Emerald Core: New Etheric Earth Energy Core

Emerald Core

Dragon’s Gate 2018 – August 11th

Release from the Ancient-Future Temple of the Soul

In this article I will be sharing only very basic information about the “Emerald Core”. More detailed information will be shared in future articles.


On August 11th, 2018, from out of the Dragon’s Gate Portal, the next etheric energy Core of Earth/Gaia is set to be released from the Ancient-Future Temple of the Soul, where it has been under the care and supervision of the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence and 7 Universal Ancestors while being prepared for its release and first “Seating” at Earth’s Core. It needs to be understood that “Seating” is not activating. It is simply placing this etheric energy Core into the center of the planet. Two more “Seating” dates will occur before the end of 2018.

The First Activation Phase will not begin until 2020. First Phase Activation, (which is simply a “starting up and coming online”) will not be completed until the Dragon’s Gate in August of 2024. This is only the First Phase of the Activation process of the Emerald Core. Several more activation phases will follow at specific points in linear time associated with Humanity’s Consciousness Expansion process as it makes its journey into higher and higher frequencies it can maintain until reaching the frequency of the Metatronic Frequency Reality opening in the 7th Dimension. A journey of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands linear earth years.


How We Got Here

To learn how we got to where we are today we need to step back a few years and see a bigger picture. Let’s start with the Crystalline Core.

The Crystalline Core was first mentioned by Kryon in 1999; approx. 12 years after Harmonic Convergence, approx. 4 years before Harmonic Concordance, and approx. 13 years before the end of the Old Mayan Calendar Round Reality and Beginning of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality at 12/21/12; this was when the Collective Consciousness of Humanity moved from the 3rd and 4th frequency dimensional realities into the first Veil region of the 5th frequency dimensional reality. This first mention of the Crystalline Core was also approx. 14 years before the initial opening of the Portal into the Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality in December of 2013 at the 13/13/13…(Dec. 16th, 2013)

The Crystalline Core completed its activation and fully came online just after Harmonic Concordance in 2003.

Harmonic Convergence & Harmonic Concordance

For those who may not be familiar with Harmonic Convergence and Harmonic Concordance here is a bit of information about what transpired with those events.

Harmonic Convergence (Aug. 16-17, 1987) and Harmonic Concordance (Nov. 8, 2003) were both worldwide meditation events where people meditated at specific times across the planet in order to intentionally accomplish particular goals.

Harmonic Convergence was when we/humans as a Collective let it be known to our Galactic Family there were a sufficient number of humans spiritually awakened and holding a minimum frequency showing we were ready and able to begin consciously and intentionally being responsible for a portion of the Creation of our Reality on Earth; that we could step up and do our part and participate in creating our own reality. It was believed then that this effected the saving of Humanity from being all but destroyed and having to start this spiritual awakening and consciousness expansion process all over again; like it was said we had had to do at least four times previously.

Harmonic Concordance was when the Collective Consciousness of Humanity made its initial decision as to what path and direction it would choose to follow forward in its consciousness expansion process. A mere 16 linear earth years after saying we were ready for more responsibility we stepped up and made a big decision for the Collective.

Then, in September of 2013, humanity and etheric multidimensional Beings who are directly connected to the Collective Consciousness of Earth/Gaia intentionally and consciously created a Group Collective Conscious Mind and sent it forth into a Multidimensional Portal open at that time, (dubbed “The Peace Portal”) to bring back into our current Collective Reality what was determined to be the most positive probable “Future Reality Outcome” that would be most easily accepted and adjusted to by the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, including the Spiritually Awakened, for our next steps as ONE in a positive forward movement of spiritual awakening and consciousness expansion… in other words, the details of the path direction we had chosen at Harmonic Concordance.

I know… it’s a bit hard to fathom and accept that WE made the decision that has brought the world to where it exists now! But WE did! And we did so because we had the best interest of the Collective in mind and feel and think this is the quickest and least painful way forward as a Collective.

Purpose of the Crystalline Core

The Crystalline Core is an etheric energy tool that assists with the expansion of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and the planet.

It holds and emits particular and specific frequencies most relevant and conducive to the expansion of the Collective’s consciousness as it existed/exists in the 3rd through the 5th dimensional frequency reality realms.

It greatly assisted in bringing the Collective into the 5th dimension just beyond the first Veil and will greatly assist the Collective’s journey all the way through the 5th dimensional frequency reality.

Differences Between the Crystalline and Emerald Cores

Frequency, Size, Dimensional Reality Connection & Human Involvement in “Seating & Activation”

Just like the Crystalline Core the Emerald Core holds and emits particular and specific frequencies. The frequencies of the Emerald Core are very different than those of the Crystalline Core and are frequencies that will assist the Collective Consciousness’ of Humanity and Gaia as they make their way into and through the last one-third of the 5th dimension, the entirety of the 6th dimension and into and through the next reality realm known as the “Metatronic Frequency Reality”; a reality realm that opens at the edge of the 7th frequency dimension.

