Calling All Energy Masters: Lunar Eclipse & Mars Opposition

We have many different energy events going on right now, bringing in a lot of energies and a lot of information surrounding it all, yet it is all related. So, we are going to just take a look at what is transpiring right now and how it is affecting us and how best to work with the energies at this time.
Following are the main events, energies and frequencies we have at our disposal to work with. We have….
Total Lunar Eclipse 7/27/18
Main Frequency: 5/44 Dual with 7/11 & 5/111 Subs & 00 Vortex
Note: 5/44 and 5/111 are New Frequencies
Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment 7/27/18
5/44 Dual Frequency
Mars Closest Approach to Earth 7/31/18
7/22 Dual Frequency
Note: the 7/22 Dual is also a New Frequency, and although not being brought the first time by this Mars approach, it did just very recently appear; approx. less than one month ago
Metatronic I AM Keyword Phrases
5/44 Dual – I AM the Power of Metamorphosis. I Fearlessly Create Change and Anchor it into Physical Reality
7/22 Dual – I AM the Intelligence of Spirit Indwelling in Self. I possess the Vision of Spirit through which Knowledge of the Building of Sacred Structure is Known
5/111 Dual – I AM Change. I Activate and Anchor the Conception of Multidimensionality into the Realms of Physical Matter
7/11 Dual – I AM the Truth of Divine Intelligence Illumined through the Spiritually Awakened Self
00 Frequency – I AM All Potentiality
Baseline Frequency Assistance of these Events
1: Disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the Illusionary Human “God” concept, the emotions and thoughts of Hatred, Control and Greed, and the acts of War these things create that feed the division and discord of our Collective Present Projected Time Frame Reality.
2: Anchoring the knowledge of, and ability to fully comprehend the concept of multidimensionality into our physical reality, and lead to the first strong experiences of what being multidimensional really is and how it works, and more acceptance of the possibility multidimensionality exists by mainstream.
Suggested Protocol for working with these Events and Frequencies
It is suggested using the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment Frequency Audio Meditation during the days of these events and this work. Suggested use is once daily on the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st; preferable at 20:22 UTC. (See end of article for Audio Meditation)
On start date and end date especially, if possible it is suggested to spend time in meditation as quietly as possible, listening to the audio frequency and simply allow the frequencies of the Total Lunar Eclipse to meld with the frequency of the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment. We are not looking to experience vividly busy meditations… Think of how a Total Lunar Eclipse covers the view of the moon and the energies get quiet. This is the desired effect and experience we are striving for.
Remember, the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment both carry this new 5/44 Dual Frequency which is about creating metamorphosis within the Collective Reality and disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions that create and maintain the Current Collective Projected Time Frame Illusionary Reality of Division and Discord.
This Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment focuses directly on the dissolution of 1) the Illusionary Human “God” concept used to create and maintain divisionary religious dogmatic belief systems, 2) the concept of War, which most often stems from the division created by the illusionary human “God” concept, and 3) the emotion of Hatred and the craving of Control and Greed birthed from, and associated with the energy Matrix created and maintained from the weaving of these energetic threads.
Information Details
This longest Total Lunar Eclipse of this century carries the same main frequency as the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment, (as well as the 7/11 & 5/111 Subs & 00 Vortex frequencies) and substantially boosts the 5/44 Dual frequency and the frequency assistance it brings. The Eclipse is really about adding energy to the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment and the specific work associated with it.
The 5/111 Dual Frequency is about anchoring the knowledge of, and ability to fully comprehend the concept of multidimensionality into our physical reality, and lead to the first strong experiences of what being multidimensional really is and how it works on a collective level; meaning it will assist in the concept of multidimensionality becoming more mainstream accepted.
The 7/22 Dual Frequency is where knowledge of the Creation Process is accessed.
Among other information (such as how to construct and activate Sacred Temples), this Frequency Field holds the knowledge of Sacred Alchemy.
Here, detailed information of working with energy, frequency and vibration in the exact necessary proportions, energy flow directions, flow rates and flow rate ratios of specific energy and frequency configurations, (plus much more) needed to make the determination of template and blueprint patterns of desired and intended reality manifestations is made available to those who know the secrets of properly entering this Frequency Field.
Know that, the ability to gain entry into this Frequency Field in order to access the information and knowledge contained within it can only occur through dedication to diligent study of specific prerequisite information, as well as the ability to hold one’s individual frequency at a specific vibrational frequency rate.
The colors most closely associated with this frequency are Emerald Green and Vibrant Pure Gold.
The 5/44 Dual Frequency is about creating change and anchoring it into the physical world. But not just ordinary minor change. Here we are talking about a metamorphosis into something well beyond what the currently held reality is. This frequency is a powerful “Agent of Change”; a frequency that many are uncomfortable with at times because it creates change on a massive scale.
The 7/11 Dual Frequency is a very powerful frequency that lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is.
This is the frequency combination that pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes us beyond our comfort zone in what we consider to be our individual Responsibility for Self, especially as it pertains to our individual responsibility of being of assistance to the Awakening Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
This 7/11 Dual frequency disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it.
