One Step Does Not A Journey Make


My mother used to say to me; “One step does not a journey make.” What she was talking about was, for so many they think that by making one change in their life they are through and have done all that is necessary for them in creating the life they say they want. Nothing could be more false.

That was in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, when this whole journey started for many of us. Today I think I would have to change our saying just a bit, so as to speak more directly to those of us known as “Lightworkers”, “Lightbearers”, “Light Warriors” etc. How ever you see yourself as participating in the work of the New Paradigm, whatever term you choose to describe yourself and the specific work you do, I would say to you now…

One Alignment or Attunement does not an Enlightened Being make”

Please do not be offended by my words. As a matter of fact, if you twinge with defense at these words then I would say most definitely you should think about them more and just exactly why they should create within you such a reaction.

In the linear third dimensional times we exist within now, there are many paths to home; there are many types of work to be done, and many interconnecting tasks that must be accomplished for the shift of the Collective Consciousness to occur in the manner it is meant to. For us as Lightworkers, this means bringing together what has become fragmented into a cohesive Whole; which in the end becomes more than the sum of its parts.


The Journey of the Lightworker begins with Self

Each of us began this work with the awakenment of our Self to the remembrance of who and what we really are. In so doing, we took our first step onto the path of Self-cleansing and renewal. First, we cleansed and rid our Self of the Illusions we had become trapped in. Once free, we began the arduous and demanding, unending task of Self-regeneration and rebirth.

Unfortunately, sometimes our great strides back into our Spiritual Self hide traps and quagmires we become caught in. Snares so concealed and subtle in their mechanics, so soft in their bindings and restraints, we often do not notice them until much 3D time has passed. Anyone who has been on this path consciously for any amount of time knows of what I speak.


What I bring to you today is a reminder

We are in a time of great change. Most of us are growing in our Spiritual Self by leaps and bounds. Although the specific energy work we do as individuals and as groups is extremely crucial to our spiritual purpose and desired outcome, we need to remember the most important work we can do for the Collective Consciousness is the work we do on Self. Do not get caught in forgetting to do the cleansing and releasing of what churns to the surface with every revolution of the spiral’s movement upward as we travel on our journey home. Most of us are extremely efficient these days at doing this work if we only see and recognize the need within our Self to do so.

Don’t get caught in the soft and comfortable quagmires of Ego’s Illusions again. Don’t stay in contracts, with Self and others, that no longer serve your forward progress. Don’t allow plush emotional accommodations to stop you and your work’s efficiency now. NOW is when, as Lightworkers, we most need to be honest with Self and look at what we have yet to cleanse and release so as to allow us to complete our task of Co-Creating what is best and yet to come.

One other reminder. Although sometimes it is necessary to make breaks in our closest relationships with others if we are to move forward unimpeded on our Spiritual Journey, more often than not this is not the case. Any of us who are in relationships that are of a destructive nature, and especially those that are detrimental to our physical, emotional and mental well being know if this is the truth of our situation. To those of you in a relationship such as this, I say to you, it is time to move on. Yet for the vast majority something of a less dramatic nature is sufficient.

When we enter into relationships with others, we do so under contract. Some relationships actually require and ask for a contract of the physical dimension; but all relationships require and create contracts of the spiritual realms. Just like the term “contract” implies, there are certain terms, agreements and subtle acquiescence’s we give our consent to comply with. This is what makes a relationship contract. But we did so at the time we agreed to enter into the contract/relationship with another. As we grow and awaken into fuller aspects of our true spiritual selves, we come to points where we realize we are no longer the same person we were when we entered these contracts. This is when it is necessary for us to “renew” and “update” our current contracts. If the other party is in agreement with the renewal, then all can be worked out and a new contract can be entered into with the individual once again. This can be done one of two ways; in a conscious manner, where there is actually a conversation on the physical level with the other person, or on a sub-conscious level with the Higher Self Aspect of the other person, (if they are not one who is awakened enough to accept this type of information in the conscious physical dimension).

Is it time for you to look over your old contracts and see if they need to be updated and renewed?



I dare say, one of the most effective tools we have for efficient cleansing and rapid renewal of Self is Gratitude.

