The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessing

Greetings Dearest Spiritual Family,

Today I AM being guided to once again share an article I originally posted on my old web-site (The Purple Pathe) back in 2008.

This article and the information contained within it were inspired by one of my all time favorite YouTube videos posted in 2007 by Humanity Healing; entitled – The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessing.

I do hope you will take the time to watch the video once you have read this short article. I AM sure you will be moved and inspired by both.

For those who follow the Metatronic Numerology Frequency  Information, you may be interested to know that this work of Blessing falls within the 6, 66 and 666 frequencies, with the strongest connection to the 66 Frequency.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 6, 66 and 666 are:

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

666 – I AM Multi-dimensional Form Held in Divine Love and Spiritual Perfection      

 IN-Joy I share the following original article; May you Truly Be Blessed.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



I want to speak to you about Blessings today.

What is it that we are doing when we speak the words, “May you be blessed”, or “Blessings to you”?

When you speak these words, or any others that bestow a blessing on another, what exactly is it that you are uttering? What is it you are offering?

Have you ever stopped to really think about this, or do you just say these words without giving them thought? Many do.

To impart a Blessing to another without creating it first within the deepest part of your being, without giving life and energy to it from within the Spark of Divinity, which is your true self, is akin to planting a garden in the desert then walking away and hoping for rain, instead of planting your seeds in fertile ground and tending them.

Don’t get me wrong, just the simple act of saying these words to another can, and often does add a smile to a lonely heart, yet we are capable of so much more.

As awakened individuals remembering our true spiritual identity we hold within us the ability to truly gift another with the energy of Unconditional Divine Love. To extend a Blessing to another is a gift of our Infinite Divine Self. When we create the Blessing from within the core of our Being, from within our “Heart of Hearts”, we are remembering that We Are All One. By performing this simple act, we are acknowledging that we are, each and every one of us, a part of each other and a part of the One. By creating Blessings for another from this sacred place within, we are bestowing love that reaches across all boundaries and dimensions. By giving from this place of sacredness within ourselves we are endowing another with a gift of transcendent love that can be confined by no limits; a love whose healing powers are beyond what can be conveyed in earthly terms.

With this new perspective of what a simple Blessing can be, I would ask each and every one of you to daily remember that to Bless another is to Heal. To Bless another is to heal all of Creation; you, me, the planet and all her glorious creatures. To Bless another is to put an end to division, hatred and death. To Bless another is to Create a Universe of Beauty, Peace and Unconditional Divine Love.

My Gift to you is a Blessing from this sacred place within me, extended to all of you.

May you always Truly Be Blessed.


Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2008 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the               Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


The Times – They are A-Changin’


Earlier on FB the Awakening People page shared a quote from Pastor Joel Osteen that read…

“Start announcing freedom from anything that’s holding you back. Freedom from addictions, freedom from loneliness, freedom from lack, freedom from struggle. You are prophesying your future. Your words are setting the direction for your life.” — Joel Osteen.

We understand what is being shared here; the knowledge that we create our own reality, individually and collectively, by the thoughts, emotions, words and deeds we hold and make each day. This is simple, yet profound Ancient knowledge being shared within mainstream society; and best of all… it is being accepted, once again.

I AM excited to see such information being shared and accepted within the spiritually slumbering mainstream consciousness. It tells us, and shows us that the Collective Consciousness truly is shifting in its perception and understanding of our reality. Even just a day or two ago I was in a conversation where I was talking with people about how much mainstream science is assisting in the Collective Consciousness’ perception shifting due to the fact that more and more scientists are finding the courage to step out of the box  and put forward “advanced” theories, especially within the realm of Quantum Sciences, and what this is doing in bringing acceptability of Ancient Sacred Knowledge of how our realty operates to mainstream’s everyday world. The Spiritually Slumbering may not see this as Ancient Knowledge renewed, but that is not necessary. What is necessary is for the majority of our Collective Consciousness (of humanity) to accept this information as Truth; thus leading us, the Collective Consciousness, back to creating our Reality in a Continuous Intentional Conscious manner.

I AM sharing the following videos just for fun.

IN-Joy the signs of the changing times.


