Message From A Universal Elder of this NOW…… “A Cosmic Gathering”

Message from A

Universal Elder of this NOW

Emissary from the Field of Consciousness of the

Infinite Potentiality



A Cosmic Gathering

Once before in the story/history of this Universe was there a gathering such as the one you are in attendance of now.

So exquisite in its beauty, so awe-inspiring in its power, and so magnificent was its creation that untold multitudes did gather from every point and parcel, and every spectrum and sector of this Universal region; no region was not represented in attendance.

It is even told that Universal systems far beyond this one did send forth emissaries into attendance, just so as to be able to participate in the energies, so they too could tell unto infinity of the sites and wonders beheld; thereby thus planting the seeds of knowledge and intention into their own Universal eco-systems the energies of such glorious and wondrous things.

I too was in attendance at that gathering. I too, beheld the majesty of ceremonies preformed in that point of space and time; and I can attest in truth to what was created in those moments.

I remember and share here now the stories of the energies sent forth in every direction from that moment of existence. I share with you how the seeds of Intention were set loose, eons ago, upon the Cosmic Winds from those Sacred Ceremonies. And those seeds scattered by the Sacred Winds of the Divine Cosmic Breath did land upon fertile soils in the time known as the Seeding. It is those very seeds, set forth then that are coming into a state of fruition, creating where we gather NOW.

Lying patiently beneath the surface of an infinite number of worlds until prompted by the call of the Original Intention, they did react to the mind of the Divine One. Seemingly by magick did they respond to the energy planted within, and thus did the process of germination take place where upon instantaneously the initial sprouting did occur.

Standing young and tender, the newly birthed forms of life knew full well not all would survive into fruition. Yet, undaunted by the knowledge only a very few among their generation would endure to carry on into the next arduous stages of Creations plans, they simply reveled in the glory of knowing they played out the necessary part which they had been sent forth to do. You see, they knew and understood the full ONEness of which they were, and always shall be a part of. For without doubt, they know, in another place, in another moment in Infinity they will be, and are… again.

To some, those who returned early to the Consciousness of the Infinite Potentiality were the fortunate ones; for they had elected to forgo the most difficult and laborious portion of the journey that has bought us here to this Gathering NOW.

In this NOW… As before… I stand before as (an) Elder of this Universal Consciousness.

I stand here at the prompting of the Mind of the Divine ONE; Sent forth from the Field of Consciousness of (the) Infinite Potentiality to attend, once again, this Sacred Gathering; so as to share and confirm with all here, that YOU, each and every one of you, both Individually and Collectively are these seeds scattered so many eons ago by the Sacred Winds of the Divine Cosmic Breath.

You stand here NOW, a Spark of Divine ONEness, whose fortune it is, and has been, to be one from your generation of that Sacred Seeding spoken of unto Infinity, to play a part in the Fruition of that Initial Intention.

Having survived the early return to the Field of Consciousness of the Infinite Potentiality, YOU… Individually and Collectively, as the ones chosen to continue the strenuous journey through the difficult stages of continued growth, and come fully into (Individualized) Fruition to participate in the completion of this round of the Universes’ Expansion and Divine Ascension.

For you see, it was for such that each of you separated from the Consciousness of the Infinite Potentiality in the very beginning.

You have trekked through the times of Budding and Formation, holding strong to the pillars of energy that would sustain you on this Sacred Journey.

You have survived the most difficult times of darkness and destruction, not ever losing sight of the Light before you; even though far in the distance it may have been.

NOW, moving into the full Light of the Sacred ONE, you can quench your thirst with the Sacred and Holy Waters. You can stand in the Mists and be rejuvenated in the Rains of Eternity falling gently upon your upturned face, and Wholly Rejoice in the coming times and energies of the Flowering of your Complete and Remembered Divine Self.

As Elder, I remind you, it is Divinely written that you should Glory in the experience of this point of Infinity; yet do not allow the density and vibration of false ego to enter into your experience.

Surely is this point in Universal Infinity special, and surely are those blessed enough to be participating (such as are you and I) special also. Yet, no more special than all who have participated and added their parts and energies along the way, yet who stand not here in this NOW Reality.

Truly are we simply emissaries of the Divine ONE whose part and agreed responsibility it is to be here NOW so as to be able to return to the Field of Consciousness of the Infinite Potentiality with this experience fully in Conscious form to share with ALL.