When we forget to live daily in the energy of Gratitude we lessen the effectiveness of our work, individually and collectively. When we forget to be Appreciative of what we have and what we are, we lose sight of Truth. When we forget to be Thankful for the Opportunity to be Conscious Participants in this Great Cosmic Plan of Creation, we waver from our rightful place and work in the birth of the New World of Unconditional Divine Love we came here to help bring into manifest form.

So as you travel through your physical day’s chores, don’t forget to hold the energy of Gratitude within your energy field, and always take time to share this same vibration with those who cross your path as you walk through linear time. Make the conscious effort to radiate forth to all you interact with and walk past the high vibration of Gratitude and Unconditional Divine Love. For by so doing, you are presenting to them the chance to quickly raise their vibration through resonance entrainment.  


Seed & Flower of Life

By whatever names you recognize these forms, these Sacred Geometric shape holds the energy of Genesis within them.

The Beginnings of Change originate and emanate from the Void that is the center of these Sacred Forms. There are many ways in which to energetically share vibrational information with others at a sub-conscious level. One that is very efficient and quite simple is by consciously projecting the Sacred Geometric shapes of the Seed of Life, and the Flower of Life to another from your Third Eye/6th Chakra to theirs. Even those who still slumber spiritually will recognize this Sacred Form via their Higher Selves. This is a technique that is so simple you can do it as you walk the isles of your grocery stores, or sit in the waiting rooms of your physicians. Anywhere you go, no matter what you are doing in your physical third dimensional life, you can hold your vibrational level up, thereby offering assistance to others through the workings of resonance entrainment.



These words I offer in accordance with the Divine Unconditional Love of the ONE Universal Consciousness.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2009 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…







Math & Spiritual Growth


Earlier I ran across this little math problem as I was scrolling through FaceBook. I don’t know where this came from originally, if I did I would mention the source. This article is the result of me working out this math problem and the ensuing thoughts it created for me. Those thoughts prompted me to share this math problem on my personal page and in a FB Group I started, First Wave Blue Ray Indigos & Indigos Home, to see if I would get any feedback on it.


Before I go any further I just want to state that all I am sharing here are my thoughts on this. I’m not saying this information is true or relevant to anyone but me. I’m just sharing! Now remember, I am a Numerologist and a Spiritual Growth Guide and Awakening Facilitator, so I am looking at this through that lens.

First, to everyone who responded… Thank you for playing.

Secondly, believe it or not, I was not so much interested in seeing how many people could get the right answer to the math problem as I was in seeing IF people would answer, and IF they did what their answer would be.

Let me explain why, but first let me share the answer to the math problem; or at least what I believe the answer to the math problem to be.


If you answered “40”, your answer is correct. If you answered “96”, your answer is correct, but I believe the truly more correct answer is “40 & 96”.

Here’s why… “40” is the answer to what you actually “see” on the picture question; 1+4=5, 5+2+5=12, 12+3+6=21, so therefore 21+8+11=40.

BUT…. If you “see” beyond what is just on the picture question you realize there is a pattern occurring… 1+4=, 2+5=, 3+6=, this would mean if you keep the pattern going you would have to add.. 4+7=, 5+8=, 6+9=, and 7+10=, before you got to 8+11=.

If you did that you would see that 96 is the answer… let me show you the simplest way you can reach this answer. 



The reason I was interested in if people would answer, and what their answer was, is because of what (to me), this can possibly tell us about some of our strengths and weakness in our Spiritual Journey. To me this is more of a psychological test than a math test!

When I first saw this post I stopped and did the math! What I saw on the picture added to 40, but my mind could “see” there is a pattern and therefore a larger picture and this meant there was more information to be had.

I could automatically “see” 1,2,3 in the first column, and 4,5,6 in the second column, but then the sequential pattern disappeared with 8 in the first column and 11 in the second. So… I rationally filled in the two columns to read… 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. When I did this I could “see” the answer to the math problem was 96 and not 40, yet 40 was correct to what I was seeing with my physical eyes.