Blessings from All Realms of Reality

Essence Ka tha’ras 


Hang Massive

Hello Everyone,

I AM back after a week off, and just wanted to say hello.

Sharing this video from Hang Massive.


Now, back to work for me!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Street Meditation….. Start Today…. Create Peace……



Saw this on Awakening People’s FB page and loved it so much I had to share it here.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/3/14~ Well, Sort Of!


Greetings All,

As you may have noticed I have not posted a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report for today, 9/3/14. This is due to the fact that I had everyday 3D matters to attend to that ate into the time I generally dedicate to writing the daily report.

My intention this morning was, I would attend to the 3D matters and then rush home and write today’s report. This seemed most like the best way to get everything handled today.

But, as they say, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

It is about 7:30 p.m. now and I just got back to my shop to start writing, and to be honest I am feeling a bit lackluster about doing so, even though we are starting the work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home, which is about purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, (individual and Collective) of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy. This is this month’s work and we began it today.    

I was talking to Kyra earlier today and she shared with me that she had recently listened to; I believe she said the latest Kryon message. In it he said (and I am paraphrasing here), to let things ride and unfold as they may; because we humans don’t always see the bigger picture, and there are reasons for things happening the way they do.

So, even though we have some intense work ahead of this month that starts today, and since I am feeling the way I do about writing the report, I AM going to take Kryon’s advice and let it ride until tomorrow.

I will tell you that the Karmic Imbalanced energy we are working on Purifying out of our Energy Matryx Grids today is focused on our Individual Energy Matryx Grids, and is associated with the 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance number.

These types of Karmic Imbalances most often develop when a person is involved in lifetimes where there was abuse of power and complete self-centeredness; where behaviors such as being blind to everyone and everything except ones own selfish fulfillment of their individual desires for power and control was paramount.

Greed is a large part of this type of Karmic Imbalance and is strong here, and can manifest in many different ways; one of the main issues created by this is a thirst to control others, often to the point of abusiveness; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  

Individual negative traits that often manifest in this life time associated with this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy can be of opposite extremes. 1: They may manifest once again in being completely consumed with self and one’s own desires, unaware of other’s needs and emotions or 2: They may manifest in behaviors of a person being very dependent on others, yet being unhappy with this dependant nature but blaming others for their lack of ability to stand on their own two feet; a “victim” energy and attitude.

Now, to do the work we are doing this month on purifying our Energy Matryx Grids of this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy you do not need to go in search of these lifetimes specifically. If they show up in this work, just look at them quickly and let them go. See them for what they are; just the Illusionary play on the stage that was used to create this energy within your Soul’s Energy Grid.

What we will be using to disentangle ourselves from this twisted and knotted unbalanced energy hodgepodge is simply looking at the Frequency woven through our energy fields and using certain tools and techniques powered by INTENT to clear this disordered jumbled chaos.

Simple and quick… go into a meditative state with the INTENT of ‘seeing’ any frequency ribbons woven through you Energy Matryx Gird associated with this particular Karmic Imbalance.

Notice and colors, sounds, aromas, chaotic vibrations and disharmonious frequencies you may experience associated with it. Basically how does it feel, sound, look and smell to you? What emotions does it create in you when you view it and experience it?

This is what you are looking for.

After you have identified this discordant frequency within your energy field and experienced just the energy of it, then use your INTENT to bring this Frequency Ribbon back into harmonious movement through your Energy Matryx Grid by INTENTIONALLY smoothing out its rate of vibration and clearing up any muddied and unclear colors, sounds and aromas it is emitting. Make sure it is not overwhelming your energy field by weaving through it in a forceful and domineering way and is not strangling and covering up other Frequency Ribbons.  

Oh, and one more thing. Listen to the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency while you do this work. This is the Sacred Frequency that assists with “Liberation from Guilt and Fear”; because within the energy of Fear and Guilt is where this particular Karmic Imbalance is created.

Here is a video of the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency in case you don’t have the music to work with.

  IN-Joy working with this Purification process.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 6/7/14~How to Ride Out this Mercury Retrograde


Today is a 2 Frequency day with a 77 Sub-frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 2 and 77 are:

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

When I first saw today’s frequency combination I was a bit perplexed. My initial reaction was that this combination is a bit puzzling because these two frequencies don’t seem to really meld together. So I took a quick look through my files and found this is a frequency combination we have not seen before since I began doing these reports. This tells us it is important in some specific fashion and here for a very definite reason.

