This is our first significant Collective Work within the “Age of NeoGnosis“
(See end of Note for explanation of what the Age of NeoGnosis is.)
108 Days of Metamorphosis for Collective Bliss Meditation
May 5 ~ August 21, 2021

What is the 108 Days of Metamorphosis for Collective Bliss Meditation?
In August of 2020, associated with the Dragon’s Gate, I was told about an “Energy Event of Significance” that would occur on May 5, 2021 (5:5:5), but I was not given any specific information about it at that time.
Then in December 2020, to the great surprise of many, we were shown the long awaited and highly anticipated “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” would (and did) occur with the December 21, 2021 Solstice.

Fast forward to the Annual Planetary Crown Chakra Opening during the Scorpio Full Moon of April 27, 2021 and we given more information about being conscious participants in the creation of our Collective Reality beginning with our first significant Collective Work within the “Age of NeoGnosis“; and with that, we are brought back full circle to the May 5th, 2021 (5:5:5) “Energy Event of Significance”.
The How & Why of this Sacred Work?
We will be using Malas and chanting the Sacred words “OM Ākārapariñama AnandaHum” 108 times each day for 108 Days.

“OM Ākārapariñama AnandaHum” is the chant we will be using.
OM is the Sacred sound that is the frequency that sets the Field of Creation into motion.
“Ākārapariñama” means Metamorphosis and “AnandaHum” translates to “I AM Bliss”.
What is the Day of Silence & Preparation?
The Day of Silence on May 5th, 2021 is about meditation with the Guru Bead of our Mala for setting intention for the 108 Days of the Collective Bliss Meditation.
For most people a complete day of being in Silence is probably not really feasible, so I suggest at least 15 minutes (more if possible) spent in Meditation actually holding the Guru bead of their Mala, consciously focused on setting intention for this 108 Days of Sacred Work. Then as you go about your day, anytime you think about this, send Conscious Intention into this upcoming Sacred Work.
If possible, I highly suggest at the end of your day you spend at least an hour or more, in Silence focused on Intention setting for this.
In other words, spend as much time as possible on May 5th in Silence focused on setting intention for this meditation .
What is the Intention?
The Intention is to create an “Energy Field”, a safe space, (we can say) where the Collective Consciousness of Humanity can enter into and exist within the Metamorphic process in order to evolve into a state of Collective Bliss.
Do not try to rationally define, visualize, or wish for, what this state of Collective Bliss looks like or how it operates. Nor should you try to define, visualize, or wish for, what the Metamorphic process looks like.
Simply bring your mind, body and Spirit into a place of centered stillness and create a “State of Bliss” within yourself.
Once you have entered this State of Bliss within yourself, begin to radiate this energy outward to join with all others who are doing this same Sacred Work and allow all this Energy of Bliss to come together.
It is this “Coming Together” of this Energy of Bliss which will create the energy field of safe space that is the Field of Energy (the cocoon, if you prefer) where the Metamorphosis into a State of Collective Bliss can, and will, occur.
The Age of Neo Gnosis Can be described as…
A minimum of a 200 linear Earth year’s situated as a memory point on the fabric of Spacetime where humanity begins moving into the study, belief and implementation of Advanced Ancient~Future Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom teachings into humanity’s real nature as divine beings. A time where the study and belief in truth, knowledge and wisdom leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from out of the constraints of earth bound existence begins and expands exponentially through the Collective Mind of Humanity.
The Age of NeoGnosis, in many ways, can be viewed and understood as a time of great “Spiritual Detox” for humanity. This will be a time where we are forced, by the consequences of our past collective actions, to face our collective self and heal, forgive, and rebalance much of the damage we have done to our collective psyche and to the planet and all life upon it.
IN-Joy I Serve
Essence Ka tha’ras
©2021 Essence Ka tha’ras
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