Now don’t ask me where this next train of thought came from. I really can’t say for 100% certainty. All I can offer as an explanation is that I am a Virgo with a Scorpio rising, and being such, the Virgo MUST analyze EVERYTHING, and the Scorpio cannot help but to delve into the subconscious and the Mysterious Unknown. This combination just naturally makes me tick this way and makes my mind want to take the pieces of two completely different and seemingly unrelated puzzles and put them together to create a third puzzle that brings those two unrelated puzzles together into one and creates a new and larger picture! It’s just me! J

So here we go with my thoughts on what answering this math puzzle can tell us about our self and how it can possibly give us insight into some of our strengths and weaknesses along our Spiritual Journey. (Remember these are just my personal thoughts on this! And… these are just tendencies. Nothing is set in stone and flows all the way across the board. There is no “one size fits all”).


IF you came up with the answer of “40” you may tend to be a person that is focused on living in the moment, but you also may tend to take things at face value. Living in the moment is considered a very positive thing, but doing so to the point where we just take things at face value without ever questioning what lies below the surface is not always in our best interests; not in our daily life and not in our spiritual journey of consciousness expansion. People who saw this answer tend to be more right brain focused, and may need to consider spending more time in deeper study of spiritual subjects to aid them in expanding their consciousness. Read a book on the workings of the Mayan Calendar; study Sacred Geometry, or Cymatics. Take a class in Astrology or Numerology. Just find a subject in Meta-spirituality and immerse yourself in it, learn all you can.

IF you came up with the answer of “96”, (especially if you automatically saw the full sequence), you most definitely possess the ability to “see” beyond the surface, yet you may tend to spend too much time focused on the future, and may have a more difficult time focusing on living in the moment. You may tend to be more focused on controlling what is coming at you than simply allowing Spirit to bring to you the life experiences that would most benefit your spiritual journey of consciousness expansion.

The ability to see the bigger picture is a positive trait, but not when it interferes with our ability to live in the moment and simply allow life to transpire in the most positive fashion for us. When we do this we actually hinder our spiritual journey of consciousness expansion. People who saw this answer tend to be more left brain focused and may consider putting the book down every once in a while and just letting their mind relax. They may need to consider spending more time in nature and devoting more time to creative and artistic endeavors. Go outdoors and meditate and sing and dance and talk to the trees and flowers. Paint a picture, crochet, or just spend time with your children and pets.

IF you responded to this question but did not get either 40, 96 or both as a correct answer you tend to be adventurous and have little to no problem stepping outside of your comfort zone box, but may have tendencies of being a bit scattered in your thoughts and focus in life, especially in your spiritual journey of consciousness expansion.

A person who answered either incorrectly or just chose to answer with “I don’t know”, may be a bit overwhelmed with life at the moment. When life is overwhelming us we tend to have less time to devote to such seemingly insignificant and trivial subjects; subjects that have little to no bearing on our daily life. This is natural, but it may also be a little indicator that maybe there is a need to start looking at how to bring one’s life into a more balanced state and begin removing drama from daily life. If one’s life is full of drama and constant chaos there is no time for any type of deep spiritual study and growth.

The person who gave incorrect answers or the “I don’t know!” type answer may benefit from strengthening their left brain abilities, and most assuredly would benefit from a regular meditation routine.

The type of person who gave the “I don’t know!” type answer may have a tendency to not be attached to any particular set of beliefs or outcome. While this can be a trait of strength, if taken to extreme, this tendency can cause procrastination and stagnation in one’s spiritual journey of consciousness expansion, because of a lack of motivation and focus on their spiritual growth. This type of person may also have tendencies to have issues with self-confidence. It is also possible they may need to learn to trust their own inner voice and hone their intuitive abilities.

IF you came up with the answer that “40 &96” are both correct you are the type of person that has the ability to “see” and accept that many perspectives and realities exist simultaneously, and each are equally valid. This type of person tends to be fairly balanced in life.

These people have learned to give equal opportunity to their rational left brain and their intuitive right brain abilities. They have learned, or at least have strong tendencies toward, putting equal importance on what their head and their heart have to say and really communicate with both parts of their self equally. They don’t tend to listen only with their mind or their heart to the exclusion of the other. They know that to create a peaceful balanced life that lends its self to advancing their spiritual growth they have to first be balanced within their self.

