Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round – Dec. 11th – 17th, 2013 – 13/13/13


333 & 444 as it comes into full alignment on  Dec. 14th & 15th, 2013

333 & 444 as it comes into full alignment on
Dec. 14th & 15th, 2013




December 11th through December 17th are the seven days of the “Official Opening Ceremonies” of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round.

Following is an overview of what the frequencies and work of each of these seven days is about. Be sure to follow the Daily Metatronic Frequency Reports for more detail on each individual day.

Wednesday December 11th

This is the beginning day of the Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round. This is a day to consciously connect to this work specifically, and to make initial contact with the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind that has come together for this sacred work. Today the initial activation and awakening to the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round frequencies is established and initiation starts.

Thursday December 12th

Today the 333 New Mayan Calendar Round Gateway Portal fully opens and comes closer into full alignment with the 444 Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Gateway Portal. Today the 333 Portal is set firmly into place for this work. There is a sense of celebration of what has been created, and we strengthen our connection with the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind, and consciously and intentionally move ourselves deeper into the frequencies of Universal Service in full alignment with the Christed Consciousness as we position ourselves firmly in the 333 Birth Portal for final preparations before stepping across the threshold into the 444 Portal that will move us into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality.

Friday December 13th

Today the 444 Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Gateway Portal fully opens and the Portal Doorway stands unimpeded. Today the 444 Portal is set firmly into place for this sacred work. Today the Metatronic frequency energies (4-7-11) are fully operational and very strong and we need to continue to focus on the work of raising the energies and strengthening the connection to the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind in order to completely ready ourselves to step across the threshold fully into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality.

Saturday December 14th & Sunday December 15th

Both of these days are spent in the movement of stepping out of the 333 New Mayan Calendar Round Gateway Portal, the Multi-dimensional Birth Portal, across the threshold and into the 444 Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Gateway Portal.

On Saturday December 14th we take the initial step into the 444 Portal and for the first time stand fully in the initial light and energy of the frequency of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round. This day should be spent in absorption of these frequencies into our Individual Energy Matryx Grid, and continued focus on the work of raising the energies and strengthening the connection to the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind continues.    

On Sunday December 15th we move to the outer edge of the 444 Portal on the Metatronic side of this Portal opening. From here the vista of the newly forming Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality comes into view in a much more tangible and distinct manner.

Standing here absorbing all that lies before us, we begin to better comprehend and grasp just exactly what participation in these ceremonies means, and more fully begin to acknowledge and recognize the level of Spiritual Responsibility we are agreeing to accept as our Individual Sacred Contractual Work.

Here, today, we make the final commitment to taking on the work of “Planetary Healer” at a much higher level of responsibility. We now understand beyond any doubt that we are fully supported by the Divine Feminine Healing Energies, and by the Divine Masculine Action Energies combined in a Sacred Union of Balance and Harmony embodied fully within our Sacred Spiritual and Physical Form. Here we step more completely into the Multi-dimensional Form held in Divine Love and Spiritual Perfection we truly are, allowing us to become increasingly accustomed to, and holding a better understanding of exactly what being Multi-dimensional yet held in Physical Matter’s Form means, and what we are truly capable of.

Monday December 16th, 2013 – the 13/13/13

Today, having consciously accepted our new level of responsibility as Planetary Healers by participating in the Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round we take the first steps as Conscious Trailblazers and Way-Showers into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round and stand firmly upon Terra Verum* within 7th Dimensional Reality.

Here, within this reality and plane of existence our Spiritual Intuition and our Physical Intelligence begins to meld more fully into a Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Technology, Biology and Spirit as we now begin an activation process and a time of assimilation and learning of how to use our newly developing abilities.


Tuesday December 17th

Having taken our first steps into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round we now stand firmly within a dimension of “knowing” that we exist in a Secure Physical Reality; for in many ways, we have completed the lessons of the Mayan Calendar Round Realities.

