Home of Krone Essence Ka tharas; IKoK Founder~ Master Metatronic Numerologist ~ Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master ~ LeMUria ~ Ancient-Future Sacred Knowledge and More
The June 16th-17th, 2019 Full Moon is one I would call a “Multidimensional Full Moon”.
I say this because this Full Moon is unlike any I have ever really seen before where the information coming through according to Metatronic Numerology looks exactly like this.
There are several layers of Frequency Energy being emitted by this particular Full Moon; therefore this Full Moon will affect people in varying ways. The ways in which people will experience the energy of this Full Moon are very much dependent on the frequency they are currently holding, emitting and maintaining.
Even though this is so, there are still some frequency experiences that will be the same for everyone, just in slightly different ways. The commonality of the frequencies experienced from this Full Moon are that we, Humanity, are being pushed to step-up and take on more responsibility for the Continual Conscious & Intentional Creation of our Collective Reality.
There are other Frequencies being emitted by this Full Moon that are bathing Earth and affecting our consciousness, but the two strongest are the 3/11 Dual and the 3/77 Dual.
The “I AM” keyword phrases for these two frequencies are as follows…
On my evening walk, just past the Grandfather Tree on Rattlesnake Ridge, I did encounter Bluebird & Dragonfly.
Grandfather Tree speaks of Wisdom Rooted deep within. Rattlesnake speaks of Transformation; Bluebird speaks of Happiness and Dragonfly speaks of Illusion….
Then, brought before my inner vision was the word “Samsara”. Samsara is a Sanskrit word meaning “to wander” or “to flow through,” and is recognized as the continuous cycle of death and rebirth caused by the ignorance of the true self (atman) and absolute reality (Brahman).
So, is this message saying to us that the Wisdom of the true self and the truth of reality is rooted deep within each of us?
Is it a message saying that the transformation of this collective self we seek, as we wander and flow through this reality is to be found in the happiness we discover when we finally see through the eyes of Dragonfly and know the Illusion fully?
All information in this report
are shared by Essence Ka tha’ras and related to Metatronic Numerology
Earlier today I shared a post on Facebook saying, “that IF…
you feel a bit overwhelmed emotionally today and/or tomorrow (June 13-14,
2019), or experience a sudden wave of energy of painful despair for apparently
no reason, there is an explanation.”
I said then that I would share a more detailed explanation later
today, but until then you just needed to know that you are being asked to
assist by doing whatever type of work it is you do, in easing this
“emotional distress” for the Collective at this time.
I shared a reminder to simply breathe and focus on
assisting the Collective in gently flowing through this time of “emotional
distress” as peacefully as possible.
I won’t go into all the Numeric Messages decoded through Metatronic
Numerology that show how this information was brought forward, because…
well, to be honest, that most usually makes people’s eye glaze over and they
get lost. So, let’s just look at all this very quickly.
We recently experienced a “Great Galactic Alignment” of our Milky
Way Galaxy Heart with multiple Galaxies across vast portions of our Universe.
This alignment spanned from our Milky Way through the Virgo Super Cluster of
Galaxies all the way to the Heart of Laniakea. It was actually a Heart Chakra Alignment
across Time & Space.
Add to this that we are just today (June 13th, 2019) coming out from under the most intense energy time from a direct Jupiter/Earth/Sun Alignment within our Solar System; Jupiter being the Planetary Consciousness of Expansion with a direct connection and focus on Spirituality, Religion and Politics. Plus, there is a connection to White Butterfly Medicine frequencies strengthening the 7/11 Dual Frequency within the Collective’s Energy Field and a connection to an Asteroid known as 2006 QV89 which is bringing energy to strengthen the 8/11 Dual Frequency within the Collective’s Energy Field. These 7/11 & 8/11 Dual Frequencies will continue to increase and strengthen through the end of September to mid-October of this year. They are propulsion force frequency energies to get people to step up and do the work that needs to be done to rebalance the Collective Consciousness of Humanity’s Energy Field and work through releasing the Karmic Imbalanced energies affecting it (us) that create “Addiction Energy Issues”.
