Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2/12/14 – Continued Creation of What is to Come


It has been brought to my attention that for many of the regular readers and subscribers to the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports who live in the Eastern hemisphere of our planet, they get these reports late. This is because of the times I usually post these reports, and their day is either over with, or well on its way to being over with.

So in order to make this information available to people the planet over, I am going to begin posting a day in advance. That way the information is timely and relative to everyone.

I hope this does not cause an issue with anyone, but I do urge those living in the part of the world in closer time proximity to my own, that you always check the date of the report you are reading and make sure it is for your day and time.

Thank you so much to all of those who have, and continue to, support me in this Sacred Work. I truly do appreciate it. Sharing my Sacred Contractual Work with the world is truly my Bliss. Thank you for making this possible for me.


Today is a 3 Frequency day with a 33 Sub-frequency and 22 and 77 Minor frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 3, 22, 33 and 77 are:

3 – I AM Joyful Creation

22 – I Am Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence


I want to share a quick reminder about this month’s main focus and work.

Today is the third day that our focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love associated with the work of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA is in two hour increments of time. Tomorrow we increase the hourly focus time to four hours.

Remember to revisit the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work to assist you in this process as often as you feel it deemed necessary for yourself.

The Guided Meditation can be found at the following link…

Guided Meditation for February 2014 DNA Work

If you are not yet familiar with this work and would like to join in and participate you can find the information about it in the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014.


First we are going to take a quick look at the Minor influences of the 22 and 77 frequencies. A Minor influence is an extremely subtle influence on the day. It can be compared to an undercurrent; not really consciously affecting the day, but there more as a whisper and a supportive frequency.

The 22 Frequency was one of the stronger influences in play yesterday, and is here today basically supporting the work of Conceiving the reality we intend to create and have Set Into Motion through this conception. To read more about this, read the Frequency Report for yesterday. You can follow this link…

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report for 2/11/14

The 77 Frequency is also a Minor influence on the day. It is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective of our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities with our physical intellect begins to come together and form a strong cohesiveness.

Within this frequency the Spark of our Divine Rational Mind, that lies dormant in the 5 frequency, is ignited.

So this frequency assists us with learning to not only hear the voice of Spirit, and our Higher Self and Spiritual Guides better, it assists us in learning to better interpret what we hear into information that really pertains to the physical realms and our daily lives.

The main frequencies of today are the 3 and 33 Frequencies.

The 3 Frequency is Creative Energy; Creativity in all forms. It is the initial energy of the Creative Life Force for the physical realms, and is the lower frequency vibration of the 111, and therefore associated with the Initial Spark of the Conception Energy.

(If you remember, on the 10th we had the 111 Frequency in play. That was the day we set our intentions for what we want our lives to become, where we want to go with our lives and what we want to do with our lives.)

The 3 Frequency is lighthearted and filled with the energy of Joy. It sets our imaginations free from structured reality and allows us to fly to Mystical and Magickal realms.

In this energy we play, we enjoy life and everything is has to offer. This way of existing, in turn, opens us to unlimited possibilities of Creative Expression.

The frequency of Joy is one of the highest, if not the highest frequency obtainable within our reality. When you exist in, and work from the energy of Joy anything is not only possible, it manifest into physical reality quickly.

The 33 Frequency holds the energy of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and it lends its self to showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives. We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.

Today’s 3/33 Frequency combination not only supports the work we have been doing of learning to more Continuously Live in a State of Divine Unconditional Love as we work on Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA, it also supports the Creation of what we Conceived and Set Into Motion for what we want our lives to become; the work we have done for the last two days.

Then we have the subtle assistance of the 22 Sacred Structure and the 77, which assists us in better hearing our Higher Guidance clearly.

Today, we need to keep up the work we have been doing and really keep a concentrated focus on what we are creating.

Remember to Meditate and use visualization techniques to see and experience yourself in the place you want to be, doing what you want to be doing and focus on the Joy and Unconditional Love you feel in that projected time frame to create as efficiently as possible.

Don’t forget, doing this work for Self actually assists in the unfoldment of creating a new and more loving reality for the Collective Consciousness because, like I shared on the 10th, when we are following our Divine Sacred Path and living in our Bliss we emit a harmonious frequency that sings a song of perfection to the Universe. In turn, when others hear this song of Joy and Unconditional Love they are drawn to it like moths to a flame.