Having done so, we have advanced in our Spiritual Awakening Journey; and through the newly Illumined Spiritual Knowledge acquired from having experienced yet another major Spiritual Epiphany, we know there is no going back… This IS our Newly Expanded Truth of Reality.

We now stand ready to take our next steps deeper into the dimension and reality known as the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round.




I welcome the sharing of any experiences each of you may encounter as we transition through this work and movement. You may leave comments here on the web-site or you may e-mail me directly at…

We are only beginning in this work. It is an exciting time!


IN-Joy working with these frequencies and I will see you in the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

13/13/13 – Dec.16th, 2013: Prepare for the Opening of The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round



Dec. 16th, 2013

Prepare for the Opening of

The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

December 2013 Monthly Frequency Overview Report


December 16th, 2013 is the 13/13/13the 13th Day of the 13th Month of the 13th Year, (2013)

Many people have asked me how this date is calculated and determined.

For me, I have long followed the knowledge of the Goddess spiritual belief systems; those that adhere to a Lunar Cycle Calendar. When the Lunar Cycle Calendar is overlaid onto the Solar Cycle Calendar, this opens and makes the information of the 13/13/13 date of December 16th, 2013 obvious.

For those who still need more convincing, at the end of this article I have placed two videos by DAHBOO77 showing how this date is calculated by others, as well as some very interesting added information about a triangulation alignment between ISON, Venus and Earth, and a perfect cross alignment between ISON, Venus, Earth and our Sun; all of which occur on the 13/13/13, December 16th, 2013.

To understand more about the relevance of these two astronomical events occurring in the heavens on this date and how they relate to the opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round follow the links below and read the articles explaining it all.

11/10/13 Metatronic Frequency Report—Here Comes The Sun….Again!

Metatronic Frequencies of Solar Flare AR1890 & Comet ISON – 11/19/13 – 11/29/13

Monthly Frequency Overview Reports


October: Installment 1

October: Installment 2


Metatronic Frequencies of the Upcoming Lunar & Solar Eclipses

Equinox Frequency Report; plus combined report with Full Moon

And Even…

Message From A Universal Elder of this NOW… “A Cosmic Gathering”

Just as each repeated triple digit year denoting the triple digit Multi-dimensional Collective Consciousness Master Numbers of the 1/1/01 through the 12/12/12, signified and gave access to Star-Gate Portals on these Sacred High Frequency days for the work of the completion of the Old Mayan Calendar Round Reality, enabling the Shift of the Collective Consciousness into the next frequency round of the NEW Mayan Calendar Round Reality in which the Collective Consciousness of Humanity now exists, the 13/13/13 signifies and gives access to the 444 Star-Gate Portal opening of the energetic consciousness round that exists beyond the current home of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality, known as The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality.

Just for the record, the I AM Keyword phrases for the numbers 333 and 444 are:

333 – I AM the Multi-dimensional Birth Portal

444 – I AM Multi-dimensional Expansion of Form

From 2001 to 2009 we traveled and worked our way though the frequencies of the 111 through the 999. Then, in 2010 we took it to the next level of the Sacred Spiral with the vortex energies of the triple 0’s of the 10/10/10 = 111/000, thereby adding momentum for the next phase of that work. Then in 2011 with the 11/11/11 we had the final push of expansion of Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness so as to manifest and maintain a frequency of high enough vibrational rate to sustain the Shift of the Collective Consciousness into the next Time Frame Reality in 2012 when we opened the 333 Frequency Multi-dimensional Birth Portal between 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 (1+2=3, 12/12/12=333) and were able to step through between those linear time days into the 5th Dimension, or 5th World, where the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia now exist in the New Mayan Calendar Round reality.

For the sake of simplicity you can view this as two Star Gate Portals within close proximity facing each other; the 333 and the 444. We step out of the 333, the doorway from the Mayan Reality dimensions, across the threshold into the 444 Portal, the doorway into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality. Sort of like the space shuttle docking with the space station so astronauts can leave the shuttle and enter the station.

There is so much information that could, and needs to be shared surrounding the opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round that I am only going to hit the highlights in this report. You will need to watch for upcoming articles and the Daily Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports to stay abreast of what is occurring, when it is occurring and what our part is in all of it.

Over the last two and a half years may Spiritual Guides and the assimilated Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self I work with, (the Q4 and others), have given me well over one thousand pages of handwritten information about the workings of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round, including all of the mathematical calculations as to it length, the changes we can expect to see in our reality, new methods of energy work and sacred technology, the Sacred Geometry associated with it, and so much more. I will be releasing this information as quickly as possible. It is these same Guides and Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self who have taught me the Metatronic Numerology Frequency system I share with you each day.


Basic Description of the Different Reality Rounds

The Old Mayan Calendar Round reality exists within the 3rd and 4th dimensions and the main work within that reality is focused on the individual work on Self, or the Individual Aspect of Self. Here the individual must Awaken Spiritually and do the hard work on Self in preparation for movement into the next reality, The New Mayan Calendar Round reality.

The New Mayan Calendar Round reality exists within the 5th and 6th dimensions and the main work within this reality is focused upon the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, especially related to the Planetary Aspect of Self. Here the Individual must learn how to live within, and relate to, the Collective Consciousness in a way that benefits the Planet and all life upon it as one Consciousness. This work is preparation for movement into the next reality, the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality.

Although because of the actions of so many humans on Earth right now it may not seems like the Collective Consciousness of Humanity moved to and now exists within the New Mayan Calendar Round reality in the 5th dimension, it is never-the-less true that this shift did occur during the 12/12/12 – 12/21/12 portal opening. The Collective Consciousness of Humanity currently exists within the 5th dimension of the New Mayan Calendar Round reality.

The work of and within the New Mayan Calendar Round reality will teach and lead the Collective Consciousness of Humanity through the lessons and training in how to work together, and the importance of the Group Collective Conscious Mind. Within the New Mayan Round humans will learn to come together as one and how to work toward common goals that benefit every individual, as well as the planet and all other life forms upon it equally. This will lead us, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, to a world of Peace.

The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality exists within the 7th through the 11th dimensions and the main work within this reality is focused upon the Multi-dimensional Aspect of Self, especially as it relates to our Galactic Aspect of Self, and moves us into a reality of Multi-dimensionality. Here the boundaries of the “Individual Self” soften and true work as individual consciousness’ combine in a fashion that create pure Group Collective Conscious Minds. This can only happen, (at the level we are speaking of here), when all Individualized lower frequency aspects of Ego are truly understood and have been brought into balance.

Dates of Significance:

December 3rd is the first day of the 13th month and December 30th is the last day of the 13th month.


December 4th through the 10th are days to work on releasing Karmic Imbalances within our personal energy matrices.

A basic description the work of each day’s Karmic Imbalance release is as follows:

December 4th, Karmic Imbalances related to a lack of application to work requiring accomplishment; not doing your fair share of work yet benefitting from it.

December 5th, Karmic Imbalances related to a misuse of freedom; acquired freedom for self at the expense of others. A general lack of accountability.

December 6th, this is a day of healing energies. Use the frequency energies of this day to assist you in your healing and releasing work of these Karmic Imbalances.

December 7th, Karmic Imbalances related to lack of responsibility to family and a sense of distorted love.  This is often associated with illicit love affairs that harm families, and/or perversions that create low frequencies of energy masquerading as love.

December 8th, this is new Karmic Imbalance whose work of healing and releasing belongs in, and is done in, the New Mayan Calendar Round, but it is being brought to the surface with the opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round. This is not so much an individual Karmic Imbalance, although it can be found in the charts of some individuals under certain circumstances. This is a Karmic Imbalance that belongs to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and is directly related to Atlantis and the misuse of Sacred Technology during that time. It is known as the “17/8 Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance, or ATKI”.