The Crystalline Core will continue to be the main energy tool for the Collective through the first two-thirds of the 5th dimensional frequency reality realm. Remember, the Collective has only very recently entered the 5th dimension and has only accessed it just past the first Veil into that dimension.

The Crystalline Core is surrounded by the Emerald Core. To give you a simple way of visualizing the size difference between the two, imagine an apple situated at the center of a honeydew melon.

To me, the biggest and probably most significant difference between the Crystalline Core and the Emerald Core is Humanity’s involvement in its “Seating & Activation”.

The Crystalline Core was set into place and activated by Galactic Family who have direct connections to Humanity and Gaia. We had no conscious and intentional part in setting and activating it.

With the Emerald Core we are going to have to consciously and intentionally be actively involved in “Seating & Activating” it. It’s a part of what is required of us now as a Collective in being partially responsible for creating our own reality.

If you read the Metatronic Frequency Report for the 2018 Lion’s Gate & Dragon’s Gate you will be familiar with what I shared at the end of that report. I stated…

“We are Becoming Awakened Conscious Galactic Multidimensional Beings in Human Form Incarnate on Earth Consciously Co-Creating Realities… not just our Collective Reality on Earth, but our Galactic Collective Reality as well. We are now stepping into a level of responsibility where we must not only think about Earth and Humanity, we now must begin thinking about how Earth and Humanity’s reality is affecting Galactic Realities we are connected to. This work just got a whole lot more serious!”

So… Here We Are! Ready to begin the next big phase of work as Spirit incarnate in Human form on Earth and lead the way in opening pathways into “What Is Soon to Come!”

Are YOU ready to step more fully into your Multidimensional Self and start Consciously and Intentionally connecting to and working with our Galactic Family in the Conscious Co-Creation of not only Earthly Reality, but with our Galactic Reality as well?

If so, then working with the “Seating & Activation of the Emerald Core” though the rest of your current lifetime may be a place to start.

IF… this work resonates and calls to you then be watching for more information in the coming weeks and months on how best to do this work. And if this work “Activates” memories within you and your Mission as a Starseed on Earth, feel free to contact me for information on Group Collective Conscious Mind work I hope to start soon. Let’s see where we are led in this work!


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist



© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com


2018 Lion’s Gate, Dragon’s Gate: Metatronic Frequency Report

Information in this Report covers the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports for the 2018 Lion’s Gate and Dragon’s Gate.

Life has been busy, causing time to become short for me to share this information. More detailed information will follow later.


A lot of the information I am about to share in this report and subsequent reports in the next few days and weeks will not agree with information long held in this belief system. Some people will resonate with it and experience excitement because it finally answers questions they have been asking as of late. Other people will not resonate with it at all and just walk on by, while others will experience cognitive dissonance because it’s just too far outside of their current comfort zone. And all of this is fine and as it should be. I’m not here to try and change anyone’s beliefs. I am simply doing what I know is my Sacred Contractual Work; sharing information and knowledge.


There is so much information I will not be able to share all the details in this report. As it stands now it will be well over 2,500 words… a much longer report than most people will even take the time to read in this day and age. I will be sharing more information in the near future; because believe me… THERE IS MORE!

Let’s start with the information that says the maximum open point (date) of the 2018 Lion’s Gate did not occur on August 8th, but instead will occur on August 11th.

Note: August 8th began the maximum open point of this year’s Lion’s Gate; strongest energies are felt three days prior to full opening, the day of full opening, and three days past full opening; with the “day of full opening” obviously being the strongest.

Basic Explanation

You can look at this date change much like you would view knowing your astrological sign vs. having access to your full astrological chart.

Let’s say you’re a Leo. Knowing your astrological sign is Leo gives you access to general information, or you can have your astrological chart done and know you’re a Leo with a Capricorn Rising, the position of planets, your mid-heaven, etc. and have access to much more detailed information.


Where did this information come from?

For those of you who are not familiar with me or my work, I AM Essence Ka tha’ras. A large part of my Sacred Contractual Work in this lifetime is to bring back Ancient-Future Knowledge into the Consciousness of Humanity at this time on Earth. Part of that knowledge is Metatronic Numerology and all the information and knowledge it opens for us.

Metatronic Numerology is an Advanced form of the Sacred Art of Multidimensional Numerology from our Ancient-Future.

This form of Sacred Numerology is something we, humanity of Earth, once utilized, but lost access to as Humanity descended deeper into the lower frequency realms of physical manifest form.