Once exposed to the experience of this frequency of Joy and Love they come to a knowing they too can exist within this Conscious and Continual State of Divine Unconditional Love and Light.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies, and please take time for this very Sacred Work today.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras




© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2/11/14 – Conscious Co-Creator or Unconscious Co-Creator. What Is Your Choice?


Once again we are under the influence of a frequency combination we have not experienced since I began doing these Frequency Reports last August.

Before we get to today’s report I want to share a quick reminder that today is the second of three days that our focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love associated with the work of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA is in two hour increments of time.

Remember to revisit the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work to assist you in this process as often as you feel it deemed necessary for yourself.

The Guided Meditation can be found at the following link…

Guided Meditation for February 2014 DNA Work

If you are not yet familiar with this work and would like to join in and participate you can find the information about it in the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014.


Today is a 2/11 Frequency day with 22 and 44 frequencies as Sub-frequency influences, and it is an 11-11 Day.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 2, 11, 22 and 44 are:

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

11 – I Am Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

22 – I Am Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

First let’s look this 11-11 Day frequency.

Most all are now familiar with the 11-11 Frequency Encoded “Wake-Up” call, and that it is something we as a Collective set into place before descending into dense reality realms to be of assistance to us in our Collective Spiritual Re-Awakening process so we were sure to meet a certain percentage of the Collective Consciousness being Spiritual Awake and holding a particular frequency in order for the “Shift of the Ages”, better known as the Consciousness Shift of the 12/21/12 Mayan Calendar to occur. Basically this was an alarm clock we set before we went to sleep so we would be sure to wake up on time.

For those who are regular subscribers and readers of the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports, you will most likely remember that I have shared that the Q4 have told us that with the work we did back in November of 2013 the 11:11 Frequency Portal of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality now stands continuously open.

What this means is that movement through this portal is now available at all times to everyone, and there is an Ease of Access that was not there before. The changes this is making in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality are that we are beginning to see, and will continue to see, an acceleration of Spiritual Awakening by those who still slumber; and the reality of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity existing on Gaia will flow and shift more rapidly into a fuller Spiritually Awakened state.

Back on January 3rd, 2014 I also shared that now that the 11:11 Frequency Portal is continuously open, and we have moved into 2014, a 7 Frequency year with a 7-11 Frequency embedded into it, our work with the 11:11 Encoded Wake-Up Frequency has changed slightly.

We no longer need to focus on raising frequency to enable it to remain open, we have accomplished that.

Now our work, especially on these full 11:11 Frequency Encoded days, is to focus our energy and intentions on being of assistance to the lessening of the accumulative amount of highly negative charged emotions surrounding the planet and how they can hinder the Spiritually Slumbering Masses in Initial Awakening; especially those who are beginning to react to the subconscious promptings of their own Spiritual Awakening.

For as we can all remember, as exciting as initial Spiritual Awakening is, it is also a time when we are often lost and confused as to what we should believe and think, and where we should turn in our quest for understanding about what is happening to us. From now on these 11-11 Encoded days will come around at regular intervals as reminders that with the larger numbers of newly Awakening humans happening simultaneously, the planet and the Collective Consciousness will see times of overwhelming amounts of energy of fear and confusion being released; and with the accumulation of this energy we need to remain focused on assisting in the energy work of Love and Light by emitting a newly upgraded 11:11 Encoded Frequency Message.

This new 11-11 Encoded message is…

“You are Waking Up… You are Safe… And You ARE on the Right Path”

This is the upgraded 11:11 Message we need to emit. 


Now to today’s report.

The 2 Frequency bandwidth holds the energy of Cooperation, adaptability, and the energy of the Peacekeeper. Here, within this frequency the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind lies dormant, waiting to be ignited.

The 11 Frequency bandwidth holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber, unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality, as well as assist the Spiritually Awakened in further expanding their understanding of the workings of our Universe and assisting them on the continued path of their Awakening Journey.

This 2-11 Frequency combination assists in holding your energy balanced. When your energy is balanced, you find peace within no matter what is going on around you, and you do not become overwhelmed and stress-filled. This allows you to keep your emotions under control so you do not move into chaotic and forceful energy and actions.