To try and understand this seemingly disjointed frequency combination I moved myself into the energy of its weaving and asked for assistance in better understanding it.

The first thing I heard was, “Mercury Retrograde”.

I thought, Wow, really?  

So I began looking at it as it would relate to what transpires during a Mercury Retrograde, and sure enough it began to make perfect sense. Imagine that! Especially since we just moved into a Mercury Retrograde.

The 2 Frequency holds the energy of Cooperation, Adaptability, Choice, and Waiting. It is the frequency of the Diplomat, the Mediator and the Peacekeeper, and is associated with Communication of all types. It is Patient, Empathic, Receptive, and very Intuitive. It is about Polarity; both about seeing and understanding Polar Opposites and about bringing those Opposites together.  

Within the 2 frequency the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind lies dormant, waiting to be ignited.

Here when the individual has found their personal identity within the 1 frequency, and has learned to stand in their own power without the need to try to overpower others, they begin to learn the lessons of being a part of the Group. Here the lesson of Give and Take in equal proportion, consideration for others as equally as for self, and the ability to adapt to not always having things their own way is a priority.

The 2 Frequency is about consciously becoming a part of community; community at all levels.

The frequency of 77 is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective of our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities blending into cohesion with our Physical Intellect begins to transpire. This Frequency stimulates, motivates and inspires the initial igniting of the Divine Rational Mind.

It is here within this frequency that the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind, which has lain dormant in the 5 frequency, has its first initial awakening.

This is the frequency that is of the most assistance to us in, not only hearing the voice of Spirit, but then being able to interpret what is received from Spirit into information we can really utilize and implement into our everyday physical lives and reality.

In some ways you could say the 77 Frequency is the frequency used to translation the Voice of Spirit into useful information for daily use in the Physical Realms.

When we look at the 2/77 Frequency combination as it relates to the Mercury Retrograde we just entered, we can see the amazing amount of assistance we are being provided to utilize in dealing with its energies.

We are being provided the energy of Patience, Choice, understanding the tension of Polar Opposites and the ability to reconcile those tensions. On top of this we are being given added assistance in hearing and interpreting the advice of Spirit and our Higher Self into information we can really use in our daily life to make these choices and the changes that will quickly propel us forward in our Spiritual Awakening.

I find it so interesting and amazing that the main days of this Mercury Retrograde lay within the thirty-one days the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park is open, because this is a time we are using to go within in search of experiences in the Multi-dimensional Realms, and the Mercury Retrograde asks us to “go within” and assimilate what has recently transpired within our lives.

I won’t bore you with all the mathematical computations but suffice it to say this particular Mercury Retrograde holds the frequencies of 11:11, 8/11 and 7/11.

What this show us is that it is compelling us to more fully Awaken Spiritually, (11:11) and see Physical Reality for the Illusion it is, (8/11) and to take more Responsibility for Creating our Reality in a Sacred Manner, (7/11).

Although many may find the days of the Mercury Retrograde full of tension, stress and anxiety, seeing it this way is a choice. We always have choice!

What we really have is a Golden Opportunity to do some amazing work of going within, deciphering what needs to go and what needs to stay in our lives, and then making those choices and taking action on them.

We are being gifted with powerful frequencies and energies that are of enormous assistance in this process, and even the Patience to deal with what traditionally has a tendency to create tension, stress, anxiety and miscommunication between many.

If you quiet yourself and move into the energy of this 2/77 Frequency Weaving you will find all you need to not only ease any tension and stress associated with times such as found in a Mercury Retrograde, you will actually make progress in your Spiritual Growth at an accelerated rate.


I suggest you use the days of this Mercury Retrograde as efficiently as possible, and remember… your ticket has been punched and access has been granted into the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park.

Come on in and IN-Joy your time here. All Rides are Free and Unlimited!



Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


A quick note: Kyra and I have recorded the Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with exploration in the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park. I hope to get it posted later today, so be looking for it!


One other thing.

