Creating Reality through Setting Limits & Boundaries


This is an article I originally posted in February of this year, but I feel called to post it again.

This year, 2015, is an 8 Frequency year, and is very much about creating our Physical World the way we desire it to be. We are now through the largest part of this year and I feel it a good time to refocus on the Intentional Creation of our Physical World in order to finalize the work of this year’s frequency.

I now share this information once again to be a gentle reminder of the ways in which we use energy to create our reality.

Creating Reality through Setting Limits & Boundaries

If all are in agreement it is your right to hold the point of view that you need feel no personal obligation to invite or allow into your home a person who intends to rob you of your material possessions or wealth, or do you or your family harm; and this point of view being fully acceptable by personal and societal standards, why do you continue to feel obligated to invite and allow in to your home and life people, relationships and situations that rob you and your family of your emotional, mental and spiritual balance, wealth and peace of mind?

the right to set limits

Just as you have the right to protect yourself, your family, your home, and your material possessions and wealth, you have the Right to set Limits, Boundaries and Acceptable Behavior Standards for people, relationships and situations allowed into your life that take away from you and your family emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is not just your physical life you should feel to be deemed important enough to protect.

The truth is, the state of your physical life, including your physical health, as well as your material possessions and wealth, is created by, and a reflection of, the state of your emotional, mental and spiritual lives. In other words, all things good you desire to call to yourself and create cannot be created in the physical world if you do not have your emotions, thoughts and spiritual well being in a positive, balanced and peaceful state of existence.

It is very important to continually be aware of energy you are exposing yourself to; energy created from the behavior of people in your daily life.

Equally important is the need to be aware of the sounds you are exposed to each day. The music we choose to listen to and the type of television programming we choose to watch are two of the main ways in which sound affects us in our everyday world these days. Video games we play, and even things such as traffic noise, the tones of other people’s voices and words, and all the other everyday sounds of society also affect the maintaining of our personal energy’s state of balance.

We also need to be very cognizant of the things we view each day. Once again, television and video games become something we need to pay very close attention to when it comes to what we view each day. Are you choosing to watch programming containing violence and drama? If so, you may need to be more aware of what you are choosing to watch and focus on.

If we ascribe to the belief that we create our own Reality, and that as Quantum Physics has shown us, understand the observer affects the observed, then we need to realize it is our responsibility to become ever more aware of the reality we are creating, and the ways in which we are creating it.

Did you know that over fifty percent of the brain’s cortex and thirty percent or more of the neurons in the cortex are devoted to physical vision? What does this tell you about how important vision is to how we create reality? Then add the eight percent devoted to touch and the three percent to hearing, and yet another eleven percent has been added to this figure.  

Many people today are becoming very aware of the purity of the foods ingested into their body and how important it is to the overall well being of their physical health, yet they continue to feed and energetically ingest into their body toxins through the things they ingest through their visual, auditory and olfactory senses; and let’s not overlook the importance and part played by the tactile sense.

This year, 2015, is an 8 Frequency year, and is very much about creating our Physical World the way we desire it to be. To do so positively and efficiently we have to be aware of the tools we are using to create reality.

Do you have people in your life who create drama? Are you listening to inharmonious music and watching scenes of violence and high drama? Are you exposed to discordant sounds of traffic and other everyday noises without being aware of them anymore or ever taking the time to revitalize yourself in nature? Have you become desensitized to all of these things to the point of not ever giving them any conscious thought? If so, maybe it is time to take a closer look at the ways in which you are creating your reality.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

 Essence Ka tha’ras  ~ Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Simple Frequency Report ~ 9/15/15


Today is a 5 Frequency day with a 66 Sub-frequency influence.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrases for 5 and 66 are…

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

The 5 Frequency and its energy loves change and is always looking for the next great adventure into the unknown; the occurrence that once it is experienced will change one’s perspective of reality forever. It holds a neutral charge, so it allows for open-mindedness and is simply about going in search of the “Truth” no matter where it is to be found.

The 5 Frequency lends assistance in having the courage to step out beyond our comfort zone; that small confined Box created by the mainstream consciousness mindset, and test the waters for what else just might be true. It teaches the Right Use of Free Will, and although there is still much work to be done on Self before it can be ignited, the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind lies within the Frequency of the 5.

The 5, 55 and 555 Frequencies hold Neutral Charges; this makes them Grounding Frequencies. The 5 Frequency, being the lowest frequency holding a Neutral Charge, grounds us to Earth and the physical realms and dimensions, helping us stay more centered and balanced in the physical realms. So it is very much about the Physical Realms and daily life on Earth.

The 6 frequency is about taking on our individual responsibility in caring for our family. This means our immediate family and then expands out until it encompasses the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, teaching others by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation, in how to think for their Self and be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole.

Where the 66 Frequency differs from the 6 Frequency is in that where the 6 Frequency is about us taking on our share of the Responsibility for the care of family and the family of man, the 66 Frequency is about us doing the work of Healing for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia/Earth specifically.

Under the 66 Frequency’s influence we are being given direction and energetic assistance to be of support and aid in the healing of the Collective Consciousness and our planet on all levels; Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.


So now you can see that this 5/66 frequency combination bathes us in an energy that assists us in stepping outside of our comfort zone and doing what we KNOW we came here to do in order to be of assistance to the Healing of the Collective Consciousness’ Reality.

The 5 Frequency feeds our desire to do this work and makes it fun and exciting. It feeds our sense of Adventure, that part of us the yells….. “Geronimo!!” as we run full steam ahead into whatever, and wherever Spirit is leading us; while the 66 sub-frequency lets us know we are here to help Heal the world, and are fully capable of doing so.

WE are here; WE are Ready, Willing and Able! So, let’s do this!



IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

 Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report~Sept. 2015 New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse

September 13th, 2015

New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse Frequencies


New Moon


66 Frequency with an 8/11 Dual Sub-frequency

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

8/11 Dual – I AM the Illusion of Physical Reality Illumined through Spiritual Revelation and Epiphany

The 6 frequency is about taking on our individual responsibility in caring for our family. This means our immediate family and then expands out until it encompasses the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, teaching others by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation, in how to think for their Self and be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole.

Where the 66 Frequency differs from the 6 Frequency is in that where the 6 Frequency is about us taking on our share of the Responsibility for the care of family and the family of man, the 66 Frequency is about us doing the work of Healing for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia/Earth specifically.

Under the 66 Frequency’s influence we are being given direction and energetic assistance to be of support and aid in the healing of the Collective Consciousness and our planet on all levels; Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.

The 8/11 Dual frequency is associated with being able to clearly see through the Illusion of Physical Reality.

It helps us to see and remember the truth that says…

I AM not a Physical Being on a Spiritual Path

I AM a Spiritual Being on a Physical Path

Remembering this as we go through our daily lives helps us to put every experience, every encounter we have with others, whether good or bad, into a more expanded perspective. It allows us to step back and see that the physical world we call Reality is really an Illusion, a play on a stage we have created for the experience; each experience being an opportunity to Awaken and Grow along this Spiritual Journey we call life.

This knowledge is vital to keep at the forefront of our daily consciousness if we are to create and maintain the change we are working so hard to implement into our individual everyday lives, as well as the positive change on a planetary scale we desire to create.

So what this 66, 8/11 Dual frequency combination is doing is giving us assistance in seeing that WE ARE Responsible for this Reality, each and every one of us, is responsible to some extent for the reality we exist within as a Collective; WE ARE CREATING THIS REALITY. As such, WE are not only responsible for its creation; WE are capable of Healing what needs to be healed. If WE can Create this mess, WE can Heal this mess!


Partial Solar Eclipse


44 Frequency with a 7/11 Dual Sub-frequency

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

7/11 Dual – I AM the Truth of Divine Intelligence Illumined through the Spiritually Awakened Self

The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs.

Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine.

At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates.

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

The 7-11 Frequency is a very powerful frequency that lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is also. 

The 7/11 Dual frequency disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it!