In mid-January
of this year, (2019) another new (to us) frequency made its way into the energy
fields of Earth and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. This particular frequency
is the Metatronic Numerology 11/444 Dual
Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword
phrase for the 11/444 Dual Frequency is…
I AM the Truth of the Expanded Multidimensional Form Illumined
this frequency brought onto the planet and Humanity’s Collective energy field is
the ability to see the true multidimensional form; to know our
multidimensionality as it truly exists in all its states of manifest form.
As individualized sparks of the ONE manifest in physical human form in this current timeframe reality on Earth our ability to see and experience the Greater Reality is limited to viewing and experiencing (it) from the earthly human perspective.
Because of the limited experience view we currently perceive the Greater Reality from, we are not able to “see”, (remember) we ARE multidimensional; always have been, always will be.
From this view perspective we
cannot “see” that this, our current reality as individualized sparks of the ONE
manifest in physical human form on Earth is but one aspect of
multidimensionality. We cannot “see” (access and operate as) that within our
greater multidimensional self this portion, this aspect, is every bit a part
of, and important to, our full multidimensional self as is any other.
We have forgotten that being here
is not punishment generated from some perceived wrong choice made. This is an
experience perspective we freely chose to be a part of for the benefit of, and
the expanding of, the consciousness of the ONE. Indeed, we have forgotten the
ONE is ever expanding. We tend to think of the ONE as having completed its
consciousness expansion process, when this is simply not true. The expansion of
consciousness is infinite, even for the ONE.
This is my initial start to YouTube. I simply want to start this part of my journey within my Sacred Contractual Work by sharing a “Blessing” with all those who cross my pathe.
Metatronic Numerology****
Today, January 4th, 2019 is an 8 Base frequency with a 44 Higher frequency day… simply stated, it is a day for Creating Metamorphosis within Physical Reality; Metamorphosis for the Creating of a Secure Physical Reality for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, especially a Healing Metamorphosis within the political portions of our world.
Well here we are, about to step through the doorway into another New Year and into new frequencies to work with.
2019 is going to be an amazing year. It is going to be jampacked with new frequencies, giving us opportunities to create and manifest exciting and wonderful experiences designed to lead us into the work of the next decade and “What is Soon to Come”. There is a lot going on, even as we step through the door into 2019, so let’s get right to looking at some of the most important frequencies and a few of the biggest frequency events in the first part of 2019 and what they mean for us.
2019 ~ A 3 Frequency Year
The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 3 Frequency is…
I AM Joyful Creation
2019 is a 3 Frequency year. This means it holds a 3 frequency as its baseline vibration. In a very general way, the 3 frequency is the easiest frequency and energy to deal with.
The 3 frequency is Creative Energy; Creativity in all forms. It is the initial energy of the Creative Life Force for the physical realms and is the lower frequency vibration of the 111 Frequency, and therefore associated with the Initial Spark of the Conception Energy in opening us and our reality to the multidimensional realms.
The 3 frequency is lighthearted and filled with the energy of Joy. It sets our imaginations free from structured reality and allows us to fly to Mystical and Magickal realms. In this energy we play and enjoy life and everything life has to offer. This way of existing, in turn, opens us to unlimited possibilities of Creative Expression.
The frequency of Joy is one of the highest, if not the highest, frequencies obtainable within our reality. When you exist in, and work from, the energy of Joy anything is not only possible, it manifests into physical reality quickly and easily.
By the way, we are also in the last year of a 3 Frequency decade. You just thought these last 10 years had been difficult. They could have been much more difficult! (lol)
January 2019 ~ 4 Frequency Month
January 2019 is a 4 Frequency month.
The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 4 frequency is…
I AM Form and Service
The 4 frequency is about work, it’s about creating limits, boundaries and a solid foundation upon which to build.
The 4 Frequency is about Work. So, you see, right off the bat Spirit has us focusing on our work.
The 4 frequency is represented by the Sacred Geometric forms of the Cube and the Square. These Sacred Geometric forms hold codes showing tenets of equality and balance; they bond and unify.