As Elder and One who was present at the moment of Conception of this Universal Reality, and one whose Responsibility, in some form and manner it has always been, and always shall be, to Silently Watch over this Universe and assist in maintaining form as is called for by each round of Consciousness and Realm of Existence as it manifests in this Collectively agreed upon form and shape of Realities, I share with you of this Gathering, knowledge of “What Is To Come & What Shall Be.

I would have you know that just as those who gathered at the Sacred Ceremonies which gave birth to where we stand in this NOW, and sent forth upon the Sacred Winds of the Divine Cosmic Breath the Seeds of Intention of the Round of Consciousness we are coming into Fruition in, so too, do WE, the mature Life of those seeds released so long ago, stand her NOW ready to set lose and send forth the Seeds of Divine Intention upon the Sacred Winds of the Divine Cosmic Breath once again.

WE, are to NOW release the Seeds of Intention to be carried, ever Expansively beyond this NOW; where they too shall land upon New, and as of yet, Unknown and Unseen Fertile Soils of an Infinite number of New Dimensions, Realms, and Worlds and find those forms of Sacred Cosmic Terra Mater that call to them, Individually and Collectively, as they participate in the “Seeding Times” of the next round of Intentional Expansion of the Fields of Consciousness of the Infinite Potentiality.

As (an) Elder of this Universal Consciousness, I bid all who hear and feel this Call to be a part of their Individual and Collective Conscious Responsibility to respond NOW. To respond to this call in participation in this Sacred Gathering, so as to assist in the Creation and Birthing of the next round of Universal Expansion and Ascension, as this Universe of this NOW, moves into her rightful place as a Conscious and Intentional Participant and placeholder in the realms of Multi-dimensional Creation of the Dimensions, Realms, Realities and New Worlds that are to Come.

Do not forget…

Truly are you NOW Conscious & Intentional,

Multi-dimensional Co-Creators of Reality.


As Elder of this Universal Consciousness, I speak to you Always from this NOW.


Universal Elder of this NOW,

Emissary from the Field of Consciousness of the

Infinite Potentiality


© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round


Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, with credit to the Author-Essence Ka tha’ras

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News for October 19th & November 2013: Multi-dimensionality & Was Jesus a Fake?

Information was brought to my attention this afternoon that I feel is significant enough to share about it now.

It concerns the Frequencies of Saturday, October 19th, 2013, how that day relates to the Spiritual Frequency Work for the whole month of November 2013, and the work we have been doing on the Conception of the Multi-dimensional Realms during October, and one possibility of what this might look like in our daily lives.

In the October Monthly Frequency Overview Report: Installment 1 I gave information about the strongest Frequencies at play this month, as well as the specific days in October associated with each of those Frequency Combinations.

The reason for this article is that something significant has developed and is now set to transpire on the 19th of October, 2013.

Here is a reminder about the Frequencies in play for that day.


The 8-11 Frequency combination…

There are four days this month with this frequency combination. They are the…

1st, 10th, 19th, and the 28th

What this is showing us is that we have a base/foundation frequency through this month reminding us in our Individual work on Self to be ever vigilant at remembering on a continuous basis that what mainstream society accepts as “Reality” is an Illusion. We are being given assistance all through the month to more fully awaken to an expanded view, perspective and awareness of what our physical reality really is, and that it encompasses much more than we currently perceive and understand.

I want to share here that the 19th of October not only vibrates to this 8-11 Frequency it also emits a strong 11:11 Frequency; The New Mayan Calendar Round encoded “Wake Up Call”.

On this day the 11:11 Frequencies will be at their highest all month. This is an initial exposure to, and taste of the Frequencies that will be at work in the month of November 2013; “The Month of Awakening”.

This frequency combination lends assistance in being able to clearly see through the Illusion of Physical Reality.

It helps us to see and remember that, just as the “koan” states,

I AM not a Physical Being on a Spiritual Path

I AM a Spiritual Being on a Physical Path

This frequency combination is showing us that it is very important we see and remember what we view and think of as “Reality”, is in fact an Illusion.

This knowledge is vital to keep at the forefront of our daily consciousness if we are to create and maintain the change we are working so hard to implement into our individual everyday lives, as well as the positive change on a planetary scale we desire to create.

