2019 & Metatronic Numerology

Author: Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Master Metatronic Numerologist

Well here we are, about to step through the doorway into another New Year and into new frequencies to work with.

2019 is going to be an amazing year. It is going to be jampacked with new frequencies, giving us opportunities to create and manifest exciting and wonderful experiences designed to lead us into the work of the next decade and “What is Soon to Come”. There is a lot going on, even as we step through the door into 2019, so let’s get right to looking at some of the most important frequencies and a few of the biggest frequency events in the first part of 2019 and what they mean for us.


2019 ~ A 3 Frequency Year

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 3 Frequency is…

I AM Joyful Creation

2019 is a 3 Frequency year. This means it holds a 3 frequency as its baseline vibration. In a very general way, the 3 frequency is the easiest frequency and energy to deal with.


The 3 frequency is Creative Energy; Creativity in all forms. It is the initial energy of the Creative Life Force for the physical realms and is the lower frequency vibration of the 111 Frequency, and therefore associated with the Initial Spark of the Conception Energy in opening us and our reality to the multidimensional realms.

The 3 frequency is lighthearted and filled with the energy of Joy. It sets our imaginations free from structured reality and allows us to fly to Mystical and Magickal realms. In this energy we play and enjoy life and everything life has to offer. This way of existing, in turn, opens us to unlimited possibilities of Creative Expression.

The frequency of Joy is one of the highest, if not the highest, frequencies obtainable within our reality. When you exist in, and work from, the energy of Joy anything is not only possible, it manifests into physical reality quickly and easily.

By the way, we are also in the last year of a 3 Frequency decade. You just thought these last 10 years had been difficult. They could have been much more difficult! (lol)

January 2019 ~ 4 Frequency Month

January 2019 is a 4 Frequency month.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 4 frequency is…

I AM Form and Service

The 4 frequency is about work, it’s about creating limits, boundaries and a solid foundation upon which to build.

The 4 Frequency is about Work. So, you see, right off the bat Spirit has us focusing on our work.

The 4 frequency is represented by the Sacred Geometric forms of the Cube and the Square. These Sacred Geometric forms hold codes showing tenets of equality and balance; they bond and unify.

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Awakening Metatronic Consciousness

“Previewing 2019 Frequencies”

Program Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Program Time: 9pm CDT

Join us, Essence Ka tha’ras & Kyra Meerna, on this month’s episode of “Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”.

As I’ve mentioned before, earlier this year we entered an Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge.

Because of this we are seeing New Frequencies anchoring into Earth’s Energy Field and affecting our Reality.

Join us on this program where we will be looking at and discussing some of the frequencies we will be gifted with, and Sacred Work we are being called to, through the end of December 2018 and into 2019 and the Events responsible for bringing them to Earth. Events such as the alignment of Comet 46P/Wirtanen, the recent flyby of Oumuamua; the first interstellar object ever observed in our solar system, and the third Seating of the Emerald Core on the December Solstice.

We are also going to be taking a quick look at a Sacred Metatronic Glyph that recently activated and what this means for us.

As always, we welcome you to call in at (657)383-0225 and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.

Connect with Essence Ka tha’ras –

FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher

Website: www.ShambahallaNewEarth.com

Metatronic Numerology: 1144-1147-1155

Metatronic Numerology: 1144-1147-1155

I recently shared this status update on Facebook.

Someone asked me if I was being sarcastic.

I decided to share my response to a wider audience in the hopes of being of some assistance to others in their Spiritual Awakening Journey.

Here is my answer.

No, I was not being sarcastic, but I can see why you might think that.

I AM a Master Metatronic Numerologist, and as such one of the main forms of communication in which Spirit speaks to me is through numbers, and number combinations and sequences.

What is Metatronic Numerology?

Metatronic Numerology is an Advanced form of the Sacred Art of Multi-dimensional Numerology from our Ancient Future.

This form of Sacred Numerology is something we once utilized, but lost access to as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity descended ever deeper into the lower frequency realms of physical manifest form.

Having been held in safe keeping in the Sacred Ancient/Future City of Light of Shambahalla it is now being gifted back to humanity once again.

Having worked with Metatronic Numerology in many other lifetimes and dimensional realities, I have once again been gifted with this knowledge by my Spiritual Guides, whom I lovingly refer to as the Q4, in order to bring this knowledge back at this time in the Collective’s Spiritual Awakening process.


Going back to the message encoded in the 1144-1147-1155 number sequence.

The main information message is associated with the number 1144, or as I read and understand it, the 11/44 Dual Frequency.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 11/44 Dual Frequency is…

I AM Structured Metamorphosis Created through Revelation of Thought, when Thought is Illuminated through Spiritual Truth

The 11/44 Dual frequency combination brings energy to assist in creating big change, not so much for our individual self, but change in the Collective Consciousness of humanity as a whole.

This frequency speaks of the Initial Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness as the Individual Consciousness it exists as. This is a very powerful energy that has been being gifting to our planet for the last 3 to 4 years and has been growing in strength.

The 11/44 Dual Frequency brings us the frequency energy needed to create “Structured Metamorphosis” of our Collective Reality.