When your energy is balanced, it allows for greater Communication between this realm and the realms of Spirit; helping to facilitate communication with the Spiritual Realms, Realities and Dimensions that lie beyond this one.

When you stand balanced and centered within your Self, within your own energy, communications and messages from other realms, and your Higher Self become clearer and stronger; then when these messages are filtered through a heart held in peaceful energy, the Truth of these messages “rings” in your inner hearing as music from the heavens and as the voices of the angels.

The 22 Frequency holds the energy and information of the Master Builder; one who builds upon, with and through Sacred Structure.

Let’s just take a quick look at what is meant by Sacred Structure.

Structure: (According to dictionary search on yahoo)

1) something that is made up from a number of parts put together in a particular way. 2) the way in which parts are put together to form a whole; its makeup. 3) the interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity.

Structuralize/Structuralization: To form, organize, or incorporate into a structure. This is the act of Building.

Sacred: worthy of respect or dedication; something set apart from the profane and mundane world of the lower frequencies; often referring to the physical area around a temple or other physical structure.

Here, if we begin with self as the center point, and recognize that WE, each of us, as the embodiment of Spirit in Physical form is an animated, living, breathing Sacred Temple, then we suddenly realize where our focus and our intentional “Creation and Building of a Sacred Structure, based on the Truth shown to us through our Spiritual Vision” must begin if we are to Create and Build a Collective Reality in, and of, this Sacred Vision and Truth.

It Must Begin With Self!


Each of us is a Sacred Building Block necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

And each of us is responsible for the Creation, Building and Maintaining of Self in a Sacred Manner.


The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs. Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine; especially under the multi 7 Frequency we will be heavily influenced by for all of 2014. At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates.

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

Now with all of that in mind, let’s take a look at a bit of added information pertinent to today’s work.

Back on the 22nd of December, 2013 we had a 4-22 Frequency day where we set the set the stage and laid the foundation for the work we did yesterday and are continuing to build upon today. In the December 22nd report I shared the following…

“Today’s frequency combination is setting the stage; it is laying the foundation for creating the reality we will be moving into. Today’s frequency is laying the foundation for our individual realities, and our Collective Reality, and today is the first of that work.

Like I said earlier, we will not see this frequency combination again until April of 2014, so what you focus on creating today will begin to manifest into your life in a more physical and tangible form come April 2014.”

If you remember in yesterday’s report I shared that what we conceived of and Set Into Motion under the influences of yesterday’s energies, and add to under today’s frequencies, we will begin to see signs of Manifestation in April, after we have done the work of Releasing and Completion in March.

What we are seeing here is just exactly how exponentially and vitally important it is becoming that we keep our thoughts and emotions in line and balanced; because that is how we create our reality; our individual reality and our Collective Reality. And if you are not in control of the tools used to create reality, reality will create whatever it is you have been thinking about and putting emotion into anyway.

If your thoughts and emotions are random and chaotic, full of negativity such as melancholy, anger, resentment, doubt, and other self destructive frequencies, then guess what type of reality you are going to create?  

Yesterday was very much about Conceiving and Setting Into Motion what we want to create for our individual self. Today is more focused on the part we play, and the portion of responsibility we hold as the individual we are, in creating Reality for the Collective Consciousness as a whole.

There is no escaping our Individual Responsibility in the Creation of our Reality; Our Individual Reality and our Collective Reality.

WE ARE ONE…. It is as simple as that!

And as a part of the ONE, each of us is Responsible for our share of its upkeep. There is no giving up. There is no saying “I don’t want to be responsible.” There is no, not participating.

There is only one choice we each have. We are either Conscious, Responsible Co-Creators of Our Reality, or we are Unconscious and Irresponsible Co-Creators of Our Reality.


What is your choice?


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies; and remember to keep your focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love, and keep expanding your Heart Chakra.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras




© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2/10/14 – Setting Your Intentions Into Motion To Create A New Life & New World


Today is the first of three consecutive days we focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love associated with the work of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA in two hour increments of time.

If at all possible I suggest you revisit the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work to assist you in the increased focus time of this process.

The Guided Meditation can be found at the following link…

Guided Meditation for February 2014 DNA Work

If you are not yet familiar with this work and would like to join in and participate you can find the information about it in the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014.


Today holds some very important frequencies for us that will have some long term effects.

Today is a 1 Frequency day, with an 11 Sub-frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 1 and 111 are:

1 – I AM Independent & Brave

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

The 1 Frequency is about the Self… you as the Individual you are. So today’s frequency is focused on working on Self. The reason work on Self is so important is because if we are to be effective at the work of assisting the Collective Consciousness we have to have our own energy balanced and flowing properly.

The 1 Frequency gives assistance to the individual in finding the courage they need to begin their quest and journey into what being Multi-dimensional means for them.

Remember the 1 Frequency is about New Beginnings. It is about starting a New Journey into unexplored territory in search of what else is out there.

Regular readers of the Daily Frequency Reports will be familiar with the example I share about the 1 Frequency and the journey of the Newly Awakened Self.

The Fool card in Tarot gives us a perfect example of the 1 Frequency.

The 1 Frequency and The Fool represent New Beginnings, being spontaneous and jumping in. Not in a sense of carelessness and reckless abandon, although from time to time it may appear to others this is the case, but out of a sense of wonder, awe, excitement and questioning.

The Fool is beginning a journey down a new and unexplored path in search of, “What else is out there?”, and his lack of experience allows him to take off in a new direction unhindered by falsely preconceived ideas and fears created by others.

The Fool is actually an Independent Free Thinker because of his innocence and lack of experience; he is unafraid to go exploring in territory in pursuit of answers where others would try to convince him dangers lie hidden in wait to harm him. He is brave and fearless and will cross boundaries marked by signposts warning…

“Here there be Dragons!”

He is driven to search no matter the cost.

The 111 Frequency is about the initial thought energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception. Within this frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form. If we associated this with physical conception this would be the point where the egg is fertilized.

Today we are conceiving something for our self. Individually we are setting intentions for what we want our lives to become, where we want to go with our lives and what we want to do with our lives.

Next month will be a month of Completion. Exactly what all this will entail I do not know fully just yet, but rest assured we will be working on releasing the last vestiges of what no longer serves our highest good. This was work we did yesterday, remember?

Then in April we are set for a month of Dynamic Change and Metamorphosis.

What I am being told and shown is that, what we conceive of and Set Into Motion under the influences of today’s energies, (and will work on more under tomorrow’s frequency combination), will begin showing signs of Manifestation in April, after we have done the work of Releasing and Completion in March.

I highly suggest you take time today to set clear intentions of what you would like to see manifest in your life and in the world as a whole.

Meditate and use visualization techniques to see and experience yourself in the place you want to be, doing what you want to be doing and focus on the Joy and Unconditional Love you feel in that projected time frame.

Doing this for Self will (and does) actually assist in the work we are currently doing in Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA and learning to Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love.

It does so because when we are following our Divine Sacred Path and living in our Bliss we emit a harmonious frequency that sings a song of perfection to the Universe. In turn, when others hear this song of Joy and Unconditional Love they are drawn to it like moths to a flame.

Once exposed to the experience of this frequency of Joy and Love they come to a knowing they too can exist within this Conscious and Continual State of Divine Unconditional Love and Light.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies and please take the time to Set into Motion your Intention of the Creation of a New Life and World.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2/9/14 – Existing in a State of Continual Conscious Unconditional Love


Since my personal life created the scenario causing me to miss posting the Frequency Report for Saturday, February 08, 2014 on time, I have decided to skip it for now and go ahead and post the report for the 9th so as not to get any further behind. I will post the report for the 8th later because it is a very interesting frequency combination; one we have not experienced before since I began sharing this work, and it has some extremely fascinating and intriguing information associated with it.  

With the system of belief I ascribe to I have to think there is a reason I did not get that report up in time; and somewhere down the road this reason will reveal itself. I also know the reason may be something as simple as a reminder to me personally that I am not perfect and it is okay. I just accept this and move on.



Today is the third and last day we focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love associated with the work of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA in one hour increments of time. If at all possible I suggest you revisit the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work before we increase the time to two hours beginning tomorrow and continuing through Wednesday, February 12th.

The Guided Meditation can be found at the following link…

Guided Meditation for February 2014 DNA Work

If you are not yet familiar with this work and would like to join in and participate you can find the information about it in the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014.