December 9th, this is a day of Healing Forgiveness. For complete healing to transpire true Forgiveness of Self and others must occur. Use the frequency energies of this day to assist you in your healing and releasing work of these Karmic Imbalances.

December 10th, Karmic Imbalances related to the abuse of power and a sense of extreme self-centeredness, being blind to everyone and everything except the fulfillment of one’s own individual desires.


December 11th through December 17th are the seven days of the “Official Opening Ceremonies” (let’s just call them) of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round.

I am going to share about these days in another posting devoted specifically to them since these are the days of the main work of this month. Keep watching for the post entitled…

Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round


The 17th of December has a direct connection to a block of days running from the 20th through the 24th. I AM hearing the phrase, “Time Stands Still” as related to these days. It will be very interesting to see what information beyond this we get.

The 25th through the 28th is another block of days with an interesting connection. I will share more as we get closer to these days.

So now we have a basic overview of the work of December 2013.


IN-Joy working with these frequencies and all that is about to open for us as we move into yet another expansion of our reality.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Here are the videos I spoke of earlier…


© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

13/13/13 — Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round — 4*7*11– Information Coming Soon!

13/13/13 Dec. 16th, 2013 Prepare for the Opening of The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

Dec. 16th, 2013
Prepare for the Opening of
The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

Have you been seeing numbers such as….


How about…. 11:47, 147, 471, or maybe 477 or 744?

You might even have been seeing numbers such as…

11:44, 4711, even 777 or 444!

If you have been seeing any of these number combinations, or any variance of them on a regular and repeated basis, you are feeling the beginning effects of the Frequencies of the 

Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

calling to you!


Keep checking back here at Shambahalla – New Earth because in the next three to four days I will be sharing what this all means and where this will be taking us! 

It all happens and begins in December!


Metatronic Frequencies of Solar Flare AR1890 & Comet ISON – 11/19/13 – 11/29/13

Metatronic Frequencies of

Solar Flare AR1890 & Comet ISON

11/19/13 – 11/29/13

Comet Eye’S On


To have a fuller understanding of everything I am talking about in this article I suggest you read the Metatronic Monthly Frequency Overview Reports for September, October and November.

You can follow these links to those articles.

September Monthly Frequency Overview Report

October Monthly Frequency Overview Report: Installment 1

October Monthly Frequency Overview Report: Installment 2

November Monthly Frequency Overview Report


What is happening on the 19th and 20th, and also the 22nd, and then the last of the four blocks of highly energetic frequency days of the 28th and 29th, is directly related to the expansion of the Heart Chakra of the Collective Consciousness.


I AM going to share information about all of the pieces of this amazing Multi-dimensional puzzle first and then we will put the whole picture together.

** In the November Monthly Frequency Overview Report I shared that there were four blocks of highly energetic days this month that we needed to be conscious of and watch for higher frequencies during these times, because they can create stress in your daily life if you are not aware of what is transpiring.

These blocks of days are…

The 5th through the 8th

The 10th and 11th

The 19th and 20th &

The 28th and 29th

I also mentioned that the 22nd of this month has three sub-frequencies in play, 11, 22 & 33 and will be a very strong Frequency day, and that if at all possible you should try to spend the day in a quiet meditative state. At the very least you need to be aware of the energies of this day and not allow yourself to become energetically unbalanced.

Well obviously, here we are at the 19th and 20th and I would like to show you what is going on that is so amazing.

** To show you this whole picture we have to go all the way back to September 2013 when we did the work within the Multi-dimensional Portal that opened. This Multi-dimensional Portal became known as the “Peace Portal”, because of the work we did within its vortex energies.

We stood centered and balanced within its vortex energies and through our connection to the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind that came together, we made a determination as to which of the vast number of potential Near Future probable outcomes was the most positive to “Bring Back” into our Current Projected Time Frame Reality. We made a determination as to which of the potential Near Futures could be most easily accepted and adjusted to by the Collective Consciousness, including the Spiritually Unawakened, for our next step as ONE in a positive forward movement of Spiritual Awakening. In a sense we were using this Portal Vortex energy to “Step into Our Future” and create, set and add energy to a template for what is to come.