Structured Metamorphosis means we consciously bring about change by using every form of Sacred Technology we have at our disposal. Sacred Technologies including Sacred Geometry, Energy Work, Sound Work, Grid Work, etc. But the key is to use them from a place of full understanding of how they work together in creating reality.

To create reality in this way we have to be able to do so from a place of Spiritual Truth understood through a clear and Spiritually Intelligent Mind and a Pure Heart.

The 11/44 Dual frequency combination supports the further Awakening of the “Group Collective Conscious Mind” and all that can be achieved when individuals come together and collaborate, and work hand-in-hand in a conscious fashion.

When two or more individuals come together in the fashion I am speaking of when I use the term “Group Collective Conscious Mind”, a third Individual Consciousness is Created and Given Birth to that is capable of Creating in a way separate Individuals are not.

This is the proverbial…

The Whole Is Always Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

The 11/44 Dual frequency energy assists in the further awakening of the portion of our Collective Consciousness that is still Spiritually Unawakened; but interestingly enough, its main focus is the ruling bodies and/or Structured Power portions of the Collective Consciousness.

In other words, it assists in the Awakening of the ruling governmental systems of our world in order to create and expedite the change necessary for a Metamorphosis to occur that will take us into a New World of Peace and Equality.

This is about the whole of the Collective Consciousness waking up enough to effect how we live upon this planet in a Peaceful and equally beneficial way for every country and every person.

The 1147

Stated very simply, the 1147 is an expanded “11:11” encoded message. Its message is, is that it is time, (and necessary), for those of us who have undergone an Initial Spiritual Awakening to step up, and come together in a conscious manner and get busy doing the work needed to create the required changes in our reality that will allow us to move deeper into the next “Golden Age Cycle” Earth and humanity are currently standing on the precipice of.

The 1155

Even more simply stated, the 1155 is a numerical code that tells us we are being assisted with frequencies that will help anchor this work into our Collective Reality.

So, you see, the message to me was very clear.
IN-Joy I Share


Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras


FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher

Instagram: Essence Ka tha’ras

Twitter: Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….http://www.shambahallanewearth.com/


Metatronic Numerology September 2017 Equinox Frequency Report


Metatronic Numerology September 2017 Equinox Frequency Report

“It’s Time to Get Metaphysically Political”

It’s time to get serious about some Collective Reality Building

Note: this report in and of itself will be rather long, so I will share “Part 2” in a few days with more detailed information about How we can become more “Metaphysically Political”, including information on a World-Wide Event to bring 22 Million people together to work for World Peace in 2020


The September Equinox is exact on

Friday, September 22nd, 2017 at 20:02 UTC

According to the Sacred Art of Metatronic Numerology the frequencies this Equinox are gifting to Earth are as follows.

Main Frequency: 5 Frequency, Sub-frequencies: 00 & 22 Frequencies, Minor Frequency: 44 Frequency

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases for these frequencies are…

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

00 – I AM All Potentiality

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

44 – I AM Structured Power & Metamorphosis


Let’s do a quick summary of what this all means first.

Basically, with the frequency energies this Equinox is bathing Earth and Humanity in, added to the frequency energies the August 2017 Lion’s Gate, Dragon’s Gate and Total Solar Eclipse, we are being pushed to step up and take on more responsibility, (both individually and collectively), in the process of the Creation of Our Shared Collective Reality on Earth. As an analogy, we are being pushed to realize we are no longer Spiritual Children. You could say, We have graduated into College and it is time we stop “studying basic elementary school courses”, and begin our “study in college courses”. It’s time to step out of our comfort zone and do what we said we are ready to do.

Let me make clear, I am NOT saying to bypass your own individual Spiritual Work on Self. What I am saying is, it’s time to get serious with that work and get it done so you can take on more responsibility.


Now on to the frequency information

The 5 Frequency

The 5 Frequency and its energy loves change and is always looking for the next great adventure into the unknown; those occurrences that once they are experienced will change one’s perspective of reality forever. The 5 frequency holds a neutral charge, so it allows for open-mindedness and is simply about going in search of the “Truth” no matter where it is to be found.

The 5 Frequency lends assistance in having the courage to step out beyond our comfort zone; that small confined “Box” created by the mainstream consciousness mindset, and test the waters for what else just might be true. It teaches the Right Use of Free Will, and although there is still much work to be done on Self before it can be ignited, the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind lies within the Frequency of the 5.

The 5, 55 and 555 Frequencies hold Neutral Charges; this makes them Grounding Frequencies. The 5 Frequency, being the lowest frequency holding a Neutral Charge, grounds us to Earth and the physical realms and dimensions, helping us stay more centered and balanced in the physical realms; so, it is very much about the Physical Realms and daily life on Earth.

Basically stated, the 5 Frequency is about making Change to our Physical World.


The 00 Frequency

The 00 Frequency also holds a neutral grounding charge, the difference is it is Vortex Energy and is used primarily for creating and building power and strength to add to whatever Intention is being Consciously Created. So, with this we see that the 00 Frequency is being beamed to Earth to help us build up energy for this work of creating substantial changes within our Collective Reality and the Physical World.

Remember, the Metatronic NumerologyI AM” Keyword phrase for 00 is…

I AM All Potentiality

Just by looking at the keyword phrase we see what a powerful tool we are being gifted with; a Spiritual Frequency tool for us to use in this work of “Change” we are getting set to take on.

The 00 Frequency is showing us that Truly we are not only capable of creating the reality we desire for our self and for the Collective Consciousness as One, it gives us a tool of immense power to work with.


The 22 Frequency

Let’s take a quick look at what is meant by Sacred Structure.

Sacred: worthy of respect or dedication; something set apart from the profane and mundane world of the lower frequencies; often referring to the physical area around a temple or other physical structure.


1) something that is made up from a number of parts put together in a particular way. 2) the way in which parts are put together to form a whole; its makeup. 3) the interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity.

Structuralize/Structuralization: To form, organize, or incorporate into a structure. This is the act of Building.


The 22 Frequency holds the energy and information of the Master Builder; one who builds upon, with and through Sacred Structure and it speaks to us of the knowledge that, although building reality upon a Sacred Structural Form and Foundation must, (and does) begin With Self, and even though each of us is responsible for the Creation, Building and Maintaining of Self in a Sacred Manner, each of us is also a Sacred Building Block necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

It also reminds us we need to strive to live an honorable and principled life, at all times. It speaks to us of the knowledge that no matter who we are interacting with and the relationship we have with that individual, be it our closest friend or a complete stranger, we should always strive to be ethical and moral in our dealings and communication with them.

This is our Individual Responsibility to the Building of Reality for the Collective Consciousness and it is a Sacred Trust and Obligation we hold as Individual Sparks of Consciousness of the Divine One Heart and Mind.

We have to remember that each of us, as the embodiment of Spirit in Physical form is an animated, living, breathing Sacred Temple, and as such, we are one of an infinite number of Sacred Building Blocks necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity; therefore, our individual focus must be on the conscious and intentional “Creation and Building of this Sacred Structure we call “Collective Reality”.


The 44 Frequency

The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs.

Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine.

At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates. (Think about that 00 Frequency here.)

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

The 22 & 44 Frequency Weaving

Any time we have the 22 and 44 frequencies working in conjunction with each other it tells us the focus of our Spiritual work is about doing some serious Collective Consciousness Reality Building.

I cannot reiterate strongly enough that the time when we can take lightly and ignore our responsibility for Consciously Creating our Reality is over!

By this I mean not just as the individuals we are; which is where we do have to start this process, but we now have got to take seriously our work within Group Collective Conscious Minds in the process of Consciously Creating our Collective Reality.

This 22/44 frequency weaving is one you could say in many ways is Political in nature, because what we have with this combination is a weaving of energy that is very powerful and very much aimed at the Re-Building and Re-Structuring of our Reality from the level of our Ruling and Governing Systems under the direction and wisdom of our Spiritual Vision.

In July of 2014, one of the first times we saw this frequency weaving in play, I shared the following information associated with it.

“This includes our Individual Higher Selves, (each of us personally), the Higher Selves of the Group Consciousness’ created by those holding positions of power, all the way from local positions affecting smaller sectors of people; examples being those such as schools, club organizations, religious groups such as churches, mosques and synagogues, to say those of towns, cities and states; all the way up to those holding positions of power who are a part of Group Collective Consciousness’ affecting whole countries and multi-national groups and sectors or people.

In this type of effort it is compulsory we take into consideration all of the different levels where work needs to be done to accomplish the Metamorphosis desired for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia.

It is imperative we see that every part of this work is Sacred and necessary, and no one part is any less Sacred and necessary than any other.

The Political Advocate for Peace, Unity and Oneness working on the front lines trying to affect change by attending Political Rallies, the Politician running for office, and the Outspoken individuals assembling demonstrations against the polluting of our food sources and environment, are doing work no more Sacred and Necessary to creating the Re-Structuring, Re-Building and Metamorphosis of our daily physical World and Reality than are those who do the work of creating Etheric Energy Grids and Radiating Love and Light out in support for such activities and change.

We each have a part to play, and if your passion calls you to do a certain type of work, then this is your Sacred Work and what you are to be doing.

When we degrade, and judge another because we do not agree with the type of action they are personally taking, and the type of work they have chosen to take on in the Rebuilding of our Reality, whether it is because we feel we are doing more by standing toe to toe on the front lines in the physical demonstrations in the streets of our cities than those holding Energy and Radiating Love and Light, or if we judge and say those who are attending to the work in the streets are too forceful and hold too much aggressive energy in what they do, we are being counterproductive to the efforts of the Metamorphosis we are trying to bring about.

Ever hear the saying, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”?

This is true on every level from the Physical to the Emotional, to the Mental, to the Spiritual and especially Energetically.

We have to all come to understand WE ARE ONE and no one individual is any less than another. We have to learn to stand together, no matter what that looks like, or we will not be able to affect the Change and Metamorphosis we desire that leads to Peace, Unity and the Golden Age of Light we are striving to reenter.