The 00 Frequency holds a neutral charge, but it is Vortex Energy and is used primarily for creating and building power and strength to add to whatever Intention we are Consciously Creating.
The 00 Frequency shows us we are not only capable of creating the reality we desire for our self and for the Collective Consciousness as One, it gives us a tool of immense power to work with.
Additional Information
Here, detailed information of working with energy, frequency and vibration in the exact necessary proportions, energy flow directions, and flow rates, as well as energy flow rate ratios of specific energy and frequency configurations, (plus much more) needed to make the determination of template and blueprint patterns of desired and intended reality manifestations is made available to those who know the secrets of properly entering this Frequency Field.
Know that, the ability to gain entry into this Frequency Field in order to access the information and knowledge contained within it can only occur through dedication to diligent study of specific prerequisite information, as well as the ability to hold one’s individual frequency at a specific vibrational frequency rate.
The colors most closely associated with this frequency are Emerald Green and Vibrant Pure Gold.
The Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27th, 2018 is the longest of this century. It will be almost 105 years before we see the longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the next century.
The closest approach of Mars to Earth, occurring just 4 days after the Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment, is the second closest Mars has come to Earth in almost 60,000 years.
To put some perspective on this, the last time Mars came as close to Earth as it did in 2003, the year was 57,617 B.C.
In 2003 Mars came within 34.6 million miles (55.7 million km) of Earth. This year it will be only about 1.2 million miles (just under 2 million km) farther than it was in 2003.
This Mars Opposition is even more special because it isn’t an ordinary opposition. It’s a Perihelic Opposition, which means we, Earth, pass between Mars and the Sun at almost the same time Mars is closest to the Sun; this happens only 4 days after the exact Opposition Alignment. Usually Earth’s Opposition to Mars and the Sun, and Mars’ closest approach to the Sun happen with more time distance between them.
Mars, Earth & Sun
The three celestial bodies associated with this alignment and the Consciousness’ they each are, bring very specific energy and frequencies to be woven together to gift us with a combined frequency that when coupled with our Individual and Collective Conscious Thoughts and Intentions will go a long way in disintegrating and releasing antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the Illusionary Human “God” concept, the emotions and thoughts of Hatred, Control and Greed, and the acts of War these things create that feed the division and discord of our Collective Present Projected Time Frame Reality.
Mars is traditionally associated with War and Control, yet it brings the gifts of Energy, Action, Freedom and Strength and the Focus of Will.
Earth is our home. It is the Collective Consciousness of which we all are an Individual part. It holds many lessons for us, but it also brings the gifts of Immense Spiritual Growth; not only for us individually, but for the Collective Conscious Mind of Gaia, our Solar and Galactic (system) Collective Minds, and beyond.
The Sun embodies the “God” concept created by human beliefs. It is often thought of as being something to be feared. Even today we, (almost daily), talk of Solar Flares and how they can wreak havoc with our world and there is nothing we can do about it except try to hide and protect ourselves. Does this sound like a current retelling of an ancient story of “Gods” to be feared and appeased to you?
Yet the Sun is the Masculine frequency Life Giving force for our Planet and all life upon it. It gifts us with the frequencies and energies of assisting us in Cleansing and Releasing all that no longer serves us and shows us the way and aids us in the Transmutation of the Old Self into the Rebirthing of the New Self.
These are the three Consciousness’ and the frequency gifts they bring together to gift us with to utilize in the disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions that create and maintain the Current Collective Projected Time Frame Illusionary Reality of Division and Discord.
Just as these three Individual Conscious Celestial Beings are coming together to work hand-in-hand, we are being asked to join them by adding our Individual and Collective Intentions and Energies to this most Sacred of Healing work for Humanity and Earth.
Frequency Audio Meditation
Back in 2014, when working with the Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment I created a short audio of the three frequencies brought together by Mars, Earth and the Sun alignment; with the 10hz frequency used in parts.
Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment Frequency Tones
I have used it myself, (I always experiment on myself before sharing anything like this) and I can tell you it is very powerful. So, use it at your own discretion and under the guidance of your Spiritual Guides.
This audio is frequencies only and is not accompanied by any music. It begins with the Earth frequency, then the Mars frequency joins; then the Sun’s frequency for a short while. The Sun frequency then drops out, and after a bit the Mars frequency and the 10Hz frequency drops away, leaving the meditation to end with the Earth frequency by its self.
I believe it is fair to say this frequency audio will go a long way in assisting, not only the work of disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the “God” concept, War and Hatred, etc. on a collective level, but on an individual level will assist you in breaking up and releasing any of your personal issues you are ready to let go of. You can compare this to the use of ultra-sound in the dissolving what needs to be removed from the physical body.
So there we have the information of these very important events.
Yet, this is only the beginning! There is so much more coming up between now and the end of 2018 is it almost difficult to image.
Along with my Spiritual working partner Kyra Meerna, I will be sharing information on several events coming up between the first of August and the end of this year on our new Blog Talk Radio Program on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018.
Be sure to join us at 9pm Central time on our premiere program of…
“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”
So NOW… let the work begin!
In Service to the ONE
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
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