“Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph
On May 10th, 2018 I shared an article entitled “Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge” where I spoke of a huge influx of “New Knowledge” pouring onto the planet in the form of New Knowledge Information Encoded Glyphs.
Just prior to sharing that article I began working with these New Knowledge Information Glyphs and have continued to do so.
In this article I would like to share one specific New Knowledge Information Glyph image I have created and a small bit of information that has come from it.
The information I am sharing here from the “Present” Time Glyph is by no means the entirety of information held within this New Knowledge Glyph. As a matter of fact, it is really much more about how to view this Glyph at a beginning level in order to open information that would be relevant to each individual if they should so desire to work with it. For you see, each New Knowledge Glyph will share information specifically relevant for every individual as it pertains to their current point of consciousness expansion on their individual journey through this Reality Realm.
I will share that this “Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph is one of three “Time Glyphs” I received on the same day.
New Knowledge Information Glyphs
“Present” Time Glyph
Original Received May 9th, 2018
This form Received May 21st, 2018

“Present” Time Portal
Initial “Present” Time New Knowledge Glyph Information
“The energies of (the) “Present”, Mirror for us the reality we are manifest within in the NOW moment.
In the “Present”, you make the decisions of the mixture of Earthly and Celestial DNA, (and atoms) that will be physically and energetically commingled to create and manifest any number of “Future” realities.
Proportion, energy flow direction, and flow rate, as well as energy flow rate ratios of specific configurations make the determination of the number of, and blueprint patterns of “Future Manifest Realities”.
Expanded “Present” Time New Knowledge Glyph Information
The ever-shifting multidimensional Portal that fills the Doorway of (our) “Present” Time (lifetime) allows us to make an infinite number of choices as to what we will create and manifest as experience in (our) “Present” lifetime. Because of this motion of constant shifting, energies exist that allow for choice changes and adjustments to “Present” manifest lifetime experiences to be made and instituted even as Creation its self is transpiring.
Because of the constant movement and shifting that occurs within the multidimensional “Present” Time Portal, Shadows areas are created, that too are ever-shifting. These Shadow areas cause distortions that create perceptions of areas of Unknown, and from this, perceived energetic blockages to creating and manifesting the “Present” life desired seem to suddenly and unexpectedly appear.
How the Shadow areas of Unknown are perceived within one’s “Present” lifetime experience is a matter of perception choice. One can either choose to see them as energetic blockages to creating their desired “Present” lifetime experience, or they can choose to view them as opportunities and invitations to delve deep within the “Unknown Areas” and, through study and commitment, gain New Knowledge that can be of great benefit to the creation process of the “Present” Time lifetime experience.
The reason humans tend to automatically perceive these Shadow areas of Unknown as energy blockages to the creation of their desired manifest “Present” Time lifetime experience is because they have become attached to the desire for instant gratification. They want what they want NOW!
Part of the reason humans have become so attached to the desire for instant gratification is because at a deeply buried subconscious level there lie memories of the ability possessed at higher vibrational frequency levels of existence to manifest instantly at will.
Another reason energetic blockages seemingly occur from Shadow areas created by distortions in the ever shifting “Present” Time multidimensional Portal is because, from the human perspective the true reason Spirit manifest into human form has been forgotten.
As portions of the Oneness of Spirit, the reason for manifesting into physical human form was, and has always been, for the express purpose of the experience of existing within this physical reality realm as human.
Humans have forgotten the reason they are here is to experience the journey, and not about reaching some human created desired destination. They have forgotten how to find Joy in the Journey. This is but a small portion of knowledge lying within the Shadow areas of the Unknown.
The ever-shifting Multidimensional “Present” Time Portal also creates areas of reflective surfaces. At these reflective area points it becomes as a Mirror that allows for viewing self and how one is responding to what they have created.
IF… one will but stop long enough and take time to step back from so desperately trying to create an experience of instant gratification of attaining a human perspective desired destination, and really look at self from the perspective of the portion of Spirit they truly are, they will more easily and quickly be able to remember and appreciate the Journey originally set out upon.
This in turn, will more quickly bring about the remembrance of one’s true abilities of the creation process and how to manifest desired “Present” Time human lifetime experiences within the energies of Joy, Ease and Grace.
The three multidimensional Time Spheres (Past, Present, Future) connected by the multidimensional DNA strands at the center of the “Present” Time Portal are where the Knowledge of the Creation process of the “Present” Time lifetime reality is contained.
The two Pillars of the “Present” Time Doorway, through which one must step into the Multidimensional “Present” Time Portal in order to manifest “Present” lifetime experiences, are energetically engraved with the two individual strands of biological DNA. When properly woven together, these two biological DNA strands allow one’s Spirit form to adjust its finer vibrational frequency rate down into the denser vibrational frequency rate that allows for manifestation within this current carbon based physical form reality.
Standing on the “Threshold” (the two magenta cross sections that connect the two “Present” Time Doorway Pillars) of the “Present” Time Doorway, holding/connected to each of the two Pillars, activation of the encoded instructions energetically engraved on the Doorway Threshold on the proper way to weave the two biological DNA strands occurs, thus setting into motion the manifestation process into the physical form reality.
Once the weaving of the two biological DNA strands allowing for the adjustment of the finer vibrational frequency rate of the Spirit form into the necessary vibrational frequency rate that allows for manifestation within this current carbon based physical form reality has reached a certain point, one then steps through the Doorway into the “Present” Time Portal. Here then, one must properly connect the “3 Time Spheres” by linking them together via the correct access points within their Multidimensional DNA to that of their biological two strand DNA.
The “DNA Roses” are representative of the main energies and vibrational frequency rates that allow the proper weaving of one’s multidimensional DNA with their “Present” Time lifetime reality experience biological two strand DNA. The pink represents the energies of Love of the physical plane vibrational frequency rate; while the magenta represents the energy of the higher vibrational frequency rate of Universal Unconditional Love; and the black represents the Shadow areas of the Unknown.
I offer this “Present Time New Knowledge Information Glyph” as a Gift to be used in your “Present” Time Lifetime Experience to be of assistance to you in your continued Consciousness Expansion work through this current Earthly Human Journey.
For more information about how to best begin working with the New Knowledge Information Glyphs, read the May 10th, 2018 article entitled “Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge”
Additional Information:
Earlier in this article I referred to receiving three “Time Glyphs”. On the same day I received this “Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph I also received “Past” and “Future” Time Glyphs. The following information refers to those two Time Glyphs.
In comparing the three New Knowledge Information Time Glyphs we see the “Present” Time Glyph differs from that of the “Past” and “Future” Glyphs in that there is a Threshold to this Doorway.
This is because “Present” Time realities differ in frequency and form from that of “Past” and “Future” Time realities.
“Present” Time realities are held within boundaries within Time and Space; “Past” and “Future” realities are not. “Present” Time realities are beholden to specific form for their existence; “Past” and “Future” Time realities are bound by no such constraints.
In Service to the ONE
IN-Joy I Share
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras
Master Metatronic Numerologist
Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator
© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras
Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round
Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the
Author – Essence Ka tha’ras
and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com