Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge

Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge

New Knowledge Information Glyphs


Recent Metatronic Numerology Frequency Readings have verified what many already have a sense of “Knowing” energetically; that we as a Collective have recently moved into an Energy Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge.

At this point there is a huge influx of “New Knowledge” pouring onto the planet in the form of New Knowledge Information Encoded Glyphs (symbols).

At times, these New Knowledge Information Glyphs are being gifted to our planetary reality at such a rapid rate it is as if they are falling into our reality sphere like a gentle spring shower. The vast majority of these New Knowledge Information Glyphs do not land on and embed into the human form, but instead land on and embed into the planet its self; while some settle and embed into our planetary grid system.

The amount of information contained in a single Glyph is massive. Way too much information for the human mind to comprehend at a conscious level, and/or try to share through spoken or written language.

For most people, this new Glyph Knowledge is not meant to be comprehended or shared through the filter of the human mind of rational conscious thought. It is meant to be accessed and comprehended at an energetic level by use of intuition. It is meant to be absorbed at a cellular level into the human form.

It is only through the process of conscious energy exchange between humans that this New Knowledge Information can be shared. Through a conscious, intentional, energy exchange where “cellular conversation” between humans occurs, one that allows for interaction at the cellular, even the atomic level, a process of osmosis[i] occurs that opens access to even more knowledge than is possible for any single individual to access on their own.

This “New Knowledge”, as it is being referred to, is actually Ancient-Future Knowledge that the current Collective Consciousness of Humanity has not had access to for several megaannus[ii]. Some information soon to be accessible, the Collective has not had access to for an Eon[iii](+).

The majority of the New Knowledge found in these “Glyphs/Symbols” is of such an advanced nature in comparison to our current human level of understanding it is not yet possible for humans to comprehend it at the rational mind thought level.

There are several reasons the influx of this New Knowledge via Glyphs/Symbols is occurring now.

One is this is where we are as a Collective in the natural process of our Collective Consciousness Expansion Journey; we are simply moving into the next phase of this journey.

Another reason for the influx of this New Knowledge is to assist in the reawakening of our higher communications abilities; telepathy, intuitive languages, etc. Working with these New Knowledge Glyphs gives us opportunity to practice, hone and eventually master, our higher communications skills and abilities.

Another very important reason is because a portion of the Human Collective Consciousness will soon be called to begin accessing the 6th Dimensional Frequency Realm in a much more concrete way. This New Knowledge Glyph work is necessary preparation in order to be ready to lead the way into the 6th Dimensional Frequency Reality. These higher communications abilities must be Mastered to a minimum degree to be prepared for that task.

Suggested Exercise

For those who find an interest in this information and work, I would like to offer the following simple exercise to assist you with accessing and beginning to work with the New Knowledge Information Glyphs now being gifted to us.

With pen and paper in hand, take yourself into a meditative state while holding the intention of being shown a single simple Glyph to begin working with.

While in this meditative state draw the Glyph you are shown. If you find yourself having difficulty “seeing” a Glyph, simply allow the process of automatic writing to occur.

Once you have drawn the Glyph you were shown, use it as a meditative mandala.

Do not try to “hear” or comprehend information through the filter of the human mind of rational conscious thought.

Instead, simply sit in the energy emitted by the Glyph you were shown. Allow yourself to feel/sense/visualize this energy entering every individual cell in your physical body, as well as completely filling your Energy Matryx Grid, (Aura).

Use this meditative process daily with the Glyph you were shown for at least one to two weeks before attempting to work with a second Glyph.

Keep a picture of the Glyph you are working with as a visual reminder where you will see it several times throughout your day.

For those who have difficulty “Seeing” or determining a Glyph to begin this work with, or simply feel drawn to one of the Glyphs shown below, I offer the following three New Knowledge Information Glyphs for you to choose from to work with.

In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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[i] Osmosis definition: the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.

[ii] A period of approximately one million earth years

[iii] A period of approximately one billion earth years