I would like to share a link with you all from a good FB friend, Bairavee Balasubramaniam. She shares some wonderful information on this Mercury Retrograde. Please just follow the link below.

Bairavee – Mercury Retrograde



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 6/3/14~Spirit asks; “Have You Really Looked At Self Closely?”


Today is a 7 Frequency day with a 22 Sub-frequency influence, a 7/11 Frequency Embed, and a 111 Passive Potential.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 7, 11, 22 and 111 are:

7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

We are going to take a look at the 111 Passive Potential first because it is an extremely subtle frequency influence on the day’s energy matryx, but is very much associated with the opening of the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park on the 5th.

Remember, this is the work of this month. Well… if you want to call it work! Personally I see it more as a time of Exploration and Experimentation in the Multi-dimensional, Inter- and Inner-dimensional realms and realities. The 111 Frequency is here to assist in setting the stage for the opening of the multiple Star Gates that will begin opening on the 5th.

The 111 Frequency is about the initial thought energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception. Within this frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form. If we associated this with physical conception this would be the point where the egg is fertilized.


The 7-11 Frequency Embed is also a subtle frequency in play today. Although subtle, it is very powerful and lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is also. 

This is the frequency combination that can be stressful for those not comfortable with their Self and their Spirituality and Spiritual beliefs because it leaves no room for NOT taking seriously your Individual Responsibility for your own Spiritual Growth.

This is the frequency combination that pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes you beyond your comfort zone in what you consider your individual Responsibility for Self, especially as to what pertains to your individual responsibility to being of assistance to the Awakening Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This 7-11 frequency embed disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it!

Remember to use the 369 Solfeggio Frequency when this frequency embed is in play. It assists in releasing the stresses that can be caused by its influence.

Today’s Main Frequencies

The frequency of 7 is about Seeking and Study, Analysis and Understanding. In many ways, you could say 7 is the frequency of the mind.

Within the 7 frequency lies the energy of the Sciences and Technology; especially those related to the physical world. Many scientists and technology inventors have a strong 7 energy within their personal energy fields.

On the journey of Spiritual Awakening, the 7 frequency bandwidth is where the desire to go within to seek a clearer understanding of Self and the workings of our Universe, and how we fit into it all begins to become a priority in life. 7 is the frequency of the Sacred Mysteries and all things Spiritual, and here within this energy lies the initial gateway into The Sacred Esoteric Mysteries.

The 22 Frequency holds the energy and information of the Master Builder; one who builds upon, with and through Sacred Structure and it speaks to us of the knowledge that although building reality upon a Sacred Structural Form and Foundation must, (and does) begin With Self, and even though each of us is responsible for the Creation, Building and Maintaining of Self in a Sacred Manner, each of us is also a Sacred Building Block necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. It also reminds us we need to strive to live an honorable and principled life at all times.

It speaks to us of the knowledge that no matter who we are interacting with and the relationship we have with that individual, be it our closest friend or a complete stranger, we should always strive to be ethical and moral in our dealings and communication with them.

This is our Individual Responsibility to the Building of Reality for the Collective Consciousness and it is a Sacred Trust and Obligation we hold as Individual Sparks of Consciousness of the Divine One Heart and Mind.

Today the 22 Frequency is here lending energetic assistance in further constructing our Reality in the most positive and Sacred manner possible.

This 7/22 Frequency combination is very much about building our reality upon the information held within the knowledge and wisdom of the Sacred Sciences; knowledge found within the Sacred Mysteries and Ancient Sacred teachings.

With the added subtle influence of the 111 Passive Potential in play it is showing us we need to, and are being given some assistance in, looking at how and what this means associated with the Multi-dimensional realms as well as in the realms of our physical existence.

With the 7/11 Embedded frequency influence on the day we are being pushed even harder to continue to look closely at the Frequency we maintain our Individual Energy at, and how that frequency interacts with other individuals and the world as a whole. This is the energy that began exerting force on our reality yesterday, compelling us to seriously think about our Responsibility to the Creation of Reality; Physical Reality and Multi-dimensional Reality.

So today, if at all possible, take time to meditate and think about what this might mean to you personally.


IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies and remember, Thursday, June 5th, the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park opens. So get ready for some Inner-dimensional Travel!



Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…