These are just my first thoughts on this, and I haven’t even looked at the information contained within the Numerology of all this yet! I must say, I look forward to what other information Spirit may bring my way concerning Math and Spiritual Growth. I hope this information may be of assistance to others.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2016 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

A Minuscule Glimpse

A Minuscule Glimpse


Writing by: Essence Ka tha’ras


What you are Searching forOf the vast totality of this Universe I have viewed but a minuscule glimpse

Even with expanded awareness I have heard but a lone stanza of its grand and magnificent song

I have tasted only the most elementary of its fruits, and caught but a fleeting whiff of the exotic fragrances permeating its sphere

Never have I sensed more than a fractal portion of what lies within its boundaries, nor felt with hand any other than the most simple of tactile sensations

Confined always to endeavor contentment with corporal substance, the intangible spiritual lies always elusive

Held at arm’s length, my gnosis limited and obscured by the subtlest and most delicate of veils,

I cannot but constantly and fervently venture daily to lift the shroud that taunts me, restraining me from my bliss

Not ever will I find contentment until the whole of this Universe be mine

And even though I have yet to fully experience it in totality

Without doubt… I know I will

Yet too, I understand my yearning is as it should be

For in this moment I see fully

Recognizing my hunger for knowing, I comprehend now my longing for the experience of totality was, from the beginning, set forth by the mandates of this Universe I so deeply desire to know

My journey to Universal Gnosis, that which I have craved and desired for lifetime upon lifetime,

Is my gift

Truly is this My Bliss

OM AkArapariNAma 2

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



©2012 –  2016  Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac


I originally shared this information in March of 2015. I am sharing it here again because we are nearing the 13th Day of Zac once again. As you read this article you will see what the significance is.

Remember, this article was written in 2015 so the dates listed are not exact to 2016 but the information is still relevant.

This is Part 1 of 3. I will share the other two in the next two days.


Back on October 1st of 2014 I asked the questions…

What if I told you the “story” we believe to be the “Legend of Atlantis” is incomplete? What would you say?

What if I told you the story of the “Legend of Atlantis” that we believe to be what happened, is not really what happened at all? What would you say?

Which of these possibilities would be easier for you to accept and believe? That the story is incomplete? Or that the story is an Illusion?

I asked you… What if the Legend of Atlantis as we know it was intentionally implanted into the psyche of the Human Collective Consciousness?

How would that make you feel? Would it make you wonder Why and by Whom, and for what purpose?

Today, March 11, 2015, is the perfect day to share the information I had promised would be forthcoming surrounding these questions. Let me explain why.

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?

In the Mayan Calendar system, the Haab Year, also known as the Vague Year, is the day count most like our current calendar. It has a 365 day count, so it is obviously based on solar observation. It’s called “Vague” because it does not include leap years.

The Haab is used in conjunction with the Tzolk’in calendar, and together they create the larger 52 year cycle called the Calendar Round.

The Haab is made up of 18 months of 20 days each with a final short nineteenth month consisting of only 5 days.

We are currently in the 11th Haab month; the month known as Zac. The dates on our current calendar that correspond to the 11th Haab month of Zac are February 27th through March 17th. (note: to achieve this count February always has 29 days)

With that information we know that tomorrow, March 12, is the 13th day of the 11th Haab month known as Zac.

Why is this information significant? What might it have to do with information related to Atlantis?

It is significant because according to some beliefs Atlantis sank on the 13th day of Zac.

So… here we sit on the Eve of the anniversary of the day Atlantis was destroyed.

Haab Month of Zac Glyph

Haab Month of Zac Glyph

Before we proceed, I would like to let you know where I procured the information I am about to share with you.

As some of you may know, approximately sixteen years ago I began connecting to and assimilating Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self. This has led me to my current work with a group, of what we as humans perceive of as etheric beings, I have come to call the “Q4”. Within this group of four specific individuals, two are Aspects of Self. These are Cosmic Master Azure LOA and Isabelle Jae Stoneward of the Ancient-Future New Earth City of Light; what many would think of as New Earth. The third is Mertauk of Arcturus, obviously from Arcturus, and the fourth is Tra zha’ of Shambahalla, a native of Shambahalla and what we would consider a Wise Woman or Shamaness.

