Contact Essence Ka tha’ras

To Contact me, Essence Ka tha’ras, for any reason please e-mail me at…


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Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

If you are interested in a Reading, Attunements and/or Activations, Artwork, Traditional Rose Petal Prayer Beads and Malas, or Essences please specify which in the Subject line of your e-mail. 

If you have questions concerning any of the above, or just feel led by Spirit to contact me, please feel free to do so. I will respond as quickly as possible. 

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Shambahalla & New Earth


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

4 thoughts on “Contact Essence Ka tha’ras

  1. SO my question is: is this what drives all the cruelty in the world of free will ~ & IF THIS ” illusion of fact & fiction is as true as I know it to be… how might we extremely change this on this planet (esp when it comes to animals & people who are helpless amongst the disasters they live in every day).
    I was beginning to feel very positive that we’re evolving for the better, now (..

    • Greetings Tallah,
      This is a very interesting question that has many threads of information running through its answer. But to keep it simple and short, I believe I would have to say that the root of all that creates and drives all the cruelty, disasters, and the problems in our reality is the Illusion Humans have come to believe as truth (and thus act according to this false truth) is the Illusion of disconnectedness from Source. In other words, WE ARE ALL ONE, but we believe we are separate individuals.
      Interesting and complex question. Thank you for asking.

      Blessings from All Realms of Creation

      Essence Ka tha’ras

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