The Collective Heart of Atlantis weeps & sings a sorrowful song of mourning as it desperately attempts to release the burden of regret for what it has allowed its self to become.
Holding the pain within; a light once bright, now dimmed by actions taken & actions not taken, both of which bear the weight of responsibility for the creation of a reality shared.
Arise, Oh ye Sisters & Brothers of Atlantis, for indeed NOW is the Time of Awakening to Remembrance of the light that once shown as a bright beakon to all those souls lost and adrift in the waters of despair.
NOW is the Time of the Awakening of the Atlantian Light!
Tauj Pen
(Essence Ka tha’ras)

I was sitting and working earlier the evening of June 26th, 2019 when the energy conveyed in the above message rolled over me and settled in.
It is a powerful energy…it is palpable right now… and it is growing stronger.
This energy is the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Atlantis, that is now reincarnate as the current reality Collective Consciousness of Humanity, weeping in sorrow because it is awakening and beginning to see what it has become and where it is headed on the current realty timeline it is traveling.
It is awakening to the remembrance of the knowledge that it has a major decision to make very soon. A decision about what Reality Timeline it will choose to follow and experience in the next phase of this cycle of its consciousness expansion journey.
Because it is awakening and seeing the consequences of its past actions taken and/or not taken it is beginning to see the folly of its ways and is full of regret and sorrow.
The remembrance in this stage of awakening to the recognition of “What Is” can be difficult to see, feel and accept responsibility for, but for good or for ill, it is now a necessary step in the journey of Awakening for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Atlantis so the act of rebalancing can begin.
A few days ago I shared a link on social media to the YouTube video of the Beatles song, “As My Guitar Gently Weeps”. I wrote…
“How long must we weep?
George Harrison wrote “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” as an exercise in randomness inspired by the Chinese I Ching. The song conveys his dismay at the world’s unrealised potential for universal love, which he refers to as “the love there that’s sleeping”.
This song and the energy in which it was written and preformed so many linear years ago now, speaks directly to what this current Atlantian Collective Consciousness of Humanity is now reawakening to, remembering and beginning to experience.
So…as who I AM… Who We Are… I Allow the Energy of Sorrow & Regret this Collective is Awakening to and Experiencing, to pass through my (energy) form, where I hold it in Compassion and Love as its Rebalancing Journey of Awakening Begins in earnest.
IN-Joy I Serve
Blessings from All Realms of
Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras
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contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared
as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence
Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given.
Facebook: Essence
Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher