November 3, 2020 – US Presidential Election Day Message To All Starseeds & Lightworkers
I don’t know how to say this except just to say it, So here it is…
Please hold Space for what is in the process of being birthed without your Personal Agenda being attached to it.

As Starseeds, Lightworkers, etc., whatever term you resonate with, We are Not here on Earth at this time to make specific types of determinations for Humanity. We are here simply to help raise Planetary Frequency and Maintain it so as to be of Energetic assistance to this Reality Realm so that Humanity’s Consciousness as a Collective Mind can continue to Expand its Consciousness and come to consciously play its part in the Expansion of Universal Consciousness.
When we as Starseeds and Lightworkers attach and interject the energy of our Personal Human Agendas, Beliefs and Opinions into the Sacred Work we are here to do we end up creating massive energetic disruption, upheaval and destruction within Collective Reality and Global Society.
It matters not if we think our personal energy is positive or negative. It matters not if we think we know what is best for this Collective. Interjecting our personal agenda energy into the Collective Energy Field and Matryx beyond what is our “Human Responsibility Part to Play” is NOT our work or our Right as Starseeds and Lightworkers.
Now, this does not mean you are not allowed your human personal opinions and beliefs and should not act accordingly upon those opinions and beliefs. We are Spirit in Human form and as such we have a Sacred Vow to Honor, for we consciously agreed to come here disguised as human and play our part.
What it does mean is WE have to be fully aware and responsible for knowing when it is appropriate and called for that we “Step Outside” of our “Human Mind Filter” and act according to our Higher Sacred Work of Starseed/Lightworker. This is a delicate and difficult balancing act for sure, but it is an agreement we made when we chose to “Be Here Now”.
Why this is so important now is because this Collective Mind and Global Society are in the very early stages of the process of entering into the beginning of birthing into physical manifest form what this (our) Collective Physical Reality Experience is going to look like for a period of time that will last a little over a decade of linear Earth time.
As added assistance I share the following information.
Metatronic Numerology
As ascertained through the use of the Sacred Art Form of Metatronic Numerology we learn that this moment in linear time on Earth holds and emits an 11 Frequency as its baseline frequency and a 22/88 Dual Frequency as a supporting frequency.
The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for these frequencies are…
11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation
22/88 Dual – I AM the Divine Engineer of Sacred Structure built according to the mathematical specifications of Sacred Geometry Known through clear Spiritual Vision
The 11 Frequency is the frequency of Initial Spiritual Awakening and Remembrance to a fuller understanding of reality.
The 22/88 Dual Frequency is one of several frequencies that speak to us about the physical building of our world and how it affects everything from the Consciousness of Man, our physical and spiritual evolution, our thought patterns and our emotional health. It even affects things such as weather patterns, and on longer linear time scales even epochs, such as the coming and going of Ice Ages, and Consciousness Golden Ages that move across our planet.
I leave this information here, as is, and simply ask that you each follow your Inner Guidance and act according to what resonates as your Remembrance of your Sacred Starseed and Lightworker Vows.
Gy’ She’em
Ká Rá Oun’z Ch’æ Auro Pãu Lî Múm B’ha GáNā LeLa MU’rhia HeíK’NáH O’c’Phî au’s