Today is a 9 Frequency day.

The I AM Keyword phrase for 9 is…

I AM Unconditional Giving

Today’s frequency is very much about giving us the strongest assistance possible in doing this month’s work. It is here to wrap us in its loving warmth and show us and remind us exactly how loved and perfect we truly are. And just how capable we are of Continuously and Consciously existing in a state of Divine Unconditional Love.

The 9 Frequency is about Unconditional Giving, and Unconditional Giving is giving to others without expectation of return.

We must also know and remember that Forgiveness is also an act of Unconditional Giving. Let’s look at this for just a moment.

“Psychologists generally define Forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.”

It is said,

“To err is human, to forgive is divine.”

What we must first recognize is that, this act of Unconditional Giving through Forgiveness must begin with our Self if we are to be of true assistance to the work of creating and manifesting a positive influence on the world and the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as One.

You cannot lend positive energy to creating and manifesting Positive Change, World Peace and Equality while holding onto anger, resentment, pain, grief, judgment, and chastisement of Self (or others) over what you perceive as past mistakes; and to truly forgive others to the full extent of this energy, you must do so for Self first.

What transpires when you Forgive yourself is a complete release of energies that no longer serve your highest good or the highest good of the Collective Consciousness.

The 9 Frequency is also about Completion, and the act of Unconditional Giving through Forgiveness brings you to this stage of Completion.

Once reached, this is a big step in your Spiritual Awakening process; for you cannot move forward to exist fully and continuously into the Master Number Frequencies until this process is complete.

Remember, as was stated in the quote above, Forgiveness is a Conscious and Deliberate Decision. You must want to do this work, then you must Consciously decide to Forgive, then you must act upon that decision.

Today’s 9 Frequency lends assistance in finalizing this work of Forgiveness thus allowing for a level of Unconditional Giving toward self and others that can be reached in no other way. Use today’s energy to assist you in the work of Completion of the release of energies that no longer serve your highest good and prepare to step forward into a new existence.

As you do the work of releasing what no longer serves today, also focus on the expansion of the Heart Chakra. Allow your Heart and the Love and Light held within it to slowly and gently expand. Be gentle with yourself. Allow this Unconditional Love we are working on creating in a continuous and conscious manner to flow from your heart like the warming rays of the Sun on a beautiful spring day.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequency


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras






© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras


Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round


 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the


Author – Essence Ka tha’ras


and please add a link back to this web-site…



Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2/7/14 – Intelligence Seeking Self


A reminder before we get into today’s report. Today we increase the time we focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love associated with the work of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA we are now doing, from thirty minute increments to one hour increments.

If you are not yet familiar with this work you can find the information in the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014.

Also, the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work can be found at the following link…

Guided Meditation for February 2014 DNA Work

I suggest if at all possible you use this meditation again, and each time we increase the length of time we endeavor to continuously maintain this Conscious state of being.


I would like to share a drawing I did entitled The Synthesis of Technology, Biology & Spirt. This is not the best photo of this pencil drawing, but it lets you see the concept. 

Synthesis of Technology, Biology & Spirit

Synthesis of Technology, Biology & Spirit

Today is a 7 Frequency day with a 77 Sub-frequency influence and a 777 Passive Potential.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 7, 77 and 777 are:

7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

777 – I AM the Multi-dimensional Alchemical Synthesis of Technology, Biology and Spirit

Just for the record, this is the Frequency combination for the year of 2014. So what this means is that this whole year is very much about exactly what today’s frequencies show us, and the work done within it energy.

The frequency of 7 is about Seeking and Study, Analysis and Understanding. In many ways, you could say 7 is the frequency of the mind.

Within the 7 frequency lies the energy of the Sciences and Technology; especially those related to the physical world. Many scientist and technology inventors have a strong 7 energy within their personal energy fields.

On the journey of spiritual awakening, the 7 frequency bandwidth is where the desire to go within to seek a clearer understanding of Self and the workings of our Universe, and how we fit into it all begins to become a priority in life. 7 is the frequency of the Sacred Mysteries and all things Spiritual, and here within this energy lies the initial gateway into The Sacred Esoteric Mysteries.