This frequency combination can be stressful for those not comfortable with their Self, their Spirituality and Spiritual beliefs because it leaves no room for NOT taking seriously one’s Individual Responsibility for their own Spiritual Growth and how it affects the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This frequency combination pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes us beyond our comfort zone in what we consider our individual Responsibility for Self, especially as it pertains to being of assistance to the Awakening and Healing Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

 I often compare this frequency combination to that of a Natal Astrological Saturn Return because that too demands we take a long hard look at Self and deal with Karmic Issues and their release.

This 44, 7/11 Dual frequency combination is here to assist, and quite honestly, insist; WE take responsibility for creating and healing our Collective Reality; not only as the individuals we each are, but as a Collective.


I find it interesting that the frequencies of the New Moon are very much Feminine in nature and the frequencies of the Solar Eclipse are Masculine in nature. To me this simply speaks of the Balance of these two energies coming together to assist us in the vital work of Healing what needs to be healed, and in learning how to Collectively Create reality in a much more positive and equitable fashion for all of Humanity. This is the time of the return of the Balance of Power between the Mother and Father; between the Goddess and the God.

Let us lead the way into What is to Come!


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…


Animal Totem Workshop with Essence Ka tha’ras


Join me, Essence Ka tha’ras, in this day long workshop where you will learn the Nine Animals who represent the Medicine, or Energy, you carry with you in this lifetime; those Animals that walk this life journey with you and emulate your personal abilities, talents and challenges, and the assistance they bring into your life when you know how to tap into communicating with them.

Animal Totem Workshop

Animal Totem Workshop

Knowing your Animal Totems can be of great value to you in many ways, including helping you in discovering your Sacred Contractual Work and the higher purpose you incarnated into this lifetime to achieve.

This Workshop will be held Sunday, October 18th, 2015 at Down to Earth’s beautiful downtown Beaumont store located in the historic Mildred Building at 1455 Calder, Beaumont, Texas, 77701. It will begin at 11am and will finish around 4pm.

The cost for this workshop is $44; pay at the event.

For more information call or text Essence Ka tha’ras at 409-382-3073 or call Down to Earth’s Beaumont Store at 409-813-8522.

Find the Event on FaceBook.

Animal Totem Class with Essence Ka tha’ras

Be sure to Like my page:

Essence Ka tha’ras – Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator

and  “Subscribe” to Events on FB so you will receive notifications of future Events, and sign up as a “Subscriber” here and receive notification each time I post something new.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessing


Greetings Dearest Spiritual Family,

Today I AM being guided to once again share an article I originally posted on my old web-site (The Purple Pathe) back in 2008. I have shared it here on Shambahalla-New Earth a couple of times since, the last being in January of this year.

It seems periodically Spirit leads me to re-share this message. I feel it is because this truly is something we all need to remember. We need to be very conscious of how we share Blessings with other, for there is a true art to it.   

This article and the information contained within it were inspired by one of my all time favorite YouTube videos posted in 2007 by Humanity Healing; entitled – The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessing.

I do hope you will take the time to watch the video once you have read this short article. I AM sure you will be moved and inspired by both.

For those who follow the Metatronic Numerology Frequency  Information, you may be interested to know that this work of Blessing falls within the 6, 66 and 666 frequencies, with the strongest connection to the 66 Frequency.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 6, 66 and 666 are:

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

666 – I AM Multi-dimensional Form Held in Divine Love and Spiritual Perfection      

 IN-Joy I share the following original article; May you Truly Be Blessed.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



Blessings from All... EK

I want to speak to you about Blessings today.

What is it that we are doing when we speak the words, “May you be blessed”, or “Blessings to you”?

When you speak these words, or any others that bestow a blessing on another, what exactly is it that you are uttering? What is it you are offering?

Have you ever stopped to really think about this, or do you just say these words without giving them thought? Many do.

To impart a Blessing to another without creating it first within the deepest part of your being, without giving life and energy to it from within the Spark of Divinity, which is your true self, is akin to planting a garden in the desert then walking away and hoping for rain, instead of planting your seeds in fertile ground and tending them.

Don’t get me wrong, just the simple act of saying these words to another can, and often does, add a smile to a lonely heart, yet we are capable of so much more.