Having been held in safe keeping in the Sacred Ancient/Future City of Light of Shambahalla it is now being gifted to humanity once again.

I have been practicing and sharing information about Metatronic Numerology since late 2011-early 2012. Before that, I was a traditional Numerologist for close to 30 years before I began receiving information on Metatronic Numerology.

Just as I have done for the last several years I was preparing to write the Lion’s Gate & Dragon’s Gate Frequency Reports. I started a week or better in advance of the traditional date of August 8th writing this report. Having finished all the calculations for determining the frequencies for these two events, two things transpired. 1: I kept having a feeling that something was off about this year’s Lion’s Gate and Dragon’s Gate reports. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was, but it just wouldn’t go away. 2: Situations in everyday life kept getting in the way of me being able to complete writing the reports.

Then, just before midnight on August 6th, Spirit brought new information my way that suddenly made everything make sense and those uneasy feelings went away.

That something was the work of a gentleman named Grayham Forscutt. Over the past 35 years he has developed an advanced form of astrology known as “Galactic Astrology”. One of his websites is GalacticAstrologyAcademy.com

His work, this Galactic Astrology, is Galactic Centre orientated charts drawn from the Sun’s perspective but interpreted from the perspective of the Milky Way Centre, and accesses information that helps Starseeds remember their mission.

He had just shared a chart drawn for the 2018 Lion’s Gate. Here is an image of that chart.

This chart was the answer I had been looking for. It made the calculations and information I had received fall into line like they should.

Before we move on to this year’s Lion’s Gate and Dragon’s Gate Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports and what all they can tell us about what we can expect to begin experiencing in the next twelve months let me just list a few things of significance.

All these changes we are now moving into in this time known as the Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge have a connection to, not only each other, but to other events as well.

Here is a list of a few of those.

A connection to events 60,000 years ago.

Mars, Earth, Sun Alignments

Metonic Solar Eclipse Cycles and Series starting 76 years ago.

Harmonic Convergence (1987) & Harmonic Concordance (2003)

The Eclipse Season ending on August 11th with the Partial Solar Eclipse that day.

The 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence & the Gem Constellation

An alignment with an Ancient-Future Galactic Magnetic Field and our Solar System.

At least five new frequencies are now being gifted to our planet; frequencies we have not experienced before in this present Collective Reality.

The coming on line, beginning during the opening of the Dragon’s Gate this year, of a new etheric energy Core for Earth; known as “The Emerald Core”. (read information about this New Emerald Core at the link shared here… “The New Emerald Core”. To understand more about the new “Emerald Core” read the following articles…

“Emerald Core”

The Ancient-Future Legend of the Gem Constellation & the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence”

Here are the Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases for the five new frequencies; all of which have been gifted to Earth and Humanity since the end of June 2018.

7/22 Dual – I AM the Intelligence of Spirit Indwelling in Self. I possess the Vision of Spirit through which Knowledge of the Building of Sacred Structure is Known

5/111 Dual – I AM Change. I Activate and Anchor Conception of Multidimensionality into the Realms of Physical Matter

5/44 Dual – I AM the Power of Metamorphosis. I Fearlessly Create Change and Anchor it into Physical Matter

11/000 – I AM the Truth of Multidimensionality Illumined and Awakened

2/88 Dual – I AM Seated Firmly in the Understanding of Sacred Geometry and Divine Engineering. I AM Knowledge Comprehended and Shared

Here you can find a bit of information on three of these New Frequencies….

“Calling All Energy Masters”



Lion’s Gate

If you would like more detailed information about the frequencies listed in this report simply type the frequency into the search box on my website and read information listed in older reports. Example: type… “8/11 Dual” in the search box.

The Metatronic Numerology Frequencies specific to the 2018 Lion’s Gate are as follows.

Main: 8/22 Dual Frequency, 88 Sub Frequency and a 222 Passive Potential.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases for these frequencies are….

8/22 Dual – I AM Secure Physical Reality Built upon a Sacred Structure whose Blueprints are Seen and Known through Spiritual Vision

88 – I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

222 – I AM Multidimensionality in Gestation

This year’s (2018) Lion’s Gate is bringing us information of a more specific nature than usual. This year we are being gifted with upgraded codes that will begin affecting specific biological Chromosomes and our (human) Mitochondrial DNA, in order to begin acceleration of massive scale evolution of the biological form of humans.

These are necessary biological evolutionary changes that are needed to prepare the physical human form for it to be able to exist within the Metatronic Frequency Reality that begins opening in the 7th frequency dimension.

Let me state, this is just the beginning of this biological evolutionary process. This is not something that will be completed in a single human lifetime but will span many generations and several thousands of linear years. BUT… this process can be expediated by conscious human intent. How quickly this work is completed will be determined by how fast humanity’s consciousness expands.

The specific Chromosomes to begin undergoing, let’s just call it, “Multidimensional Gene Therapy”, are the 8th, 11th, 16th and 22nd; as well as the Mitochondrial DNA.

The “Multidimensional Gene Therapy” associated with these updated codes will begin affecting, most specifically, the evolution of the human brain, related to physical size, cognitive abilities, consciousness expansion, spiritual genetics and future spiritual frequency generations. One of the first daily signs of this will be a big change in how humans, specifically mainstream science, views autism; (what is now considered a medical condition), as well as breakthroughs in understanding schizophrenia.

The 222 Frequency Passive Potential is a Magnetic Force (meaning we are pulling it to us) and can be viewed, (in a very simply way) as “The Multidimensional Cosmic Womb”; a place where gestation occurs. A protected place where the developing changes can incubate and mature, making ready for Birth into Multidimensional Reality in a physical form better suited to future collective physical reality.

This year there is also a connection to an Ancient-Future Magnetic Field, known as the “Magellanic Magnetic Field”, our Solar System is coming into alignment with. This magnetic field plays a big part in creating major evolutionary stages of our Solar System, and therefore plays a big part in creating major evolutionary stages for Earth and human consciousness. (More information about this Magnetic Field at a later date.)

What is the Lion’s Gate?

The Lion’s Gate is a yearly portal, or Energetic Gate that opens each August, (traditionally it has been on August 8th ) allowing encoded Light information into our/Earth’s energy matryx. It is aimed at assisting in energetic upgrades in codes for humans and Earth for each Lion’s Gate year.

The Lion’s Gate is associated with the sign of Leo and with the Star System of Sirius. Effects of this event can be felt from approximately mid-July to mid-August, with the strongest energy experiences being the three days prior to full opening, the day of full opening, and three days past full opening.

The Lion’s Gate Portal opens each year and brings updated codes and information from our Milky Way Galactic Great Central Sun, (Ki-Ra Consciousness), sent to it from our Local Multi-Universal Sun Consciousness, traveling a particular pathway; in 2013 the information Source changed from originating from our Local Universal Sun Consciousness to originating from our Local Multi-Universal Sun Consciousness.

The base frequency of every Lion’s Gate is the 88 Frequency.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrase for the 88 Frequency is…

I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

The 88 Frequency deals with the study and knowledge of, and working with, Sacred Geometry. This includes all the different types of Grid Work we do.

It is associated with using Sacred Geometry in conjunction with Frequency in all its forms; Sound, Color, Light, Vibration, etc., to create, build and maintain our Physical Reality; and even “Reality” beyond the physical realms as well.

Also associated with this frequency is the knowledge and information held within Sacred Sites around our planet and the Sacred Geometric forms created by the configuration of their placement on the planet in relationship to each other.

It also encompasses Celestial Sacred Geometry, which includes knowledge of the Sacred Geometric Grid Patterns and the Frequencies they create, maintain and emit associated with our planet in relationship to placement, (and even distance), to other planets and Celestial bodies. This includes knowledge of and working with The Music of the Spheres.



Dragon’s Gate

The Metatronic Numerology Frequencies specific to the 2018 Dragon’s Gate are as follows.

Main: 11/000 Dual Frequency, 4/22 Dual Sub-frequency & 7/11 Dual Sub-frequency.

Note: the 11/000 Dual Frequency is a new frequency to our current reality. In other words, it’s not a frequency we have experienced before in our current reality.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases for these frequencies are….

11/000 – I AM the Truth of Multidimensionality Illumined and Awakened

4/22 – I AM Manifest Form in Service to Spirit. I Lay the Foundation upon which the Sacred is Build

7/11 – I AM the Truth of Divine Intelligence Illumined through the Spiritually Awakened Self

What is the Dragon’s Gate?

Located within the Lion’s Gate Galactic Portal, the Dragon’s Gate is a long forgotten Ancient-Future Intergalactic Portal associated with the movement into and through Collective Golden Age Cycles.

The Dragon’s Gate, (during the years it opens), brings updated codes and information specifically relevant to Golden Age Cycles, (one of which we are currently just beginning to move into), and although this information also comes to us from our Multi-Universal Great Central Sun Consciousness, it travels via a very different pathway; one that connects into eleven other Galactic Consciousness’ before moving into our Milky Way Galaxy. This very specific pathway, connecting twelve Galactic Consciousness’, (one of which is our Milky Way Galaxy) is the embodiment of our Collective Galactic Over Soul, it is the Collective Galactic Over Soul Energy Matryx Grid in which our reality emanates from and exists within.

During the 2015 Lion’s Gate, the Dragon’s Gate made its first appearance in several thousand years, although it did not open. Its initial opening occurred during the 2016 Lion’s Gate, where in linear time, it remained open for a four-hour period.

