2015 Lion’s Gate Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report

This year’s Lion’s Gate alignment holds a 6 Frequency, with an 88 Sub-frequency influence and an 888 Active Potential.

Also being reflected and directed through this year’s Lion’s Gate Portal are precise frequencies from specific Planetary Consciousnesses.

These include…

From Pluto, a 9/11 Dual Frequency with a 22 Sub-frequency

From Uranus, a 44 Frequency

And from Venus and Jupiter in alignment, a 111 Active Potential Frequency

The Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrases for 6, 88 and 888 are…

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

88 – I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

888 – I AM the Divine Multi-dimensional Master of Knowledge & Wisdom


Planetary Influence Frequency I AM Keyword Phrases

9/11 Dual – I AM the Truth of Unconditional Giving & Forgiveness Illumined for All to Behold

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

In the traditional sense the Lion’s Gate is a yearly portal, or Energetic Gate that fully opens each August 8th allowing Light information into our/Earth’s energy matrix. It is aimed at assisting in energetic upgrades in codes for humans and Earth for each year. The Lion’s Gate is associated with the sign of Leo and with the Star System of Sirius.

On this day we need to be focused on allowing in, assimilating and activating the strong surge of Light, Energy and Information coming to Earth from the Great Central Sun, or RA Consciousness of our immediate Universe, via a trans-informational line through the Energetic Gates of Sirius; one of our local parenting Star Systems.

Just like last year, this year’s Lion’s Gate Light Information transmission contains information and codes from beyond our “Local Universe”. It is actually carrying information from what we would call our “Local Multi-verse”. This is because we are being guided and assisted in reawakening to the remembrance and use of lost knowledge necessary to our continued movement into the next “Golden Age Cycle” at which we currently sit on the edge of entering. 

Lion's Gate Zodiac - Temple of Hathor

Lion’s Gate Zodiac – Temple of Hathor

The Individual Frequencies

The 6 Frequency is about taking on our individual responsibility in caring for our family. This means, not only our immediate birth family, which is always where we start; but it then extends out in ever widening circles until it encompasses the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, teaching by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation. This is the energy that teaches others how to think for their Self and be responsible in their interactions with other people and the world as a whole.

The 88 Frequency deals with the study and knowledge of, and working with, Sacred Geometry. This includes all the different types of Grid Work we do.

It is associated with using Sacred Geometry in conjunction with Frequency in all its forms; Sound, Color, Light, Vibration, etc., to create, build and maintain our Physical Reality; and even “Reality” beyond the physical realms as well. Continue reading