This frequency report has already become very long, and there is so much more information to share I am going to stop here. I will share more details in “Part 2” of this report in a few days, including information on a World-Wide Event to bring 22 Million people together to work for World Peace in 2020, how Sacred Geometry fits into all this, and how you can be a part in all this in a way that benefits you, the Collective and Gaia herself.

Let me just leave you with these lasts bits of information.

1: The frequencies affecting us are not going to be getting any less intense for several years. As a matter of fact, they will be intensifying for the next several years.

2: The 00, 22 and 44 Frequencies in play right now are some of the strongest propulsion force energies of all the change beginning to take place. They have been being beamed to Earth in small doses since at least 2014. This current frequency combination, (known as a “Frequency Weaving”), is stronger than it has ever been in our current projected time line reality, BUT… soon, very soon, it is going to get stronger. Soon it will be what is known as a “Dual Frequency” combination, and this will increase its strength exponentially. I have not looked at the details of the frequencies associated with this in the years 2018 through 2020, but I would venture to say by August of 2020, (if not before), we will see “Dual Frequencies” created by the combination of these frequencies.

3: Huge change of all types in our physical everyday world and reality is beginning to transpire, and we no longer have a choice in stepping up and taking on more responsibility in being a guiding force in what types of changes we want to see IF we are to be true to our Sacred Contractual Work. “WE Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For”. WE ARE THE ONES responsible for making these changes positive and beneficial for everyone equally.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2017 Essence Ka tha’ras

Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: Total Solar Eclipse Aug. 21st, 2017

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: Total Solar Eclipse Aug. 21st, 2017

This is a Frequency Report based on the use of the Ancient-Future Sacred Art of Metatronic Numerology.

The Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st, 2017 will bring the following frequencies and energies into our Planetary Grid System for us to work with in the coming next few years.

The Frequencies associated with this Total Solar Eclipse are as follows.

Main Frequency: 7/111 Dual

Sub Frequencies: 22 and 77

The Metatronic I AM keyword phrases for these frequencies are…

7/111 Dual– I AM the Knowing of the Multidimensional Self Set Into Motion

22– I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

77– I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence


For a better understanding of Metatronic Numerology we need to know that single digit numbers are associated with the physical world of matter. Repeated double-digit numbers such as 11, 22, 33, etc. are associated with and deal with the Spiritual realms; meaning the dimensional realms that connect us to our Higher Self and Spiritual Guides of our Earthly existence. Repeated triple digit numbers such as 111, 222, etc. are associated with the multidimensional realms.

Most people are less interested in the information about each individual number frequency and more interested in knowing how the frequencies are going to affect them in their daily life, so that is what the main focus of this report is going to be; with a small amount of information about each individual frequency.

7/111 Dual Frequency

The 7 frequency is associated with the physical world of matter and the 111 frequency is associated with the multidimensional realms and dimensions. What these types of dual frequencies create is an energy that allows for much stronger interaction between our physical world and the multidimensional realms.

To the best of my memory this is only the second time since I began doing these frequency reports we have had a dual frequency created by the combination of a single digit number and a triple repeated digit number. That alone is enough to tell us how powerful this frequency is.

The frequency of 7 is about Seeking and Study, Analysis and Understanding. In many ways, you could say 7 is the frequency of the mind. Within the 7 frequency lies the energy of the Sciences and Technology; especially those related to the physical world. The 7 frequency is where the desire to go within to seek a clearer understanding of Self and the workings of our Universe, and how we fit into it all begins to become a priority in life. 7 is the frequency of the Sacred Mysteries and all things Spiritual, and here within this energy lies the initial gateway into The Sacred Esoteric Mysteries.

The 111 Frequency is about the initial Thought Energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception. Within this frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form.

The 22 Frequency holds the energy and information of the Master Builder; one who builds upon, with and through Sacred Structure.

It is with this frequency we come to see how to Build our Reality upon a Structure of Sacredness; one created upon a foundation of Sacred Knowledge. This frequency brings us the knowledge and ability to Build Reality upon a Sacred Structural Template.

It makes clear to us, and gives us the ability to truly see, that each of us is a Sacred Building Block necessary to the completed construction of the Sacred Temple of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and that if we are to create our shared reality in a manner of true Sacredness … We must start by holding Our Self up to the highest possible standards we can attain.

The 77 Frequency is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective of our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities blending into a cohesion form with our Physical Intellect begins to transpire. This Frequency stimulates, motivates and inspires the initial igniting of the Divine Rational Mind.

This is the frequency that is of the most assistance to us in, not only hearing the voice of Spirit, but then being able to interpret what is received from Spirit into information we can utilize and implement into our everyday physical lives and reality. In some ways, you could say the 77 Frequency is the frequency used to translation the Voice of Spirit into useful information for daily use in the physical realms.

It is here within this frequency that the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind, which has lain dormant in the 5 frequency, has its first initial awakening.