If we desire to Change the World for the better, we MUST continuously remember and be aware of the fact that…

Our Collective Consciously Agreed Upon Reality

IS an Illusion WE Create and Project in Every Moment


Now on to the new information.

A headline in the news caught my attention today. It read:

Self-Professed ‘Bible Scholar’

Makes Explosive Allegation About Jesus

That He Believes Could Rock the Christian Faith to Its Core

Article written by:  Billy Hallowell

of: The Blaze

Here is a link to the article…

Self-Professed ‘Bible Scholar’…


I quote from the article.

 “On Oct. 19, self-professed Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill is planning to make public some very flammable allegations. At a day-long symposium called “Covert Messiah” in London, England, he’s set to unveil purported evidence that Roman aristocrats manufactured Jesus Christ – a claim that, if substantiated, would devalue the core of the Christian faith.”

Atwill says he has discovered, ancient confessions” that purportedly prove that Romans invented Jesus Christ in the first century. He has long argued that the faith system was used as a political tool to control the masses — something he says is still going on today.”

He also states, “Christianity was concocted as a government project that was used to control Roman citizens. During a time in which Jewish residents were waiting for their Messiah, he says they were a constant source of insurrection, leading the Romans to seek out an equalizing and tempering force.”

 In another quote from Atwill he says, “Although Christianity can be a comfort to some, it can also be very damaging and repressive, an insidious form of mind control that has led to blind acceptance of serfdom, poverty, and war throughout history,” 

He then goes on to say, “I present my work with some ambivalence, as I do not want to directly cause Christians any harm, but this is important for our culture,” he said of the alleged debunk – one that he believes will eventually be universally accepted.”

When asked if he thought this might be the beginning of the end for Christianity he said he did not really think so, but that it would give people looking to leave the Christian faith the motivation to do so.

The reason this Explosive Information about Jesus and the Christian Religious Belief System is so important, and so absolutely amazing that it is being released on the 19th, is not really whether it is true or not; it is that it holds the potential of being a trigger that can affect Spiritual Awakening on a World Wide scale.

The Frequencies of Saturday, October 19th, 2013 are all about Awakening Spiritually (11:11) and Seeing past the Illusion we call “Reality” (8-11).

We, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are standing at the precipice of a New Reality, one that will lead us into, and show us the Truth of our Multi-dimensional Selves.

What this will mean for us individually and collectively is utterly limitless in what is possible.

Could this be the first of many major events having the ability to affect Initial Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness on a global scale we will begin to see as we make ready and embark upon the voyage of birthing our Collective Reality into the Multi-dimensional Realms?

The Frequencies of Saturday, October 19th, 2013 say it is most definitely a possibility.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

If you have not yet read the two installments of the October Monthly Frequency Overview Report just click the links below to read them.

October Monthly Frequency Overview: Installment 1

October Monthly Frequency Overview: Installment 2


Finding Inner Peace

How to find Inner Peace

How to find Inner Peace

Want to find Inner Peace for Your Self?

Then Ask for Inner Peace for All………..



October 4th, 2013….. Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception

Friday, Oct. 4th, 2013 Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine

Friday, Oct. 4th, 2013
Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception
The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex
The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine

Friday, October 4th, 2013 is the Initial Point of Conception of the

Multi-dimensional Realms into our Expanded Reality……..

This is the point where the

Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & The Divine Masculine

Energies in Balanced Form 

Come together in a Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex 

This is the point where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine make initial contact in balanced form and Conception of our eventual full move, “Shift”, into the Multi-dimensional Realms of Reality that will one day become a part of our Collectively Agreed upon Present Projected Time Frame Reality occurs. You can liken this to the point in physical conception when the sperm breaks through the wall of the egg and the initial igniting, or spark, of creation of new life begins.

Please make plans to spend some time in Meditation focused upon this work on Friday, October 4th, 2013.

To read more on the AMAZING Frequencies at play during the month of October, please click on the link below and read the…

October 2013 Monthly Frequency Overview Report

“The Month of Conception”

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras





Prepare for a New Reality

Prepare for a New Reality

Prepare for a New Reality


“The quickest way to manifest a World of Peace into your Present Time Frame Reality and therefore move into the Multi-dimensional Realms is to stop focusing your individual attention on asking for Blessings (and things) for Self, and instead begin focusing  your individual attention on asking for Blessings (and things) for everyone Equally.”

Isabelle Jae Stoneward of Ancient Future New Earth City of Light


Lucid Dreaming……. A Tool For Creating A New Reality

Before I leave the woods today to head into the city, I wanted to share a thought with you all.

Universe is so Amazing!

 I know, nothing new in that statement…

The reason I say this is because of the synchronicity of seeing a post on Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration’s Facebook page today.  They shared the following……..

“I catch a glimpse of a dream as I awake, and I realize only then that it was just dream. I write it down in my journal, because it is interesting. I wonder if that is what it will be like when I awake from this dream called life? Are we dreaming within a dream?” ~Guru Tua

What do you think? ✫*¨`*✶♪.¸¸.✻ღ

The reason I find this so synchronistic is because just two days ago I had a thought of writing a few words about the use of Lucid Dreaming as a tool for teaching us how to better Consciously Co-Create in our Daily “Real World” Reality.

Lucid Dreaming is the ability to be aware of the fact that you are dreaming when you are in the Physical Sleep/Dreaming State. Learning to “Wake Up” in your dream is the first stage of Lucid Dreaming. In the Advanced stages of “Lucid Dreaming”, you can direct the course of your dream and its outcome. In this Advanced stage of Lucid Dreaming you basically write the dream as it is occurring.

There are many good books, videos and web-sites dedicated to the Art of Lucid Dreaming, so we won’t go into the steps of learning this process now. Just know if you are interested in learning more about Lucid Dreaming and how to do it, there is much help available.

Now back to the sharing from Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration.

I would have to say…… as for waking from this Dream we call “Reality” it is very possible we have a larger Dream Journal in another Dimension in another Reality in which we will/are writing the details of this Dream. I also see this question as an impetus to spur the use of “Lucid Dreaming”.

The use and mastery of Lucid Dreaming has the ability to show us exactly how it is we can Create our own daily Reality in a much more Conscious manner. For when you see and understand that you can control where and how you move, react and even what you dream about in your sleep, and then make the correlation that the Reality of what we call the “Dream State” is no less real than this “Waking State” we term “The Real World” you easily make the cross over into understanding Creating “Reality” in the waking “Real World” state works the same way.

I want to share an excerpt from a book I have been writing for the last ump-teen years! It is entitled “DragonKrone”, and is the semi-autobiographical story of my journey into opening to and assimilating Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self into a more cohesive whole.

I really think my Guides have spurred me to begin sharing bits and pieces of this book with others in an attempt to prod me to finish it. But that is fodder for another article for another time!

At this point in the story, Niecey, the main character, is at the home of her newly found mentor; an old woman (Noni) she meet when she accidently discovered her house deep in the woods while hiking.

Niecey has been telling Noni about  dreams she has been having and how they leave her with a disconcerting feeling.


But the dreams, they all seem so real. And it’s even more than just that. When I wake up from these dreams it takes me forever to figure out where I’m at, and who I am. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong in my own body. My dream life feels more real than this life does. I don’t really know how to explain it any better than that. It’s just an odd feeling, and sometimes it scares me,” Niecey explained to Noni. “Sometimes I wonder if I woke up in the right place, as the right person; how weird is that?”

They continued to walk the garden in silence as Noni deadheaded spent flowers. For Niecy the time passed as an eternity, but still there came no response from the old hag. Indeed Niecey began to wonder if Noni had even been listening. A few more steps, a few more seedpods stuffed into the pockets of her tattered apron, and the old woman reached for a nearby bush and plucked one of the beautiful white, sweetly scented flowers from its perch at the end of a glossy green leaved branch. Handing it to Niecey she asked, “Do you smell that?”

Raising the angelic bloom to her nose, Niecey inhaled the fragrance emanating from the flawless blossom. Its scent so enchantingly sweet and pure, the essence of its aroma seemed almost spiritual. Closing her eyes and taking in the delicate perfume a second time, she rode the waves of contented bliss into her own center to a safe and peaceful place deep inside.

“Do you smell it?” Noni asked again.

The sound of the old woman’s voice jerked Niecey out of her inner world. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” she replied.

With a telltale grin on her face broadcasting to Niecey she already knew the answer, Noni repeated, “Do you smell it?”

“Yes, it’s wonderful. Gardenia, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Noni answered, nodding her head. “Let me ask you. Is it real?”

“Is what real?” Niecey asked a bit confused.