I had already been working with the Q4 for almost two years when a third Aspect of Self contacted me. He is known as Teutilarhon of Atlantis. It is he whom I received the information from that I am about to share with you; information concerning Atlantis, Earth and Humanity.

His initial contact with me was shortly after midnight on June 19th, 2013. He immediately began sharing the following information.

This is an edited for clarity transcript of our first meeting. If it seems a bit disjointed and lacking in detail it is because there are references made to information I received from the Q4 prior to my initial meeting with Teutilarhon and this conversation; information not contained herein. More detailed information will follow at another time.


“My name is Teutilarhon; Teutilarhon of Atlantis. I AM a Scientific Spiritual Technology Research Analyst and Expert. I AM in charge of, and lead, the Dimensional Time-Travel Research Program for the 11th Dimension Atlantian Reality System.

The Olmec civilization of your current time frame reality was an outpost we had set up as an entrance and exit point between our two dimensions. During this time, and in conjunction with this specific work, there were Atlantians who decided and volunteered to stay in your dimension continuously to facilitate expediting this particular work. Among their many duties was the responsibility to keep open and maintain the “doorway” between Atlantis and Earth in a continually operational fashion, and to keep the knowledge of this “doorway” secret from local indigenous peoples. 

Keeping the “doorway” between Atlantis and Earth continuously operational made travel to and from the two points much easier and more efficient; by keeping the “doorway” continuously open it was not necessary to be constantly reopening it each time someone moved between the two planes of reality.

I understand your (Earth’s) timeline does not support this as possible by the age of, and timeframe your sciences say the Olmec civilization existed and flourished in your (current) reality, but believe me when I tell you it is possible.  Remember… we are talking of dimensional time travel, a concept you of Earth do not fully comprehend as of yet.

I will also tell you during the period in which travel between Atlantis and Earth was occurring (of which we are speaking here) not only did we travel into the “Present” time frame of that period, (you would see this as your “Past” from where you currently exist), we also traveled into your “Future” timeline frame of reference; what you would see as your “Present”, and even into the timeline frame of reference you currently see as your “Future”.

There are three other “doorways” that were used as major points of entry and exit. One at each of your (Earth’s) poles, North and South, and one in Siberia at the location where one day will be discovered the pyramidal complex you were recently told of. (Here he is referring to information I received previously to this conversation that I have not shared yet.)

We “built” that pyramidal complex system in what even in your “Present” now you would see as your “Future”. It was built as a “failsafe” dimensional energy generator in case failure occurred in your “Past” in the work we were doing.


Here… In Atlantis, the Scientific and the Spiritual are not seen as separate. At least they were not before dimensional time travel between our two realities began. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however one wishes to perceive it) this is one of the experience concepts brought back to Atlantis from Earth that began the division in the Collective Consciousness (here in Atlantis) that eventually led to (what is known as) the Fall or Destruction of Atlantis. This is directly related to the 17/8 Karmic Imbalance.

This concept of a separation of the Scientific and the Spiritual was intriguing and many decided the experience would be of significant importance to the accelerated expansion of the Collective Consciousness of Atlantis. Once again, unfortunately or fortunately it got out of hand and control and balance was lost with the divisions that resulted.


Within the work we were doing on Earth we continued the travel between our two dimensions all along the three main linear time lines, Past, Present and Future, in search of the correct balance point that would halt what was an ever increasing obvious probable outcome, destruction; but to no avail. Because of this the larger portion of the 11th Dimensional (as it existed in the region of the *11th veil of the 11th dimension) Atlantian Reality System was eventually destroyed. (*here once again he is referring to information I received previously to this conversation that has not yet been shared.)

Those who had chosen to remain continuously at the Olmec outpost left Earth through the “doorway” just before the final destruction of Atlantis (on Earth) and returned to Atlantis (within the 11th dimension) to help in the rebuilding process.  With all their experience of life on Earth, they best understood what needs to be done to heal, release and rebalance the Karmic Imbalance Energy created through this relationship.