Aug. 21st, 2017 Solar Eclipse Frequencies Common Effects in Daily Life

1) More and stronger synchronistic experiences; experiences that are less easily rationalized away

2) Changing Dream State; dream state becoming more lucid with more conscious interaction

3) Clearer and stronger communications link with Higher Self, Spiritual Guides, and Non-terrestrial Beings

4) Change of interest and focus in Spiritual life and studies

Expanding into new areas of Sacred study; especially into but not exclusive to:

a) Sacred Geometry, b) Numerology, c) Astrology, d) Sacred Sound: examples: Mantras, Toning, Sacred Music, Tuning Forks, Tibetan & Crystal Bowls; Sound Bathing, etc., e) Chromotherapy – (light therapy, colored light therapy, etc.), f) General study in frequency, g) Quantum Physics

5) New and stronger communications links with 1st and 2nd (Earth) dimensional Beings

1st Dimension – Stone and Mineral Kingdom

2nd Dimension – Plant and Animal Kingdom

6) Reawakening and strengthening communications links with what is currently thought of as “The Mythological Kingdom”

Note: the Mythological Kingdom is actually a portion of the 2nd (Earth) Dimension. Communication with this portion of the 2nd Dimension of Earth has been all but shut down. The communications links to this portion of the 2nd Dimension of Earth was purposely severed approximately 5,000 years ago, and its safe keeping relegated to Shamans, Sages, Wise Women (Witches), etc. This faction of society was then purposely and systematically relegated to the fringes of society, and even for most of that time, those who practiced in these communications were either feared and/or locked away or killed. In the last 100 years there has been a slow, but steady, reacceptance by many of those capable of communicating with this portion of the 2nd Earth Dimension.

With the frequencies this total solar eclipse will bring in we will see this ability slowly become accepted in full by what is termed “mainstream society” once again. It won’t happen overnight in linear time, but 100 to 200 years from now, even though the majority of humans will still not have personally reopened this communications link, it will no longer be viewed as harshly by the Collective majority, and those people who do communicate with the portion of the 2nd Earth Dimension known as the “Mythological Kingdom” will no longer be viewed as existing on the fringes of “Normal Society” and will no longer be feared or have to be concerned for their own safety.

7) A sense of feeling lost and/or difficulty in motivation in doing or focusing on the Sacred Work one has previously done; most for many years.

8) A sense of being in a strange energy that can be described as “limbo”

9) Questioning self with such thoughts: “Why do I even bother?” or “Is all this stuff important? Or even real?”

Note: As strange as this may sound, these feelings, thoughts and energy are directly related to the frequencies of this Solar Eclipse and are Spirit’s way of trying to send you a message that your Sacred Contractual Work, and your life; especially as it relates to your Sacred Work are getting ready to change in ways you probably would not ever expect.

For approximately 2/3rd of the Spiritually Awakened community, there will be only minor changes to their current work. In fact, most will not perceive it as change, so much, but more as just a natural progression in their Spiritual Growth and Consciousness Expansion journey.

For the other approximate 1/3rd, the changes to their Spiritual journey’s path will be major, and will even be perceived as drastic, causing some to feel overwhelmed and as if their life is in a state of upheaval.

What I would share with those who will experience the more major changes to their lives and work is this…

1st, be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to just rest from all the work you have been doing and reenergize, no matter how long that takes.

2nd, Change your perspective of what this experience is and what it is about. See it for what it really is; something you have worked for and earned.

What is transpiring for you is that the Sacred Contract you came into this lifetime working under has been met, and you are no longer bound to that work in the way you once were. You have met the full agreement of that contact.

Now you are moving into another portion of your fuller Sacred Contractual Work; a fuller Sacred Contract you agreed to when you incarnate into this lifetime. This is a portion of your Sacred Contract and Sacred Contractual Work associated with a fuller awakening to your multidimensional self and the Multidimensional Realms. This is work that will assist in opening the multidimensional realms wider from an Earth perspective, thus assisting in bringing the multidimensional realities into a deeper and stronger connection with the Earthly physical realm of matter.

The information shared in this Frequency Report is accessed through the use of the Ancient-Future Sacred Art of Metatronic Numerology.

I ask that you please share this information so that it reaches those who are in need of receiving this information.

May your continued journey be one of Joy and Consciousness Expansion.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

© 2017 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Metatronic Numerology 2017 Lion’s Gate/Dragon’s Gate Frequency Report


Because of time constraints I am currently experiencing, this frequency report on the 2017 Lion’s Gate & Dragon’s Gate will be just touching on the basics.

If you would like to learn more about what these two very important Portal Openings are bringing to Earth and Humanity in the way of frequencies for the coming Lion’s Gate year be sure to listen to my Blog Talk Radio Program, “Flowing with Spirt”, when my co-hosts Kyra Meerna and Katsura Balanza and I discuss this information in more detail. The program airs Monday, August 14th, 2017 at 7:30pm Pacific time/9:30pm Central time. You can check back here at, ShambahallaNewEarth.com, or on my FB page Essence Ka tha’ras, for a link to the program. Or you can dial in at (516)387-1874 at show time and listen via phone, and even join in on the conversation.

Now… On to the report.

What is the Dragon’s Gate?

Located within the Lion’s Gate Galactic Portal, the Dragon’s Gate is a long forgotten Ancient-Future Intergalactic Portal associated with the movement into and through Collective Golden Age Cycles.