The frequency of 77 is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective and our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our spiritual intuitive abilities with and into a cohesive form with our physical intellect begins and transpires.

Within this frequency the Spark of our Divine Rational Mind, that lies dormant in the 5 frequency, is ignited.

The energy bandwidth of the 777 Frequency is where, through the use of Sacred Alchemical processes, we begin working within the Multi-dimensional realms of reality in a much more mentally expanded way, and learn to bring together, blend and merge, the Technological, the Biological and the Spiritual aspects of Self and all their dimensions.

This frequency and the information it contains, and what is capable of being created within it are amazing to say the least. As we move deeper into 2014 we will begin working with this frequency more and more and going every deeper into it influence and learning how to better navigate in the Multi-dimensional realms.

Today’s frequency combination lends assistance, on an individual level, as well as on a collective level, in beginning to see the bigger picture; because within this energy is where the Heart and the Mind begin to work in a more balanced and unified fashion.

This frequency combination helps us to not only know and understand the workings of our reality from a highly Spiritual and Cosmic perspective, it also assists in interpreting it into practical ways of using and implementing this knowledge into our physical world and daily reality.


One Sacred Technological tool available to us and of great assistance is the Lemniscate, (the figure 8 lain on its side).




When you use the Lemniscate as an energy flow channel to connect the Heart (4th Chakra, where we hear the voice of Spirit), to the Mind (6th Chakra, where we interpret the voice of Spirit into information for the physical realms) and then activate its spin once this connection is made, you open the Crown (7th Chakra, the direct link to Spirit) in a way, and to an extent that is not possible in any other fashion.

With the use of this Sacred Spiritual Technological Lemniscate Mechanism, we have a tool allowing us to create a communications link that is clearer and a more direct access line to our Divine Rational Mind. This in turn assists us in existing in the Multi-dimensional realms and realities in a more tangible and substantial fashion.

This 7-77-777 Frequency combination is very intense and not something the Collective Consciousness has had much interaction with in a very long time, but like I stated earlier, we will be working with it very intensely this year.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies and may your ability to Consciously maintain your thoughts and emotions in balanced equilibrium and existing in a state of Divine Unconditional Love be fruitful.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…



Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2/5/14 & 2/6/14 – Plus: February’s DNA Work

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report:

2/5/14 & 2/6/14

Plus: February’s DNA Work

Today we begin a twenty-four day cycle of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA.

This is going to be some intensive work. During these days we are going to focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love; a state of Consciously holding and maintaining control of our every thought, word, deed and action.

For more information on this month’s work see the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014.

And to find the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work follow the link below…

February 2014 DNA Meditation



Today is a 5 Frequency day with a 77 Sub-frequency influence and a 777 Minor frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 5, 77 and 777 are:

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

777 – I AM the Divine Multi-dimensional Alchemical Synthesis of Technology, Biology and Spirit

Succinctly stated, the frequencies of today lend assistance in making a substantial Change in our reality. This frequency combination promotes and supports the awakening of the Divine Rational Mind and beginning to work with our natural Spiritual Intuitive abilities in a much stronger and clearer fashion. It helps to open us up to the melding of the Physical and Spiritual realms, and expands what is viewed as “accepted reality”. It also brings into our awareness different ways and means, tools and techniques with which to create our reality in a more efficient manner.


The 5 Frequency is about Change, Adventure and Action. Here within this frequency lies the energy of the Visionary, the one who can see the bigger picture.

Here lies the energy of the Constructive Use of Freedom and the Right Use of Free Will. Also, although there is still much work to be done on Self before it can be ignited, the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind lies within the Frequency of the 5.

The energy of the 5 Frequency loves change and is always looking for the next great adventure into the unknown; an occurrence that once experienced will change one’s perspective of reality forever.

The 5 frequency holds a neutral charge, so it allows for open-mindedness. It is simply about going in search of the “Truth” no matter where it is found. The 5 Frequency lends us assistance in having the courage to step out beyond our comfort zone; that small confined Box created by the mainstream consciousness mindset, and test the waters for what else just might be true.

The frequency of 77 is about Creative Thought and Expanding the Perspective of our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities blending into cohesion with our Physical Intellect begins to transpire. This Frequency stimulates, motivates and inspires the initial igniting of the Divine Rational Mind.