On the opening day of the Multi-dimensional Portal in September, shining down upon our planet, visible to the naked eye, were the Crescent Moon, Venus, Saturn, and the star Spica. This is significant, as you will see, and is related to the Comet ISON and how it plays into all of this.

Take a look at the path of Comet ISON in relationship to the Star Spica.

Spica & Comet ISON

Spica & Comet ISON

Now, let me go ahead and refresh your memory about Spica.

From the web-site:  Souled

“Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. The name Spica, from the Latin Spicum, is said to signify the ear of wheat Virgo holds in her left hand.”

Note here: In the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round the Left side is the Active-Outgoing Energy Flow Channel.

The sign Virgo is one of the most significant in the zodiac, for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process ~ to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, yet the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest spirit in a manner different from any other expression of divinity, and so make tangible an objective for which the whole creative process was intended.

Virgo, the Virgin, stands for the womb of form and for the nurturing mother, guarding the Christ principle within her own material substance until in the “fullness of time” she can give birth to the Christ child.

In Virgo the soul and the body are blended and of supreme importance to each other; the mother protects the germ of the Christ life; matter guards, cherishes and nurtures the hidden soul.

The word Virgo itself is a descendant of a corruption of an ancient Atlantean root name applied to the mother principle in those far off times. This Virgin was the matriarch of a female-dominated society to which various myths and legends bear evidence, and have come down to us concerning Lilith, the last of the Virgin Goddesses of Atlantean times.”

“Virgo symbolizes depths, darkness, quiet and warmth; it is the valley of deep experience wherein secrets are discovered and eventually brought to light. It is the place of slow, gentle and yet powerful crisis and periodic developments taking place in the dark and yet leading to light. It is the blinded stage found in Masonic rituals, and ever precedes the gift of light. Virgo stands for the womb of time wherein God’s plan is slowly matured and ~ with pain and discomfort through struggle and conflict ~ brought into manifestation at the end of the appointed time.



** On the 8th of this month, (November), the X1 Solar Flare AR1890 erupted sending information to Earth through the energy rays that showered Earth on the 10th and 11th; the second block of highly energetic frequency days.

I shared with you that the information and energy from the Sun/Ra Consciousness encoded within those rays of energy was directed at and going to hit the Heart Chakra of humans very intensely. It was aimed at the Heart Chakra center and designed to assist in the expansion of the Heart Charka of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Something that is very necessary for the movement of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity in a positive forward direction.

I shared that what we could expect to feel and experience during those two days especially, could best be described as equal forces of expansion and contraction pushing against each other within the Heart Chakra, and that this is what would be causing the stress and anxiety during the peak levels of this energy affecting Earth as these new codes of information flooded our planet.


** October was the “Month of Conception”; The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex, and was the initial point of Multi-dimensional Conception though the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine.

This means we began the process of bringing the Multi-dimensional realms into our reality in a more physical and concrete fashion.

** November is the “Month of Awakening” and its work is three fold.  To 1: Continuously and Consciously hold the frequency for the continued work of the Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception of the work of October, 2: constantly emit the 11:11 Wake-up code of the New Mayan Calendar Round, plus 3: work on our own individual expanded Awakening journey into the Multi-dimensional realms in a much more physical fashion.

I shared in the November Monthly Frequency Overview Report that this month holds some transitioning energy between the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality and The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality.

I stated that even though these two Reality Rounds are very different in their Frequency and energy they look very much alike on the surface.


Now let’s take a look at Comet ISON.

The frequencies Comet ISON holds and is emitting and other significant facts of ISON are as follows:

1: It holds the encoded 11:11 Wake-up call of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality.