The Lion’s Gate Portal opens each year and brings us updated codes and information from our Milky Way Galactic Great Central Sun, (Ki-Ra Consciousness) that was sent to it from our Local Universal Sun Consciousness, traveling a particular pathway; although in 2013 the information Source changed from originating from our Universal Sun Consciousness to originating from our Local Multi-Universal Sun Consciousness.

The Dragon’s Gate, (during the years it opens), brings updated codes and information specifically relevant to Golden Age Cycles, (one of which we are currently just beginning to move into), and although this information also comes to us from our Multi-Universal Great Central Sun Consciousness, it travels via a very different pathway; one that connects into eleven other Galactic Consciousness’ before moving into our Milky Way Galaxy. This very specific pathway, connecting twelve Galactic Consciousness’, (one of which is our Milky Way Galaxy) is the embodiment of our Collective Galactic Over Soul, it is the Collective Galactic Over Soul Energy Matryx Grid in which our reality emanates from and exists within.

During the 2015 Lion’s Gate, the Dragon’s Gate made its first appearance in several thousand years, although it did not open. Its initial opening occurred during the 2016 Lion’s Gate, where in linear time, it remained open for a four-hour period; two hours prior to, to two hours after 12/12pm (noon) UTC.

This year it will remain open for six and a half hours; from 8:45 UTC TO 15:15 UTC.

It will open again each year during the Lion’s Gate Portal through 2025 and will incrementally remain open for longer periods of time each year, after which it will not reopen for several thousand more years.

Dragon’s Gate 2017

The Metatronic Numerology Frequencies for this year’s Dragon’s Gate are as follows.

Main Frequencies: 3/11 Dual Frequency and 66 Frequency

Sub Frequencies: 8/11 Dual and the 17/8 ATKI (Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance).

Main Frequencies

The Metatronic I AM Key word phrases for the 3/11 Dual and the 66 frequencies are…

3/11 Dual – I AM the Creative Life Force Fully Conscious and Spiritually Awakened

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

The Metatronic I AM Key word phrase for the 8/11 Dual Frequency is…

I AM the Illusion of Physical Reality Illumined through Spiritual Revelation and Epiphany

The 3 Frequency is Creative Energy; Creativity in all forms. It is the initial energy of the Creative Life Force for the physical realms, and is the lower frequency vibration of the 111, and therefore associated with the Initial Spark of the Conception Energy.

The 3 Frequency is lighthearted and filled with the energy of Joy. It sets our imaginations free from structured reality and allows us to fly to Mystical and Magickal realms.

In this energy we play, we enjoy life and everything is has to offer. This way of existing, in turn, opens us to unlimited possibilities of Creative Expression.

The frequency of Joy is one of the highest, if not the highest frequency obtainable within our reality. When you exist in, and work from the energy of Joy anything is not only possible, it manifest into physical reality quickly.

The 11 Frequency holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in the further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Anytime the 66 Frequency is involved, we automatically know we are working with the energy of the Divine Feminine. This is an energy that nurtures us as our own Mother does, because this is the energy of the Divine Spiritual Mother.

This energy nurtures us, feeds us, caresses us and loves us tenderly. It has the capacity to heal the deepest wounds, leaving no scars.

Just like the 6 Frequency, the 66 Frequency is very much about the Goddess/Sacred Feminine/Heart energy at work influencing us, but it differs from the 6 Frequency in that the 6 Frequency is about us taking on our share of the Responsibility for the care of family and the family of man, while the 66 Frequency is about us doing the work of Healing for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, and Gaia specifically.

Under the 66 Frequency’s influence we are being given direction, and energetic assistance, to be of support and aid in the healing of the Collective Consciousness and our planet on all levels; Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.

So when the 3 and 11 frequencies combine, just like the I AM keyword phrase for the 3/11 Dual frequency shows us, we are able to create from a Spiritually Conscious and Awakened perspective. This is the frequency that shows us, and assists us, so we are able to interact and work with higher vibrational frequency energies without becoming burned out and overloaded. Then we add the 66 frequency into this mix and we see we are being given even more assistance in Consciously Creating because of the strong Divine Sacred Feminine energies Earth and Humanity are going to bathed in.

Our task is to remember to do this work from a place of Love, not control.

Just today I shared something that very much has to do with these energies. I share it here again now.

“On the eve of the full opening of the Lion’s Gate and Dragon’s Gate, under the energy of a Lunar Eclipse, let us strengthen our resolve to Create Positive Change in our Current Projected Collective Reality to working in a way that is truly productive in creating a World Reality of Peace.


It is extremely counterproductive to try and create change by focusing all of your energy on destroying antiquated old paradigm institutions and belief systems. As a matter of fact, placing your focus and energy on such endeavors only energetically strengthens such things.

By focusing your energy in such a fashion, you are only doing the work of maintaining the old paradigm institutions and ensuring their survival. You are doing exactly what “the controllers”, (let’s call them) want and need you to do to assist in keeping humanity enslaved in their constructed reality.

Those who exist within the antiquated old paradigm reality cannot “see” any other viable option to where they currently exist; a place they feel safe.

If for no other reason than because they know how that reality works, and feel safe there, they will not respond positively to any attempts to create change in this manner. They will instead dig in deeper and defend their “safe haven”.

If you truly want to create positive change and help build a “New Reality”; one of Truth, Love and Unity, place your focus and energy in creating a viable, safe option for those imprisoned in the old paradigm reality institutions to come to. Create a Reality they can “see” for themselves has more to offer them than what they currently cling to.

If We Build It, They Will Come.


One last bit of information before I share the Lion’s Gate Frequencies and end this article.

Also being brought to Earth with this year’s Dragon’s Gate frequencies are updated codes and additional information concerning what is known as a 17/8 ATKI frequency, (ATKI- Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance).

Just as we as individual consciousnesses have Karmic Imbalanced energies to heal and release, so too does the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the individual consciousness it is.

This 17/8 ATKI is a Karmic Imbalance that belongs to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, not one that is associated with particular individuals; although in certain numeric configurations and placement in an individual’s Natal Numerology Chart it can apply to them on an individual level. Even then it is still directly associated with the Imbalance that belongs to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, and at a base level is more about the individual holding some responsibility for leading the way in clearing this Karmic Imbalance.

This Karmic Imbalance is directly related to misuses and abuses of Sacred Technology in Atlantis that created issues for the whole civilization and permeated the Collective Consciousness’ Energy Matryx Grid.

Ways in which this Imbalanced Karmic Energy manifest within our current reality frame run the gamut and are associated with all types of technology; including but not limited to, technologies used in war, control of population’s behaviors and their health, and technologies currently destructive to the planet as the living organism and consciousness it is. Issues surrounding the use of GMO’s – Genetically Modified Organisms – especially as connected to our food source, have a direct connection to this 17/8 ATKI.

This Collective Karmic Imbalance is being brought ever nearer to the surface of the conscious mind of humanity at this time because we are now ready to begin taking on clearing it and healing its affects as a collective.


2017 Lion’s Gate Frequencies

The main Metatronic Numerology Frequencies being brought to Earth via this year’s Lion’s Gate Portal are…

Main Frequencies: 8 and 77

Sub Frequency: 11/44 Dual – (this frequency was held within the 2016 Lion’s Gate frequencies, so this means we are going to be seeing issues associated with this frequency that came into our reality last year grow significantly in intensity this year, but we are getting upgraded codes to help deal with these issues.)

The Metatronic I AM Key word phrases for the 8, 77 and 11/44 Dual Frequencies are…

8 – I AM Secure Physical Reality

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition & Physical Intelligence

11/44 – I AM Structured Metamorphosis Created through Revelation of Thought, when Thought is Illuminated through Spiritual Truth


The 8 Frequency and the assistance it brings us, is about creating a Secure Physical Reality.

But just exactly what does the term a Secure Physical Reality mean?

To most of us it means having a nice home to live in, having food to eat and sustain us. It is about having enough money to live a comfortable life; a life free from worry and lack.

It means being safe when we go to sleep at night, not worrying about being in harm’s way in any fashion; about having family and friends who love us and care for us, and who’s company we enjoy and benefit from.

It means living on a planet where all life is respected. It is about living on a planet free from pollution and toxic contamination. A planet where everyone is treated equally, and greed and fear do not rule the societies we live in.

A Secure Physical Reality is about being physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy and balanced, Secure and Safe.

The 77 Frequency is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective and our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities with, and into a cohesive form with our Physical Intellect begins and transpires.

Within this frequency the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind that has lain dormant in the 5 frequency has its first initial awakening.

This is the frequency that is of the most assistance to us in, not only hearing the voice of Spirit, but then being able to interpret the information and knowledge received from Spirit into information we can really utilize and implement into our everyday physical lives and reality.

The 11/44 Dual frequency combination brings energy to assist in creating big change, not so much for our individual self, but change in the Collective Consciousness of humanity as a whole.

This frequency speaks of the Initial Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness as the Individual Consciousness it exists as. This is a very powerful energy gifting our planet at this time.

The 11 frequency is the frequency of Initial Spiritual Awakening and the 44 frequency is the frequency that deals with Group Collective Conscious Minds. The 44 frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind occurs.

It is also the frequency where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best. Under this frequency’s influence those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis. Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

As we as a Collective Consciousness heal and begin making our way deeper down the path into the multi-dimensional realms we will change significantly, and so will our perceptions of reality. We are getting ready to change in ways that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine. We are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates when we can truly work as one cohesive consciousness.

Yet that is exactly what this 11/44 Dual Frequency is bringing us; the frequency energy needed to create “Structured Metamorphosis” of our collective reality.

Structured Metamorphosis means we are bringing about this type of change consciously by using every form of Sacred Technology, Sacred Geometry, Energy Work, Grid Work, and every other Sacred tool we have at our disposal and using them from a place of full understanding of how they truly work in creating reality.

To create reality in this way we have to be able to do so from a place of Spiritual Truth understood through a clear and Spiritually Intelligent Mind.

These are the main frequencies brought to us through this Lion’s Gate portal for us to work with in the coming year.


