Conscious Intent & Purpose

Greetings To All,

For some time now I have subscribed to a wordpress blog known by the name of its author… Matariki. In the Māori language, Matariki is both the name of the Pleiades star cluster and also of the season of its first rising.


This past week an article she wrote caught my attention. It was entitled “Things Being Unearthed”. In the next day or two, I happened to read a follow-up article entitled “Choosing to See”. Both of these articles are about personal memories she is having come up from her childhood as are associated with her experiences within the Catholic Church, most specifically, the ritual of receiving her First Holy Communion. Now normally this would not be something that would capture my attention, but for some reason it did. I have been on my Spiritual Awakening Journey long enough to know that when I am prompted in ways such as I was by these articles; I am to pay attention and act as I am led.


Originally I simply intended to write a brief comment on her blog and leave it at that, but that simple comment turned into something much more. It is that “something much more” I share with you here. Yet before I do, I would like to address one or two issues.


The energy within the following information I have written, and the information shared by Matariki carries in it a fairly strong overtone of “Conspiracy Theory” energy; that is until you read this article in full.  Although I keep myself apprised of the information that has come to be thought of as “Conspiracy Theory”, and I personally see it, and understand it to be born of truth, I also know it has the potential to instill fear and anxiety within those who don’t fully understand its workings within our Realm of Reality. (This point is addressed in the following article). For this reason alone, I most often choose not to add to feeding it any energy by writing about it and releasing that energy into the Energy Field of the Collective Consciousness. I do not judge those whose work it to expose such information to the masses, as a matter of fact, I have much respect for their work; but in that same turn, I do not judge myself for not participating in that work on a regular basis. This is because I KNOW it is not the work I have come to this planet to do in this particular point in time and space.


If you have begun reading this, I highly urge you to finish the article in full. Even though it may contain information that may cause you feelings and emotions of discomfort at first, in the end it will leave you filled with energy that is high in frequency and full of Hope and Divine Love. Also, we fully understand that there are no accidents in this journey we are on; only Divine Synchronicities. It is by no accident you have found your way to these words and the information and energy contained within them. You have been bought here purposely by your Higher Self and your Etheric Guides.


I can attest personally to the energy of assistance woven into this information. I fully believe that simply by reading this article in full, you will experience personal information and issues you are currently working on being brought to the surface for you to heal and release.


With that said, I now share the article in full.






Church’s Intents & Purposes

Lies & Stolen Power


Are you familiar with books such as “The Spiral Dance” by Starhawk, “The White Goddess” by Robert Graves, or even the work of “fiction” by Marion Zimmer Bradley entitled, “The Mists of Avalon”?


All of these works, fiction and nonfiction, speak of the stolen power of the Goddess/Matriarchal lineage by Continue reading

Creation IS

Creation IS

It exists within this moment…

All you need do is

BE, Expand &

Allow its Unfoldment


Azure LOA of Shambahalla





An Introduction & A Reminder


I would like to take a quick moment to introduce myself and explain a bit about the work and information you will find here at this site……….

Shambahalla New Earth

I AM………….. Essence Ka tha’ras

I AM a Spiritual Growth Guide and Awakening Facilitator

I do many different types of energy work, Intuitive Readings, including Akashic Readings, and I AM a Conduit of Energy and an Agent of Communication for “Etheric Be-ings” of Shambahalla, New Earth and many other Multi-Dimensional Realms of Reality.

In the days to come, I will be posting more and more information on, not only myself and my Sacred Contractual work, but I will also be introducing the “Q4” and explaining who they are and how I came to be working with them.

For now, I would like to share a bit of information they presented me with for my personal benefit as I begin this journey with each of you. Even though this information was initially given for my personal assistance, I know it will benefit many others as they step out into more mainstream factions of society to begin doing their Sacred Contractual work in a much more public manner. So in that vein I now share the following words of encouragement and counsel from the Q4 of Shambahalla and New Earth.


“We Gather,

What we share “here” is a reminder of energy shared before. We repeat the basic message to assist in making stronger the information (into your energy field), and therefore the learning of it becomes held in a much more (forward) conscious manner.

We desire for you to always keep this information in the forefront of your conscious thought, especially when interacting with others.

The information we share with you, you are to, in turn, share with others. 

Continue reading

God Consciousness Expansion

“By its very nature, Consciousness seeks expansion.”

Azure LOA of Shambahalla

It is this natural impulse of Consciousness

that is the impetus which spurs and drives us

ever forward in our desire to learn and grow; to expand our Consciousness.

“God”, or more exactly, the concept the word “God” embodies

Is this Consciousness.

“God Consciousness” is not static,

but is ever learning, ever growing

Ever Expanding.

Essence Ka tha’ras

1/13/12  © Essence Ka tha’ras 2012