2: It holds the 9-99-999 frequency combination of the last day of the Multi-dimensional Portal of September. The day we brought back the most positive probable Future Reality Outcome most easily accepted and adjusted to by the Collective Consciousness, including the Spiritually Unawakened, for our next step as ONE in a positive forward movement of Spiritual Awakening.

3: Comet ISON is taking a path right by, and very close to, the Star Spica through the Constellation of Virgo this month, especially from the 13th through the 22nd.

4: On the 28th, the first day of the last of the four highly energetic frequency block days this month, ISON will be at its closest proximity to our Sun.

5: ISON is now visible to the naked eye. This makes it very much a part of our physical reality. Even the Spiritually Unawakened, are aware of, and focused on ISON in our reality.

ISON is the messenger and carrier of the frequencies encoded with the information of the most positive probable Near Future outcome we brought back out of the Multi-dimensional Portal in September, as was determined by the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind to be most likely accepted and adjusted to by the Collective Consciousness, including the Spiritually Unawakened, for our next step as ONE in a positive forward movement of Spiritual Awakening designed to create our Near Future Collectively Agreed upon Present Projected Time Frame Reality, as well as being encoded with the frequency information of the Solar Flare AR1890 whose energy showered Earth on the 10th and 11th, which is also the 9-99-999 Frequencies designed to more fully open and expand the Heart Chakra of the Collective Consciousness. And, ISON is encoded with the 11:11 Wake-up code of the New Mayan Calendar Round. And let’s not forget that ISON is also encoded with the frequencies of Spica whose energy and workconcerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process ~ to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality, and stands for the womb of time wherein God’s plan is slowly matured and ~ with pain and discomfort through struggle and conflict ~ brought into manifestation at the end of the appointed time.”

In a very real way you can say ISON is showing us, and showering us with, the physical proof that what we began in September through the work with the Multi-dimensional “Peace Portal” is REAL and is beginning to take hold in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality.

This brings us to today and what is currently taking place.

When the encoded Solar Flare frequencies of AR1890, (the 9-99-999 Frequencies), hit Earth on the 10th and 11th, the work of expanding the Heart Chakra of the Collective Consciousness, began and made a big leap.

What we can expect on the 19th and 20th is to see the effects of this expansion. There is, taking place on our planet right now, a very large Frequency Shift due to the expansion of the Heart Chakra of the Collective.

Many will feel this Shift, and the ways in which you can expect to detect it are varied. Some will literally see with the physical eyes a very quick shift of what they are viewing as reality change; as if the old reality is instantaneously switched with a new view. If this transpires for you, you will most likely feel slightly confused for as long as one to two minutes as you readjust to the new reality. Distortions may occur during this time. Just be calm and enjoy the fun house effects.

Most will experience this frequency shift in a more subtle manner. Things such as a strong wind, with an extreme temperature change that does not fit the season in which they are currently in, or an audible sound of some sort that seems to come from nowhere and does not fit what is going on around them. Some will notice a very pleasant smell that cannot be identified.

Whatever the experience, it will be physical. Even many of the Spiritually Unawakened will notice such things, but will not think anything about it, for they will not understand what it is. Most are not aware enough to really take notice.

I will share more about what the 22nd and the 28th and 29th hold for us in another article, but just let me give you a quick look at what is in store for us.

The 22nd will be a day of Celebration, Acknowledgement, Giving Thanks and existing in Gratitude.

The 28th and 29th will hold for us, yet again, another frequency shift and another giant leap in the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness.

And with all of this information we have not even touched on what awaits us in December! So I want to say just a few words about that in closing.

Comet ISON is supposed to be able to best be seen in December between the 10th and the 14th. The, (let’s just call it), “Official Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round” occur during the seven day period between December 11th through December 17th.     

Hold on to your hats folks… this rocket ship is about to take off!!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


Monday Mantra — 11/18/13

Greetings All and Welcome to the start of another work week.

I have been led to share a music video once again to start our week with.

