we want to do our part in the forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of Humanity.

Compassion born of the High Heart Chakra of the Human Chakra System is much more in line with Divine Compassion. This is where we need to learn to understand and work with Compassion from. Here is where we learn the true and higher meaning of the term “Compassion with Detachment”.

One of my favorite lessons and quotes on Compassion is from the book “P’taah – The Gift”, by Jani King. In it P’taah shares the following on Compassion with Detachment.

“As you grow in awareness and expand your consciousness you will find that your view of your world also expands.

As you view the dramas and pain and anguish of your brothers and sisters it is important that you balance detachment and compassion.

It is to be in that place of support, open heartedness and unconditional love; to show forth tenderness and giving of yourself, without becoming hooked into the story; without reinforcing feelings of victimhood or powerlessness.”

We must learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create.

We need to learn that, although we may think we are helping others by taking on their emotional frequencies, (which is what we are doing when we attach to that energy), we are actually adding to theirs and our unhappiness. When you take on the emotional pain of another into your personal energy you are feeding exactly what you desire to ease. This is counterproductive for them and us.

The 6 and 66 Frequencies hold the vibrations that are of assistance in helping us to learn the lesson in how to move beyond the human level of Compassion. These two frequency bandwidths are a direct communications link to the energy of The Divine Feminine.

The Divine Feminine teaches and shows us about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, and not out of a sense of obligation, in caring for others and what they are going through. The Divine Feminine leads by example in teaching others how to be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole. The Divine Feminine holds the knowledge and energy of teaching by love, compassion and tenderness; not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation.

Moving into and experiencing this High Heart level of Compassion is an energy often referred to and known as “Detachment with Compassion”, and it is quite a strange experience for us as human’s when we first find your self there, because it is so different than what we are taught we are suppose to be like and feel.

When we first enter into this space of Love, we do change; often so dramatically we are sometimes misunderstood, because others do, many times, see us as being aloof and uncaring, but this truly is not the case. We simply have learned, (or are beginning to learn) to hold a level of Compassion equal to that of the Masters. This is the Compassion born of the High Heart Chakra, not the human level of Compassion born of the Heart Chakra.

In the last few days, (couple of weeks actually) I have written about this several times in the daily Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports because this has been one of the things we are being assisted with at this time; learning to move out of the lower level of “Human, Heart Chakra Compassion” and move into the “Master, High Heart” level of Compassion.  This is a level of Compassion that holds everyone and everything on Earth, (and beyond), as equal. It is a level of Compassion that allows us to care about what others are going through without becoming attached to the drama in their lives, or without creating drama in our own.

I do not find it surprising that some of you have made this shift in yourself at this time. If you look at the Frequency report for the 27th of this month you will see this is exactly what we have been bathed in for the last few days especially. On the 27th we had a frequency combination that assisted us in learning to move into and hold the “Compassion of the Masters”, and just yesterday, 8/30/14, we were showered in frequencies that showed us HOW to make this change and move into this level of Compassion.

In Bairavee’s article she stated: It’s frightening, and challenging to feel the power of living in a state of loving detachment – or at the very least, beginning to.”

She is correct. As Spirit in human form in this Collective Here and Now Reality, moving into this level of Compassion is often a bit disconcerting, for it is a journey into the unknown for us.

In her article she also made reference to “voicing out the elephant in the room”, which seems to be a place many people are finding themselves in at this time. It is a part of each of us coming into our own power and finally overcoming the fears we have been holding on to that have kept us from being who we truly are and speaking up when we see or hear injustices and issues that must be addressed for the continued Spiritual Growth and Consciousness Expansion of us as Individuals and for the Collective Consciousness.

In moving into existing more fully into the High Heart level of Compassion of the Masters, for most, the next stage of movement is that of Temperance and Discernment of verbalization and addressing of “the elephant in the room”.

This comes from the understanding, knowing and acceptance that most often the elephant in the room is not there bringing messages for Self, (at least not for Self alone), but is there for the other people in the room. The “elephant” is there carrying a message large enough for one, or all others, to be able to see and hear it so they can learn and grow on their individual path in their own way in their own time.

Interestingly enough, Elephant Medicine, or the lessons Elephant teaches and helps us with are that of Wisdom and power, strength, and the energy of the warrior. Elephant energy helps teach us Temperance and Discernment, and the art of the clearing and easing of tensions, and he/she helps reclaim family ideals and strengthens the connection with family members and shows us how to care for the young and the elderly; (including the Spiritually young). Elephant can guide you to new energies and power, and will lead you to insights into the power of the three aspects of the Goddess energy: Maiden, Mother and Crone, also known as Wise Woman. And remember, the Hindu Elephant God Ganesh, is a God who assists in overcoming obstacles.

Don’t forget, Compassion with Detachment is about “be(ing) in that place of support, open heartedness and unconditional love; to show forth tenderness and giving of yourself, without becoming hooked into the story; without reinforcing feelings of victimhood or powerlessness.”

This is where the Temperance and Discernment comes into play. We have to be able to decipher when Spirit calls us to share knowledge and wisdom, and when it is best to ALLOW others their journey without interference. We have to KNOW the difference of when our words will assist, and when they will but feed the Illusionary Story and the Drama along the Journey to Awakening others are on.


Begin today in learning how to move into the higher frequencies of Divine Compassion, for by so doing we truly begin to be of more assistance in the healing of our self and others, as well as the planet as a whole.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


Links to other related articles:

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 8/27/14~Holding the Compassion of the Masters

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequecy Report: 8/30/14 ~ What is there to Forgive? or Forgive and Let it Go!



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…