We set the “Story of Atlantis” into your reality’s (current) storyline at several points along your linear timeline, in hopes Earth would/will learn from it and not destroy its Self in your present projected timeframe reality. 

This was done not only for Earth’s sake, but for our sake also.  

Because of the energetic karmic ties formed through the relationship created, and because of the interactions that occurred through the travel between these two realities the faster Earth’s Collective Consciousness expands and Ascends, the faster Atlantis moves back into balanced existence and can begin forward movement at an accelerated rate.

In short, we benefit from Earth’s consciousness expansion.


Besides your own current projected timeframe reality we are in contact with several other possible Earth “future” realities.

Contact with your current projected timeframe reality with this information was recently decided to be implemented. This is due to the fact that, on your current trajectory path, in conjunction with your reality’s recent expansion shift in which your Collective Consciousness successfully passed through into the New Mayan Round, along with other Free Will decision options for accelerated consciousness expansion which are mathematically probable, and the current opening of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Reality, this (your) time line frame reality has recently secured its survival for (at least) the next several 100,000’s of linear years, up to 2 to 3 million years in your (Earth’s) current time line frame of reference reality.

In so doing it has become, one of the most probable, to possibly the most probable to accelerate its dimensional reality existence well into the 11th dimensional time frame reference in balanced form. This will facilitate in the “rebuilding” of the Balanced Energy State of our/the 11th dimensional Atlantian reality we seek. So if accomplished, both dimensional realities will benefit.”


End of Part 1

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2015  Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…




The Spiritual Gene of Dogma: Spirituality vs. Religion

P'taah ~ Creator God of Ancient Egypt

P’taah ~ Creator God of Ancient Egypt

P’taah on Religion

Words of Wisdom from P’taah

from the book, “P’taah – The Gift”

Channeled by: Jani King

“That which you term ‘religion’ upon your plane has nothing to do with the Spiritual truths of the universes, which require no rites, rules or rituals.

Religion is a tool of enslavement to keep you in chains, to keep you in control, that you may not know sovereignty and free dominion.

It is valid. You have created it, but it is not necessary for your enlightenment.”


As Lightworkers and Spiritual Trailblazers, it is our Sacred work to lead the way in opening wider the path of Remembrance of who we are, where we come from, and the long forgotten and hidden Spiritual Truths and Knowledge which will lead to back to a fuller understanding and a wider perspective of our Reality.

It is also our Sacred Responsibility to be aware of the dangers along this Path of Re-Awakening. One of these hidden dangers is that of the possibility of the transference of the energy of Dogma, which if allowed to manifest within the field of our Re-Awakening to fuller understanding of our Reality and Universal Truths, holds the potential to set into place a “New Religion” based on our Re-Awakening.

The Human species has for many eons of linear time now, been held captive, to some degree or another, by the Energy Chains of Religious Dogma; so long now that it has become as an energetic gene set into our Spiritual DNA.

Although we should not desire to rid our Spiritual DNA of this gene, for it does, and has, served us in great purpose along the journey of Creating what is Human and existing within the Human experience, as we continue along the path of Re-Awakening and Remembrance we must not allow this ‘Spiritual Gene of Dogma’ to continue on in an active state of being. Instead as we work within the process of the rewiring of our Spiritual DNA into the form that will take us into the coming frequency rounds of Consciousness of Expanded understanding of Universal Truths our focus should be on that of the deactivation of this ‘Spiritual Gene of Dogma’.

To rid our Spiritual DNA of this gene would be to take away the experiences of learning knowledge vital to what has bought the Human species to the vibrational frequency in which we now exist. In essence, it would take away a fundamental and critical part of what has made us who we are as the current Collective Consciousness we exist as.

Within the frequency of which we the Human species currently exist we must also keep in mind that although rules, rites, rituals and ceremony are not necessary for our continued Spiritual Awakening process, they are nevertheless a large part of the experience of Humanity on Earth, and a valid and powerful tool for continued forward movement along our Spiritual path we have at our disposal. This knowledge and perspective is what we must keep at the forefront of our thoughts; that although no longer a necessity for our continued forward spiritual movement, rules, rites, rituals and ceremony are indeed valuable tools when used appropriately and kept in their proper place.