May you all Be Blessed as you travel though life this week and remember….. 

If you find yourself in need of assistance in realigning and rebalancing you energy you can visit Shambahalla – New Earth and use this meditative music video for a short relaxation and rebalancing break.

Snatam Kaur – Ek ong kar sat nam



The Creator and the Creation are One

Transformation vs. Transmutation

Transmutation is a Beautiful Thing!

Transmutation is a
Beautiful Thing!

It may seem a small difference between Transforming self and Transmuting self, but the truth is there is a vast difference between these two acts.

Transformation is to alter or change yourself in a manner that in comparison to Transmuting your self is only surface deep. In transforming yourself there is a change in appearance, a revolution and alteration of thoughts, emotions, deeds and actions, and often these changes are large and dramatic as seen by self and others.

Transforming can be likened to having a makeover done. You are different, what you project to the world is different and because of this you feel different about yourself and you begin acting accordingly.

Don’t get me wrong, transformation is essential to Transmutation. It is the first steps into a complete Transmutation of Self into what you desire your Self, life and reality to be.

Transmutation is a Metamorphosis. It is to change yourself into a completely different form and substance. Transmutation changes the state of being of your very nature.

When you transform yourself the old parts of Self still exist within your Energy Matryx Grid. They are not necessarily just covered up, yet they are still there in some form or another. Acts of transformation are the first steps taken in the process of Transmutation; and it is good because it is the initial experience and understanding of becoming what you can be when you release and relinquish the parts of Self that no longer serve your highest good and most efficient spiritual growth. But eventually these covered up parts of Self will resurface to be Transformed once again into the next layer of change.

To Transmute Self is to become a completely different Being. The parts of self that no longer serve your highest good and most positive and efficient spiritual growth now no longer exist within your energy matryx grid once Transmutation has occurred.

This is where Snake Medicine can be of great value. For Snake teaches us of shedding layers that need to be removed for further growth. Time after time Snake sheds his old skin allowing for expansion and growth. His “venom”, poisonous to those do not know and understand its power and maintain the proper state of mind, holds the secrets of Alchemy; the Transmutation of low frequency matter into Spirit’s Golden form. So Snake teaches us how to move through the processes of transformation into a full Transmutation of Self.  

Transmutation is a Beautiful Thing!

Transmutation is a
Beautiful Thing!

Butterfly Medicine also is very helpful in the process of Transmutation of Self, for just as the caterpillar becomes the Butterfly, and what once was no longer exists, so too do you as you move through the stages of transformation into a full Transmutation of Self. 

Butterfly teaches us Transmutation

Butterfly teaches us

When Butterfly has Transmuted it’s self from existence as a caterpillar, a new form of Spirit has emerged and now experience of existence is seen through the eyes of what it has become.

The “Medicine” or lesson Butterfly teaches us is that just as the caterpillar must crawl and see and experience the world from the perspective of being earth bound, once Transmuted into the Butterfly, its Spirit is able to soar free. Because it is no longer bound to Earth seeing only a small portion of what exists, the Spirit of the Butterfly views existence from a completely different perspective than that of the caterpillar. Now Spirit is able to rise above the earth bound perspective and see a much larger vista of existence. Now Butterfly knows through his own personal experiences, not just those he is told of by others, that there is a reality that exists beyond what the caterpillar aspect of Self would ever have been able to know. He has gone through a process of Metamorphosis, he has Transmuted his very Being into a fuller form of his complete true Self and Nature.

Unlike with transformation which is only surface deep, once Transmutation has taken place there is no returning to what existed before. With transformation you still have an option to return to existing and experiencing reality through the eyes of the old perspectives, for they still exist within your energy matryx grid. But with Transmutation those parts of Self no longer are held within your energy and you cannot simply uncover them and return.

Through Transmutation you, your Reality, your Perspective, and the whole world is changed forever.

May we All Transmute our Selves into the fullest Spiritually Awakened form we can be.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



 © 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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