“The flower… is it real? Can you see it? Can you touch it, and hold it, and feel it in your hands?”

A bit dumbfounded by the obvious answer to the question, Niecey answered, “Well, of course it’s real.”

“And the aroma… is that real too?” inquired Noni.

Raising the flower to her nose and inhaling the intoxicating fragrance once more, Niecey answered, “It smells real to me.”

Turning back to her task at hand, the old woman resumed deadheading her flowers. With loving hands she reached for another seedpod and carefully plucked it from its drooping stem and gently placed it in her apron pocket alongside those already safely stashed there. Running her hand along a large feathery fern leaf, she asked Niecey, “Then tell me… how is your dream different?”

Bewildered by the question, Niecey asked, “I don’t understand. What do you mean, how is it different? Dreams are… just that, they’re dreams. This is real,” she said motioning with the flower in her hand.

Pausing again, the hag turned and faced Niecey. Staring her straight in the eyes she asked, “In your dreams, what do you see? If something grabs your attention, can you focus on it and see it in detail?”

“Yes,” answered Niecey.

“In your dreams, can you pick an object up and hold it?” Noni continued her questioning.

“Yeah,” answered Niecey timidly, feeling a bit unsure of herself.

“And in your dreams, can you feel the object you’re holding in your hands? When you find yourself in the Inner Sanctum in ritual… can you smell the incense?” asked Noni.

“Yeah… I can,” Niecy answered, amazed at the thought.

“Then please, explain to me how that is any different than holding and smelling that gardenia in your hand right now,” Noni challenged her.


You can see by Niecey’s experiences how the Dream State Reality and The Real World Reality are really no different. The only real difference is our perceptions and beliefs of there being a difference.

Well, I have to go get ready to head to the city now, but I hope this little sharing has given you something to think about and helped you to begin to see that Co-Creating our New Future Reality really is a possibility that grows closer to manifesting into our Physical Dimensional Reality ever day, in every moment.

Check into the use of Lucid Dreaming as a tool to move these two Dimensional Realities closer in proximity. Maybe it is a tool that will work for you.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

The Caw of Crow

Crow Cawed to Raven... "Come sit with me"

Crow Cawed to Raven… “Come sit with me”



The Caw of Crow  is a poem I would like to share with you all. To me it speaks of the Magickal place and time we exist within now as we move forward in manifesting more concretely the Mulit-dimensional Reality dimensions into our Physical daily world and life.

We truly are Blessed to be Consciously living and participating in this Co-Creative process.

I hope you enjoy the words, imagery and energy of these Sacred words, and allow it to transport you to where the winds on your Sacred Path carry you.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


The morning of September 15th, 2013 I saw a post on Facebook by Shadow of the Wolf & Native Wisdom & Poems of the Heart about Crow. It was the inspiration for the following poem. As soon as I began reading it these words and images came flooding through. I want to thank them for their work in this Sacred Journey of Life we are all sharing. Together we ARE Creating a New Reality.

Also, I would like to dedicate this Poem to two Dear Star Sisters in particular. Rainy Boland of The Luminous Garden, and Joan Deickman Brockett. Truly does the energy of the Sacredness of All Nature run through your veins. Each of you is a True Blessing in my Life.

Essence Ka tha’ras



The Caw of Crow

Crow cawed to Raven, “Come sit with me,

and all the wonders of Spirit’s realms we shall see”


So Raven flew in on yesterday’s wings

and together they knew all magickal things


An invitation, “Come join”, to Lizard was sent

Then suddenly appeared he, through lightening rent


Said they “Help us to dream a reality new”

For full well knew they Lizard’s medicine be true


Lizard replied. “A New World I can dream,

But Dragonfly we must call, if Illusion it not seem”


Dragonfly quickly did answer their plea

avowing “We shall need Grouse, if movement there be”


Grouse simply appeared in a Spiraling cloud

“Let movement begin”, spoke he in a voice subtle yet loud


Eagle flew over, Hawk by his side

As Butterfly landed, not daring to miss this ride


“Transformation is released”, Butterfly stated

To which Eagle replied, “Spirit is Elated!”


Knowing time had come, Hawk circled once again

“I will give flight of the message” said he, “to our Human Kin”


Essence Ka tha’ras

Written: 9/15/13 11:44a.m.


© Essence Ka tha’ras 2013