It will open again each year during the Lion’s Gate Portal through 2024, incrementally remaining open for longer periods of time each year, make an appearance in 2025 but not open, after which it will not reopen for several thousand more years.

The hours the 2018 Dragon’s Gate will be open are from 7:30 UTC to 16:30 UTC on August 11th. Please remember to calculate your local time to correspond to UTC time in order to directly participate in the energies of the Dragon’s Gate.

I also have an audio Guided Meditation you can use to assist you in working with the Dragon’s Gate. You can find it here…



So, what does all this mean in a nutshell?

We are starting the work of becoming multidimensional in a much more physically concrete fashion. As a Collective, we have completed a growth phase both on the physical and spiritual levels, and are now set to begin, in earnest, (and are actually already beginning) a new phase of growth, both in our physical form and in our spiritual growth and consciousness expansion.

A very significant “Veil”, one that has been keeping us from “seeing clearly”, is now being lifted.

As a Collective we’re at a point where we have one foot on either side of this Veil… but as Starseeds who came here to be Wayshowers and Trailblazers, many individuals are stepping through this Veil at this time and trying to find firm footing, so they can stand with both feet securely planted in the New Reality the Collective is headed for. This means, New Sacred Contractual Work for many is beginning. It means stepping up, way up, in the level of responsibility we take on for the creation of our collective reality.

It also means letting go of many beliefs, that although they have brought us to where we are and therefore served their purpose, are now either no longer relevant or at least need to be recalibrated and reactivated to resonate in the higher frequencies so we can operate properly in the Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge. It is time to expand our consciousness exponentially and take that giant leap.

We are Becoming Awakened Conscious Galactic Multidimensional Beings in Human Form Incarnate on Earth Consciously Co-Creating Realities… not just our Collective Reality on Earth, but our Galactic Collective Reality as well. We are now stepping into a level of responsibility where we must not only think about Earth and Humanity, we now have to begin thinking about how Earth and Humanity’s reality is affecting Galactic Realities we are connected to.

This work just got a whole lot more serious!


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist



© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Calling All Energy Masters: Lunar Eclipse & Mars Opposition

Calling All Energy Masters: Lunar Eclipse & Mars Opposition

We have many different energy events going on right now, bringing in a lot of energies and a lot of information surrounding it all, yet it is all related. So, we are going to just take a look at what is transpiring right now and how it is affecting us and how best to work with the energies at this time.
Following are the main events, energies and frequencies we have at our disposal to work with. We have….

Total Lunar Eclipse 7/27/18
Main Frequency: 5/44 Dual with 7/11 & 5/111 Subs & 00 Vortex
Note: 5/44 and 5/111 are New Frequencies

Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment 7/27/18
5/44 Dual Frequency

Mars Closest Approach to Earth 7/31/18
7/22 Dual Frequency
Note: the 7/22 Dual is also a New Frequency, and although not being brought the first time by this Mars approach, it did just very recently appear; approx. less than one month ago

Metatronic I AM Keyword Phrases
5/44 Dual – I AM the Power of Metamorphosis. I Fearlessly Create Change and Anchor it into Physical Reality

7/22 Dual – I AM the Intelligence of Spirit Indwelling in Self. I possess the Vision of Spirit through which Knowledge of the Building of Sacred Structure is Known

5/111 Dual – I AM Change. I Activate and Anchor the Conception of Multidimensionality into the Realms of Physical Matter

7/11 Dual – I AM the Truth of Divine Intelligence Illumined through the Spiritually Awakened Self
00 Frequency – I AM All Potentiality

Baseline Frequency Assistance of these Events

1: Disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the Illusionary Human “God” concept, the emotions and thoughts of Hatred, Control and Greed, and the acts of War these things create that feed the division and discord of our Collective Present Projected Time Frame Reality.
2: Anchoring the knowledge of, and ability to fully comprehend the concept of multidimensionality into our physical reality, and lead to the first strong experiences of what being multidimensional really is and how it works, and more acceptance of the possibility multidimensionality exists by mainstream.

Suggested Protocol for working with these Events and Frequencies

It is suggested using the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment Frequency Audio Meditation during the days of these events and this work. Suggested use is once daily on the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st; preferable at 20:22 UTC. (See end of article for Audio Meditation)
On start date and end date especially, if possible it is suggested to spend time in meditation as quietly as possible, listening to the audio frequency and simply allow the frequencies of the Total Lunar Eclipse to meld with the frequency of the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment. We are not looking to experience vividly busy meditations… Think of how a Total Lunar Eclipse covers the view of the moon and the energies get quiet. This is the desired effect and experience we are striving for.
Remember, the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment both carry this new 5/44 Dual Frequency which is about creating metamorphosis within the Collective Reality and disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions that create and maintain the Current Collective Projected Time Frame Illusionary Reality of Division and Discord.
This Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment focuses directly on the dissolution of 1) the Illusionary Human “God” concept used to create and maintain divisionary religious dogmatic belief systems, 2) the concept of War, which most often stems from the division created by the illusionary human “God” concept, and 3) the emotion of Hatred and the craving of Control and Greed birthed from, and associated with the energy Matrix created and maintained from the weaving of these energetic threads.


Information Details

This longest Total Lunar Eclipse of this century carries the same main frequency as the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment, (as well as the 7/11 & 5/111 Subs & 00 Vortex frequencies) and substantially boosts the 5/44 Dual frequency and the frequency assistance it brings. The Eclipse is really about adding energy to the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment and the specific work associated with it.

The 5/111 Dual Frequency is about anchoring the knowledge of, and ability to fully comprehend the concept of multidimensionality into our physical reality, and lead to the first strong experiences of what being multidimensional really is and how it works on a collective level; meaning it will assist in the concept of multidimensionality becoming more mainstream accepted.

The 7/22 Dual Frequency is where knowledge of the Creation Process is accessed.

Among other information (such as how to construct and activate Sacred Temples), this Frequency Field holds the knowledge of Sacred Alchemy.

Here, detailed information of working with energy, frequency and vibration in the exact necessary proportions, energy flow directions, flow rates and flow rate ratios of specific energy and frequency configurations, (plus much more) needed to make the determination of template and blueprint patterns of desired and intended reality manifestations is made available to those who know the secrets of properly entering this Frequency Field.

Know that, the ability to gain entry into this Frequency Field in order to access the information and knowledge contained within it can only occur through dedication to diligent study of specific prerequisite information, as well as the ability to hold one’s individual frequency at a specific vibrational frequency rate.

The colors most closely associated with this frequency are Emerald Green and Vibrant Pure Gold.

The 5/44 Dual Frequency is about creating change and anchoring it into the physical world. But not just ordinary minor change. Here we are talking about a metamorphosis into something well beyond what the currently held reality is. This frequency is a powerful “Agent of Change”; a frequency that many are uncomfortable with at times because it creates change on a massive scale.

The 7/11 Dual Frequency is a very powerful frequency that lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is.

This is the frequency combination that pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes us beyond our comfort zone in what we consider to be our individual Responsibility for Self, especially as it pertains to our individual responsibility of being of assistance to the Awakening Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This 7/11 Dual frequency disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it.

The 00 Frequency holds a neutral charge, but it is Vortex Energy and is used primarily for creating and building power and strength to add to whatever Intention we are Consciously Creating.

The 00 Frequency shows us we are not only capable of creating the reality we desire for our self and for the Collective Consciousness as One, it gives us a tool of immense power to work with.

Additional Information

Here, detailed information of working with energy, frequency and vibration in the exact necessary proportions, energy flow directions, and flow rates, as well as energy flow rate ratios of specific energy and frequency configurations, (plus much more) needed to make the determination of template and blueprint patterns of desired and intended reality manifestations is made available to those who know the secrets of properly entering this Frequency Field.

Know that, the ability to gain entry into this Frequency Field in order to access the information and knowledge contained within it can only occur through dedication to diligent study of specific prerequisite information, as well as the ability to hold one’s individual frequency at a specific vibrational frequency rate.

The colors most closely associated with this frequency are Emerald Green and Vibrant Pure Gold.


The Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27th, 2018 is the longest of this century. It will be almost 105 years before we see the longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the next century.

The closest approach of Mars to Earth, occurring just 4 days after the Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment, is the second closest Mars has come to Earth in almost 60,000 years.

To put some perspective on this, the last time Mars came as close to Earth as it did in 2003, the year was 57,617 B.C.

In 2003 Mars came within 34.6 million miles (55.7 million km) of Earth. This year it will be only about 1.2 million miles (just under 2 million km) farther than it was in 2003.

This Mars Opposition is even more special because it isn’t an ordinary opposition. It’s a Perihelic Opposition, which means we, Earth, pass between Mars and the Sun at almost the same time Mars is closest to the Sun; this happens only 4 days after the exact Opposition Alignment. Usually Earth’s Opposition to Mars and the Sun, and Mars’ closest approach to the Sun happen with more time distance between them.

Mars, Earth & Sun

The three celestial bodies associated with this alignment and the Consciousness’ they each are, bring very specific energy and frequencies to be woven together to gift us with a combined frequency that when coupled with our Individual and Collective Conscious Thoughts and Intentions will go a long way in disintegrating and releasing antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the Illusionary Human “God” concept, the emotions and thoughts of Hatred, Control and Greed, and the acts of War these things create that feed the division and discord of our Collective Present Projected Time Frame Reality.

Mars is traditionally associated with War and Control, yet it brings the gifts of Energy, Action, Freedom and Strength and the Focus of Will.

Earth is our home. It is the Collective Consciousness of which we all are an Individual part. It holds many lessons for us, but it also brings the gifts of Immense Spiritual Growth; not only for us individually, but for the Collective Conscious Mind of Gaia, our Solar and Galactic (system) Collective Minds, and beyond.

The Sun embodies the “God” concept created by human beliefs. It is often thought of as being something to be feared. Even today we, (almost daily), talk of Solar Flares and how they can wreak havoc with our world and there is nothing we can do about it except try to hide and protect ourselves. Does this sound like a current retelling of an ancient story of “Gods” to be feared and appeased to you?

Yet the Sun is the Masculine frequency Life Giving force for our Planet and all life upon it. It gifts us with the frequencies and energies of assisting us in Cleansing and Releasing all that no longer serves us and shows us the way and aids us in the Transmutation of the Old Self into the Rebirthing of the New Self.

These are the three Consciousness’ and the frequency gifts they bring together to gift us with to utilize in the disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions that create and maintain the Current Collective Projected Time Frame Illusionary Reality of Division and Discord.

Just as these three Individual Conscious Celestial Beings are coming together to work hand-in-hand, we are being asked to join them by adding our Individual and Collective Intentions and Energies to this most Sacred of Healing work for Humanity and Earth.

Frequency Audio Meditation

Back in 2014, when working with the Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment I created a short audio of the three frequencies brought together by Mars, Earth and the Sun alignment; with the 10hz frequency used in parts.

Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment Frequency Tones

I have used it myself, (I always experiment on myself before sharing anything like this) and I can tell you it is very powerful. So, use it at your own discretion and under the guidance of your Spiritual Guides.

This audio is frequencies only and is not accompanied by any music. It begins with the Earth frequency, then the Mars frequency joins; then the Sun’s frequency for a short while. The Sun frequency then drops out, and after a bit the Mars frequency and the 10Hz frequency drops away, leaving the meditation to end with the Earth frequency by its self.

I believe it is fair to say this frequency audio will go a long way in assisting, not only the work of disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the “God” concept, War and Hatred, etc. on a collective level, but on an individual level will assist you in breaking up and releasing any of your personal issues you are ready to let go of. You can compare this to the use of ultra-sound in the dissolving what needs to be removed from the physical body.

So there we have the information of these very important events.

Yet, this is only the beginning! There is so much more coming up between now and the end of 2018 is it almost difficult to image.

Along with my Spiritual working partner Kyra Meerna, I will be sharing information on several events coming up between the first of August and the end of this year on our new Blog Talk Radio Program on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018.

Be sure to join us at 9pm Central time on our premiere program of…

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”


So NOW… let the work begin!

In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Preparing for “What is Soon to Come”: An Ancient-Future Legend

The Ancient-Future Legend of the Gem Constellation

& the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence


Transcribed by: Esssence Ka tha’ras

As told by the…

Universal Elders and Ancient-Future Earth Ancestors


The Ancient-Future Legend of our people tells of how, long ago in the time known as the “Great Awakening”, the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence did bring forth unto humanity of Earth, the first signs of the existence of the Sacred Gem Constellation.

Gem Constellation & the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence

Legend tells, how the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence did first make visible to the inner eye of humanity, that Sacred Star Home of the reality plane known as the Metatronic Consciousness Reality Realm; and in so doing, expanded the knowledge of multidimensionality in those early times.

The legend, known to every mortal and immortal of our reality, speaks of how, upon the day of appropriateness, within the frequency of the 22:22 Gateway Portal, the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence did assemble high above Earth, each at her appointed Sacred station upon the body of Gaia, and did offer unto the Mother a bouquet of eleven glowing, pure white roses. Roses whose beauty was beyond compare.

It is said that upon receiving the offerings of the White Roses, the Mother did present each of the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence with a “Gift”. A “Gift” to be used for the betterment of the Collective of Earth.

The legend then recounts how, with Gift in hand, each of the 7 Sisters did immediately begin their journey to that place known as the site where the sharing of Sacred Knowledge does occur; a place known to but very few.

Here, in this place of Sharing of Sacred Knowledge, they did assemble within the boundaries of the Sacred Circle and consciously connect to each other and to the energy and minds of the Universal Elders and Ancient-Future Earth Ancestors whom had been awaiting their arrival.

Once proper connection had been made, at the command of the Universal Elders and Ancient-Future Earth Ancestors, the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence did release the 7 Sacred Gifts into the vortex of energy created by the Universal Elders and Earth Ancestors; thus, allowing for the dissemination of Ancient-Future Energy and Knowledge to be gifted to Earth’s Collective Consciousness across multidimensional space and time as deemed appropriate by the Universal Elders and Ancient-Future Earth Ancestors.

Legend tells us it was at this juncture of the Releasing of the 7 Sacred Gifts from the charge of the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence magick did occur.

It is said, even to this day, that as the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence did release the Sacred Gifts within their charge, the Sacred Gifts did converge within the very center of the Sacred Circle and begin to ebb and flow in an exquisite dance of beauty and harmony. It is said, the 7 Sacred Gifts did dance and swirl amidst the Heart of the Sacred Circle until each, in their own time, did morph and recreate themselves as beautiful multifaceted gems; each gem emitting a distinct color and sound. Each gem, a unique multifaceted shape of Sacred Geometric form that during the time of the “Great Awakening” on Earth did not exist to Humanity’s mind, yet somehow were familiar to all.

The Legend goes on to speak of how the 7 Sacred Gifts, now each an exquisite multifaceted Sacred Gem, continued to ebb and flow, dance and swirl alongside each other across multidimensional space and time until at last they did alight into a specific relationship with each other, creating a distinct pattern of delicate beauty.

The 7 Multifaceted Gems, still holding to this distinct pattern, then began to rise-up through the firmament of Earth and moved far beyond into “The Heavens”; those Heavens then invisible and unknowable to the eyes of the peoples of Earth. They continued to rise-up until they found their proper placement situated just beyond the thin veils that, in those times, did obscure the 7th Frequency Realm known as the “Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality Realm” from the eyes and minds of mankind.

Thus, Legend tells, did the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence assist in beginning to open the reality of the 7th frequency dimension and were responsible for assisting in expanding the Knowledge of Multidimensionality to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth in those early times known as the “Great Awakening”.

So, as you gaze into the night skies from the 5th dimensional reality of Earth as the human you exist as in this NOW Reality moment, close your physical eyes and peer very deep within through the vision of inner knowing; for if you do, you may be able to momentarily catch a glimpse, however faint, of the Gem Constellation found just beyond the thin veils shielding this, your current reality, from the opening planes of the Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality and see the magickal dance of these exquisite Star Gems known as the 7 Sisters of the Sacred Silence.

Thus, does Legend tells how Humanity’s journey through yet another portion of existence in this Universal quadrant… that portion which gave birth to the Emerald Core, began.

Transcribed by Esssence Ka tha’ras

As told by the…

Universal Elders and Ancient-Future Earth Ancestors


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras – Master Metatronic Numerologist

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com



“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”

You are not going to want to miss this….
Our Premiere Program of
“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”

So set your calendar reminders now, and go follow on Blog Talk.
And you are always welcome to call in the night of the program and ask questions and share your thoughts.


“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness” Premiere Program


Program Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Program Time: 9pm CDT

Join us, Essence Ka tha’ras & Kyra Meerna, on our Premiere Program of

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness” 

For almost three years, “Flowing with Spirit” Blog Talk Radio program has served us well, but Kyra and I are now moving into New Sacred Contractual Work.

We have moved into an Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge and will now be sharing with you from our new platform… “Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”. 

There is a lot going on energetically right now and we will be touching on several topics on this first program to give an overview.

Topics such as… What is Metatronic Consciousness?

We will also be looking at the Full Lunar Eclipse and the Eclipse Season we are currently in. The Mars Alignment and its closest approach since 2003, which incidentally was the closest its been in almost 60,000 years. The Dragon’s Gate and Lion’s Gate of August 8th, the Gem Constellation, an Ancient-Future Magnetic Field Alignment, and the Birth of the New Emerald Core.

What is Metatronic Consciousness?

Understandably, the term Metatronic often leads people to automatically think this program, “Awakening Metatronic Knowledge” is associated with the being known to many as the Ascended Master Lord Metatron. This is not the case.

Metatronic refers to the Mantle of Full Light Spectrum Energy of Complete Knowledge and Awareness which is accessible within the opening dimensions of the 7th Dimensional Frequency Plane; otherwise known as the Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality.

The Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality is the Reality Dimension beyond the current Collective Reality Earth and Gaia exist within in the 5th Dimensional Frequency Plane. Sometimes referred to as the “New Mayan Calendar Round Reality”.

It can be stated that the Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality begins in the 7th Dimensional Frequency Plane and exists as reality fully within the 7th through the 11th Dimensional Frequency Planes; a journey though yet another portion of existence in our Universal quadrant.

Program Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Program Time: 9pm CDT


As always, we welcome you to call in at (657)382-0225 and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.

Connect with Essence Ka tha’ras

FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher

Website: ShambahallaNewEarth.com