Within this frequency the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind that has lain dormant in the 5 frequency has its first initial ignition.

The energy bandwidth of the 777 Frequency is where, through the use of Sacred Alchemical processes, we begin working within the Multi-dimensional realms of reality in a much more mentally expanded way, and where we start to learn to bring together, blend and merge, the Technological, the Biological and Spiritual aspects of Self and all their dimensions.

This frequency and the information it contains, and what is capable of being created within it are amazing to say the least. As we get deeper into this year we will be working with it more and more, and going every deeper into it influence: So be ready!



Today is a 6 Frequency day with a 222 Active Potential influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 6 and 222 are:

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

222 – I AM Multi-dimensionality in Gestation

Let me first state that since beginning to share these reports last August we have not ever had a day where we have been under the influence of the 222 Frequency. This frequency comes into play very sporadically and very seldom; at least in the position of the Current Projected Time Frame Reality in which we presently exist.

We have had several days already this year where we have been under the influence of frequency combinations we have not experienced previously. This is not surprising though, because we just opened and entered into the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round reality. So really, if you think about it, it is to be expected.

A “Potential” is an EXTREMELY subtle influence. It is just exactly what it states; a Potential; and the repeated triple digit numbers always deal with the Multi-dimensional realms. So what this frequency is telling us today is that the work we have been doing all along has now been seeded and conceived of in the Multi-dimensional realms and is now in a time of Gestation.

So what exactly is it that has been conceived and is now in a time of Gestation? This is the question I asked the Q4.

Two things were automatically presented in answer to this question.

First, the work of Change that we started yesterday under the 5/77/777 Frequency combination and the work we are doing related to the Cleansing, Realigning and Conscious Evolution of the Double Helix Human Strand DNA is now in a time of Gestation.

Secondly, I was directed to the frequencies of Saturday, February 8th.  I’m not going to go into detail about Saturday’s frequencies right now. I will do that in the report for that day. But if you remember correctly, in the February Frequency Overview Report I talked about the 88 Frequency showing up on the 8th and the 17th, and that you could expect for these two days to be extremely powerful and intense.

What the Q4 showed me is that some very specific work associated with information they gave me several months ago having to do with a Collective Karmic Imbalance created in Atlantis surrounding the abuses of Sacred Technology, (as associated with the Frequency combinations of the 8th and the 17th, which by the way, we have not seen these frequency combinations before either) is now moving into a time of Gestation. In other words, later sometime this year we will begin the process of the work of dealing with this specific Collective Karmic Imbalance. Part of this month’s work on the Double Helix Human Strand DNA is preparatory work for that later work.

Just to let you know what to be looking for information on, this is known as the ATKI – Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance.

I will share more about this in the Saturday, February 8th Frequency Report.

So this leaves us with the 6 Frequency that is the main frequency for today.

The 6 energy is about taking on our individual responsibility in caring for our family; our immediate birth family, and then extending out in ever widening circles until it encompasses the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and it teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner you see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess teaching by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation how to think for Self and be responsible in interactions with others and the world as a whole.

Associated with this month’s work we can see how this frequency can be of assistance in reprogramming our self and learning how to stay focused on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love; a state of Consciously holding and maintaining control of our every thought, word, deed and action. This is the Feminine DNA Strand attached to the Pineal.  

For those who work with aromatherapy and Essential oils, Gardenia Essences and aroma vibrate to this frequency. They can be very useful in doing the work of the 6 Frequency. And if you have a tendency to be a bit overbearing in your interactions with others they can help show you the path to leading by tender words and example instead of forceful means.


In-Joy working with these day’s frequencies.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


Metatronic Numerology Frequency Overview for February 2014

 This year February is a 9 Frequency month.

This gives us the baseline frequency for February.

The I AM Keyword phrase for 9 is:

I AM Unconditional Giving

So at the very foundation of our work this month we are being asked and prompted to be Unconditionally Giving of our Self in the work we are doing to affect positive change and growth for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

The strongest overall frequencies in play this month are the 55 and the 88 Frequencies; with the 55 being the strongest and the 88 playing more of a supportive role.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 55 and 88 are:

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

88 – I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

As you can see, the 55 Frequency is where we make a strong, clear and continuous connection to our Higher Self.

The work with the Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA will be of great assistance in doing just this, not only for our individual selves, but in beginning to open the communication lines of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity with its (our Collective) Higher Self.

The 55 Frequency shows up as a Sub-frequency on the 14th for one day. It then comes back into play as a Sub-frequency on the 23rd and runs for eleven consecutive days, through the 5th of March. We can expect some powerful frequencies and energies during this time.

The 88 Frequency is the frequency bandwidth where all information and knowledge concerning Sacred Geometry and Divine Engineering is held. It is also the frequency where the full and complete combining of the Divine Heart and the Divine Rational Mind occurs.

During this month, this supportive frequency is here to assist in the work of Building a Secure Physical Reality for all of Humanity. This frequency shows up on the 8th and the 17th of this month. You can expect for these two days to be extremely powerful and intense. Let me just put it this way; the frequencies of these two days, are frequency combinations we have not seen since I began sharing these reports last August.


The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round work of February 2014


On Wednesday, February 5th, we begin a twenty-four day cycle of Cleansing, Realigning and Consciously Evolving the Double Helix Human Strand DNA.

This is going to be some intensive, and intense work.

During these days we are going to focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love; a state of Consciously holding and maintaining control of our every thought, word, deed and action.

We are going to aspire to existing continuously in a state of maintaining our thoughts and emotions in balanced equilibrium, keeping our selves calm and serene, and holding a very high frequency within our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies; constantly emitting and radiating Divine Unconditional Love from every cell and fiber of our Full Self and Being. 

We will begin by working at holding this level of Divine Unconditional Love for thirty minute periods for the days of the 5th and the 6th of February.

We are going to learn to be ever vigilant in the thoughts that cross through our minds, in the words that pass through our lips, in the actions that we take, and in the energy we emit and the frequency we hold and maintain.

This may sound an easy and simple task for experienced Lightworkers, but our aim is to take this work on Self to the next level; for in so doing we create a Template for the rest of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity to step upon, and we open wider the path of Love and Brighten the Light upon it for those who come newly into their Spiritual Awakening to feel and see their way.

Through the Guidance of the Q4, and with the assistance of dear friends, each of them powerful Lightworkers in their own right, I have recorded a meditation to be used in conjunction with this Cleansing, Realigning and Conscious Evolution of the Double Helix Human Strand DNA. You can find this meditation at the following link……

Feb. 2014 DNA Guided Meditation

As with all work we do in Service to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and the Divine ONE Heart and Mind, we begin with Self. Yet through the work and forward movement we do with, and for Self, we assist the Collective and every individual of Humanity in their Journey of Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment.

We will be increasing the amount of time we work at holding this very High Frequency of Divine Unconditional Love incrementally every three days after the 6th of February.

The meditation to be used in conjunction with this work can be used as often as you desire; daily if you so choose. I suggest you use it at least every time we start a new incremental increase in the sections of days of this Sacred and Divine work.

I hope many of you will join me in this work, and if you have any questions or comments you may offer them here on this website, or you may e-mail me personally if you so choose, at:


I would like to share the incremental increases and dates of these increases so that you have a better overall perspective of the intensity of this work we are doing this month.

Beginning on Wednesday, February 05, 2014 we will focus on Continuously Living in a State of Divine Unconditional Love; a state of Consciously holding and maintaining control of our every thought, word, deed and action for periods of thirty minutes at a time. This will continue for Thursday, February 6th also. But from there we begin moving rapidly to increase the time we focus on doing this continuously.

Following are the dates and time lengths for this work.

Date:                    Time Length:

5th & 6th                 30 Minutes

7th, 8th & 9th             1 hour

10th, 11th, 12th          2 hours

13th, 14th, 15th          4 hours

16th, 17th, 18th          7 hours

19th, 20th, 21st         11 hours

22nd, 23rd, 24th        16 hours

25th, 26th, 27th         22 hours

28th                         24 hours


IN-Joy working with this month’s frequencies and work.


I would love to hear from you and your experiences of this month’s work. You can leave comments here, e-mail me at, or you can find me on Face Book and/or Twitter. Just look for Essence Ka tha’ras.

And don’t forget to check out Shambahalla-New Earth’s page on Face Book. We are…

Shambahalla – New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…