Let us learn from the wisdom of P’taah, the Creator God of Ancient Egypt and beyond, he who is said to have called the world into being by dreaming it in his heart and then speaking it aloud; yet let us also step into our Sovereignty as Creator Gods within our own right; equal to that of P’taah and all others known as Creators of Worlds.


IN-Joy I Share…

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Recognizing Spiritual Ego

Spiritual Ego

how do we recognize Spiritual EgoSpiritual Ego… we hear that term a lot these days within the New Age Spiritual Community; but just exactly what is meant by that term? How do we learn to recognize Spiritual Ego within our self and within other? How do we know if we are hearing the voice of Spiritual Ego or the voice of the Divine ONE we call Spirit?

For many who are awakening to an expanded perspective of our world and reality, learning how to discern the voice of Spiritual Ego can be like climbing a slippery slope.

First I think we must remind our self that as special and unique as we all are, and as important as our individual part in the creation of our collective reality is, we must constantly remember WE ARE ALL ONE, and as such, no one of us is any more special than any other.

Many years ago my Spiritual Guides sent me a message in the form of a poem to help me try and always remember this fact. It has helped me when I needed clarification in knowing if I was hearing, (or speaking through) the voice of Spirit or the voice of Spiritual Ego. To me, there is a certain cadence to it that makes it very simple to relate to. I would like to share it with you in hopes it may assist you as well.  


The Mission

Don’t see yourself too special

Don’t feel yourself sublime

You’re only one of several million

Chosen at this time


Your choice was made in full awareness

This alignment to uphold

As the Maya who came before you

This story to help unfold


Remembering is your mission

For eons this has been truth

Creation is progressing

Expansion of the group


© 1999 Essence Ka tha’ras



So, how do we know if we are hearing the voice of Spiritual Ego or the voice of the Divine ONE we call Spirit?

Spirit’s voice is as a whisper. It is as a gently flowing stream in a quiet forest. Spirit feels no need to defend anything, for Spirit knows there is nothing to defend.

Spirit asks you to study and learn; to search in earnest in order to find your truth. Spirit says, “Seek, and you will find your truth and your path.”

Spiritual Ego tells you, “Listen to me. I can show you the correct path; there is no need to question what I have shown you or seek outside of this knowledge.”

Spirit speaks from a place of respect and honor for all while Spiritual Ego speaks in an overly authoritative voice.  

Spirit’s Voice clears the mind and clarity of thought comes easily; Spiritual Ego’s voice clouds thoughts.

Spirit Asks of you, Spiritual Ego Tells you

Spiritual Ego looks to speak over others so as to be the only voice heard. It is not content to share space with another.

When we are speaking with the voice of Spiritual Ego there is much inner talk and chatter in our own minds. Loud talk and chatter are tools Spiritual Ego uses to confuse.

Spiritual Ego will stanchly defend its ideas and beliefs, and there are many ways those speaking with Spiritual Ego’s voice do this.  

Those who speak with a loud and boisterous energy voice are usually speaking through the voice of Spiritual Ego and often have a hidden agenda. This does not mean they are necessarily intentionally trying to mislead others or do them harm. More often than not, they truly believe the information they are sharing is what is needed for further Spiritual Awakening for everyone. They are simple speaking from the place of Spiritual Ego.

These types of people usually don’t have much room in their reality for anything that does not fall in line with their beliefs and are very seldom open to other’s perspectives. You often find they do not have patience with those who do not agree with them or with those who try to share information not in agreement with what they are saying. If another’s perspective in any way makes them feel less than important, either to themselves or in the eyes of others, they will not be open to hearing it or place any value on it.


How do we learn to recognize Spiritual Ego within our self and within other?

When I hear the Voice of Spirit there is nothing that upsets my energy in any way, whether I currently hold a particular belief being talked about by another or not.

When information is shared through the Voice of Spirit it makes me want to hear more because I recognize hearing other perspectives is an opportunity for me to learn and grow. What I hear may not change the current beliefs I hold, but who knows, somewhere later it may be information that, when pieced together with different knowledge, may expand my own consciousness and the perspectives of my reality; taking me to a whole new level of Spiritual Awakening.