As awakened individuals remembering our true spiritual identity we hold within us the ability to truly gift another with the energy of Unconditional Divine Love. To extend a Blessing to another is a gift of our Infinite Divine Self. When we create a Blessing from within the core of our Being, from within our “Heart of Hearts”, we are remembering that We Are All One.

By performing this simple act, we are acknowledging that we are, each and every one of us, a part of each other and a part of the One. By creating Blessings for another from this sacred place within, we are bestowing love that reaches across all boundaries and dimensions. By giving from this place of sacredness within ourselves we are endowing another with a gift of transcendent love that can be confined by no limits; a love whose healing powers are beyond what can be conveyed in earthly terms.

With this new perspective of what a simple Blessing can be, I would ask each and every one of you to daily remember that to Bless another is to Heal. To Bless another is to heal all of Creation; you, me, the planet and all her glorious creatures. To Bless another is to put an end to division, hatred and death. To Bless another is to Create a Universe of Beauty, Peace and Unconditional Divine Love.

My Gift to you is a Blessing from this Sacred place within me, extended to all of you.

May you always Truly Be Blessed.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2008 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the               Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site… 

Revisiting Cord Cutting & Rewriting Sacred Contracts Meditations

I have been asked to once again share these meditations.

For those who may not be familiar with these meditations I am sharing the original post from January of this year, 2015.


Greetings Dearest Spiritual Family,

As we have recently moved out of 2014, a 7 Frequency year, into 2015 an 8 Frequency year I AM being led to once again share two Guided Meditations, Kyra and I originally shared with you in March of 2014.

These two meditations are designed to be used in conjunction with each other in a particular order, so as to be of optimal assistance in aiding one in releasing the last vestiges what no longer serves their highest good, and preparing them for what is to come next.

The first meditation was designed to lead you through the process of Detaching Energetic Cords connected to people and situations that no longer serve your Highest Good.

The second meditation was designed to guide you through the process of Rewriting Sacred Contracts with others in your life.

As we grow spiritually and expand our consciousness and our perspectives and understanding of our reality, we change. Because of this the way we interact with others often needs to change also.

When we enter into a relationship with another, no matter what type of relationship it is, we do so with an understanding (on a higher spiritual level) of how we will interact with that person, what type of part we will play in their life and what type of part they will play in ours. With the changes that come with our Spiritual Awakening these contracts periodically need to be updated. That is what this second Meditation is designed to be of assistance with.

I feel these Guided Meditations can be of assistance again now for several reasons.

Like I stated before, with the movement out of the year 2014 into the year 2015 we have moved from a 7 Frequency to an 8 Frequency, so we need to “wipe the slate clean” in a sense, so as to be better prepared for the work brought to us by the 8 Frequency as we move ever deeper into it this year.

Another reason is because very soon we will be moving through some strong and powerful energy waves, and we need to be as prepared as possible when we enter them so we can continue to do the best work we possibly can as we continue into the next phases of our Spiritual Journey.

As quickly as possible…

2015 is an 8 Frequency year. The work of the 8 Frequency is very much about Manifesting a Safe and Secure Physical Reality, so this year’s work is very much about creating a New Physical World and Reality.

In many ways this work had its beginnings in the frequencies of last November and is about readying ourselves for what is set to begin in earnest with the March Equinox, when we enter the first of four Tetrads; (tetrad: a group of 4) the first of which consists of the years 2015 through 2018.

This first of these four tetrads, (4 consecutive tetrads = 16 years) is to be used to create a New Spiritual Foundation upon which to build a more Safe, Secure and Spiritually Awakened Collective Physical Reality.

I will elaborate more on this in the next posting. For now, please use the two Guided Meditations to assist you with releasing what it is time to let go of and begin setting the stage for what is to come.

IN-Joy the Meditations


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

2015 Lion’s Gate Photo

Greetings Spirit Family,

I want to share with you a picture I was Spirit led to take at exact Noon my local time on 8/8/15 – the Lion’s Gate Portal Exact Alignment.

I believe it speaks for its self!

IN-Joy I Share

Blessing from All Realms of Creation on this most auspicious of days

Essence Ka tha’ras

2015 Lion's Gate - Exact Noon Local Time

2015 Lion’s Gate – Exact Noon Local Time