May your Journey through the Lion’s Gate and the Dragon’s Gate of 2017 be one of fully receiving the many Blessings this year’s upgraded codes have to offer.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2017 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Consciously Creating Reality & The Maharishi Effect

Consciously Creating Reality & The Maharishi Effect

Author: Essence Ka tha’ras

Before we begin please allow me to introduce myself and share an invitation to any of you who may be interested in joining in this work a way of doing so.

I AM Essence Ka tha’ras. I AM a Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator. I am also the founder, and one of the administrators of a Facebook group known as “First Wave Blue Ray Indigos & Indigos Home”.

The information you are about to read in this article was written as part of my Sacred Contractual Work in leading, in some small way, this “Vibe Tribe Family” (as we call ourselves), in being a part of the healing, spiritual awakening and consciousness expansion process the Collective Consciousness of Humanity is currently experiencing.

If you would like to participate in the Sacred Work as shared in this article one way you may do so is by joining the Facebook Group created specifically for this work. You can find it at this link…

Maharishi Effect 2017 Event

 You are also welcome to join our Facebook Group: First Wave Blue Ray Indigos & Indigos Home; where you are always Welcome and where the door is Always Open and Unlocked.

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


Consciously Creating Reality & The Maharishi Effect

“We Create Our Reality; Individually & Collectively”

How often do we hear this statement these days? Just exactly what does it mean? And how do we go about doing it?

The truth is “Creating Our Reality” is a process that is both simple and complex all at the same time.

Let’s start with the simple part.

In my experience one of the necessary first steps in learning to Consciously create our reality, (and ‘Consciously’ is the keyword here), is to change the perspective lens we view our reality through. It sounds simple, and once we have mastered the art of perspective it is. Yet, as simple as it sounds it can be a complex process to consciously change our perspective because we each have so much family and societal conditioning we must recognize and release in order to do so.

The answer most often given to the question of, “How do I learn to change my perspective and begin to consciously create my reality?” seems like an over simplified and over used cliché, but nonetheless, it is a simple truth and, the answer is… Meditation.

If you are serious about consciously creating and maintaining a reality to exist within that is positive and peaceful, there is no better place to start than with implementing a daily meditation routine into your life. Once you do you will almost immediately notice positive changes begin to occur within your life; and your life is your individual reality.

The best part is, by making positive changes in your life and reality you actually assist in making positive changes to the collective reality we all share. But… we can do more and make even larger positive changes to our reality, our individual reality and our collective reality.

So, what is the Maharishi Effect and what does Consciously Creating Our Reality have to do with it?

Very basically stated, the Maharishi Effect is the effect Group Meditation has on Consciously creating our Collective Reality. That’s right! Turns out that when we intentionally work together we are capable of Consciously affecting the Collective Reality we all share and exist within in very significant and long-lasting ways. How amazing is that?!

The Maharishi Effect technique is one of many Sacred Technological Tools we have at our disposal to use as a first step in Consciously Creating and affecting Our Collective Reality in a positive way. And the best part is, it assists in making the changes we desire to both our individual reality and our collective reality in order to create and maintain a positive reality for our self and for the world as a whole. It’s a win-win!

Following is an excerpt from an article about  research done starting in the 1970’s on the Maharishi Effect from the website globalgoodnews.com. You can read the article in its entirety at the link provided. I am not sharing information about the advanced meditation technique known as “Yogic Flying” for this particular group work. If you are interested in learning more about this advanced meditation technique you can find it at the link shared.


“The Maharishi Effect establishes the principle that individual consciousness affects collective consciousness.

Research shows that the influence of coherence created by the Maharishi Effect can be measured on both national and international level. Increased coherence within the nation expresses itself in improved national harmony and well-being. In addition, this internal coherence and harmony generates an influence that extends beyond the nation’s borders, expressing itself in improved international relations and reduced international conflict.

Research has shown that groups of individuals practicing Yogic Flying-all enjoying very high brainwave coherence-create coherence in collective consciousness, and generate a unifying and integrating effect in the life of society. This results in a decrease of negative trends throughout society-such as crime, accidents, and sickness – and an increase in positive social, economic, and political trends. Scientific studies on this phenomenon have demonstrated that a group of at least 7,000 individuals practicing Yogic Flying can produce this coherence-creating effect on a global scale, reducing violent and negative trends worldwide.

Research studies have repeatedly confirmed the Maharishi Effect on a global scale. For example, during assemblies of ten days to three weeks in which the number of individuals practicing the TM-Sidhi Programme of Yogic Flying approached or exceeded the square root of one percent of the world’s population-about 7,000 people-global social trends improved immediately, including improved international relations as measured by reduced international conflict and reduced incidence of terrorism.

The secret of the Global Maharishi Effect is the phenomenon known to Physics as the ‘Field Effect’, the effect of coherence and positivity produced from the field of infinite correlation-the self-referral field of least excitation of consciousness-the field of Transcendental Consciousness, which is basic to creation and permeates all life everywhere.”



The Commitment

According to the guidelines of the Maharishi Effect it takes the square root of 1% of any given population coming together in routine daily meditation (twice a day) in order to affect positive change on the population, and even beyond.

As examples of the number of people needed to meditate together to create positive change I share the following information.

The current world population (as of Dec. 22, 2016,) is Continue reading