Over the years I have learned that a very specific energy manifests within my energy field and body when I hear the voice of Spiritual Ego.

Just as we can “feel” the energy of fear or separation within information shared by another in the name of “Spiritual ONEness”, so too can we “feel” the energy of Spiritual Ego when we hear it. We just have to learn to recognize what that specific energy feels like within us when it appears.

For me the energy of “Fear” has a constricting feel to it. It makes me want to pull within behind the safety of my inner walls of comfort and shut out everything else. The energy of fear goes straight to my Solar Plexus and then moves into my Sacral and Root Chakras, activating my “Fight or Flight” instincts. For me, “Fear Energy” attacks my three lower Chakras. There is not much communication with words or thought when the energy of “Fear” comes into my energy field.  

Spiritual Ego on the other hand makes me nervous and I feel a tightening in my Heart and Throat Chakras, my inner vision becomes cloudy and I feel a pressure pushing down on my Crown Chakra. My neck and shoulders tighten and my blood pressure actually rises when I hear the voice of Spiritual Ego, especially when it is a strong energy. My body tingles all over with a chaotic, spike like electrical charge.  

Remember Spiritual Ego can be tricky. If you are not sure if another is speaking through the voice of Spirit, and it is indeed Spiritual Ego talking through them, Spiritual Ego’s voice will try and make you think you are being judgmental. You hear, “It’s not them. It’s you!”

Another way Spiritual Ego can be tricky is in prodding us to misread the energy signals in our energy field, especially those that affect our physical body strongly. Remember that chaotic electrical charge tingle I spoke of? Energy such as this can often be interpreted as excitement instead of a warning signal, especially by those who are newly awakened and just learning how to decipher energy signals. I know it took me a few years to figure that one out! And because of that, in my early days of awakening I often fell for that line from Spiritual Ego telling me it was me being judgmental. So learn to be very aware of how energy affects you personally.

And while it is important we check this within our self; when you have gone within and used all the tools and techniques at your disposal, such as breathing and trying to rebalance your energy, focused on realigning your Chakras, (or if you’re like me, tried to release the tight feeling within my Heart and Throat Chakras, and tried to clear my inner vision), and you still have that nagging feeling it is Spiritual Ego’s voice you are hearing, it probably is!


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2016  Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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Food for Thought: What is Enlightenment?


Personally I have found this word “Enlightenment” can often pose a problem in conversation because it has such a broad definition, and I find the term means something different in each conversation dependent upon what the conversation is about.

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This is a truth, or possibly My truth, because I see Enlightenment more as a journey and not a destination to be attained. This being the case, the term “Enlightenment” means different things to different people depending on their personal Spiritual Journey and the point, (or level) of understanding they currently hold.

The Prussian Philosopher Immanuel Kant, born in 1724 believed…

“Enlightenment was mankind’s final coming of age, the emancipation of the human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance.” [1]

He states: “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-incurred immaturity.” He argues that the immaturity is self-inflicted not from a lack of understanding, but from the lack of courage to use one’s reason, intellect, and wisdom without the guidance of another. He exclaims that the motto of enlightenment is “Sapere aude”! – Dare to be wise![2]

I find it interesting that just as Kant, and many other philosophers of his day, believed that “Enlightenment” was, (and I paraphrase here), individuals taking responsibility for self, thinking for self and acting in accordance with one’s self determinations, and to stop blindly following what others would have them believe, including governments and religious belief systems, and instead listen to their own Inner Wisdom, is the same things we hear and teach in our current times.

I do believe the word “Enlightenment” has expanded in its definition since the days of Kant and his peers, but at its base does it still hold the same meaning?

I know for myself, as I have come to greater and greater levels of understanding, this term has changed in meaning many times over the course of my Spiritual Awakening Journey here on Earth; as I’m sure it has for many others.

This is why I see “Enlightenment” more as a Journey and not as a Destination to be reached. For if Spirit is truly infinite and we are a part of Spirit, then infinitely it will expand, and our individual consciousness with it.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please feel free to post your comments here, or you can e-mail me at


 IN-Joy may you travel your Journey of Enlightenment.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras