Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/4/14~Truthful & Illumined Communication through Universal Compassionate Consciousness


Today is a 2 Frequency day with 11 and 33 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 2, 11 and 33 are:

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

Do you think today is about learning to better Communicate with each other in a Truthful, Loving and Compassionate way?

I have to say, I love the way Spirit Communicates with us through synchronicity! I just never tire of it, and the confirmations it brings to us as humans.

I say this because Kyra and I just finished recording a Guided Meditation to share for use with this month’s work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home through the act of purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, individually and Collectively, of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy. In it I was instructed to have us send spiraling grounding cords out from our Throat Chakra centers; a form of grounding I have never used before, and honestly, was a bit surprised to see. But now, after seeing today’s frequencies, it makes a lot more rational (human) sense!

Be watching for this Guided Meditation for working with purifying our Energy Matryx Grids of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy associated with the work of September in Purification in Preparation for Returning Home. I hope to share it sometime later this evening.

The 2 Frequency holds the energy of Cooperation, Adaptability, Choice, and Waiting. It is the frequency of the Diplomat, the Mediator and the Peacekeeper. It is associated with Balanced Communication of all types. It is Patient, Empathic, Receptive, and very Intuitive. It is about Polarity; both about seeing and understanding Polar Opposites and about bringing those Opposites together. 

Within the 2 frequency the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind lies dormant, waiting to be ignited.

Here when the individual has found their personal identity within the 1 frequency, and has learned to stand in their own power without the need to try to dominate and overshadow others, they begin to learn the lessons of being a part of the Group.

Here the lesson of Give and Take in equal proportion, consideration for others as equally as for self, and the ability to adapt to not always having things their own way is a priority.

The 2 Frequency is about consciously becoming a part of community; community at all levels.

The 11 Frequency holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Within the 11 Frequency Spiritual Illumination is most readily available, and our intuition is heightened allowing us to begin believing in, and testing our natural psychic abilities.

Spiritual inspiration is awakened in this frequency, and with it suddenly we begin to be able to see and hear the messages Spirit sends us each and every day, even in the smallest occurrences of daily life.

Within this frequency the subconscious mind is stimulated and Spiritual growth occurs when we learn to accept that reality is much more expansive than we have ever imagined. 

Here is also found the truth and the peace we seek, because when our inner sense of knowing and our rational mind are no longer at odds with each other inner peace prevails, and we are able to open to what lies beyond the confines of limiting beliefs of reality.

Since the Collective Consciousness’ Shift into existing within the 5th Dimensional Frequency Plane at the end of 2012, we have been seeing the 11 Frequency appear more and more in the energy field of our planet. We see it so much in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality it is really becoming common place.

The added 11 Frequency within our planets Energy Field/Aura is assisting greatly in the acceleration of the Spiritual Awakening of Individuals within our Collective Consciousness. The 11 Frequency will continue to weave its self deeper and deeper into Earth’s Energy Field and Gaia’s Aura as linear time passes, until it is completely woven into the Main Grid System of the planet and the Collective’s Consciousness.

When we had this 2/11 combination back in on July 24th of this year, as I was writing that day’s report I heard Azure LOA share the following information.

He stated…

“The 11 Frequency energy thread is a baseline vibrational thread of your planets energy field and grid work during Golden Age Eras. Currently it has completed its first full connection circuit to all of Gaia’s seven main Chakras, and has begun to extend out from each of these seven main Chakras in the four Sacred Directions; North, South, East and West. The 11 Frequency Vibration Energy Thread appears Metallic Silver in color within the Inner Vision.”

So what this confirms for us is that we are in the initial stages of movement into the coming “Golden Age” cycle we know we are due to move into according to the measurement of “TIME” calculated by many of our planets Sacred Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and lends its self in showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives.

Here we are talking of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.


With the 2 Frequency we see we are being provided with the energy of Patience, Choice, and understanding the tension of Polar Opposites so we can be of positive assistance in improving and refining our ability to reconcile those tensions through improved Communication with each other.

The 2/11 Frequency combination assists in holding our energy balanced; and when we are able to hold our energy in a balanced state of equilibrium we begin to make our way more readily into the New Reality we desire to create.

When your energy is balanced, you find peace within no matter what is going on around you. You do not become overwhelmed and stress-filled, and your emotions do not take control and steer you into actions that hold chaotic and forceful energy.

When your energy is balanced, it allows for greater Communication between this realm and the realms of Spirit; helping to facilitate communication with the Spiritual Realms, Realities and Dimensions that lie beyond this one.

When you stand balanced and centered within your Self, within your own energy, communications and messages from other realms, and your Higher Self become clearer and stronger; then when these messages are filtered through a heart held in peaceful energy, the Truth of these messages “rings” in your inner hearing.

Now we add the 33 Frequency and we see that it bathes us in the frequency of the Christed Consciousness, the level of Consciousness that assists us in holding the Master High Heart level of Compassion; allowing us to work from a place of Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and beyond.

Today spend some time simply basking in the energy of this 2/11/33 Frequency Weaving. Allow your Throat Chakra to fully open and let the energy of Truthful and Compassionate Christed Consciousness Communication to flow through it, clearing it of any and all Karmically Imbalanced Energy that may be adversely affecting the way in which you communicate with the world. And remember also, the Throat Chakra center not only deals with us speaking to others, it also deals with how we “hear” what others have to say!


IN-Joy working with and assimilating today’s frequencies, and Prepare for further Purification processing in your individual Energy Matryx Grid tomorrow when we look at the 14/5 Karmic Imbalance related to Work. And remember to be on the lookout for the Guided Meditation for use with the work of this month.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/3/14~ Well, Sort Of!


Greetings All,

As you may have noticed I have not posted a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report for today, 9/3/14. This is due to the fact that I had everyday 3D matters to attend to that ate into the time I generally dedicate to writing the daily report.

My intention this morning was, I would attend to the 3D matters and then rush home and write today’s report. This seemed most like the best way to get everything handled today.

But, as they say, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

It is about 7:30 p.m. now and I just got back to my shop to start writing, and to be honest I am feeling a bit lackluster about doing so, even though we are starting the work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home, which is about purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, (individual and Collective) of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy. This is this month’s work and we began it today.    

I was talking to Kyra earlier today and she shared with me that she had recently listened to; I believe she said the latest Kryon message. In it he said (and I am paraphrasing here), to let things ride and unfold as they may; because we humans don’t always see the bigger picture, and there are reasons for things happening the way they do.

So, even though we have some intense work ahead of this month that starts today, and since I am feeling the way I do about writing the report, I AM going to take Kryon’s advice and let it ride until tomorrow.

I will tell you that the Karmic Imbalanced energy we are working on Purifying out of our Energy Matryx Grids today is focused on our Individual Energy Matryx Grids, and is associated with the 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance number.

These types of Karmic Imbalances most often develop when a person is involved in lifetimes where there was abuse of power and complete self-centeredness; where behaviors such as being blind to everyone and everything except ones own selfish fulfillment of their individual desires for power and control was paramount.

Greed is a large part of this type of Karmic Imbalance and is strong here, and can manifest in many different ways; one of the main issues created by this is a thirst to control others, often to the point of abusiveness; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  

Individual negative traits that often manifest in this life time associated with this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy can be of opposite extremes. 1: They may manifest once again in being completely consumed with self and one’s own desires, unaware of other’s needs and emotions or 2: They may manifest in behaviors of a person being very dependent on others, yet being unhappy with this dependant nature but blaming others for their lack of ability to stand on their own two feet; a “victim” energy and attitude.

Now, to do the work we are doing this month on purifying our Energy Matryx Grids of this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy you do not need to go in search of these lifetimes specifically. If they show up in this work, just look at them quickly and let them go. See them for what they are; just the Illusionary play on the stage that was used to create this energy within your Soul’s Energy Grid.

What we will be using to disentangle ourselves from this twisted and knotted unbalanced energy hodgepodge is simply looking at the Frequency woven through our energy fields and using certain tools and techniques powered by INTENT to clear this disordered jumbled chaos.

Simple and quick… go into a meditative state with the INTENT of ‘seeing’ any frequency ribbons woven through you Energy Matryx Gird associated with this particular Karmic Imbalance.

Notice and colors, sounds, aromas, chaotic vibrations and disharmonious frequencies you may experience associated with it. Basically how does it feel, sound, look and smell to you? What emotions does it create in you when you view it and experience it?

This is what you are looking for.

After you have identified this discordant frequency within your energy field and experienced just the energy of it, then use your INTENT to bring this Frequency Ribbon back into harmonious movement through your Energy Matryx Grid by INTENTIONALLY smoothing out its rate of vibration and clearing up any muddied and unclear colors, sounds and aromas it is emitting. Make sure it is not overwhelming your energy field by weaving through it in a forceful and domineering way and is not strangling and covering up other Frequency Ribbons.  

Oh, and one more thing. Listen to the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency while you do this work. This is the Sacred Frequency that assists with “Liberation from Guilt and Fear”; because within the energy of Fear and Guilt is where this particular Karmic Imbalance is created.

Here is a video of the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency in case you don’t have the music to work with.

  IN-Joy working with this Purification process.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Article on October 2nd Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat in Indigo Sun Magazine

Greetings Spirit Family,

I would like to quickly share some exciting news with you all.

Some of you may be familiar with the monthly magazine known as the Indigo Sun Magazine. It has been in publication since 1993 and is “committed to providing “community” for conscious seekers of their pathway.”

I AM thrilled to share this month’s Indigo Sun Magazine with you, not only because I love the magazine and all the work in Service to the ONE Heart and Mind the beautiful Ginger McCord does for us, but also because this month I not only have an ad with information about the upcoming Shambahalla~Metatronic Meditation and Rejuvenation Retreat I AM hosting October 2nd thru the 5th at the amazing Langetree Retreat & Eco Center, but I also have an article in this month’s issue.

Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat~ Oct. 2nd - 5th, 2014

Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat~ Oct. 2nd – 5th, 2014

The article shares (an edited for space) information transmission from Cosmic Master Azure LOA, one of the Beings of Light I work with I lovingly refer to as the Q4.

Please check my article in this month’s Indigo Sun, alone with the rest of the wonderful information found within its pages. And watch for the full information transmission from Cosmic Master Azure LOA in the next few days; posted here on Shambahalla-New Earth.

If you have not yet made plans and arrangements to attend the Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat please visit the Events page here for information about what we will be doing and how to make your arrangements to attend.

Shambahalla~Metatronic Meditation and Rejuvenation Retreat

See all the links below to connect with me; Essence Ka tha’ras and the Indigo Sun Magazine on Facebook. And don’t forget to subscribe to receive e-mail updates each time there is a new post on Shambahalla-New Earth.


Essence Ka tha’ras on FB

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round on FB

Essence Ka tha’ras – Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator on FB; my business page for purchasing Readings, Energy Work Sessions, Classes, Work Shops, Energy Essences, Traditional Rose Petal Bead Malas, and more.

Indigo Sun Magazine on FB

Indigo Sun Magazine website


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras











Simple Sacred Geometry Creation Exercise

Although this particular meditation is being shared to work with the 7/88Sub/44Minor Frequency Weaving of August 28th, 2014, understand that you do not have to wait for a day with this particular frequency combination to use this meditation. It is just a meditation that works very well with this particular combination. At a very basic level, anytime you use this meditation you are creating a Sacred Space, a Temple that resonates with the 7/88Sub/44Minor Frequency Weaving.

This simple meditation exercise is designed to assist you with learning more about, and working with the makeup of your Birth Energy Matryx Grid. It leads you to information most relevant to you at this time on your Spiritual Awakening Journey as the Individualized Consciousness of the ONE you currently exist as. This in turn allows you to be of more positive assistance to the work of the Creation of a New Reality for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity on Earth.

With this Sacred Geometry Creation Exercise you will be moving and focusing your Consciousness inside a Pyramidal Temple. For this meditation use the image of a Pyramid that is an exact likeness of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Artist rendition of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Artist rendition of the Great Pyramid of Giza

You may ask, “Why a Pyramid? Why is it considered a Temple? And why the Great Pyramid of Giza?”

First understand here we are using the word Temple to signify a Sacred Space Set Apart from the mundane world and its energy.

When Sacred Geometric forms are used in the construction of such Sacred Spaces, or Temples, whether created in the physical planes or the ethereal planes, very specific vibrations and frequencies are created. When we interact consciously and intentionally with these particular vibrations and frequencies we move into other dimensions and realities, allowing us to interact, combine and fuse our energy with those of the Sacred Geometrically created Temple. This creates a level of Consciousness we are then able to move into that is beyond the ordinary. Within such Temples we come into immediate and intimate contact with the Divine and the Higher Dimensional frequency planes and realities.

“The Great Pyramid of Giza incorporates a most unusual slope angle of approximately 51.49º, which neatly references that most unusual of regular geometric figures, the seven-pointed heptagon. Unlike all other regular geometric figures, the heptagon is the only one whose angles cannot bisect a circle to a whole number, and so it has traditionally been associated with sound, the unknowable, and the seeking of wisdom. It has also been described as the geometry of the soul.”[i]

So here you can see why we are using the image of the Great Pyramid of Giza for this meditation exercise; it resonates to the 7 Frequency, the frequency where the desire to go within in order to seek a clearer understanding of Self and the workings of our Universe, and how we fit into it all begins to become a priority in life. It is here, within this frequency that the initial entryway into The Sacred Esoteric Mysteries can be found.

It is also worth noting here that no matter how simple or complex a Temple is created with the use of Sacred Geometry, when the temple is not in use or is being misused, its subtle energy field shuts down. A person who is sensitive to energy may walk into a Temple and be able to pick up on the vibrational frequencies created by the Sacred Geometry incorporated into it, but it is through Intentional and Conscious interaction with the Temple and the Sacred Geometry within it that activation of the Soul, or Consciousness of the Temple Complex occurs.   

To quote Freddy Silva[ii], “Because there’s a shared framework of biogeometry, the energy exchange between the stone temple and the human temple only take place whenever there is sympathetic resonance between the two. And when the intent of the participant matches that of the temple, information is transferred between the two organisms.”


Simple Sacred Geometry Creation Exercise

Step One:

Intuitively choose one of these numbers….

4    6    8    12    20



Do not scroll down to read further until you have chosen a number from the list above.


Great Pyramid of  Giza

Great Pyramid of Giza

Each of these numbers is the number of faces on one of the five Platonic Solids. 4 is the Tetrahedron, 6 is the Cube, also known as the Hexahedron, 8 is the Octahedron, 12 is the Dodecahedron and 20 is the Icosahedron.

Platonic Solids

Platonic Solids

Let me give you some keywords to use with each of these.

4 – Tetrahedron: Action, Fire

6 – Cube: Structure, Foundation

8 – Octahedron: Love, Compassion,

12 – Dodecahedron: Divine Thought, Ascension

20 – Icosahedron: Perspective, Focus, Transformation


Step Two:

Envision a Pyramid before you that is a replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Give yourself time to firmly create this Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Step Three:

Now place the Sacred Geometric Form associated with the number you chose within the Sacred Pyramidal form before you. Allow it to fill the Pyramid.

Step Four:

Once you have set the Sacred Geometric Form within the Sacred Pyramid firmly then move yourself, your consciousness, to the exact center of the Sacred Geometric Temple you have just created.

Once inside this Sacred Geometric Temple allow yourself, your consciousness, to free float, as if in a Sensory Deprivation Tank, in the exact center of the Temple and simply meditate.   

Make note of any vibrations you sense or feel, any colors, sounds, tones, aromas you may experience. If pictures come to you, allow them. Notice them and if called to them, allow yourself to experience them at will.


When you are ready to return from this Sacred Geometric Temple, allow yourself to come back to the physical here and now slowly. Once you are back, this will be a good time to write down notes on anything you experienced for future reference.

After writing down your notes be sure you ground yourself back securely to the physical realms before returning to your day.


IN-Joy working with this Simple Sacred Geometry Creation Meditation Exercise; and know I would love to hear about your experiences if you feel inclined to share them with me.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


[i] Reference:


[ii] Reference:


How to use the Sacred Lemniscate Tool to Connect the 4th and 6th Chakras


A lovely lady by the name of Loretta asked about how to best use the Lemniscate Energy Flow Pattern I shared in yesterday’s Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report.

I decided to go ahead and share my answer to her as a post in case others had a question about how to best use this Sacred Technological Tool in this basic technique.


Loretta asked; “When using the Leminscate tool, is this done as visualization? Do we visualize the symbol connecting the 4th and 6th chakra then spin it? Thank you”


Greetings Loretta,

Yes, that is exactly right.

How I use it, and suggest using it, is to first make sure your Sushumna Channel is open and energy flowing through it unimpeded.

Here is a picture to acquaint you with the Sushumna Channel in case you are not already familiar with it. Basically the Sushumna Channel is the Main Energy “Artery” in the body and connects the Chakras. (for this particular work and technique we will not be working with the Ida and the Pingala Channels shown in this diagram; this is a very basic technique).

Sushumna Channel

Sushumna Channel

You begin by visualizing energy flowing out of the front side of the body at the area of the Heart Chakra. It then flows back toward the body and enters at the Throat Chakra on the front of the body and flows all the way through the Throat Chakra out the back side of the body.

It then flows back toward the body and enters at the back side of the body at the area of the Third Eye (the back of the head) and continues all the way through the Third Eye (head) and out the front of the head/Third Eye.

This flow continues and then enters once again at the front of the Throat Chakra and out the Back of the Throat Chakra then flows back toward the body, and enters at the back of the Heart Chakra and flows all the way through it.

This is the complete flow pattern and you now just continue to allow the energy to flow along this pathway.

Once you are comfortable with using this Energy Flow Pattern, (it is powerful and may take a bit of getting used to), you can then set this Lemniscate to spinning in the direction you feel is right for you and at a rate that is comfortable.

Once you have set the spin direction and rate you will “feel” the Crown Chakra open very definitely in a very different way than you have probably every experienced before.

When working with this tool, just stay relaxed and watch your breathing. Allow yourself to ride the energy waves as they come.

Some people may experience a bit of nausea and/or strong tingling sensations within the body, and/or a sense of lightheadedness when they first start using this Tool and Technique, but that is normal and is not a sign of something being wrong. If you do experience any minor nausea just slow down and breathe deeply and allow any minor discomfort, to pass.

I did not touch on it in the report, but this also opens the “Divine Voice” within us; allowing us to Speak from the place of our Divinity.

Once you have finished with this meditation and use of this Sacred Tool in this fashion, please remember to ground yourself before attempting to return to physical activity. IF a sense of being “Spacey” or Lightheaded continues I have found a great way to ground very quickly is to stand barefooted on the Earth and/or place your hands on the ground. I prefer the touch of cool green grass personally!


IN-Joy working with this Sacred Technological Tool.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 7/9/14~Adventures in 5’s


Today is a 5 Frequency day with 55 and 88 Sub-frequency influences and a 555 Active Potential.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 5, 55, 88 and 555 are”

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

88 – I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

555 – I Am Multi-dimensional Christed Consciousness Unified

In a way the 88 Frequency sort of stands on its own today, so we are going to look at it first.

The 88 Frequency came into play on the 5th, and will be a part of each day’s frequency combination through the 9th. That is five consecutive days of this very powerful frequency. We have not seen this much 88 Frequency in play since I began doing these reports almost a year ago. As a matter of fact, the 88 Frequency is one we seldom see; so to have it in play for this length of time is very significant.

The 88 Frequency deals with the study, knowledge of, and working with, Sacred Geometry. This includes all the Grid Work we do.

It is associated with using Sacred Geometry in conjunction with Sound and Frequency to create, build and maintain our Physical Reality; and “Reality” beyond the physical realms as well.

Also associated with this frequency is the knowledge and information held within Sacred Sites around our planet and the Sacred Geometric forms created by the configuration of their placement on the planet in relationship to each other.

It also encompasses Celestial Sacred Geometry, which includes knowledge of the Sacred Geometric Grid Patterns and the Frequencies they create, maintain and emit associated with our planet in relationship to placement, (and even distance), to other planets and Celestial bodies. This includes knowledge of, and working with The Music of the Spheres.

The knowledge held within the 88 Frequency is vital to building the infrastructures of our cities and towns. When we once again take into conscious consideration the Sacred Geometric forms we are creating by the placement of buildings to each other and the Sacred Geometric forms we are creating when we do this building, we can and will change our physical reality in an exponential manner.


The Main Frequency combination of today is the 5/55/555.

The 5 Frequency and its energy loves change and is always looking for the next great adventure into the unknown; the occurrence that once it is experienced will change one’s perspective of reality forever. It holds a neutral charge, so it allows for open-mindedness and is simply about going in search of the “Truth” no matter where it is to be found.

The 5 Frequency lends assistance in having the courage to step out beyond our comfort zone; that small confined Box created by the mainstream consciousness mindset, and test the waters for what else just might be true. It teaches the Right Use of Free Will, and although there is still much work to be done on Self before it can be ignited, the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind lies within the Frequency of the 5.

The 55 Frequency came into play back on the 1st of this month and will continue to be a part of each day’s frequency weaving through the 18th.

We have already had two or three blocks of days this year where the 55 Frequency was in play, so what this tells us is that we are really being guided to make a conscious connection with our Higher Self. We are being pushed to become consciously aware of and operate continuously from the mindset of our Higher Self in our daily life.

55 is the frequency of the Individualized Awareness of the Higher Self. The spark of the Divine Heart that lies dormant in the 1 Frequency is ignited in the 55 Frequency.

In this initial igniting, the awareness and accepted reality of the Higher Self is made evident to the individual and communication with the Higher Self becomes more lucid and coherent. When the connection to the Higher Self is accomplished and a clear communications link is established, then the understanding of Divine Will begins to transpire.

Divine Will is spoken of by the Higher Self, for the Higher Self of each individual self sees the larger perspective of our reality from a much expanded view and is capable of placing the needs of the Collective Consciousness above the needs and desires of self.

The 55 Frequency holds a neutral charge, so it is a very grounding frequency, but unlike the 5 Frequency, which also holds a neutral charge and grounds us to Earth and the physical realms and dimensions, helping us stay more centered and balanced in the physical realms, the 55 Frequency grounds us into the physically illusive Realms of Spirit; it grounds us to the Higher Frequency Dimensions, the home of our Higher Self, assisting us in staying centered and balanced in the Spiritual Frequency dimensions.

Just like the 5 and 55 frequencies, the 555 Frequency also holds a Neutral charge and assists in anchoring and grounding us in the Multi-dimensional realms and the Unified Christ Consciousness frequencies.

This frequency brings a very specific connection, a connection to the frequency and energy of the Unified Christ Consciousness. It brings it deeper into our Reality and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Earth. It assists in grounding us in the Multi-dimensional realms, taking us ever deeper into a fuller understanding of the expansiveness of the workings of the Multi-dimensional Reality we are beginning to open to.


So today’s overall frequency weaving is really about making Change in our lives. The Change that occurs when we truly connect with our Higher Self and begin existing from a place where we are following Divine Will. This in turn opens us more fully to the Unified Christ Consciousness, which takes us deeper into the Multi-dimensional Realms.

A simple exercise you can do to assist you in making a stronger connection to your Higher Self and the Unified Christ Consciousness of the Multi-dimensional realms is to meditate and immerse yourself within the 5, 55 and 555 Frequencies incorporating the use of Sacred Geometry.

You can do this by visualizing a Spherical energy field before you that vibrates at the 5 Frequency and step into it. Create this energy field in any color you choose. You can create the 5 Frequency simply by using its I AM Keyword phrase of: I AM Adventurous Change.

Once you are immersed within the 5 Frequency and have spent some time there experiencing it, then begin creating the 55 Frequency within the 5 Frequency Spherical field.

Create the 55 Frequency, in any color that comes to you, in the shape of a Pentagon; a 5 sided polygon. 

You create this 55 Frequency Pentagon by using its I AM Keyword phase of: I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will as a mantra.

Once you are immersed within the 55 Frequency field and have spent some time there experiencing it, then begin creating the 555 Frequency field within the 55 frequency field, within the 5 Frequency Spherical field it is in.

Once again simply use its I AM Keyword phrase as a mantra; I Am Multi-dimensional Christed Consciousness Unified.

Create the 555 Frequency in the Sacred Geometric form of the Decagon; a 10 sided polygon, in any color you choose or that comes to you.

Spend some time within these Frequency fields and simply experience their energy. If information or visuals come to you, make note of them for future reference when you return from your time in meditation.

To return, simply begin dissolving the Decagon, allowing yourself to move back into the Pentagon. Once Grounded there again, begin dissolving it and move back into the Sphere of the 5 Frequency. Here, ground yourself back to the physical realms and then dissolve the Spherical Energy Field and bring yourself back to the present.

This is a simple meditation to experience this particular Frequency combination. More advanced Sacred Geometry would be used for a stronger and deeper connection to these frequencies, but for those new to this type of work, this meditation is a great place to start.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies and IN-Joy your time within the 5/55/555 Frequency Sacred Geometric forms.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 7/5/14~Learning to Use Sacred Geometry in Everyday Life


Today is a 1 Frequency day with 11 and 88 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 1, 11 and 88 are:

1 – I AM Independent & Brave

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

88 – I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

Once again we have a frequency combination we have not seen before. This year we are being led into territory WE, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, have not been conscious of for a very long linear time. We are being led to, and shown, Ancient Knowledge we have forgotten long ago but are now Re-Awakening too as a Collective.

Very basically stated, the 1 Frequency is always about the Individual Self, the 11 Frequency is about Spiritual Awakening and the expansion of our perspectives of Reality and the Spiritual Truths of our Reality, and the 88 Frequency is about study, knowledge of, and working with Sacred Geometry, including energetic Grid work.

Associated with the 1 Frequency I most always share the following…

“Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.”

A good example of this is found in Tarot in the “Fool” card.

The Fool (card) represents one who is innocent in knowledge and life experiences, and because of this there is a tendency to be fearless in exploring new things.

The 1 Frequency and The Fool Card represent New Beginnings, being spontaneous and jumping in. Not in a sense of carelessness and reckless abandon, (although from time to time it may appear to others this is the case) but out of a sense of wonder, awe, excitement and questioning.

The Fool is beginning a journey down a new and unexplored path; a path leading into the Multi-dimensional Realms of Reality in search of, “What else is out there?”

The Fool’s lack of experience allows him to take off in a new direction unhindered by falsely preconceived ideas and fears created by others.

Because of his innocence and lack of experience the Fool is actually an Independent Free Thinker. He is unafraid to go exploring in territory in pursuit of answers where others would try to convince him dangers lie hidden in wait to harm him; he will cross boundaries marked by signposts warning…

“Here there be Dragons!”

(“Here there be Dragons” used to be put on maps to denote unexplored territory.)

He is driven to search no matter the cost.  He will “Boldly go where no man has gone before”, (any Trekky will know that one!) and Bravely face his fears.

The 11 Frequency holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality, and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Within the 11 Frequency Spiritual Illumination is most readily available, and our intuition is heightened allowing us to begin believing in, and start testing our natural psychic abilities.

Spiritual inspiration is awakened in this frequency, and with it suddenly we begin to be able to see and hear the messages Spirit sends us each and every day, even in the smallest occurrences of our daily life.

Within this frequency the subconscious mind is stimulated and Spiritual growth occurs when we learn to accept that reality is much more expansive than we have ever imagined.  

Here is also found the truth and the peace we seek, because when our inner sense of knowing and our rational mind are no longer at odds with each other inner peace prevails, and we are able to open to what lies beyond the confines of limiting beliefs of reality.

The 88 Frequency deals with the study, knowledge of, and working with, Sacred Geometry. This includes all the Grid Work we do.

It is associated with using Sacred Geometry in conjunction with Sound and Frequency to create, build and maintain our Physical Reality; and “Reality” beyond the physical realms as well.

Also associated with this frequency is the knowledge and information held within Sacred Sites around our planet and the Sacred Geometric forms created by the configuration of their placement on the planet in relationship to each other.

It also encompasses Celestial Sacred Geometry, which includes knowledge of the Sacred Geometric Grid Patterns and the Frequencies they create, maintain and emit associated with our planet in relationship to placement, (and even distance), to other planets and Celestial bodies. This includes knowledge of, and working with The Music of the Spheres.

The knowledge held within the 88 Frequency is vital to building the infrastructures of our cities and towns. When we once again take into conscious consideration the Sacred Geometric forms we are creating by the placement of buildings to each other and the Sacred Geometric forms we are creating when we do this building, we can and will change our physical reality in an exponential manner.

What this 1/11/88 Frequency Weaving is bringing to us today is energy to prod and assist us in expanding our understanding of Sacred Geometry and how it is the foundation for, and the template used to create our reality with and on.

We are being led to learn more about the ways in which Sacred Geometry is responsible for Universal Creation and to, once again, consciously use it in our everyday lives for building a more Sacred Reality for us all to live in. Consciously is the key word here!

The 1 is about us as our Individual Self more fully Awakening Spiritually, (the 11 Frequency), to expand our Spiritual Knowledge and perspective of what our Reality is and how it is created through the use of Sacred Geometry, (the 88 Frequency).

You might be thinking, “This is all well and good, but how do I use Sacred Geometry in dealing with the guy at work that I can’t get along with? I’ve tried everything to resolve our issues and nothing works! How is Sacred Geometry going to help me there?”

An example I would give you is the use of the Sacred Geometric form of the Triangle.

You can use the Triangle to create a Sacred Connection between you, a second person, and Spirit, (or if the visualization works better for you, your Higher Selves); each one associated with one of the points on the Triangle.

You use this Sacred Geometric form to communicate Higher Self to Higher Self with the other individual, with Spirit, (or your Higher Selves) as Mediator.

The Triangle is equal on all three sides, creating Equality, relieving stress created by disproportionate and imbalanced lines of communication.

Simply quiet yourself, find your balanced center and bring the Triangle into your inner vision; place yourself at either one of the lower two points, the individual you wish to resolve issue with at the other lower point, and then project your Higher Self to the upper point where you will meet their Higher Self for conversation. Don’t worry, they will meet you there!

This is but one simple example of how Sacred Geometry can be utilized in your everyday physical life to assist you in problem solving, furthering your Spiritual Awakening and making your life better in all ways.

This is why the study of Sacred Geometry is becoming more vitally important to us as the Individuals we are. It is an amazing tool we can use in our life, but… we have to understand at least the basics of its workings to know how to best use it for this purpose.   


For those playing in the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park, remember today is the last day of its opening. This does not mean you cannot anymore visit the Park and Journey into the Multi-dimensional Realms, it just means this particular Frequency Weaving will no longer be an influence.

The use of and journeying in the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park has been about releasing once and for all, any lingering doubt of the validity and authenticity of the Multi-dimensional Realms. Hopefully your time spent there has gone a long way in doing that for you.

This has been important because to truly understand where we are going as a Collective Consciousness we have to stop being “Physical Reality Snobs” and thinking the only thing that makes something “Real” is the sense of tactile touch and the ability to bring it into physical material form!

We have to KNOW our personal experiences in the Multi-dimensional realms are every bit as “Real” as is our everyday drive to work, or our shopping for groceries. They are just “Real” in a different way.

We need to truly KNOW this because this is a very large aspect and part of how we Create and Experience the Physical Realms.

We have been invited to travel and experience this expanded perspective of our reality as often as we liked simply to assist us in putting all doubt to rest. Hopefully you can take one last journey today!


You can find a Guided Meditation for Journeying Into & Experiencing Multi-dimensional Realms at the following link.

Multi-dimensional Travel Guided Meditation

Remember, your ticket has been punched and access has been granted into the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park.

Come on in and IN-Joy your time here. All Rides are Free and Unlimited!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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